With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 2 Snow Rabbit

p After this, Lin Fan turned his attention to the two other skills.

He could understand the Appraisal Eye skill since it was a skill that was very common in novels and animes.

But as for the first skill, the Love Gauge Taming, he couldn't understand it at all. He could understand what the word taming was, but the love gauge part completely lost him.

Even the description of the skill that the system gave him was still confusing.

Love Gauge Taming (Max):

Can be used to tame anything as long as the love gauge for the target has reached a certain amount. Targets with stronger mental will require higher affection before being tamed.


Did that mean that he would have to make whatever he was taming fall in love with him before he could tame them?

But what if they were male?...

He didn't swing that way…

Still, there was no point in staying here any longer since this was a place without anything that he needed to survive. He had already spent long enough sitting there in a daze and time wasn't going to stop for him.

If he didn't make a move and find some food and shelter, he might not even be able to make the night.

Lin Fan stood up and looked around himself, but since there was nothing in sight, he finally decided to just start walking in a random direction.

As he started walking, he found that this body was much more athletic than his old body on Earth. His old body on Earth couldn't have been considered out of shape, but this body was just too high spec to compare. However, this was to be expected since it was a body that had stats that were all above average.

After walking for around a minute, Lin Fan started to adapt to this body and started running at a speed that far surpassed the speed of his old body. He was running at a speed that could even rival the top athletes on Earth.

Not to mention that after running for five minutes at this speed, he found that he wasn't out of breath at all.

He was currently running at around twenty five kilometers per hour, which was around the average that top short sprinter athletes ran at, so it only took him a little more than ten minutes to run around five kilometers, which was the distance that it would take for something to be out of sight.

While he had been running, he started seeing a small dot appear in the horizon which slowly turned into a patch of trees in the distance. As he slowly came closer and closer, that patch became bigger and bigger until it became an entire forest.

Once Lin Fan came to the edge of the forest, he stopped running and started scouting around the area.

After all, while forests did have the necessary items for him to survive, that didn't mean that they would be safe since forests were also filled with wild animals. Not to mention that based on his memories, this was a cultivation world, which meant that there were surely things like spirit beasts that roamed the forest as well.

Without finding a safe place to go, it would be equal to walking into the lion's den.

Just like this, he walked along the edge of the forest until he finally came across a path that led into the forest.

This path actually led across the plains that he had just been on, but because it was close to a kilometer away and was hidden by the tall grass, he hadn't been able to see it.

However this path was clearly human made, which meant that as long as he followed it, he would be able to reach a human civilization.

While there were still problems such as not having any money…For now, he would deal with them when they came up.

After all, sometimes worrying too much meant that nothing would get done.

So without any hesitation, Lin Fan set off on the path.

He started out walking just to be safe, but after heading down the path for a few minutes and confirming that there was nothing to fear, he started moving faster and faster until he was running again.

He ran along for a full hour and he still wasn't able to reach the end of the path, but he did stop midway.

As he was running, Lin Fan suddenly felt the temperature in the area drop and he couldn't help stopping. When he stopped and looked around the area, he found that there was a strong scent of blood in the air.

He wasn't sure where that smell was coming from, but he was sure that it wasn't coming from the road, so he started looking around the sides of the road. Eventually he was able to find a few specks of blood that led off into the forest.

Following this trail of blood, Lin Fan felt the air around him get colder and colder until he could even see his breath in the air.

Even though it was getting colder and he was only wearing a simple hanfu robe, he found that he didn't feel as cold as he should.

This body really was much stronger than his old one, so he really had to thank the god of Earth for choosing it for him.

After a minute of walking, Lin Fan reached the end of the trail of blood where he found a snow white rabbit lying there in a pool of its own blood.

At first Lin Fan thought that the rabbit lying there was dead since it had its eyes closed and it didn't seem to be breathing, but when he approached, the rabbit suddenly opened its eyes and looked at him with a hostile gaze.

Lin Fan could guess that the chill around him was coming from this little rabbit on the ground, which meant that this should be some kind of spirit beast. Spirit beasts were beasts that were on the same level as cultivators, they were not things mortals like him should approach.

But seeing the way the little rabbit looked lying there in a pool of its own blood, he couldn't help feeling sorry for it.

In the end, he slowly approached the little rabbit while raising his hands to show that he meant no harm.

If the little rabbit had been able to move, it would have attacked, but it was too weak to even move a single paw, not to mention attacking. The only thing that it could do was glare at Lin Fan with that wary look.

Once he came close enough, there was a popup that suddenly appeared in front of him, jumping up from the little rabbit.

Snow Rabbit: Grade 1 Magic Beast

Level: 1

HP: 5/45

MP: 0/100

Strength: 6

Vitality: 14

Agility: 20

Intelligence: 30

Innate Skills: Frost Aura

Skills: Ice Shot, Ice Mirror, Blizzard

A rabbit from the land of magic imbued with the power of ice. Legends say that it is a descendant of the rabbits from the moon.

Affection: -10 (Wary)

The moment Lin Fan saw this window appear in front of his eyes, he couldn't help blinking and then blinking again to confirm it.

There were many terms that he wasn't familiar with that had suddenly appeared in front of him.

Magic Beast? Land of magic? Levels? Affection?

Well, not the last one since he guessed that the affection part was related to his other skill…But the rest were all new terms to him.

As far as he knew, this was a world of cultivation and cultivation was the only way to gain power. He had never heard of anyone using magic in this world before.

Could it be that this world of cultivation wasn't the only world that was present?

He had heard of this before!

This was like in those cultivation novels where there were different minor realms with different methods of training. It wouldn't be strange if there was a magic realm at all.

Did that mean that his dream of having an owl deliver his acceptance letter…His dream of becoming a wizard wasn't just a dream?

After indulging in his thoughts a bit, Lin Fan was pulled back to reality when he remembered that there was still the Snow Rabbit that was dying in a pool of its own blood.

He came right up to the little rabbit and found that there were two large gashes on its legs that had been pouring out blood. The amount of blood that the little rabbit had lost was already at a dangerous level and if he didn't stop it, it would most certainly die.

Though, Lin Fan didn't feel good about the little rabbit's chances of surviving in the first place.

Still, he had decided to help it, so he would be a good person to the end.

But when he was about to help it, he realized that there was a problem.

He didn't have anything to help it with!

He himself, or rather the previous owner of this body, had been dumped in the middle of nowhere after being poisoned and he had been given nothing since they expected him to die.

Without any medical supplies, how was he supposed to save the little rabbit?

Then looking down at his hands, or rather his arms, he suddenly had an idea.

Without any hesitation, Lin Fan ripped the sleeves of his clothes to create bandages and clothes which he used to press on the little rabbit's bleeding wounds.

Lin Fan was really glad that he had signed up for those first aid classes back in high school. If he hadn't, he really wouldn't have known what to do.

The little rabbit winced and revealed an even more hateful glare at first, but then it realized what Lin Fan was doing and the wariness in its eyes lessened. It was still vigilant towards Lin Fan, but it could at least tell that Lin Fan was trying to help it.

After seeing the bleeding slow down, Lin Fan quickly ran over to the river that was beside them and soaked a few of the strips in the clear water. He wasn't sure if the water in the river was clean, but at least this running water would be cleaner than a pool of still water.

Once he had these wet strips, he came back over to the little rabbit and helped it clean out its wounds before bandaging them up.

By the time he was finished, he saw that the little rabbit's HP had already gone down to 2/45…

At the very least, it was still alive…

It was at this time that there was another popup that appeared.

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