Will of Сhaos

Chapter 1352: Cap 1350: Complete inversion of values ​​part 2

Chapter 1352: Cap 1350: Complete inversion of values ​​part 2

?Pov Hernoth (Demonic God of Sin):

I spent 2 two years watching him just to make sure he wouldn't try to escape or look for his mother to disrupt my plans, Selene was always very protective of her children to the point of having already killed a God for causing the death of her daughter Natasha, which ended up causing her to lose the opportunity to become a Minor Goddess.

"You shouldn't do that."?(Rosane)

"I need him, Demon Gods are not as united as Neutral Gods, none of us would also submit to others like those who chose to follow Baldr."?(I)

"The only ones we can count on are the Gods with power branching from our own Divinity."?(I)

"Are you worried by the signs of the Ancient Demon God's resurrection?"?(Rosane)

"He was a madman even worse than my children, it was by following his teachings that I became a God, but he has too much ambition."?(I)

"The number of gods he killed in that time and the hundreds of planets destroyed were too great a loss."?(I)

"You're just scared because you're the one who betrayed him."?(Rosane)

"I had intended to betray him from the beginning, he wanted to destroy all the Gods and steal their Deities to be the King of the Gods, he had completely lost his sanity."?(I)

"Even though his strength isn't what it was back then, his danger hasn't diminished, I need my son by my side and I need him to be trustworthy this time."?(I)

"It seems your son is just a tool for you."?(Rosane)

"Make no mistake, I may have some selfish thoughts, but I really love my son, so I hope this time I can save him."?(I)

In the past, I performed 8 Spiritual Reincarnations on my first son, but every time he came back the same rubbish from God, that's why I had to give up on him at that time.

I was surprised by how I felt when he died, it was the first time I felt pain like that, it was the first time I realized what I felt for my children.

The frustration of not being able to teach him, the pain of his loss, and the regret of having abandoned him were difficult to bear, I had almost returned to the personality that queen in my youth, it was really something that marked me and that's why I couldn't let go, my second son goes through this.

"If you came to stop me, then go back, even your crazy mother won't stop me."?(I)

"Actually, my mother is happy with her plans, she doesn't stop laughing thinking about you every day."?(Rosane)

"She, like me, already knows that her plan will go wrong at some point, the Power of Chaos cannot be controlled by anyone other than him."?(Rosane)

"I don't need to manipulate the Power of Chaos, I just need to use it at the right time, I never intended to use a power that was incompatible with me."?(I)

I know that the power of chaos cannot be used by others, it has always been a volatile power and that is why it has never created an Essence until now.

But the Goddess of Fairies, as always, acts before thinking, she tried to control something that was not possible to control and that's why it ended that way, now I'm not going to do more than direct it to a specific result and let it take its course.

"(How many millennia have I had no control over something?)" (I)

"Go back and don't disturb me, I'll be busy for a while."?(I)

Before she could say anything else, I snap my fingers causing the space to close around her, expelling her from my Divine Realm.

I pick up the statue of my son and can feel his raging presence still futilely trying to break free.

"I do this for both of us, so I hope it works for your own good, or I'll have to keep you sealed."?(I)


Pov Vanessa's:

I was confused about why the Blood Goddess was looking for her, but I didn't imagine that the two of us would be called to her Divine Kingdom, especially that such a plan would be revealed to us.

When I opened my eyes again I was back in the Communal Temple inside the Dungeon and Alice was next to me, we both looked at each other before smiling in mutual understanding.

"Will you be able to do your part?"?(I)

"I don't know, but I'll need the help of Hades, Cinthia, and Haku to continue."?(Alice)

"Are you sure you won't need Karina's help?"?(I)

"She also has her own responsibilities."?(Alice)

"I know that, but aren't you forgetting your own participation?"?(I)

As soon as I said this her face turns red, I can see the doubt and emotion in her eyes, she knows what she should do and I know that she exactly wants to follow this path, but she has always been stubborn.

"You have to be more serious about this, with my Father things tend to happen quickly and suddenly, so have a little more determination."?(I)

"I know, but I need time, I thought I would have time to do this in a few centuries... I didn't think I would need to be any faster and I don't want to disturb his plans."?(Alice)

"Just don't wait too long, the plan will need you."?(I)

"I know..." (Alice)

With that, I see her redness increase as she leaves the temple speaking almost in a whisper.

"I'll let her think, in the meantime, I need to meet with Ibuki, rica, and Karina."(I)

"According to the Goddess, I don't need to talk to Diana, it seems like she will find out from someone else."(I)

With that in mind, I couldn't help but smile, I didn't imagine that the Goddess would make arrangements in my Father's place, I can't say if he will last surprised, confused, irritated, scared, or perhaps moved by such arrangements.

"But he will definitely be surprised."(I)


Pov Fiona's:

When I opened my eyes I was in that devastated city, for a city in ruins, everything was so clean, the bodies, the fire, the blood, the screams, the smell of blood and burning, none of that was present, but I can still remember of all this as if they were here.

"I was weak then... I'm still weak now..." (I)

"You are incomparably stronger than the past."

"It's still not enough, I'm far, far away to be of any use."(I)

"I can't accept this weakness, I can't accept being useless!"(I)

"The power I can bestow cannot save anything, only bring death."

"Do you still want this power? Are you prepared to dive into blood?"

"I am prepared for anything, my body, power, and even my Soul, I dedicated everything to Master Zenos."(I)

When I finished speaking I noticed movement around me, when I looked, the collapsed houses and rubble were moving, and blood was flowing out forming people, their bodies were made of fresh blood while crystallized blood scale armor covered their bodies leaving only some points without protection.

Without me realizing it, a Spear had appeared in my hands, and the day had turned into night, a murderous intention welled up inside me telling me to kill them all.

"Prove your worth... begin the hunt."

With the words that seemed to come from within everywhere, the various blood creatures began to rush towards me, each one's strength was equal to mine with some variation, some were faster, some stronger and some cooperate with each other yes.

I started running, Mr Hades taught us to never fight head on in a disadvantageous situation, and with that I continued running through the city that I know like the back of my hand.

I hide and wait, watching the movements of those who pursue me, when they passed me without seeing me, I use my spear to pierce the head of one and the neck of the other, making them both crumble into blood that falls to the ground.

With that time passes, time after time I continue running between the city, their number seems to be increasing the more I kill, but I never fight head on, I carry out ambushes and lure them into traps, and with that time starts to fly.

The murderous intent within me grew along with my focus on killing them all and at some point even my motivation for it was lost, I no longer remembered why I was killing or why I was here.

All the ruins were filled with blood, and the smell permeates the air with a red mist, for some reason even my vision became completely red as if everything in the world was bathed in blood.

After that time passed and before I knew it I was walking through a swamp of blood, the blood was so much that it almost reached my knees and I had lost track of how many I had defeated.

"Why am I here? Why do I fight them?"(I)

"..." (I)

I continued thinking and with that, a stream of memories started rolling through my mind, the power I want was never to protect, I want to kill and that's for sure, but who do I want to kill?

At some point I stopped killing the blood creatures, I trapped them or incapacitated them and with that, they stopped appearing more, the blood seemed to decrease getting lower and lower and I soon realized the reason.

The blood had pooled into a large creature made entirely of blood, its body covering the heavens as it looked down at me, the same voice from before speaking and now the sound was coming clearly from above.

"You got it, congratulations on proving yourself worthy."

"A hunter hunts for a reason, his great power exists to kill, but killing without a reason is a sin against himself and the power you possess."

"A hunter needs a reason to hunt, taking a life is only forgiving when there is a need for such an act."

"Hunting for food from yourself or those under your responsibility, hunting to defend and thus kill the source of danger or hunting to eradicate an enemy."

The more he spoke, the more his voice seemed recognizable, my head seemed to gain clarity, and following the contours of the creature I noticed it was a Wolf with wings, this revealed a memory and with it the identity of that giant creature.

"Hunting is part of the cycle of nature, the hunter is always the one at the top among all predators."(Orion)

Suddenly the blood at my feet began to rise through my body little by little, involving my entire body with my face being the last as I heard the voice of Zenos' Familiar remaining within me.

"Under this blood a new predator is born, may the hunt fill its life in full."(Orion)

With that, I felt a power take root from the jewel in my head to my entire body as my consciousness faded.

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