With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 135 Change In Mission

After they finished inspecting the dungeon, it only took Tian Tian two weeks to come back with the staff from the Mercenary Guild.

But that was very shocking already.

After all, it took a week to head back to Sunset City and another week to come back to the town.

So this meant that Tian Tian hadn't spent any time in Sunset City and had forced the people she had brought with her to rush back to Sunset City and rush back to the town.

When they arrived, Lin Fan could see how tired everyone was, so he immediately had someone bring them to the inn to let them rest. However, Tian Tian wouldn't go to the inn, she insisted on seeing the new site of the Mercenary Guild branch that Lin Fan had prepared for them.

Seeing how she wouldn't take no for an answer, Lin Fan had no choice but to be dragged to the building by her.

This was a large building that Lin Fan had the villagers build over the past two weeks.

With most of the harvest done already, the villagers were happy to do this since it was something for them to do. Not to mention that with the Mercenary Guild branch here, it would be much safer for them.

So the building had turned out much better than Lin Fan had even expected.

When Tian Tian came in, she couldn't help being surprised by how well made this building was.

This was a building that was three stories tall and took up even more space than the branch in Sunset City. It had been built right in the new center of the town, right beside the new town hall that they had built, so this could be considered the best spot that the town had to offer. Though it wasn't as close to the dungeon as Tian Tian would have wanted it.

Still, she could sense the sincerity that went into this building and she wasn't an ungrateful person.

After she finished going through the building, she gave a satisfied nod and rushed back to the inn.

Lin Fan had a bad premonition when he saw this, but he still followed behind her.

As soon as she arrived at the inn, she burst into the dining hall where the Mercenary Guild staff had just settled down for a meal after their bath.

The moment that they saw her, they had the same bad premonition that Lin Fan had.

Tian Tian looked at them and said, "What are you all waiting for? The building has already been prepared, let's go and set it up!"

Everyone's expressions fell when they heard this.

They had feared that this was the case as soon as they saw how excited Tian Tian was, but it really had been a hard journey for them. They had slept as little as possible just so they could reach the town sooner.

That was what had allowed them to make the trip in just six days.

Tian Tian had stayed in Sunset City for two days preparing everything, so she had to rush back in six days and rush here in six days. By all accounts, she should have been the one that was the most tired, but now she was the one with the most energy.

Since they knew that they couldn't convince her otherwise, the only thing that these people could do was turn to Lin Fan with looks of pleading.

Everyone had naturally heard about the relationship between Tian Tian and Lin Fan, it  was actually quite the story in Sunset City.

After all, Tian Tian was famous for one thing and that was her choice in men. Or to be more precise, her very high standards for men…

As the beautiful receptionist of the Mercenary Guild, there have naturally been many men who had tried to court Tian Tian before. However, no matter what kind of quality they had, they had never seen anyone succeed.

So when the news that Tian Tian was actually with someone was spread, no one could believe it at first.

They couldn't understand just what Tian Tian saw in Lin Fan…Well, he was quite handsome, they had to give him that. But beyond that, it didn't seem like he had much…Well, he was also powerful and he had demonstrated that to everyone at the Mercenary Guild already.

Then there was the store that he owned, the one that was slowly becoming famous in Sunset City. The one that everyone praised for all their novel products that couldn't be found anywhere else.

So he had looks, power, and money…Maybe it wasn't that hard to understand why she was interested in him.

Lin Fan saw this and shook his head with a bitter smile before coming forward to say, "I'm sure that everyone is tired after their long journey. How about we let everyone have a meal first before getting to work?"

Then he came in and took Tian Tian by the waist as he said, "I'm sure that even you're tired, right?"

Tian Tian looked up at Lin Fan with an unwilling look, but she knew that he was right. She was indeed tired, but she had the adrenaline pumping in her, making her unwilling to stop.

But it wasn't as if everyone else was the same.

If she forced them to work without any food or rest first, then it was very likely that an incident would occur.

Since that was the case, Tian Tian finally acceded and sat down for a meal along with everyone else.

Seeing this, everyone looked at Lin Fan with looks of gratitude before turning back to their meals.

Of course, their free time didn't last long. As soon as they had finished their meals, Tian Tian immediately pulled them all to the new Mercenary Guild branch building and started putting them to work.

There were many things to set up and many documents to organize, but it only took them a single day to get everything ready.

It was also a good thing since the following day, the mercenaries started arriving.

After confirming the details of the dungeon, the Mercenary Guild in Sunset City had

started spreading information on the dungeon to their mercenaries. It didn't take much for people to sense the money that they could make from seizing this opportunity, so there were mercenaries that quickly gathered supplies and headed here.

When they arrived, they were shocked by the town that they saw.

They had thought that they would have to suffer living in a remote village for a few days while exploring the dungeon, but they never thought that there would be such a developed town in this place.

Of course, it wasn't as if they were unhappy about it.

Even the prices of the town were much better than they had expected.

Then there was the new Mercenary Guild branch that was set up here. They found that it was even bigger than the branch in Sunset City and had facilities that were just as good.

They were even surprised to see that Tian Tian was also here.

Tian Tian had been sent here as the new temporary branch manager of this Mercenary Guild branch since she was the one that had the closest relationship with Lin Fan. The Mercenary Guild was trusting her to communicate with the people of the town and ensure that everything ran smoothly.

When Lin Fan entered the Mercenary Guild, he found that there were already plenty of people walking around. It was almost as lively as the Mercenary Guild in Sunset City.

Naturally he was happy to see this since this meant that his plan was proceeding smoothly. However, his sharp eyes did pick up that some of them had strange auras to them…

If his guesses weren't wrong, these people shouldn't be mercenaries, but rather people sent from various families and organizations to investigate this place. They should have also heard the rumours of the dungeon and have sensed the money making opportunities that came with this dungeon.

Since the Mercenary Guild had already made their move, these families and organizations weren't willing to sit on their hands and watch as the Mercenary Guild gained all the benefits. They would try to take as much of the benefits for themselves as possible.

But Lin Fan didn't care about that since it didn't seem like they were planning on starting anything.

It seemed like these people were just here to investigate for now and didn't plan on taking any drastic measures, so he could accept their presence. In fact, he even wanted more of these people to come because the more people that came, the safer it would be.

With more and more factions taking notice, they would send people and create an equilibrium of power in the town. With this equilibrium of power, it would be hard for any single faction to take action without being attacked by everyone else.

So he was planning on using the various factions to impede each other.

Naturally that included the Mercenary Guild as well.

While he had a good relationship with the Mercenary Guild and was close to Tian Tian and Tian Xue, the two of them were still only small pieces in the Mercenary Guild. There were still many different people who were above the two of them, so it was hard to guarantee that the Mercenary Guild wouldn't turn on him one day.

So he wanted to get as many pieces as possible before that day came.

Still, for now, there was nothing that he could do, so he headed over to the mission board.

He had been trapped in the two for close to two months, so he wanted to take a mission to stretch his limbs.

But the moment that he came over to the board, there was a mission that caught his attention.

It was a mission that he had seen before, the mission to capture Xiao Yue.

However, this time, the contents had changed from capturing Xiao Yue to killing her!

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