With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 51 Water Dragon’s Back Story

Lin Fan was completely caught off guard when he heard this.

A dragon was calling a little rabbit beautiful?

This really went against the common sense that he had.

Lin Fan couldn't help taking a look at Xiao Yue and seeing the surprised look on her face, he knew that it wasn't just him. This wasn't just something that was strange because he came from Earth, it was something that was strange even in this world.

The Snow Rabbit however completely ignored the Water Dragon as she summoned some ice that wrapped around its wound. After letting the ice stop the bleeding, she used her nose to nudge Lin Fan, bringing him back to his senses.

Seeing that she had already used her ice to stop the Water Dragon's bleeding, Lin Fan came forward to help wrap up its wound.

However, the Water Dragon looked at Lin Fan with a hostile look when he came over.

While it was still afraid of Lin Fan, it still felt angry towards him after seeing the close relationship between the Snow Rabbit and Lin Fan.

Lin Fan hit the Water Dragon on the head and said, "What are you thinking?" Then he came forward to help the Water Dragon bandage its wounds.

The Water Dragon was once again stunned when it was hit on the head, but then its mind quickly turned as it figured out the situation. It didn't waste any time to hug Lin Fan's leg as it said, "Master, you truly are a great man."

Lin Fan shook his head when he heard this.

He had never planned on using a honey trap, but now it seemed like the honey trap had worked a little too well."

Lin Fan just said with a bitter smile, "Stay still while I wrap up your wounds."

The Water Dragon let go of Lin Fan's leg right away and laid there, letting him bandage it up.

,m It didn't take long since it was only a single wound, but once it was done, Lin Fan could see the HP bar of the Water Dragon shooting up.

It seemed like it really was much more effective to bandage the wound before letting the Pet Storage Space heal his pets.

Since that was done and they had some time now, Lin Fan looked at the Water Dragon and asked, "What is your story? Why did you come to this place?"

Lin Fan had seen how similar the Water Dragon's status screen had been to the Snow Rabbit. So there was no doubt that this Water Dragon most likely came from the same place.

The Snow Rabbit's description said that it came from a land of magic, which was clearly a different place from this land of cultivation. So there should be a story as to why this Water Dragon had appeared in this place.

The Water Dragon gave a sigh before saying, "It's a long story."

Lin Fan just brought over a cushion before patting it and saying, "We have time."

The Water Dragon sat down on the cushion before it began its story.

In the first place, it wasn't a creature that was born in this place, it was born in a completely different land.

In fact, there were actually six different lands that made up this world, but they were all separated by barriers. It was very hard to travel between these lands, but the Water Dragon had done it.

The land that it came from was known as the Magic Realm while this land was known as the Cultivation Realm.

They were known by these names because of the different systems of gaining power that were used in these lands.

The Magic Realm relied on developing one's magic and used a level up system to increase their power. Anyone could level up as long as they defeated their opponents, regardless of who their opponents were, even if they were humans…In fact, it was usually humans that gave the most HP since humans were the most aggressive in hunting what they considered "monsters".

For this Cultivation Realm, naturally the main method of increasing one's power was to cultivate.

Lin Fan was curious about what the other lands were, but the Water Dragon shook its head to show that it didn't know much about the other lands since all the information that it had gotten was from its tribe. However, it got separated from its tribe at a young age.

As for how it was separated…

When it was still young, much younger than it currently was, it had a very adventurous spirit, so it had explored many places without anyone accompanying it. It had gone to many different caves, forests, and even deep into the sea.

However, on one of these trips, it had gotten caught up in a trap while it had been exploring some ruins.

The Water Dragon had never seen this trap before and it was unable to get out of the trap. Before it could react to what had happened, everything around it had suddenly lit up.

When it could see what was happening again, the Water Dragon had found that it had been teleported to a completely different place.

The Water Dragon didn't know where it was at first, so it tried wandering around to see if it could find any familiar landmarks to find its way home. However, everything that it found was unfamiliar to it.

Finally when it encountered some humans, it thought that it would be able to use the fact that it was a dragon to scare them into giving it information. After all, back in the Magic Realm, the humans had been terrified of dragons and gave them whatever they demanded.

However, when it encountered these humans, they attacked it without a single word. They didn't even let the Water Dragon say a thing.

It was a good thing that the Water Dragon was stronger than them, so it had been able to chase them off in the end.

However, no matter how many times the Water Dragon tried to contact the humans to find a way back home, there were never any humans that tried to talk to the Water Dragon. They had always treated the Water Dragon as prey to hunt down.

Naturally, the Water Dragon couldn't take this with its pride, so it went on a rampage and destroyed several villages.

Eventually, it was able to find this lake and this had been where it had settled over the past ten years. That was until today when the Water Dragon had suddenly felt the dangerous aura from Gramr and attacked Lin Fan.

Everything after that was what Lin Fan already knew.

When Lin Fan finished listening to the story, what he was surprised by wasn't the continent, but rather the fact that the Water Dragon was older than him in terms of years.

The Water Dragon was actually over a hundred years old, but even then, it was still considered a child.

That was just how it was with races that had long lifespans like the dragons.

The other thing of note was that the Water Dragon was a male and it had glanced over at Shiro several times during its story.

Lin Fan could easily tell what the Water Dragon was thinking, it was just too bad that Shiro clearly didn't feel the same way.

When he saw the Water Dragon sneaking another peek at Shiro, Lin Fan couldn't help feeling sorry for it. He came forward and put his hand on the Water Dragon's shoulder as he said, "I'm rooting for you."

The Water Dragon revealed a confused look at first, but then it just said, "Oh, thanks." Even though it said this, it was clear that it still didn't understand what Lin Fan meant.

Lin Fan moved on to the next thing, giving the Water Dragon a name.

After thinking about it for a long time, he came up with a name that he felt was quite decent. However, before he could say that name, the Water Dragon spoke first, "I already have a name, it's @!$%^@&"

Lin Fan knitted his brows in confusion when he heard this and he asked, "Could you repeat that again?"

The Water Dragon raised a brow, but it still said, "It's @!$%^@&."

Lin Fan knitted his brows even more when he heard this, but then he suddenly thought of something, "Are you speaking in the dragon language?"

The Water Dragon gave a nod as it said, "Of course I'm speaking in the dragon language, I've been speaking the dragon language the entire time since we came in here."

Lin Fan looked over at Xiao Yue who hadn't said a single thing the entire time and asked, "Can you understand what he's saying?"

Xiao Yue revealed a confused look, "Has the dragon been talking the entire time? I haven't been able to understand a single thing."

Lin Fan realized what was happening, it was most likely a translation function from his system which allowed him to understand what the Water Dragon was saying. That was why Xiao Yue hadn't been able to participate in their conversation at all, after all, she couldn't understand what they were saying.

As for the reason the Water Dragon's name sounded like gibberish, it was because there was no human language equivalent of his name. So even when he said it, Lin Fan's automatic translation wasn't able to translate it.

Lin Fan looked back to the Water Dragon and said, "There's no human language equivalent of your name, so we won't be able to call you by that."

The Water Dragon was a bit depressed when he heard this, but he could understand why it was like this. So the Water Dragon said, "Alright, what's the name that you came up with?"

Lin Fan said, "Hayase, it means waterfall."

The Water Dragon gave a nod before saying, "Alright, I'll take that human name then."

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