Will of Сhaos

Chapter 1262: Cap 1260: My will is stronger! Part 3

Chapter 1262: Cap 1260: My will is stronger! Part 3

Pov Vanesa's: 

I was taking care of Karina, Alice, Loki, and Lyra as soon as they left the teleportation gate, I had been waiting for them for more than 1 hour since they reported continuing the final phase of the plan. 

I am fully aware of the cost of such a ritual they performed, we only continued with the plans after confirming through an oracle from the Goddess Selene saying that they could survive the ritual, even after that it was difficult to convince Ivan to let his precious daughter participate in a plan so risky. 

But even though I expected to find them in a bad situation, the reality was worse than my imagination, Lyra's body was the one in better condition, her body was just magically overloaded with damage to her veins, other than that her body was just fine. 

Loki was the one in the worst condition, all his internal organs were destroyed to the level of mush, all the liquid in his body had evaporated including the blood, his flesh was dry and compacted, and his skin was as fragile as a dry blade of grass Honestly, there would be no way for anyone else to get out of their current state alive, but I can feel that he stored his vitality directly in his Soul, which is the only reason he is still alive. 

I look at Karina and Alice, they are both physically as well as possible, their bodies also suffered from overload just like Lyra, but in their case, it was 10 times worse, their real problem is in their Souls, they were not managed in their Souls, but I can feel traces of uncontrolled excess Sacred Power in their Souls, even though this power is very compatible with them it is still saturated beyond their ability to control or maintain within themselves. 

Healing them is costing me much more than I had prepared for, just replenishing Loki's vitality while recovering his body took half the blood in my body and two Holy Rituals of healing using my Authority as a Blood Saint. 

"How are they?" (Samira) 

"Stabilized, but Loki will still have to spend weeks feeding on potions while Alice and Karina will need time in Zenos' blood pool in the Communal Temple." (I) n-)-(/.).()./1-/n

"(I can heal their bodies, replenish blood and Vitality to recover soon, but I cannot affect their Souls.)" (I) 

Loki, who was once a God, does not need to worry about his Soul, which is why he is still alive, Lyra's Soul is in perfect condition, only my Father's two Saints need to harmonize the Sacred Power within their Souls before they can let it flow out this excess energy, not to mention the impact it had on your Auras. 

"Can I take them?" (Samira) 

"Not yet, they are stable, but they still need more healing." (I) 

"How are the others?" (I) 

"I don't know, Nicole is responsible for the battle and doesn't answer anything to me." (Samira) 

"Everything must be going well or she would have already started calling everyone." (I) 


Pov Nicole's: 

"[Nicole, everyone is moving away, but the tentacles are acting strangely.]" (Nix) 

"I know, hold your ground, I'm analyzing the situation." (I) 

[Poisoning level at 49%.] 

[Parasite level above 97%, impossible to continue estimating the Planet's consumption rate.] 

[Unable to measure parasite vitality.] 

[Unable to measure damage to the parasite.] 

[Unable to measure parasite energy levels.] 

[Aura interference and a second unknown interference detected.] 

[Substantial increasing decrease in spatial cracks detected as well as spatial stability in the observed perimeter.] 

"(I can't gather the information anymore, his Aura wasn't that big of a problem before, but now it manages to completely block me.)" (I) 

"(I cannot say whether this is a result of the increased power of his Aura due to taking possession of the Planet or due to this unknown interference... it could be interference from the Mother of Truth that Caitlyn reported noticing.)" (I) 

"Things are getting complicated..." (I) 

I look at the Planet seeing half of its purple ocean growing rapidly, even the clouds seem to be gaining a pinkish hue and getting darker and darker. 

But when I focused on the tentacles that are coming out directly from the contaminated part of the ocean, they don't look much different from the others, the only mention I can give is the purple veins spreading across its entirety, but it's too slow, it will take hours instead of the minutes we were anticipating. 

What bothers me most is not seeing a difference in the strength that these most affected tentacles are showing, beyond this aesthetic difference I can't see any functional difference in their actions and capabilities. 

"What should I do?" (I) 

"Don't do anything, now it's my turn." (Natasha) 

"You want to implement what you suggested during the final planning meeting." (I) 

"Yes and don't try to stop me, your Father couldn't do that and you don't have a chance." (Natasha) 

"I have no reason to refuse, but will you be able to do it?" (I) 

"The vitality of an entire Planet is not something simple, I could feel the enormous vitality of that thing, it clearly consumed the vitality of the planets around it as we discovered, the poison will be too slow and runs the risk of not working if it manages to create resistance during this time." (Natasha) 

"Can your power be applied to an entire Planet?" (I) 

"No and I don't need to, your body may be big, but not your Soul which must be getting weaker and weaker now, that will be my target and I will do that." (Natasha) 

"We have a problem." (Elizabeth) 

Suddenly a red crack appeared in space before breaking, creating a red hole in space where Elizabeth appeared carrying the Saint of Life, their body was emanating red energy while there were burn marks and injuries all over their bodies. 

"What happened to you? Who beat up the great Elizabeth?" (Natasha) 

"Is this the Saint of Life? Is she okay?" (I) 

"Shut up Natasha and yes, Saint Yaramaki is fine for someone in her condition." (Elizabeth) 

"What happened?" (I) 

"A battle, she won while her enemy escaped, her injuries cannot be healed easily by others, but she should be able to heal herself when she wakes up." (Elizabeth) 

I looked at the Saint, her body was covered in marks similar to chains burning her skin, and her clothes are in tatters, but other than that I don't see any serious injuries. 

"What do you mean, having a problem is about the Saint of Life?" (I) 

"No, she can wait and is in no danger." (Elizabeth) 

"Wait! The Gate!" (Natasha) 

"You shouldn't be able to leave the gate or use your power while the gate remains standing." (Natasha) 

"..." (I) 

I looked at the hole in space closing into a crack that got smaller and smaller until it disappeared, I could clearly feel Miss Elizabeth's Aura from that crack revealing it was made by her, that is, it was her power. 

"The Gate broke from the inside, I was knocked unconscious by the reaction for at least 1 day." (Elizabeth) 

"Broken from the inside? That's impossible... to break the Gates of Hell from the inside would need to be... no!?" (Natasha) 

"Unfortunately this is the only possibility, I honestly didn't expect such an entity to interfere." (Elizabeth) 

"Zenos, is he...?" (Natasha) 

"It should be fine, as soon as I woke up my mother told me to calm down, that's when I saw Saint Yaramaki and her family asked me to bring her while he repairs the damage from the fight." (Elizabeth) 

"What are you talking about? What's wrong with my Father?" (I) 

"The Gate of Hell that I created was destroyed causing me to regain my power after the reaction to the destruction, Zenos is still trapped in Hell." (Elizabeth) 

"..." (I) 

My heart skipped a beat, I was waiting for a response like that, I'm not an idiot and I understood the tips I picked up from your conversation, but even so, I couldn't help the wave of emotions becoming turbulent within me, I needed a few seconds to calm my heart and mind to think clearly. 

I will not let things like silly emotions cloud my judgment and prevent me from making decisions that could be more useful, keeping a clear mind is the main thing in finding any solution. 

"(They don't seem nervous...)" (I) 

"What can we do to help my Father?" (I) 

"(He helped me a lot, he treats me like family, he gave me a perfect laboratory, freedom and helped me create this body, I'm not going to leave him stuck in Hell!)" (I) 

"We can't do anything, but your two saints can, besides, our Mother seemed strangely calm about this, so he must return on his own..." (Elizabeth) 

[Alert! Alert! Alert!] 

"Huh!?" (I) 

"What is that?" (Elizabeth) 

[Detected a large flow of energy and movement of most of the mass of flesh forming the tentacles] 

[Detecting use of Aura and unknown Power to interfere with the surroundings.] 

I stopped looking at my holograms and looked at the planet not too far away, I could see emanating a strange light, some kind of red and purple bubble forming around the entire Planet as it expanded. 

"That looks like a Territory, but it's... incomplete?" (Elizabeth) 

"Yes, we'll talk about Zenos later... Nicole, I'm putting the plan into action, call the others!" (Natasha) 

"Damn it!" (I)

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