With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 4 Bandits

Of course, he did open the portal since he was curious about what this so-called Pet Storage Space was like.

The portal that appeared was just like the one that he had seen in the game Diablo, a blue circle that led to nowhere. He tried looking through it to see what was on the other side, but all he saw was the blue of the portal in front of him.

Seeing that this was the case, Lin Fan decided to trust the system since it hadn't guided him wrong so far.

He stuck his head into the portal and when it came out on the other side, the first thing that he saw was the vast emptiness in front of him. There was nothing there, it was just complete darkness that was spread across in front of him.

However, when he looked down, he found that there was indeed something in this space.

There was a floating island in this vast emptiness that was around the size of two football fields that were placed side by side.

Then when he looked up, he saw that there was a floating ball of light that was providing light just to this one space alone. The light that came from the floating ball of light didn't go past the boundaries of the floating island.

On the floating islands themselves, there was only grass that covered the ground and nothing else. The islands were nothing more than floating fields without any living beings among them.

Lin Fan brought his entire body through and walked along the fields, but it didn't take him long to reach the end since it was only a 100m2 space.

Once he was on the edge of the island, he looked down over the edge and all he could see was the darkness of the void.

After getting used to this space, Lin Fan went back out and brought the Snow Rabbit into the space.

The Snow Rabbit was still weak from its injuries, but the moment that it was brought into the space, it was as if it had been injected with steroids and it was filled with energy.

The Snow Rabbit jumped out of Lin Fan's arms and landed on the soft grass, rolling around in it as if it was having the time of its life.

Lin Fan was worried that its injuries would open up again, but when he looked at its legs, he was surprised. The juice of the grass that the Snow Rabbit was rolling around it coated the wounds like medicine and it was healing at a visible rate.

Lin Fan immediately asked in his mind, "System, what's going on here?"

"Host, the Pet Storage Space has the ability to heal pets that scales with the level of the Pet Storage Space."

Lin Fan was surprised to hear this, but he was also excited since this was definitely a good thing for him.

He could already see the wound healing at level 1, then if the Pet Storage Space was maxed out, wouldn't he be able to heal critically injured pets in a matter of minutes?

Then Lin Fan couldn't help asking, "System, does the Pet Storage Space have any other abilities? Like the ability to make it so that pets don't need water or food?"

The system immediately replied, "Host, please properly feed your pets. Please don't make the system contact PETA."

Lin Fan didn't know what to say in response to this since he knew that the system was right, but he couldn't help muttering, "Is there even PETA in this world?"

But still, he knew how to appreciate what he had.

Since this Pet Storage Space was already able to store pets and heal them, that was already enough for it to be considered a cheat.

,m Then Lin Fan began to wonder if he could bring anything else into the space.

Leaving the Snow Rabbit to roll around in the grass, Lin Fan left the space through the portal and picked up the berries and water he had left outside before bringing them into the space.

As he had expected, the berries and water followed him in without any changes.

It seemed that not only could this space be used to store his pets, he could even use this space to store items. To put it simply, this space was a small world for him to develop how he wanted!

Did that mean that he could even bring in seeds and plant trees here?

Or could he even build a house in this place?

There were many different possibilities that filled Lin Fan's mind, but in the middle of thinking about them, he suddenly gave a yawn.

He realized just how tired he was after the day that he had gone through, so without thinking much about anything else, Lin Fan decided to go to sleep.

The only problem was that he didn't have anything to wrap himself up while he was sleeping.

He had been thrown into the wilderness alone because he had been left to die, so of course they wouldn't think about his comfort and throw a blanket to him.

But when Lin Fan sat there for a bit, he realized that he wasn't cold at all compared to when he was outside this space. It was as if this space had its own heating system and it kept it at a perfect temperature for him.

Even if he didn't have a blanket, he wouldn't get sick if he were to sleep out in the field.

So in the end, Lin Fan picked up the Snow Rabbit before lying down to go to sleep.

When the Snow Rabbit felt someone picking it up, it opened its eyes a bit to see who it was. However, when it saw that it was Lin Fan, it didn't care as it closed its eyes again.

Lin Fan quickly drifted off to sleep because this day had been tiring for him.

When he woke up, he felt a soft paw slapping his face.

Opening his eyes, he saw the cute little paw falling onto his face again.

It was a "slap", but it really didn't hurt since all it was trying to do was wake him up.

Lin Fan sat up after being woken up by the Snow Rabbit who had woken up and wanted to get out of Lin Fan's grasp.

After opening his arms and letting the Snow Rabbit go, Lin Fan looked around himself before remembering that he was in his Pet Storage Space.

He took some of the water that he brought in with him to freshen up before opening the return portal to leave this space.

Before he did leave though, he opened up the status for the Snow Rabbit and found that its HP had already been restored to 30/45. It would most likely be fully healed in just another day of staying in the Pet Storage Space.

He could even see that its wound had mostly closed, with only a tiny little bit of red left on the skin.

So he left it in the Pet Storage Space to heal while he went out to check what time it was.

When he came out, he saw that the sun was already rising to the east and the forest around him was slowly lighting up. The fire that he had created last night had already burnt out, but he couldn't see any beast tracks on the ground, so that must have meant that it had lasted long enough to keep the other beasts away.

After taking a moment to get his bearings, Lin Fan thought about what to do today.

As he was thinking, he suddenly heard a voice ringing out through the woods.

The moment he heard this voice, he immediately squatted down and turned in the direction of the voice.

As he listened carefully, he heard the sounds of horse hooves and carriage wheels coming from the road.

He made his way to the side of the road, hiding behind a bush as he looked in the direction the sounds came from. He didn't see anything immediately, but soon there was a horse carriage with several large men around it that was coming down the road.

Based on the way they were dressed and the weapons that they carried, Lin Fan could immediately tell that they weren't good people.

It was most likely not a good idea for them to notice him…

So Lin Fan squatted down in that bush and made as little noise as possible, waiting for them to pass.

As they came closer, he could hear the conversation that they were having more clearly.

"If it wasn't for you letting that Snow Rabbit run away, we wouldn't be in this mess!" The person that clearly looked like the leader shouted at one of the men beside him.

That man had an awkward look on his face, but then he said, "Isn't it fine? We got the goods for young master Shen in the end. It won't matter once we deliver them, right?"

The boss glared at that person and shouted, "If it wasn't for you messing up in the first place, would we have had to do all this extra work? If it wasn't for you, I would already be having fun in the brothel instead of having to work all night."

The subordinate revealed a flattering smile and said, "Now, now boss, I know a good girl that I can introduce you to when we get back. She's got some really big assets that I'm sure that you will love."

The boss revealed a lewd smile and said, "You're the one who said it! If you go back on your word, see how I take care of you!"

The group of bandits continued along the path, moving past the bush that Lin Fan was sitting in. It seemed like they were about to pass by him without any issues at all, but then there was a voice that rang out behind Lin Fan.

He could hear the sound of a weapon being placed to his back and the slight poke of the tip of something as a voice said, "It seems like we have a little rat hiding here."

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