Will of Сhaos

Chapter 58: Vampire Bats

Chapter 58: Vampire Bats

It's been six days since Diana and Kira went to town, if all goes as planned they should be back tomorrow.

This week was very productive, I was able to level up some of my skills and finally managed to learn the skill I wanted.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

<[ You gained 14 EXP for killing Kobolds ]>



<[ You gained 35 EXP for killing Kobolds per party member ]>




<[ Your skill leveled up [ Basic Knife Handling: 2 > 4 ] ]>



<[ Your skill leveled up [ Basic Sword Handling: 3 > 5 ] ]>



<[ Your skill leveled up [ Parallel thinking: 1 > 2 ] ]>



<[ Your skill leveled up [ Leech: 9 > 10 ] ]>




<[ You have acquired the following skills:

[Basic daggers technique: 1]

[Blade of Chaos Technique: 1 ] ]>




<[ You have acquired the title [ Founder of the Blade of Chaos Technique ] ]>




<[ Your bloodline has become stronger and purer [ Kobold: 72% > 100% ] ]>




<[ You have leveled up ]>

For the rest of the week I finished my training, to do this I had to go hunting twice with the girls.

I discovered during the spider invasion that weapon technique skills are acquired differently than the kind that helps wield weapons.

For example, the skill [ Basic Sword Handling: 1 ] can be acquired with training, but the skill [ Basic Sword Technique: 1 ] requires a person to fight with a sword in order to acquire the skill, I talked to rica about that for Confirm.

At least that's what I assumed, to my delight I was right, after intense training and a bit of fighting I got the skills I needed.

I'm still trying not to evolve, that's why I let Ibuki kill them all, I only killed one during the fight and immobilized the others, the first time it was only five Kobolds, but the second time it was seven Kobolds.

These hunts allowed me to acquire a pure lineage of the Kobolds at the same time that my skill [ Leech: 10 ] reached the maximum level, rica told me that the skills only go up to level ten.

Once the skills reach the maximum level they can only become stronger by evolving to higher skill, but it seems that it is not easy to do that, it is not enough just to reach the maximum level of a skill, it also needs the owner of the skill to comply. certain conditions that vary from person to person.

I think I will use my unique ability [ Identify: 2 ] to see these abilities.


<[ Identification result:

[ Basic daggers technique: 1 ]--> Ability to use and strengthen daggers techniques.

Cost: depends on technique

[ Basic sword technique: 1 ]--> Ability to use and strengthen sword techniques.

Cost: depends on technique

[ Blade of Chaos Technique: 1 ]--> Ability to use and strengthen sword and daggers techniques.

Cost: depends on technique



<[ Your skill leveled up [ Identify: 1 > 2 ] ]>

I finally managed to raise the level of this skill, but there doesn't seem to be any change in what I identify, I'll leave that for later for now.

Now that I have the skills I wanted to learn I'm going hunting with the girls, I still want to catch those bats.

Thinking about it, I talk to rica.

"Let's go hunting today." (I)

"Well, with your appetite and Ibuki's it's never too late to get more food, but we still have a lot of meat, especially Kobold beef." (rica)

"I know, but I need those bats, if I'm right they'll have an ability I want." (I)

"I also want to go after those Blood Wolves you mentioned earlier." (I)

"Why does the master want these monsters?" (rica)

"I'm just getting ready, maybe they won't be any help to me, but if they are I want to have hunted them already, anyway I don't miss anything hunting them now." (I)

"But I'll wait for Diana and Kira to come back before I hunt the Blood Wolves, so I want to hunt the Vampire Bats before they come back." (I)

"If the master wants this then I will prepare to hunt now." (rica)

"Don't forget to tell Ibuki too, so she can get ready." (I)

"Yes" (rica)

After we get ready, Ibuki, rica, and I went out armed to hunt the bats, when we left the camp I started using my ability [ Detect Weak Presence: 6 ] to dodge the monsters along the way.

That's one of the reasons I want to go on this hunt, I'm the only one with this ability in the group, I think Kira must have this ability too, but she's not here.

It didn't take us long to get to the cave Ibuki talked about, it only took us a little over an hour, one of the reasons for that is that we didn't fight any monsters along the way and the other is that Ibuki knew how to get to this cave quickly.

During the way I talked to the girls, Ibuki is already fluently speaking the common language, it seems that her skill is already close to the maximum level, making her learn with Erica was the right decision.

"Is this the Ibuki cave?" (I)

"Yes master, many bats in there." (Ibuki)

It looks like it's this cave, the problem is, I don't know the number of bats in there.

"(If there are many bats how can I catch one without alerting the others? Or how can I kill them all at the least possible risk?)" (I)


I spent a few minutes thinking until I finally came up with a valid plan.

"rica do you have an area of effect spell, preferably one that can kill or immobilize most of them?" (I)

"I have a master, it's a medium level spell, the only one I've managed to learn so far." (rica)

"It's a spell that casts a fireball that ignites the target and then attacks up to five enemies around it before splitting again among more enemies." (rica)

"It appears to be a powerful spell." (I)

"But he's not master, he consumes my mana every time it splits until I cancel the spell, his flame is also weaker than a normal fireball." (rica)

"Besides I'm not able to make it split into five continuously, the most I can do is two I think." (rica)

"What do you mean? It's not your magic?" (I)

"I haven't tested it yet, I already know how to cast this spell from my studies, but I haven't had the opportunity to cast this spell yet to test it." (rica)

"Well, you just found an opportunity to test this spell." (I)

"Yes" (rica)

"But before we do anything, I'll go in and confirm your numbers." (I)

"Be careful master." (Ibuki)

"If anything happens to run out master, Vampire Bats are known to always be in groups." (rica)

"I'll be careful." (I)

I use the [Hide:1] skill to enter and move around the cave looking at the ceiling, after five minutes of walking I see the bats on the ceiling.

Thanks to the skill [ Night Vision: 1 ] I'm using for the first time since I got it I can see even in this darkness.

After roughly counting the bats that seem to be sleeping I go back outside and join the girls.

"There's a group of bats a little further along the entrance, as far as I can tell there's about sixteen of them." (I)

"I should be able to take care of twelve or fourteen of them if all goes well, after that I'll be mana and helpless." (rica)

"If you manage to take care of so many of them it won't be a problem, you can let me take care of the others while Ibuki stays close to you to protect you, do you understand the plan?" (I)

"Yes Master." (rica)

"Ibuki will protect rica." (Ibuki)

"So let's go." (I)

I've already discussed a plan, the three of us enter the cave, it seems that the two of them can see a little in the darkness of the cave.

When we reach the place of the bats I point to them and rica raises her hands, so I see geometric shapes forming and joining in a magic circle that shoots a fireball the size of my head at the nearest bat.



First comes an explosion then I see two fireballs coming out of the bat and heading towards another two nearby bats, then four fireballs come out of the two bats and towards four bats.


Sssss! Sssss!

Two of the bats managed to dodge in time and two were hit by the fireball that explodes and sends two more fireballs each into four nearby bats and hits them all this time.

The bats that were hit are burning, the two that dodged have noticed us and are heading towards us.

"I'm out of mana, master." (rica)

"Alright, you did well now back off." (I)

As the two bats approached I pull the two daggers from my waist and use the [ Jump: 4 ] skill to throw myself between them with all my leg strength, so I take advantage of the strength of my jump and the bats are coming down to cut off the wings of the two bats that fall to the ground screaming in pain.

From above I spin in the air before landing on the ground, as soon as I land on the ground I tuck one of my daggers away and pull out my short sword holding it down and push it to my back piercing the head of a bat coming from behind.

"Ibuki kill the bats on the ground!" (I)

As I yelled for Ibuki to kill the burning bats that fell to the ground, I used my lines to trap the last bats that came towards me, ending the fight.

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