Will of chaos

Chapter 64 Cap 64: Training Ibuki(Chapter Preview)

After reading the book about works I decided to lie down on the log and stare at the starry sky, since I was a Leech I got into the habit of looking up at the starry sky when I wanted to think.

I imagine this habit comes because looking at this vastness of stars and these two moons makes me remember how small I am, makes me realize that my problems are nothing and it calms me down.

"Master is sleeping?" (Ibuki)

My view of the starry sky is blocked by Ibuki's head that appears out of nowhere.

"Don't bother the master, Ibuki." (Érica)

"Can't you see he's thinking about something?" (Érica)

"Excuse me." (Ibuki)

I get up and see Érica standing next to Ibuki.

"Don't worry Ibuki, I was just relaxing." (I)

"Have the others gone to sleep yet?" (I)

"Yeah, we took the first watch." (Érica)

"Fine by me, I don't know if I could sleep anyway." (I)

"Has something happened, master?" (Ibuki)

"Nothing happened, it's just too much information at the same time." (I)

"There are so many things happening and so many things I'm learning every day, every time I've learned something I realize how much I still don't know." (I)


"You don't need to try so hard, master, since I met the master I see the master striving in everything he does." (Érica)

"Even though I'm trying too hard, I planned to relax by reading the books I asked for until the prince's ambush, but with this Undead problem going on, I don't have time to relax anymore." (I)

"We'll work it out, master." (Érica)

I was talking until the middle of the night with the girls, Ibuki ended up sleeping in the middle of the surveillance and I carried her in my arms to the bed while Érica woke up Diana and Kira to change shifts, so Érica and I went to bed too.


The next morning I get up last, as I leave the hut I see Erica reading a book, I see Diana and Kira training, and Ibuki trying to imitate their training.

From the position of the suns to know it's midday, I overslept.

Today I have to start training Ibuki, I wanted to avoid that, but I will train her in a set of strikes focused on speed and precision, after she acquires the necessary skills I will teach her a unique technique.

Before I start teaching Ibuki, I go to where the girls are training to do my daily training.

"Good morning Master." (Diana)

"Good morning Master." (Kira)

"Master, good morning." (Ibuki)

"Good morning girls, how's training going." (I)

"I saw Diana train and decided to accompany her, will the master train too?" (Kira)

"I'm going to train a little and then I'm thinking about training Ibuki too." (I)

"Master will teach Ibuki again?" (Ibuki)

"Yes" (I)

"The master will train Ibuki in what?" (Diana)

"I will teach her a martial art first." (I)

"Does the master know any martial arts? Who taught the master?" (Diana)

"Nobody taught me, I created it myself." (I)

"..." (Kira/Diana)

They are speechless from what I said, Érica who was reading her book overheard our conversation and approached.

"What the master said is true, even though it's hard to believe, I saw him training myself, I also saw him creating a weapon technique during the week you were away." (Érica)

"..." (Kira/Diana)

"The master is a genius, a genius of combat." (Diana)

"I already knew the master was abnormal, but it seems I was still underestimating you." (Kira)

With Érica's revelation, Diana's eyes are bright with wonder as she looks at me and Kira seems to give up trying to understand me.

"You don't need to make a fuss about it, I'm sure I'm not the first to create a martial art and weapons technique." (I)

"The master isn't the first, but he is certainly the youngest, those who are given founder titles of some style of martial art or weapons technique are all great and famous warriors who have left their names in history." (Diana)

"The master received the titles of Founder, didn't he?" (Kira)

"Yes I received." (I)

"If the master is going to train now, I want to see this martial art." (Diana)

"I'm also interested in this weapon technique that the Master created, as the Master is walking around with daggers I imagine it's a daggers technique." (Kira)

"I don't mind being watched, just don't be disappointed later." (I)

After I allow them to see my training, Érica goes back to reading her book in the corner and the other girls stop their training to watch mine.

Now that I'm alone to train I close my eyes first to focus my mind, then I start with slow movements that gradually increase the speed.

I start training my punches and my punch and kick combinations, the way I move my body has become better since I acquired the skills.

When the speed of my training became fast enough I started training as if I was facing someone with the same fighting style, this is a combat training called shadow training or shadow boxing.

Unlike me, the shadow I imagine fights flawlessly and fluidly, dodging all my blows.

After a while I pull out my daggers and do the same shadow training, then I do my sword training and finish with sword and dagger training.

When I finished training I put the weapons away and sit on the floor to rest, now that I stopped training I look around and see the girls looking at me.

Érica and Ibuki don't show anything, they're just smiling and waving at me, but Diana and Kira are mute looking at me.

"Was it the master who created this martial art and technique?" (Kira)

"I grew up seeing all kinds of martial arts, but I've never seen moves and blows like the master." (Diana)

"All the moves are strange but they complement each other in some way, the moves the master demonstrated could be used for any type of warrior, from someone who focuses on agility and precision to someone who focuses on strength and defense." (Diana)

"These were moves that can come from any direction and can be used in numerous ways, I couldn't understand most of the moves or even predict the move combos that would follow." (Diana)

"Looks like you got to understand more than Kira and Érica." (I)

"My entire family is Adventurers, I have been trained in various martial arts and have seen my family train in many different types of martial arts and weapons techniques, from the knowledge I have accumulated on the subject I can safely say that I have never seen anything like this master. " (Diana)

"This is the most complete martial art and weapons technique I've ever seen, but its level of difficulty is just insane, not only that the blows that the master made are different from the norms of martial arts as if he mixed murderous martial arts, arts defense and martial arts, all mixed with blows that can change from defense to attack or evasion." (Diana)

"I can't understand how someone's mind must work to do such strange and bizarre stunts." (Diana)

"..." (I)

"I can't tell if that's a compliment or an insult." (I)

"Sorry master, I couldn't understand much of your martial art beyond its difficulty and it frustrates me a little, but I'm praising the master." (Diana)

"The more difficult to decipher a martial art the better, if the enemy is not able to understand your martial art that is your advantage." (Diana)

"If that's true then thanks for the compliment." (I)

"After I get some rest we will start your Ibuki training." (I)

"Yes Master." (Ibuki)

"While I get some rest I want you to do about thirty push-ups, thirty sit-ups, and thirty squats as a warm-up." (I)

"Ibuki will start now." (Ibuki)

"Before you start, we're going to eat." (I)

I ask Érica to go get the food, after everyone has eaten, Ibuki has started her warming up, Diana and Kira have gone to get ready before going to investigate the Undead.

With that Ibuki gets up and begins a warm-up routine while resting.

After she finishes her warm-up I start teaching her, unlike Diana and Kira who have some martial arts knowledge, Ibuki doesn't know anything, so I start teaching her the basics.

I spent the day teaching her the right way to punch, the right way to kick, and the right way to deflect a blow coming her way.

We spent the day in this type of training while Diana and Kira went to explore the forest to learn the location of the Undead.

I did this because the most important thing in anything is the base, if she doesn't even know the correct way to throw a punch, it's no use teaching her any martial arts.


At dusk Diana and Kira returned from their first day of investigation, when I saw them entering the camp I saw that it was already getting dark, I told Ibuki that we were going to stop training and we all went into the cabin.

When we entered the hut Ibuki went straight to bed, body aching from training, the other girls and I went into another room and sat facing each other on the wolf mat.

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