Will of chaos

Chapter 29 Cap 29: The One I Chose To Serve(Chapter Preview)

Diana Pov:

One day a new adventurer registered with the Guild, I and other experienced adventurers immediately recognized that she was a noblewoman, it's easy to identify by her refined posture and walk, trained in a noble family, or by her polite way of talking to the receptionist I can hear by far being the proud race of the Wolf tribe's Beast Man, as a new adventurer she will have to spend a month with a more experienced Adventurer to learn the basics, such as learning how to hunt and set up camp in the jungle or how to fight with monsters.

Most adventurers don't like to teach new adventurers who are noble as they tend to be spoiled and arrogant, but as I'm a Wolf warrior I can feel she lacks the arrogance of the previous ones by the way she looks around not with contempt but with curiosity, as I expected the receptionist soon started looking around the room and the tables where I and other adventurers are drinking, she must be looking for someone to guide the newcomer for the first month.

I lift my mug and nod my head to the receptionist showing that I offer to guide the newcomer, she understood and called me forward.

"Érica I introduce you Diana a Grade D adventurer, she will accompany you during your first month." (Receptionist)

"Diana this is Érica a novice, she is a mage who specializes in fire magic, I hope you guide her well." (Receptionist)

"Nicely my name is Diana, I hope you're not as spoiled and arrogant as the other nobles." (me)

"..." (Érica)

"Is it so obvious what I am?" (Érica)

"For most other adventurers they won't notice, but for those truly competent adventurers, they will notice the moment they see you, your posture, the way you walk and your polite way of speaking is all screaming that you had a noble upbringing. " (Diana)


"Thanks for the frankness, I'll keep that in mind." (Érica)

"And you should, the first thing I'm going to teach you is, always observe your surroundings and analyze everything around you, an Adventurer's battle starts even before taking the mission." (me)

This was my first time with this newcomer, after that, I followed her for a month and found out she was an ex-nobleman, she was set up to be expelled from the family so she wouldn't be used as a political tool and be forced to marry someone.

She showed a lot of interest in learning and improved a lot, her personality is also very easy to live with, I'm a lonely adventurer so I thought of forming a group with her.


It's been three months since I formed a group with Érica and she has very high tastes, but she knows she shouldn't spend all her money on luxuries, she's smart and knows how to choose the missions she'll do well, she only has one problem, which is thinking that all things are going to go the way she expects, she's smart even more than me, but she's still very naive, no matter how much I teach her that things will eventually go wrong she doesn't listen.

On a quest to hunt three Gray Wolves in the Valley of Blood, we even teamed up with a couple of adventurers for this quest, because this is a dangerous region, but we weren't going to go in too deep, but in the end, we were surprised by a large pack of wolves and while we ran for our lives and headed into the deepest parts of the Valley of Blood.

In the end, we were able to escape but we were exhausted and out of energy, and without realizing it we were surrounded by goblins, in the end, I, Érica, and the other girl were captured and the man was killed.

We were dragged to its base and into a cave, we were thrown into a dark room and an old Goblin yelled something to two beefy Goblins who would take wooden clubs and start breaking our arms and legs, that was just the beginning of the nightmare, after that our clothes were ripped off and we were abused, for me, it just made me angry and hate that these weak monsters were doing this to me it was humiliating, but for Érica and the other girl who are human, it seemed much worse than that, for them it was unbearable and would stain and contaminate them.


It's been weeks since we were captured, I'm fine, for a warrior like me all this abuse is no different than torturing my body and it has no weight on my mind other than the humiliation of someone weaker than I'm taking advantage of me, but for Érica it seems that the mental burden was too great since she has the appearance of someone who has been broken, her eyes are already empty she doesn't have but the will to live, the other girl hasn't been able to eat in the last few days and the end he died of hunger if things continue like this Érica will end up being next.

The Goblin abuse was useless for me and Érica since we're not getting pregnant, I wear an earring which is a magic item with a birth control spell that most adventurers and hookers use, Érica once told me she got sick when a child and became infertile afterward, but her father hid this fact until he got a high-level healing potion or healing spell to heal her but she left home before that.

I don't know what else I can do, even after so long nobody found us, and I don't have a plan to escape so far, but I've noticed that the number of Goblins has been decreasing over time if this continues I may have a chance.


If a few days passed and I noticed that the number of Goblins continues to decrease, another thing I noticed is that I started to feel a strange and bizarre Aura weakly, I don't know the cause of this Aura but the thing that is emitting this Aura must be the cause of the decrease in the number of Goblins.

Over time this Aura started to get closer and I felt it passing in front of the door of this prison, but it went straight through, I even sighed with relief, but it was inevitable after a while the Aura came in that direction and the thing opened the door, it was a black-skinned goblin with no wrinkles and red hair, it had different colored eyes and colored body tattoos, this thing looked like a goblin but now that it was in front of me I could see a glint of intelligence in its eyes, it didn't enter, stood at the entrance and looked at me and Érica as if he were sizing us up.

" Who are you?" (me)

"..." (Red-haired Goblin)

"What you are?" (me)

"I'll finish you off, kill all of you Goblins." (me)

"If I can I'll kill you all, one day I'll finish you all you bastards." (me)

"..." (Red-haired Goblin)

"Will not give up." (me)

"You can do whatever you want with me." (me)

"But you will never break my will." (me)

"Come on, say something you bastard." (me)

"..." (Red-haired Goblin)

I tried to yell at him to see how he would react, if I was lucky I would just be abused again and live until an opportunity to escape showed up and if I was unlucky my life would end here, but at least this humiliation would end.

But no matter what I say he doesn't show any reaction, it's like he's waiting for something so I stop talking.

"What is.... your name?" (red-haired goblin)

"..." (me)

Even though I was yelling at him I didn't expect him to understand, much less that he knew the common language, what kind of thing is this.

"Who are you?" (me)

"Or should I ask what you are?" (me)

"My...name is....Zenos." (Zenos)

"..." (me)

"(Does he have a name?)" (me)

"(He must be a summoned creature or a wizard's familiar, was he sent here to help us.)" (me)

I was full of anticipation.

"Can you be familiar with a wizard?" (me)

"I'm...unfamiliar...anyone." (Zenos)

"Tell me…your name?" (Zenos)

"..." (me)

"My name is Diana." (me)

"Very well…Diana, I have…a proposal for…you." (Zenos)

"Submit…to me." (Zenos)

"No, no, not that ever." (me)

"Don't...muse yourself, I won't mistreat you...I want...loyal servants,....so...I...I say...you will....submit." (Zenos)

What is he talking about, he wants me to give up my pride to serve him, but for the Beast Man especially for the Wolves tribe submitting to servitude is more important than life itself, we only submit to one master in life, I would only choose a master who cares for me as much as I would be loyal to him.

But suddenly a bizarre thing happened, all the magical energy left his body and filled the whole room, his Aura expanded too and started to press on me, his Aura wasn't mean but it was Wild, deep and strong if I had to describe his Aura with one word would be Chaotic, then I saw his blood leave his body and I felt his power, he is strong and I can see in his eyes that it is not my body he wants.

"Serve me... I will give power... to you." (Zenos)

"Serve me and... I will give your revenge." (Zenos)

With his words I could see a shadow with different eyes appear behind him, just seeing it made every part of my body scream to kneel before him, it's like I'm in front of a king.

I always follow my gut and that's what has kept me alive so often in difficult situations and my gut is screaming that he's the one I should recognize as my master before I knew it I was on my knees and swearing allegiance to him.

"I will serve the master." (me)

"I submit body and soul to the master." (Érica)

When I swore allegiance to him I felt all of his magic, Aura and blood enter my body and fill me with power, it was an incredible feeling.

Before I know it I was in a chaotic space filled with elemental energies running loose in streams and without order but with a Wild beauty, suddenly I could see the same shadow from before materializing in front of me it raises its dark claws and light Wild red gathers in his palm and coagulates into a red gem that floats towards me.

"I grant you the power of beasts." (Shadow)

The shadow's voice carried a tone of certainty and wisdom, his every word is echoing inside me, being in the presence of this shadow is like being in the presence of a great King, he doesn't emit any kind of Aura or power but I feel the authority unmistakable that any ruler should possess, the red jewel floats to me as if commanded by him.

This gem enters my chest and I feel my whole body trembling, I can hear something growling inside me, I feel every part of me filled with boundless wildness.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

<[ You have submitted to Zenos (Blood Goblin) ]>



<[ You have become familiar with Zenos (Blood Goblin) ]>




<[ You have been gifted with a Gift of Power by Zenos:

• [ Wild Aura: 1 ] ]>




<[ You purchased the titles:

• [ Familiar of Zenos ]

• [ Incarnation of the beasts ] ]>

I chose to serve him and I will serve him body and soul throughout my life, my place from now on is in the presence of my master protecting him from all who want to harm him because he is the one I chose to serve.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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