Will of chaos

Chapter 77 Cap 77: Battle Against Undead Part 2(Chapter Preview)

Diana Pov:

Today is the day for the special mission, all the adventurers who registered for this mission have gathered at the west gate, myself included.

I kept talking to other adventurers who arrived before me until it was time to leave.

Soon I see Carlos and some Guild employees arriving with two adventurers who have strong auras, one is a man almost as big as Carlos with a big sword on his back and the other is a woman with short blond hair, she wears a red robe with designs of fire and is holding a wooden staff whose staff head is a red spherical crystal.

Carlos calls the attention of the adventurers who have arrived before and starts talking loudly.

"We're all ready on time for the mission to start." (Carlos)

"These two are Grade B adventurers, one is a Barbarian and the other is a great flame mage." (Carlos)

"The mission leader will be Luci, she is a Guild employee and also a former adventurer, she will be in charge and I hope you all follow her orders." (Carlos)

After saying everything he wanted and pointing to the one who will be the leader this time, Carlos goes to the Guild team that was distributing the potions.

He speaks to several guild employees waiting for the city gates to open.

As soon as the gates open Carlos starts the mission and everyone who will participate in the mission starts walking towards the forest, she is leading the way as the employee of the Guild that Carlos left in charge.

Carlos stayed at the gate watching us all leave for the forest.

"It will take us two or three hours to get there, I'm sure everyone will be able to keep up with the pace." (Luci)


After almost three hours of travel, we finally arrived at the dead tree, on the way there was no monster attack, with that number no monster would attack us.

"We've arrived, this is the tree, under this dead tree is the tunnel where the Undead are." (Luci)

"We arrived early to prepare, we are outnumbered, so the Guild has prepared three scrolls of a sacred spell for us to use." (Luci)

"The three spells on the scroll are an area of ​​effect, we will use them at the beginning of the fight to decrease their numbers, we will also take our time to build some traps like holes in the ground." (Luci)

Once we reached the area where we're going to fight the Undead, Luci gathered everyone to detail the plan.

She wants us to create holes across the field to trap the Undead, she also wants to use three scrolls of holy magic to decrease enemy numbers.

Her plans aren't bad, but they're a little naive, we're still not sure if a high-level Undead is present, but she wants to spend the three most lethal weapons on the enemy at the start of the battle.

I won't say any of that, she seems proud of her plan, I'm also not sure if a strong monster will be present, if we're lucky everything can go according to her plan.


We spent the day getting ready, digging the holes in the ground, the Grade B mage even used holy water to make a magic circle inside the hole, according to her as soon as she activates the magic circle there will be an explosion inside the hole, the explosion will evaporate the holy water to create a steam explosion that will burn the Undead.

After setting these traps everyone began to split between the four groups and get ready for battle.

We were on hold until nightfall when our attention was focused directly on the entrance to the tunnel.

Everyone was focused, we waited until they left before starting the attack, I'm in an attack group myself.

As soon as the sky became completely dark I removed my two swords from my waist and kept them in my hands, I was ready to attack as soon as Luci gave the signal.

When the sky was completely dark, noises and footsteps were heard, at first only I and the other Man-Beasts heard, but in a short time, the footsteps became louder and more numerous.

Before long we could hear screams and the noise of slamming bones, then the first zombie appeared from the tree.

On his first step out of the tree, a mage used a fireball to blow the zombie's head off.

Then three more Zombies appeared, three more fireballs hit them, before the attack hit the three Zombies, eight more Zombies and a Skeleton appeared.

Soon a large number of Undead started to come out of the tree, so Luci used one of the scrolls.

She unrolls one of the scrolls towards the growing number of Undead and starts to insert her Mana into the scroll which causes it to start glowing with slightly golden energy, then a bird that is made of golden light comes out of the scroll and into the next instant the bird becomes five, then it becomes fifteen, and finally it becomes thirty before it hits several Undead and disappears.

As soon as the birds came in contact with an Undead it disappeared as if it had been absorbed by the Undead, then they started to glow with a golden light, then the Zombie flesh dried up and the Skeletons bones cracked, after that they fall to the ground completely dead this time.

This scroll alone ended up with thirty Undead, looks like the plan is working.

As time goes by, more and more Undead come out of the tree and Luci uses a second scroll.

After more Undead come out of the tree Luci uses the third and final scroll to finish off a few dozen more.

"That was the last scroll." (Luci)

"Prepare to attack at any moment." (Luci)

Soon more and more Undead come out of the tree and begin to scatter towards the adventuring teams.

But before the Undead reached us they fell into three holes, when about twenty Undead had fallen into each hole a scream could be heard from within one of the adventuring parties.

"I'm blowing the holes." (Grade B mage)


The mage activates the magic circles of the three holes at the same time then an explosion occurs and we hear sounds of burning and even more harrowing screams coming from the holes along with a cloud of steam.

After that, the Grade B mage takes an MP potion, before starting to brew one more spell.

Unlike Erica, who prepares step by step the construction of her magic circle, this woman manages to create the complete circle in an instant.

"Grade B Undead have started to show up, be careful." (Grade B mage)

Suddenly the magic circle flies from her hand expanding into the air and sticks to the ground with a diameter of ten feet, then she screams something and a Pillar of fire starts to rise from the ground up to five meters.

"Pillar of Fire!" (Grade B mage)

The Pillar of Fire burned two Ogre Zombies that had just come out of the hole, they must have been strong enemies.

"Attack!" (Luci)

With Luci's command, all three attack groups begin combat.

Tanks are the first to move, they pick enemies that are more troublesome to deal with and stand between them and the rest of the group, meanwhile those with blunt weapons are fighting the Skeletons.

I run to the weaker Zombies, my goal is to quickly decrease enemies so we can focus on the more troublesome ones.

As I run through my team's battle zone I'm cutting off the Zombies' heads, for those who are in battle I leave them alone, I only help those who seem to be in trouble during battle by cutting off a leg or arm of the Zombies.

I choose to avoid the Skeletons, for now, my swords are not suitable for fighting them.

After half an hour of battle there are still more and more Undead coming out of the tunnel, I'm not counting but I'm pretty sure the numbers are higher than we thought.

"Ahhh! Help!!" (Adventurer A)

Out of nowhere, a scream is heard from another group, I spin around cutting off the heads of two Zombies and kicking away a Skeleton before stopping and looking quickly in the direction of the scream.

I see a young man being bitten in the neck, leg, and shoulder by two Zombies, a human zombie who is missing a leg and attacked him from the ground and a two-headed wolf zombie.

It's too late to do anything, the Zombies' jaws are even stronger than their living versions, that Bite must have completely destroyed his neck, no one will get to him in time, even if they got to him he'd need a potion high level to save him.

The battle is not going as we expected, the number of undead is higher than expected, the only reason the number of adventurers dying is not higher is thanks to the potions the Guild gave and the planning we had before the mission.

"(The Undead keeps appearing from that tunnel, what's going on?)" (I)

While thinking distracts me and I get a scratch on my shoulder by a Zombie, the scratch wakes me up and I turn to him already cutting his head off, then focus again on the battle.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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