Will of Сhaos

Chapter 70: Rest day

Chapter 70: Rest day

Today I woke up last, I was very excited to discover that magic circles use programming logic that I couldn't sleep.

As soon as I get up I go straight out of the cabin, see that everyone is eating what's left of yesterday's stew, looking closer I notice that Kira and Diana are in their hunting clothes.

When I look up at the sky, I realize it's not even halfway through the day yet, so I walk over to them and greet them.

"Good Morning." (I)

"Good morning Master." (Ibuki/rica/Diana)

"Good morning, do you have any plans for today master?" (Kira)

"Not really, I'm going to train my martial arts a little and teach Ibuki new moves, then I'm going to train magic with Erica." (I)

"Do you need me for something?" (I)

"I've seen the master trying too hard on many things, look at everything the master just said for example." (Kira)

"I agree with you, I already told the master not to overextend himself, but he continues." (rica)

"Master taught Ibuki that resting is as important as training, was Master lying to Ibuki?" (Ibuki)

"..." (I)

"(Why do they all have to agree to this?)" (I)

"(To be honest, how did the subject change to this all of a sudden?)" (I)

While I was asking these questions in my head I could see rica's worried face, Kira's serious face, and Ibuki's sad face, suddenly someone puts an arm behind my neck and gives me a hug making me suffocate in Your breasts.

"The master has to rest too, we are worried that you are overloading yourself like this, at least try to rest for today." (Diana)

"..." (I)

I couldn't say anything, wasn't even able to breathe, all I could do was give Diana's athletic arm a few soft slaps to get her to let me go.

"Diana how do you want him to respond if you don't let go of him, look how desperate he is, he can't even be breathing." (rica)

"..." (Diana)

"Cof cof...haaaaa...haaa." (I)

"Sorry master, I didn't realize before rica said you couldn't breathe." (Diana)

"Okay, I know you didn't do it on purpose, Diana." (I)

"Let's not stray from the subject, master try to rest today, alright?" (Kira)

"Since all of you insist on it, that's fine, I'll rest today, but only today." (I)

"There's still so much to do, I can't afford to relax forever." (I)

After agreeing with them I served myself a plate of stew too for us to eat together.

After eating Diana and Kira went to their last day of hunting, rica decided to rest from her training today too and teamed up with Ibuki to teach her math.

Since I didn't have much to do, I went to the storage room inside the cabin to see the various types of books the girls brought from the city, maybe I'll find one to read while I rest.

As soon as I entered the warehouse I was surprised, not only were there the things I collected from this cave and conquered it and the things we collected from Kira's old hideout, there were also what I recognized as various monster parts.

There were monster skins, monster bones, a small pile of monster cores, and some pouches that when I opened it was evidence of subjugation like Goblin ears, Wolf fangs, Kobold fangs, Zombie tongues, and Skeleton skulls.

All are to take to the Adventurers Guild probably, but what left me in doubt was that I didn't see them dismantle these monsters, could it be that during my training rica and Ibuki have dismantled the monsters and I didn't realize?

It seems that I have been neglecting some things while focusing only on training, I have to pay more attention to the girls from now on.

I go to the boxes where the books are kept and read their titles, I choose the book on woodworking to finish reading, I want to build some furniture to put in the cabin.

Now that I have the various tools the girls brought I can finally build these things, but first I want to finish reading this book.


I spent half the day reading books, I read the woodwork and the forge, what the girls told me about gun maintenance is written here, it is also written that there are two ways to forge with metal.

The first is melting the metal and throwing it into a mold, this way of forging is fast but it decreases the quality of the final item, it is usually only used to manufacture items in bulk.

The second mode is the old way, a blacksmith forging everything with his hammer without using molds, this process is slow but results in an item of higher quality and durability, the quality of the final item depends exclusively on the skills of the blacksmith.

I already imagined this, but what surprised me is that there are several skills to forge, the skill of hammer technique is not only used for combat but also in forging weapons and equipment, blacksmiths also have great physical strength and resistance to heat, the book declares that the greatest blacksmiths are the Dwarves with a few exceptions, that's because they already possess these qualities from birth.

I also learned a little more about the woodworkers in this world.

The carpenters in this world are divided into two types, those who work with furniture and construction, these are those found in all cities and the second type are those who work in the construction of weapons and equipment.

The second type seems to be highly valued as it is more difficult to find, they use wood to build bows, arrows, wands, and staffs.

The point is that there are many types of wood in this world, there are magic and spiritual trees, there are also monsters that are made of wood like Wood Golems or Wood Elementals, they may look the same and have similar appearances, but the way to look. defeating is quite different, the golem needs to rip out or destroy the core and the elemental has to use elemental attacks to hurt it.

Another thing I learned is that either blacksmiths or woodworkers can put skills or spells on the weapons and equipment they make, there are three ways to do that.

The first way is to awaken the power that is already contained in the materials, this process they can do on their own.

The second way is to use monster core to add one or more characteristics to the weapon, for example, if the monster is from some element your core can make the weapon acquire affinity with that element, this makes the techniques, abilities, and spells of that element stronger as the owner of the weapon use it.

The third mode needs an Alchemist, they can make what is described as crystal cards, these cards can add abilities or spells to the weapons and equipment that are made.

The books don't explain much about these crystal letters, it looks like I'll have to get more books in the future.

It seems that breeding jobs are not as easy as I thought, if it wasn't for my ability to learn skills from eating others I wouldn't even try to learn about them.

At first, I ordered these books thinking I would be able to learn easily and start creating things, but after reading these books I realized I was wrong, I think I will have to find someone to forge weapons and armor for me.

If I'm not mistaken Kira talked about an auction that will take place in a few months hosted by the Black Market, according to her they even sell illegal slaves, if this is an annual auction they must sell high-priced slaves which must be rare or have excellent skills.

To be honest, the idea of selling is buying people makes me sick to my stomach, but I need one or two people who can create and fix items for me and the girls.

I have to think about the future, whatever I do in this world I will need support, I will not only need warriors and wizards like I am now but also people who can support me, whether healing us or creating and repairing our equipment.

People always despise the creation-oriented classes and jobs in games from my old world, I never understood why.

In every fantasy game that existed in my ancient world, there were always two items that were used the most, are the HP and MP potions, whatever class or job the person chose in the games they always used these potions daily many times.

Not only potions, the best items in any game always had to be created by creation classes, be it weapons, armor, or any other item, but even so, very few people chose classes and jobs aimed at creating what was a feather.

In this world, these works are even more important, especially for me who am unable to enter cities, for now, so I will try to buy these illegal slaves at the Black Market auction, as soon as the girls bring me they will use my skill to make it as my servants, I'm sorry to have to do this, but I can't afford to think right or wrong about everything.

What I can do in return is treat them as well as the girls, I won't exploit them or force them to do anything they don't want to, as long as they work properly I won't impose anything on them anymore.

Even if I move to a city I will have to keep a low profile, so having someone around to create things in our group will be better than buying or ordering from others.


In the end, this rest day was very useful, I was able to learn more about the creative work and plan what to do after we deal with this undead.

Kira and Diana returned towards dusk with their clothes stained with blood, but I don't see any tears in the clothes, so it must be monster blood, so I tell them to come in and we all sit down to discuss the next plans.

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