With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 552 Inheritance (15)

Chapter 552 Inheritance (15)

While Feng Yu continued expressing his shock, Lin Fan took this time to explain the answer to them.

The elders wouldn't stop looking at him with those strange looks, so he had no choice but to explain.

"The time of day is a symbol for a span in one's life. The morning is a symbol for the beginning of one's life, the afternoon is a symbol for the peak of one's life, the evening is a symbol for the near end of one's life, and the night is a symbol for the end of one's life." Lin Fan slowly explained.

Though he tried to explain it slowly, the elders still revealed confused looks when they heard this.

After all, this was their first time hearing something like this.

Lin Fan then slowly said, "So when it says walk on four legs in the morning, it's talking about how humans crawl on four legs when they are born."

The elders slowly had looks of understanding appear on their faces, but there was also still confusion in their eyes.

Senior Brother Ying couldn't help asking, "Then what about the three legs and no legs."

The other elders nodded along with this.

This was the thing that had confused them the most and the part that they wanted an explanation for the most.

Lin Fan gave a nod before saying, "It's referring to how people walk with a cane when they get older. The third leg is a cane. Then when it talks about walking with no legs, it's referring to when a person dies and is buried in the ground. When they die, they are no longer walking, so they have no legs."

The elders had confused looks at first when they heard this, but they slowly revealed looks of understanding as they thought this answer through.

They slowly began to understand how this answer made sense.

Lin Fan just shook his head and gave a sigh when he saw this.

He wasn't looking down on them since he knew that they didn't have a concept of riddles in the first place.

Riddles like this were for entertainment and in this cultivation world where people struggle to survive or they spent all of their time cultivating, there wasn't much in terms of entertainment in the first place.

It was why the Royal Style store was able to sell those products from his past life so well.

They provided a product for a demand that was lacking in products.

It still took a while longer before Feng Yu had stopped ranting in that shocked voice.

Lin Fan couldn't help being surprised by how long this lasted.

This was a recording which meant that the original Feng Yu had spent this long just recording the lines that had been played.

Was the original Feng Yu just playful or did he enjoy messing around.

Because at this point, it almost felt like Feng Yu was just messing with them, wasting their time with these long recordings.

Or was there a reason for these long recordings…

The moment that this thought passed through his mind, Lin Fan suddenly realized something.

It was one thing for the first recording to be long, but for the second recording to be just as long…no, for the second recording to be even longer, that must mean that there was some kind of trick to this thing, right?

Could it be that these recordings were just made to stall for time?

But if they were, what was he stalling for time for?

Was there something that would disappear in this area once time was up?

Lin Fan was about to look around when this thought entered his mind, but there wasn't time for that since Feng Yu suddenly asked the next question.

Once again, this was another famous riddle from Earth, so he had no problem answering the question.

He just picked up the stylus before any of the elders could respond and wrote down the answer in an instant.

The elders all just looked at Lin Fan in shock, but he didn't care at all.

Lin Fan had dropped the stylus back down and was already looking around the area.

He was making sure to look at every part of the clearing with his Appraisal Eyes, as if he was looking for something specific.

The elders waited for Feng Yu to say something and when he confirmed that Lin Fan's answer was correct, they all looked at him with the same shocked and confused looks as before.

But this time, Lin Fan completely ignored them.

No matter how they looked at him, Lin Fan just ignored them to look around the clearing.

A few elders noticed that something was off, so Senior Brother Ying asked, "Sect master, is something wrong?"

Lin Fan was about to shake his head, but then he gave a nod and said, "There's no time to explain. Spread out and help me look around this clearing. See if you can find anything strange."

The elders were all confused and surprised to hear this, but seeing the serious look that Lin Fan had, they followed his orders in the end.

The elders spread out all over the clearing, but they didn't know what exactly they were looking for. So all they could do was look around themselves to see if they could find anything.

But even with all of these elders helping him search, Lin Fan wasn't able to find a single thing.

It didn't seem like there was anything out of place here…

It also seemed like Feng Yu had finished stalling as he seemed like he was about to ask the next question.

Lin Fan was about to turn back to take care of this next question when he suddenly saw something out of the corner of his eyes.

He suddenly turned in the direction of the thing that he had just seen, but it disappeared as soon as he turned to look in that direction.

The elders had already gathered back around Feng Yu when they heard that he was giving the next question. But when they saw that Lin Fan wasn't coming over, they couldn't help looking concerned.

Senior Brother Ying represented them again as he asked, "Sect master, are you not going to answer the next question?"

He didn't even ask if he would listen to the next question or not, he just directly assumed that Lin Fan would be the one to answer this question.

But Lin Fan just ignored him as he started looking around for the thing that he had seen out of the corner of his eyes.

It was a flash of gold that he had seen, only it had disappeared as soon as he turned in that direction.

Now he was certain that there was something else that was here.

As he had expected, this quiz was nothing more than a distraction.

Seeing that Lin Fan wasn't listening at all, Senior Brother Ying turned to look at the other elders who had been listening to Feng Yu the entire time.

One of them came over and said, "Sect master, the riddle is…"

He just said that riddle that Feng Yu had given, in hopes that Lin Fan would have the answer.

After all, none of them was able to figure out the answer to this question.

But Lin Fan once again ignored them all as he kept looking around the area for the thing that he saw before.

As time passed, the elders couldn't help feeling more and more anxious since they were running out of time to answer the question.

Feng Yu might not have been moving, but they had been counting the time down.

When there was only a minute left and Lin Fan still wasn't doing anything, there were many of them that debated whether they should just answer on their own.

Even if they weren't certain in their answer, it was still better than nothing.

After all, they had no idea what the punishment was for not giving an answer.

Whatever it was, it was most likely better to give the wrong answer than to not give an answer at all.

So there were some elders that started moving towards the tablet.

But in the end, they didn't write anything since Senior Brother Ying stopped them.

Senior Brother Ying knew that if they wanted a chance to pass this trial, they would need the sect master's help.

So they just waited for him to do something, to do anything.

Lin Fan however just stood there looking around as if nothing would bother him.

But in the back of his mind, he knew that time was counting down…

When there were only thirty seconds left, he was about to turn and go write the answer down.

However, before he could, he saw that flash of gold once again.

When he saw that flash of gold, he immediately turned in that direction and focused everything that he had in his eyes so he could follow that streak of gold.

This time, he was able to follow it and he found that it was a strange golden ball that had wings on it.

It streaked back and forth from time to time, but it did stop once in a while so that he was able to see its true appearance.

For others, they might not recognize what this thing was, but for Lin Fan…it was impossible for him to not recognize this thing.

After all, this was from a very popular series about wizards back on Earth.

Wasn't this the golden snitch?

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