Will of Сhaos

Chapter 1323: Cap 1321: The Divine Tournament begins

Chapter 1323: Cap 1321: The Divine Tournament begins

In the next few days before the Tournament started, I spent the days relaxing after the hard training I had done throughout the month.

I spent 1 day alone with each of my wives, I also spent time with my children, I don't really know which of these things is more tiring.

My Family members and my sisters are those who spend the most time with me as well as my Divine Servants, as time goes by and the pile of problems around me only grows it becomes difficult to have time for everything, so I am happy to take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy happiness with those important to me as I am doing now.

During this brief time of fun, I missed Freya who is still in her tree state, I even asked Rosane and Aurora about it trying to find out if they could help her, unfortunately, nothing came of it.

Even so, I won't let this discourage me, I can feel that she is alive and I won't lose hope, maybe I can do something for her myself if I keep accumulating Essences.

With these thoughts in mind, I didn't miss the opportunity to see other competitors, they were people of many races, some of them were bizarre while others seem like normal people, the distinction between everyone was great making me realize once again that you shouldn't judge a book From the cover, they all had powerful Auras.

But I caught a glimpse of someone who caught my attention because I felt a trace of Chaos Power coming from him.

I felt it while I was shopping with rica, the items being sold in this place are unique and rare in the entire universe, and because of that many things could not be bought with money, in this place the exchange of items and favors was true currency, fortunately for us Dungeon had many unique items and services.

rica took great advantage of this by using me as a living wallet, she even traded my blood twice.

It was during these purchases that I saw the Demon with traces of chaos energy, I saw him from afar and only at a glance, even so, his Aura had a lot of murderous intent.

I wanted to look for him, but I gave priority to Erica who was with me, I also couldn't look for him with my Aura, with so many powerful people at the level of Deities around, this gathering of powerful Auras causes great suppression in each other, I also noticed that everyone keeps their Aura suppressed and visible.

It was Elizabeth as always who took the initiative to instruct me, just as Dragons greet each other using a clash of Auras, something similar happens between Deities and Gods keeping their Auras visible while suppressed as a display of their identities out of politeness to those of the same level around you.

I understand this logic, revealing your Aura even if weakly is like putting a tag with your name in a meeting, through someone's Aura it is easy to associate which religion the person is associated with as well as revealing a little of their emotions, because of things like that I drew a bit of attention from those around me because of my Chaos Power.

Letting this time pass, the start of the Tournament soon arrived, a large arena the size of a city simply emerged from the ground in the middle of the continent called the World Arena.

The walls of the arena where the stands were located were floating around the large arena and everyone was gathering there for the starting ceremony.


I was together with other competitors, there were a few hundred, each of them carried a ring and almost all of them seemed to be at least Demigods, unfortunately for me, I even felt some presences that belonged to Gods, but I couldn't measure the exact level of power.

Some of them were getting to know each other or already know each other, but among them, I saw a familiar face, so I walked over to talk while I waited.

"It's been a while Alan, what is a Hero of Justice doing here?"?(I)

"Zenos, then it is true that you were invited by the God Cratos."?(Alan)

"How is someone so carefree and the son of Goddess Selene here fighting for the God of Beasts?"?(Alan)

"Let's just say things happened, I had to make up for some other things, and then before I knew it I was dragged into this moment."?(I)

"(No one needs to know about my Divine Weapon, about the destruction of a Planet, or about my missions for the Gods.)" (I)

Many things happen around me and because of this I always have some secret to keep or something absurd that I prefer to leave unknown to others.

"I don't doubt that something big must have happened, being around you and your bad luck is a test of survival in itself."?(Alan)

"Need I remind you that you spent some time traveling on my Ship?"?(I)

"No need to say, I'll never forget those days, fighting hordes of monsters daily, fighting armies of enemies and everyone around acting like it was the most normal thing in the world."?(Alan)

"I've never faced so many enemies in such a short time anywhere else."?(Alan)

"Let's stop talking about me, from your ring it looks like the Hero of the God of Justice will represent the God of War, I wonder why?"?(I)

"Things happened... let's leave that aside."?(Alan)

"(As always, he is very transparent, he is embarrassed and averting his eyes, curiosity is starting to come out again.)" (I)

From Alan's reaction, something must have happened, I couldn't stop thinking if he did something big like me or if it was something stranger, knowing that someone so fair made a mistake that made the Gods act just makes my curiosity ring in my head.

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to continue pressing this issue, the room we were in had its walls and ceiling disappear and everyone was able to have a privileged view of the arena along with several holographic screens appearing around showing the arena from various angles.

"[Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Divine Tournament!]"

"[I will be the presenter of this tournament and also your representative for the entire duration of this exciting event!]" (Malakoi)

"[Before starting the Event that everyone is waiting for, I would like to thank the Gods for such a sublime event as this existing and thank you even more for the opportunity to be chosen for this honorable position!]" (Malakoi)

All the screens show the man who appears to be the judge, he is a High Dark Elf, but strangely he has some blue scales on his arms, his skin is brown and he has no hair on his head, he has no clothing on his upper body other than his support on his back where 2 pieces of wood were, I can't understand how his weapon works just like that, but his body is very muscular and tall for a Dark Elf, his presence is also too wild compared to the characteristic tranquility of Elves.

"[I will tell the rules to everyone, but just from these preliminaries, the next stages of the tournament will have their own rules.]" (Malakoi)

"[Today we will have the first stage of the preliminaries, there are 9000 participants who registered among the various Religions present here.]" (Malakoi)

"[Let the participants in!]" (Malakoi)

Suddenly a hole appears in space as if it had sunk, forming some kind of space tunnel, it didn't seem to be due to the use of magic, so perhaps it was a technique using Spiritual Runes, which is not my focus.

This spatial tunnel was very large, allowing thousands of people to quickly pass through it in mere seconds before arranging themselves on top of the large arena surrounding the floating stage where Malakoi was speaking.

"[The first preliminary will be 2 battles of 3 people, in the end only 1000 of these participants will continue to the second stage of the preliminaries where competitors chosen directly by the Religions will enter the dispute.]" (Malakoi)

"[In a battle, life, and death are not guaranteed, so fight as if your life depends on it because it really does.]" (Malakoi)

It seems like it's a rule similar to what I saw in the War tournament where my first mission was, they want a firm to quickly discard the weakest, leaving only those truly most prepared to continue in the tournament.

"It looks like it's going to be a bloody battle."?(I)

"(They say that, but I doubt that real deaths occur, see the people from the Demonic Church of Death positioned to act together with those from the Temple of Life.)" (Alan)

"(Those who can participate in this event are important people from the various Religions and Deities with important responsibilities, no deaths will be allowed here.)" (Alan)

To my words, Alan responded telepathically without indicating that he was speaking to me, so I followed him in that.

"(So the others noticed?)" (I)

"(Some may have noticed, but don't try to take it easy just because you're safe, that's the kind of thing you want to avoid.)" (Alan)

"(I don't know what it means to be easy, I also don't have the habit of feeling sorry for enemies during combat.)" (I)

It seemed like the Hero of Justice has a sharp eye for noticing these Priests of Life and Death so quickly, I let that slide, but it just encourages me to go all out without fear of killing my opponents knowing that they will still be alive in the end.

"[The rules are simple, it is forbidden to resort to outside help with the exception of Familiars who can be considered an individual's strength.]" (Malakoi)

"[The use of any prohibited item, potion or temporary strength-enhancing technique outside of the individual's true abilities is prohibited.]" (Malakoi)

"[The fight continues until someone is thrown out of the arenas, dies, gives up, or falls unconscious leaving only 1 person still standing at the end.]" (Malakoi)

"[Now that the boring rules part is over, let's get to today's main event!]" (Malakoi)

"[Let the first stage of the preliminaries begin!!!]" (Malakoi)

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