With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 543 Inheritance (6)

Chapter 543 Inheritance (6)

After he had finished listening to the system's recap, Lin Fan narrowed his eyes to look at the pillar in the center of this clearing.

He was silent for a bit before asking the system, "What are the chances of executing this plan against this robot?"

The system was silent for a bit before saying, "Thirty two point three three, repeating of course."

Lin Fan's face couldn't help turning dark when he heard this before asking, "Are you serious?"

The system responded, "Of course."

Lin Fan's face twitched a few times before calming himself down.

He knew what 32.33% meant and he really felt that the system was teasing him at this point…

But he wouldn't let it get him down.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fan went over the plan one more time in his mind before turning back to look at the elders who had gathered around him.

Taking another deep breath, Lin Fan said, "I have a plan…"

Half an hour later, the elders had all spread out across the clearing.

They were completely spread out with even spacing between them, as if they were making sure that nothing would be able to trap them.

Once they were all in position, Lin Fan stepped into the clearing and started making his way towards the pillar in the center.

There was no reaction from the pillar until he was within a few meters of it.

When he was within a few meters of it, there was the same light as before that suddenly appeared around the pillar. This light grew stronger and stronger until it was concentrated on the tip of the pillar.

Once that happened, the same thing as before happened where a beam of light was shot out and a figure appeared.

As soon as this figure appeared, it started saying the same thing as before.

It seemed that this was an automated message that played whenever the pillar was activated.

Once the pillar was activated, the same thing happened where it suddenly started to transform.

Lin Fan didn't panic as he watched this pillar transform.

Instead he looked around himself to the edge of the clearing, looking at the elders to make sure that everything was prepared.

When he looked at them, all of them nodded to show that they were prepared.

Once the pillar had finished transforming, it did the same thing as before where it just stood in the center of the clearing. It looked down at Lin Fan, as if analyzing him and it was choosing what to use against him.

After a moment of silence, the pillar transformed again.

This time, instead of missile launchers appearing on the shoulders of this robot, its chest suddenly opened and there was a barrel that appeared. This seemed like the barrel of a minigun.

"The Justice Minigun." Lin Fan muttered under his breath.

After he said this, he immediately turned to run.

The robot didn't move, but the barrel seemed to follow Lin Fan as he ran.

Then the barrel suddenly started to turn as bullets made of spiritual energy suddenly flew out at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan had already expected this and had been moving in a specific pattern already.

The bullets that were shot at him all seemed to miss at the last second as if there was some kind of strange force pushing them out of the way.

But the robot never stopped shooting these bullets even though it missed.

Lin Fan hadn't been running to the edge of the clearing as he ran away from the bullets.

He had been running in a circle around the robot, causing it to spin as it followed him to shoot the bullets.

The robot kept spinning around and around without a problem, almost as if it wouldn't run out of bullets.

But even then, it still wasn't able to hit Lin Fan.

After Lin Fan had moved a bit away from the robot, the elders suddenly started attacking.

They released their attacks from outside of the range, attacking from outside the clearing.

As soon as their attacks reached the robot, the same thing as before happened where the barrier appeared around it to block these attacks.

Even with the barrier up, the minigun on the robot's chest didn't stop spinning and firing.

It really seemed like it would never run out of bullets…

Of course, Lin Fan wouldn't just keep letting the robot fire at him forever.

He was just trying to lure the robot into moving so that it would be easier for him to put his plan into action.

But it didn't seem like the robot would move…

So in the end, he had no choice but to just put his plan into action.

While he was running, Lin Fan suddenly raised his hand to give a signal.

As soon as the elders saw this signal, they all knitted their brows, but they also all ran into the clearing.

They came at the robot from different angles, throwing all kinds of attacks at it.

When they came into the clearing, the robot finally stopped shooting.

It was as if it had suddenly reacted to the appearance of all of these people and it was changing its attack plan.

The minigun that was on its chest went back into the chest compartment and after a moment of delay, its shoulders started to transform again.

It was using the same thing as before.

It was going to bring out the missile launchers.

When the elders saw this, they all released their attacks at the same time.

That was except for two of them that were focused on approaching the robot.

They rushed at the robot without a care as they were just trying to get as close as they could while everyone else was distracting it.

Then when these two came within a few meters of it, just like Lin Fan had done previously, they suddenly stomped the ground with one foot.

The moment that their feet stomped into the ground, the ground itself started to shake.

It was as if it was responding to the stomp that they had just given.

After shaking a bit, the ground itself under the robot suddenly started to move.

It came up and up, pushing the robot off the ground.

As the ground raised, the two elders couldn't help revealing looks of difficulty. It was clear that it was hard for them to lift this robot up, but they still persisted and lifted it a few meters off the ground.

When Lin Fan saw this, he immediately turned back and charged at the robot.

When Lin Fan was under it, the elders suddenly released the dirt that they had lifted up and dropped the robot down.

The robot had been transforming the entire time and it had finished transforming when the elders dropped it.

With the missile launchers on its shoulder, it seemed like it was about to shoot them even though it was dropping down to the ground.

Lin Fan had been waiting for this moment.

With one swift strike, he stabbed upwards at the robot.

The barrier was once again deployed when the robot sensed his attack and it seemed like it didn't care about it as it aimed its missile launchers.

Of course, one wouldn't think that Lin Fan would be able to break this barrier with a single stab.

All of the attacks before hadn't been able to make a single crack on the barrier, so why would this stab do it?

But that was what happened in the end.

As soon as the sword stabbed into the barrier, it shattered apart.

At the same time though, it didn't stop there.

Lin Fan's sword also stabbed into the bottom of the pillar and it kept piercing through the pillar.

It was as if there was no resistance at all as the sword cut right through the pillar robot, shattering it to pieces.

When the pieces of the robot landed on the ground, Lin Fan was just standing there with one hand up and a sword pointing up into the sky. If one looked at him from a distance, they would think that he was doing some kind of strange art.

But this was his attack that had shattered the robot.

As for how it had done it…

There was a part of the robot that was flawed at the bottom, or at least that was how the story went.

In the show, one of the villains had found this by accident and had used this weakness to destroy the robot.

It was an actual Achille's Heel since it was located right at the heel of the robot.

The show had explained it as a construction error that hadn't been fixed, but it was in reality a plot device that was used to destroy the robot for the new generation robot.

Lin Fan was just happy that whoever had designed this robot had kept this flaw.

That was how he had been able to shatter the barrier and even the robot with just a single stab.

All of the elders stared on in shock since they never expected it to be this effective.

Just a single attack was enough to destroy this robot that had given them all that trouble.

It really was hard to believe that just a single stab was enough.

But before any of them could do anything, the pieces of the robot that were on the ground suddenly started to shake.

At the same time, there was a strange glow that appeared around these pieces.

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