With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 123 To Serve

Duanmu Yi didn't quite understand at first what her mother meant, but then she revealed a shocked look of understanding as it clicked in her head.

She looked down at Lin Fan and then looked back at her mother before she was about to say something. However, before she could say anything, her mother covered her mouth again.

Duanmu Ming Yue gave a gesture to be silent before pulling Duanmu Yi out of the room. Then she said, "Even if I gave them a drug to help them sleep, it won't be good if you make too much noise."

That was the reason why Duanmu Yi was even able to sneak into Lin Fan's room in the first place.

If it wasn't for the drug that Duanmu Ming Yue had put in their food, it would have been impossible for her to sneak into the room of these cultivators.

As cultivators, they had much more refined senses than normal people. If someone without cultivation like Duanmu Yi were to sneak into their room, it wouldn't take much sound for them to notice her and wake up.

But Duanmu Ming Yue had given them a sleep aid drug that would keep them asleep even if there were small noises.

Still, it wasn't as if Duanmu Ming Yue could give them too strong of a drug or they would immediately notice and become suspicious of her. So if there was too much noise, then they would still wake up.

She had done all of this just so she could sneak into Lin Fan's room and take a good look at him without any disturbances, but she had never thought that her daughter would ruin her plan. However, this did let her discover something quite interesting, so she wasn't that upset about her plan being ruined.

Duanmu Ming Yue brought Duanmu Yi to her room before letting her go and uncovering her mouth.

Duanmu Yi didn't hesitate at all to start asking questions since her mind was already filled with them.

First, there was the drug that her mother had mentioned. What was with that?

Then there was the fact that she had asked if she wanted a new papa? What did she mean by that?

As well as many other different questions that filled Duanmu Yi's mind.

Duanmu Ming Yue just waited for Duanmu Yi to finish her spew of questions before saying, "Are you calm now?"

Duanmu Yi was taken aback by how calm her mother was, but she still took a deep breath and gave a nod.

Duanmu Ming Yue revealed a smile and said, "What else do you think I can mean when I ask you if you want a new papa?"

Duanmu Yi immediately came forward and said, "Mom, you can't do that! He's mine! You can't steal him from me!"

Duanmu Ming Yue just patted Duanmu Yi on the head to calm her down before saying, "Why can't we just share him?"

Duanmu Yi was once again taken aback before lowering her head and saying, "I can't compete with mom when it comes to beauty. Not to mention, would he still want me if he had you? I'm your daughter, so if he already had you, I would be his daughter as well. But I don't just want to be his daughter, I want to be much more."

Duanmu Ming Yue patted Duanmu Yi on the head again to comfort her as she said, "For a man as great as him, do you think that he would be satisfied with just one woman? You can see by the girls that came with him." Then she said in a somewhat strange tone, "We should just think about how to serve a man as great as him."

Duanmu Yi looked at Duanmu Ming Yue with a strange look, but Duanmu Ming Yue kept going, "As for whether he would want you or not, you're my daughter, so you should have confidence in yourself. Plus mom will help you, so you just have to listen to mom."

Duanmu Yi still looked hesitant, but as Duanmu Ming Yue kept talking, she was slowly being convinced by her.

Duanmu Ming Yue patted her on the head again before saying, "Xiao Yi, just listen to me and mom will take care of everything, alright?"

Duanmu Yi gave a hesitant nod before saying, "Un, I'll listen to you."

Duanmu Ming Yue turned her around and picked up a brush before she started helping her fix her hair. During this, she said, "Xiao Yi, why don't you tell me about everything that you love about him. Don't hold back, just tell mom everything that you feel."

Duanmu Yi's eyes lit up when she heard this and as if the gates of the dam in her heart were opened, all her emotions started pouring out.

For normal people, this kind of heavy love might have been suffocating, but Duanmu Ming Yue just listened to her daughter's heavy emotions with a smile on her face. That was because inside of her heart, the emotions that she felt weren't any less heavy.

She could still remember that moment when he had first appeared.

She had been fading in and out of consciousness when that figure cloaked in light had appeared. That figure had raised one hand and had placed something in her mouth.

She didn't have the strength to resist, nor did she have the will to resist. She had been in the abyss of despair and she was willing to try anything as long as she could escape this abyss of despair, returning to the land of living again.

The thing that this figure cloaked in light put in her mouth quickly dissolved after entering and she could feel a cool stream entering into her stomach. After reaching her stomach, this cool stream quickly spread all over her body and the pain that filled her body started to reside.

​ Slowly but surely, the pain faded until she couldn't feel it anymore.

Not only that, the weak feeling that filled her also receded and she slowly regained her strength. She was able to crawl out of the abyss of despair and regain her hope.

When no one had been around, she had even burst out in tears of happiness over being dragged out and freed from this abyss of hope.

That figure of light that had cured her, that had become everything for her. That figure of light was her saviour and that figure of light had been Lin Fan.

He had pulled her from her abyss and had given her her life back.

He had become everything for her.

From the moment that she recovered, she had already made up her mind to serve Lin Fan with everything that she had. She would give her mind, body, and soul to him, no matter what.

After all, he was the only thing that was left for her in this world.

So to ensure that she could give everything to him, she had to figure out a way to serve him. But not just her, she would make sure that her daughter would also serve him because for them, he was the only one.

It was these kinds of twisted thoughts that filled Duanmu Ming Yue's mind and it was also these kinds of twisted thoughts that she was passing down to her daughter.

While Lin Fan slept, there were two notifications that appeared.

Both of them were to tell him about affection increases, but they were different from all the other notifications that he had received before.

That was because instead of the normal ten or twenty increase, these two were both increases of one hundred. It was maxed out affection.

This was something that had never happened before, so he didn't know what form this affection would take. But it was certainly bad for him that he didn't notice it or else he could have been prepared for what came later.


Another few days passed before there was a caravan that suddenly came into town.

To Lin Fan's surprise, he found that the one leading this caravan was Yue Lan.

He had known that this caravan was coming since Yue Lan had sent him a letter informing him that it would be coming, but he had thought that it would be led by one of her subordinates instead.

After all, she was currently running his business in Sunset City and he had seen how busy she was, so it was unlikely that she would be able to come all the way here.

But here she was standing in front of him.

However, she wasn't happy when she saw him.

She raised the letter that he had sent her and said, "You're telling me that you've found a new business opportunity here and you wanted me to send support for it? You didn't even bother telling me what it was or giving me any idea of what you need? How did you expect me to send anything?"

Lin Fan just revealed an awkward smile as he said, "Well, I didn't really know what I would need. I was going to tell the subordinate you sent about the business and then have them follow up with you."

Yue Lan gave a soft snort before saying, "Tell me yourself what this business is then. Did you really think that I would run a business without understanding what it is myself?"

Lin Fan just had the same awkward smile as he tried to calm her down, but the fact of the matter was that Yue Lan wasn't actually angry. She was happy that she would be useful to Lin Fan and she was just trying to cover up her shyness with this fake anger.

Lin Fan led Yue Lan into the village and then showed her around while telling her about his plan. Then the final thing he did was show her the little surprise that he had been preparing under the village.

When Yue Lan saw this, her mind started to quickly turn and it didn't take her long before she suddenly came up with a plan.

Her eyes lit up as she said, "We're going to be rich!"

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