Will of Сhaos

Chapter 24: Invasion part 1 - Recognition

Chapter 24: Invasion part 1 - Recognition

Upon waking up the next day I get up and call Ibuki to wake her up too, we're going to eat some wolf meat and then go to morning training of a hundred push-ups, a hundred sit-ups, and a hundred squats.

While Ibuki catches his breath after morning training I'm going to make preparations for today's recon, I went to bed early yesterday so I could get up before dawn today to get to the Goblin cave before they started out hunting.

After a few minutes of rest Ibuki gets up and we start to pack some things for us to prepare for recognition.

I use my claws to pull out small pieces of the wolf's meat and after I've made a small bunch of them I use [Low Fire Puff: 3 ] several times to roast the meat, after that, I wait a few minutes to cool and separate it into two portions. I put it on a piece of cloth from the clothes that I've ripped off parts that were still usable, then tie the top of the cloth with my thread to make a small makeshift bag that I teach Ibuki to fasten around his waist to his rope belt.

With food to spend the day we drink some water before heading out and head towards the forest, I ask Ibuki to guide me to the Goblin cave and along the way he used [ Detect Weak Presence: 2 ] to dodge creatures along the way, I didn't want to fight today.


<[ Your skill leveled up [ Detect Weak Presence: 2 > 3 ] ]>

It took an hour and thirty minutes to get close to the cave and it was already starting to dawn, when we got close enough to see the cave I tell Ibuki to stop and start studying the surrounding area, after studying the area for a few minutes I call Ibuki to follow me and we head towards a group of trees that are on the right side of the cave near the wall.

Once there I start climbing the tree along with Ibuki, this tree is not the tallest but it has the most foliage for both of us to hide, it is also tall enough for me to see the cave and the surrounding area in detail, I chose a thicker branch for us to stand on and sat with Ibuki beside me.

The suns had already risen over the horizon and some Goblins are starting to wake up, I looked and saw that the cave had a small flimsy wall around it with a three-foot-wide gate, and four simple huts made of branches, leaves, and vines that must be where they sleep, Ibuki had already told me that there are three rooms inside the cave.

One room is for the prisoners, the other is for the corpses they store to eat, and the last one is where they throw all the things they find such as glowing stones, equipment from adventurers they've killed or captured, and the cores of monsters they kill or Goblins evolved that died.

And the four cabins were the rooms where the goblins slept, there were more than forty Goblins before but after I had killed so many there must be a little more than thirty of them.

I asked Ibuki not to make any noise and we also avoided talking so as not to draw any attention, I could see that after getting up the goblins went to get pieces of meat inside the cave and came back outside, I could see a Goblin wearing a very torn and stained tunic and also holding a staff with a monster skull on the end, this Goblin looked old and if I judge by his appearance must be some kind of wizard, as soon as he woke up he started waking up all the goblins who were still sleeping.

It looked like he was the head of the group, as soon as everyone woke up they ate something and I saw two other evolved Goblins, one with a sword and the other with two knives, the one with the sword was the same as the one I killed before, so it must be one Barbarian Goblin the other is thin and looks smarter than the sword he also moves fast from what I'm seeing from here, as soon as these two get their guns they start yelling at the other Goblins something I can't quite hear from this distance, soon they join each group of seven and another often and go out to hunt, the other Goblins divide into groups of two or three and go hunting too, in the end only the Goblin mage, five goblin children and two adult Goblins remain in the cave.


Time passed and it's already mid-afternoon, I've been here most of the day and I was dumbfounded by what happened, the wizard Goblin brought the five children together for what Ibuki once called teaching and made them start fighting, one of The kids got a stone in the head and the Goblin wizard started yelling something to the other kids while pointing at him and then the kids ran over and started eating the kid on the ground, I asked Ibuki about it in a whisper.

"Why... did they kill a child?" (me)

"He gii very hurt he can't gii heal." (Ibuki)

"Elder teaches gii to kill worthless people." (Ibuki)

It seems that not even children are innocent among Goblins, in the middle of the afternoon after this event the goblins started to return, they arrived separated with a time difference of twenty minutes to forty minutes between their arrivals, all came back injured, some with scratches and others with deep wounds, most groups returned with food some with Horned Rabbits, Kobolds or a Gray Wolf that was caught by the group with ten Goblins.

After they arrived the branch gates that had been closed after they went hunting opened and after everyone arrived it was closed again.

When all the Goblins ate something the ones that were badly wounded went to the huts and the ones that were still well enough entered the cave, at the time I didn't understand why, but after a few seconds I started to hear softly echoing female screams coming out. from the cave, I can finally understand what's going on there.


<[ You have acquired the skill:

[ Mental disorder: 1 ] ]>




<[ Your skill leveled up [ Mental disorder: 1 > 2 ] ]>

My stomach was churning with revulsion that I knew now what they were doing, I wouldn't be able to control my anger if it continued here so I went back before nightfall to base.


<[ Your skill leveled up [ Mental disorder: 2 > 3 ] ]>

On the way, I met three Horned Rabbits that I quickly killed using my lines that came out of the tips of the five fingers of my right hand to tie them all so holding my rage not to kill them personally I tell Ibuki to kill them so she can increase her EXP more.

Ding! Ding!

<[ You gained 8 EXP for Horned Rabbit kills by party member ]>




<[ Your skill leveled up [ Sticky Line Production: 6 > 7 ] ]>

We brought the Horned Rabbits and threw them in the corner, I went to my bed and stared at the hole in the ceiling watching the sunset while I'm sitting cross-legged.


<[ Your skill leveled up [ Mental disorder: 3 > 4 ] ]>

I can't calm my anger so far, I may not be a good person, after all, I plan to enslave those women too but I would never force someone like that, I would never do what those Goblins are doing, even I have some limits on what I would do to survive and that is one of those limits.

Tomorrow I'm going to start my attack on them as soon as the hunters leave, I'm not letting any of them out alive, I'm going to tear this whole place apart.

"Soothe master gii hard to breathe." (Ibuki)

"There is?" (me)

I turn to Ibuki only to see her kneeling on the floor shaking, I can't understand why until I hear the notification.


<[ You have acquired a new skill:

[ Intimidation: 1 ]

[Aura of chaos: 1 ] ]>




<[ Your skill leveled up [ Mental disorder: 4 > 5 ] ]>

I realized that my anger was such that I was releasing it to my Aura and startled Ibuki, quickly thought about turning off the ability, and then Ibuki stopped shaking.

" Sorry" (me)

I lost control without realizing it, I must be more careful from now on, I breathe deeply and try to calm my emotions with meditation.



<[ Your skill leveled up [ Meditation: 5 > 6 ] ]>

After hours of meditation I finally calmed down enough not to lose control again, that's not going to be the only thing that will infuriate me in this world.

I need to stay calm so I don't lose control tomorrow during the invasion, tomorrow I'll meet the girls too, and I need to keep my composure.

Before going to bed I'm going to roast and cut the meat of these Horned Rabbits for tomorrow morning, then I call Ibuki who was still training while I was meditating, and tell her to go to sleep.

I go to my bed and lie looking at the starry sky through the hole in the ceiling, it has become my habit in this world, to reflect on things looking at the starry sky.

There are so many things to think about, one of them is how should I treat girls afterward? I'm not saving them to free, I'm saving them to enslave, I can make excuses of idealism that I will treat them well and with respect but in the end, I'm taking away their right to choose.

But it's the only plan I have, they will be of great help as a source of information in this world and will also be of help when I need information or any item within cities.

Victory is already decided, the plan is flawless, all I have to do now is go to sleep and wake up early tomorrow.

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