Will of chaos

Chapter 49 Cap 49: Talk On The Way To Town(Chapter Preview)

Pov Kira:

Today is the day Diana and I go to the city to fulfill the mission that the master gave us, because of that I woke up early to go over the list with the things that the master needs.

When I got up and saw that I was sleeping cuddling with the master again and I get ashamed, throughout my life I have never been close to any man and I never thought about anything related to relationships, but the master was responsible not only for fixing my body covered in scars but also from my giving a purpose.

As I look at the bed I got up from I can see not only the master sleeping, but I can also see Érica hugging Ibuki and Diana with her face inches from the master's.

Knowing that I was able to sleep surrounded by these people without having to worry about being attacked and being able to sleep so peacefully, the only time I felt this was when I slept beside my mother.

"(Is that what it's like to have a family?)" (me)

This thought brings back memories of my mother, I am happy that the master found me and that I was able to wake up feeling as happy as I am now, I haven't felt that way for years.

After I get up I'm going to check the list that the master gave not only mine but Diana's as well, Diana was an adventurer and I'm afraid that like most adventurers she doesn't even know where the library is, so while I check both lists I try to think of places where we can find these items.


After an hour of thinking and jotting down places for both Diana and me I realize that I still have the comfortable clothes I slept in, so I decided to change my clothes.

"(Huh?)" (me)

When I was finishing getting ready I felt like someone was watching me, thanks to the life I lived until the day I met the master I have very keen senses and instinct when it comes to being watched by others.

As I turn in the direction of my eyes, I notice that the master is watching me and I feel a little embarrassed.

"It's not very polite to spy on a girl change her clothes, master." (me)

"I'm sorry Kira, I just happened to wake up just as you were changing, but don't worry, I couldn't see anything." (Zenos)

The master's words for some reason make me feel a pain in my chest, I lift my hands to my breasts and realize they are not as big as the others, Ibuki is the only one with smaller breasts than me.

"It's okay that they're not as big as Diana's or giants like Érica's, but to say you can't even see..." (me)

"You got me wrong, I meant I woke up just as you were just getting changed so I couldn't see anything." (Zenos)

"And don't compare yourself to other people, you're beautiful just as you are." (Zenos)

"..." (me)

For some reason when the master tells me these things I feel my face heat up and my heart starts to beat faster, I've never felt this before.

"(The master said I'm beautiful.)" (me)

After that I realized that the master was also embarrassed by his own words and tried to change the subject, I took advantage of the change of subject to regain my composure.

In the middle of my conversation with the master, the others started to wake up and we all went to eat.

After Diana and I sorted our things for the mission, we didn't want to forget anything so we double-checked to make sure.

When it was time for us to go, the master accompanied us to the gate and hugged each one, I felt my heart speed up again during his embrace.

As Diana and I left I could feel the master's eyes watching us, when I look to the side I see that Diana has a sad face, I know why, I'm sad too, when we were away from the master's eyes and I wasn't able anymore. to feel him seeing us I look at Diana.

"Don't look at me like that, I didn't want to leave the master's side either." (Diana)

"I know." (me)

"I know you spent less time with the master than me or Érica, but I can see from the way you look at him how important he is to you." (Diana)

"Is it that obvious?" (me)

"And to think I was known to be mysterious because no one knew what I was thinking." (me)

"Usually I'm not able to tell what you're thinking, but when the master is around you and Érica are the same, keep an eye on his every move." (Diana)

"..." (me)

"I wanted to stay with the master, but of our group only I can walk around town without having to hide, you're also the only one who knows the criminals and the black market in town." (Diana)

"The master realized that and that's why he gave this mission to both of us." (Diana)

"I know, so I'll do my best." (me)

With the conversation with Diana I calmed down a bit and we started walking again, I remember I still haven't given Diana the seat list, so I reach into the pocket of the black leather pants I wear and pull out the paper to give it to her.

"Here Diana, this is a list of places that I could think have the items the master asked for." (me)

"Thank you, I was lost where to start looking." (Diana)

"I advise you not to ask any questions about the third prince for the first four days." (me)

"Because?" (Diana)

"You're responsible for looking up information in daylight, so I imagine one of the first places you'll ask is the Adventurers' Guild, isn't it?" (me)

"I was thinking of looking up information from the Guild, is that a problem?" (Diana)

"This has many problems, you are an adventurer who has been missing for months, and the moment you come back you start asking for information about a foreign prince, people will start to suspect." (me)

"That's true so what should I do." (Diana)

"Choose a busy tavern and use your Hearing that Wolf Man Beasts are known for to listen in on their conversations and try to get some useful information." (me)

"That's a good plan, I can do it but I'm going to have to maintain a high level of concentration to filter out so many conversations." (Diana)

"I'm sure you can, the best would be if you just try to look up the items on the list and leave the information for me." (me)

"You're going to have better luck with this than I am, from the story you've told you have experience seeking information, right?" (Diana)

"Yes, I'll get this information from an illegal information seller, maybe even go to the black market to see if anyone there has the information." (me)

"Which inn are you staying at?" (me)

"I'm staying at the Eternal Traveler Inn, it's a good place with an acceptable price of ten copper coins a night." (Diana)

"You say acceptable, but for others, it's too expensive, especially for new adventurers, you only say that because you're a Rank D adventurer." (me)

"But that's perfect, this inn is where most merchants stay when passing through the city, and also where traveling adventurers of similar rank to yours stay." (me)

"If I'm not mistaken there is a small restaurant downstairs in the inn for whoever is staying, you can stay there during breakfast and dinner times to see if you can get any information." (me)

"Fine, what time are you going to show up there." (Diana)

"Remember that the master told us to sleep together these days, for us to protect each other and stay informed about our situations." (Diana)

"..." (me)

"The master actually said that." (me)

"All right, I'll show up there the moment the suns go though." (me)

"Fine, if you're not there I'll go after you." (Diana)

"Looks like I'm going to have to cast some more in a room with two beds." (Diana)

"No need, they better think you're alone, I'll sneak into your room." (me)

"Okay, I'll bring you some food overnight in the room then." (Diana)

"Thanks for that." (me)

As Diana and I talked we continued on our way into town, we encountered some wolves along the way but I killed most of them with a cut in the neck or piercing their heads with my dagger from behind, Diana also just needed an attack, she used her two swords to brutally split the wolves in half.

I am happy she is my companion, she is mature for her age and listens to what others have to say.

She is also very strict and strong, it seems she wants to follow the master's orders to the letter.


After a few hours, we reach a road that leads to the city.

"Diana you follow the road, I'll go through the trees to the side to hide, I'll meet you at the inn later, that group location spell Érica cast on us will come in handy." (me)

"Yes, be careful." (Diana)

"Thanks." (me)

After thanking her for her concern I go to the trees on the sides following Diana from the shadows until we reach the huge city gate, when I saw her getting in line to get in I knew it would be safe so I headed towards the black market entrance to enter the city without the soldiers noticing.

In the forest, there is an old hunting hut that sells monster skins, but the truth is that if you get there speaking and answering the hunter in a certain code he will lead you to a hidden stairway that leads to a tunnel that goes under the walls from the city to the slums.

This isn't the only way to get into town, but it's the best for me right now.

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