Will of chaos

Chapter 69 Cap 69: Magic Theory(Chapter Preview)

This morning I woke up early, luckily there was no incident like yesterday with me being hugged by Érica.

Érica is hugging Ibuki, Diana and Kira are not in bed, they must have gotten up even earlier than me.

I get up from bed and leave the room, when I get to the main room of the cabin I see the girls organizing the equipment.

"Good Morning." (I)

"Good morning Master." (Diana)

"Good morning, you woke up early today master." (Kira)

"I wanted to train a little and then practice magic for the rest of the day." (I)

"What are you two doing?" (I)

"I'm servicing weapons and armor." (Diana)

"While we were in town I bought materials for maintenance that we didn't have before." (Diana)

"I didn't know we needed it." (I)

"For slashing and piercing weapons like spears, swords, and daggers the blood and grease of monsters is harmful to weapons." (Diana)

"Not only for weapons but also armor, both heavy armor and leather." (Kira)

"Kira is right, it's not enough to just clean up the mess master." (Diana)

"There's an oil to rub on weapons to clean and prevent this dirt from sticking, and there's another oil to do the same for armor and clothing that's made from monster leather." (Diana)

"Another problem with slash and piercing weapons is when they are used to cut through hard parts like bones and monster scales, it makes them lose their edge or it will chip the blade." (Kira)

"To fix this we need a stone to sharpen the blade again." (Kira)

"I didn't know there was so much care in gun maintenance." (I)

"If the weapon is of some high-level metal like Mithril or Adamantino it will need less maintenance." (Diana)

"I haven't had time to read the Forge book yet, these things must be written there too." (I)

After greeting the girls I went outside the cabin for my morning training, the girls joined me a little later.

When we finished training the girls rested for a while before going to get ready to hunt.

After they left I joined Érica for some more training on drawing mana in the air.

This time I spent the day making various geometric shapes like triangles, squares, rectangles, hexagons, etc.

We did this until nightfall, taking breaks only when I ran out of mana, in one of those breaks I made lunch using wolf meat and a vegetable that Kira found in the forest, after it was done I found that this vegetable has a taste and texture almost equal to of the potato.

I ended up making a lot of stew for everyone, as I ate the stew I couldn't help but think about making potato chips with this potato.

This vegetable that resembles the potato has a shape that resembles a thicker carrot, it has a purplish color and, according to Érica, it is an ingredient for HP potions.

I was surprised to learn that it was an alchemy ingredient, Érica told me that the name of this vegetable is potato, it seems that an Outsider named it, even though it can be used for cooking only the nobles and rich merchants do it, poor people or middle class will not waste their money on it.

One of the reasons for this is that it only grows in areas with a high magic density like this forest, so it cannot be grown in safe areas like other foods, areas that have high magic density can give birth to monsters.

With the books on magic that I read I ended up discovering that there are two types of monsters, the first one is those that are born by the coagulation of energies like magic, this type of monster usually has very low intelligence and very strong instincts, this is the type of monster that appears frequently in Dungeons, but also appears less frequently in areas with high energy concentration.

The second type of monsters are the descendants of the first type, they gain more intelligence and can control their instincts better, it seems that the reason for this is unknown so far.

After I read this I immediately found out what kind of monster I am, I like the other Leeches in those puddles of red liquid we are the first kind.

The books on magic I've read also explained that magic is associated with the user's mind, so those with a high intelligence score have stronger magic powers and more Mana.

Magic is a very deep field of study, I read in books that singing magic is hardly used anymore, they use circle magic now, I found magic circles very interesting and after I finished reading the book about them I found out why I liked them so much.

The magic circles use geometric shapes to shape the magic and use the image the magician has in his mind in conjunction with the magic circle to use magic using mana as fuel to activate it.

In the end, a magic circle is formed by sets of these geometric shapes interconnected, the way they combine these geometric shapes into a magic circle is reminiscent of programming logic.

This discovery made me very excited, as someone who has spent decades creating games I am very used to programming logic, this discovery gave me a whole new perspective on magic, I suddenly could understand more easily how magic circles work.

If I study enough I can know what a magic circle does before the magician even activates, it can give me a big advantage in the future.

The problem is that there must be a certain level of coherence in the way these geometric shapes are formed, not only that but also the magic circle has to match the image of the magic that the magician uses, if a magician uses magic whose image does not match the magic circle two things can happen, the first is that the magic circle will explode, injuring or even killing the magician and the second thing that can happen is the magic is activated but the magician loses control of it if the magician losing control of his magic he could injure himself or an ally by accident.

Another thing I've learned is that it seems that wizards fall into two types which are theoretical wizards and combat wizards.

Theoretical mages are like scientists in my ancient world, they study magic circles, create new spells, study fusions of different types of magic, and study spells that have been lost, this type of mage spends most of their time in their offices Working.

Combat mages are mages who don't try to create new spells, they learn spells that already exist and use them in combat, they have great power at long and medium-range but most are weak in melee combat.

Combat mages are better at controlling and using different spells, as they use magic in their daily lives, and in real combat, they have more control over their spells, combat mages are excellent at finding different ways to use the same spell or in find different combinations of spells.


Ding! Ding!

<[ You have acquired the following skills:

• [ Undead Curse: 1 ]

• [ Meaning of life: 1 ] ]>

<[ Your ability evolved by coming in contact with the abilities [ Vampirism: 1 ] and [ Blood Servant: 2 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Undead Curse: 1 ] > [ Vampire Servant: 1 ] ]>

Diana and Érica brought the bodies of the Zombies and Skeletons they hunted yesterday, I've been wondering since yesterday if it would be worth eating the Zombies' rotten meat.

In the end, I ate it, it was unpleasant and I felt like throwing up with every Bite, it managed to be worse than eating the spiders, but it gave me a good skill called [ Sense of life: 1 ].

I also gained an ability that seems to allow me to turn others into Undead, it seems that the zombies in this world are like the zombies in my old world horror movies that can transform whoever bites, but this ability has evolved and now allows me to turn others into Vampires.

If before I still had doubts about what I would evolve now I'm sure, but more than ever I need to find the light resistance skill, I don't know if I'll be able to acquire it after I evolve.

Late in the afternoon Diana and Kira returned and we all gathered inside the cabin again.

"How was your hunt?" (I)

"We managed to complete almost all the missions, master." (Diana)

"Now all that's left is the Earth Monkey subjugation mission." (Diana)

"This type of Monkey can use earth magic and has rock armor all over his body." (Diana)

"You can hunt him tomorrow." (I)

"Do you know where this monster is?" (I)

"The Earth Monkey is usually somewhere near the big mountain, it should take about three hours before we get there." (Kira)

"Be careful on the way tomorrow, try to get back before nightfall." (I)

We talked for a few hours like we do every day, then Diana and Kira went to bed and I, Érica and Ibuki went on the first watch.

"(I will keep training when I learn more about magic I will want to become a combat mage, but I will still try to create my spells.)" (I)

"(If I'm right and the magic circles are using some kind of programming logic I will be able to use my knowledge and experience using programming logic in games to help me with my spells.)" (I)

I daydreamed about myself recreating spells from games, anime, and movies during our watch shift until it was time to switch shifts, while Érica was helping Ibuki with writing and grammar exercises.

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