With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 556 Inheritance (19)

Chapter 556 Inheritance (19)

As they headed deeper into the desert, the elders didn't question a single thing that Lin Fan said this time.

After seeing what he had done, they knew that only he knew what to do in a place like this.

Since Lin Fan was the only one that knew what to do, then they would follow his orders without hesitation. A single moment of hesitation was all that it took for them to lose their lives.

So they wouldn't hesitate for a single second.

But there were no orders for them to follow.

They weren't able to find a single thing in the end even after trekking in the desert for several hours.

They knew that they were still heading forward since there was the feedback from the spiritual energy rope coming from behind them. However, it didn't seem like there was an end to this desert in sight.

They couldn't find a single thing different about this desert and there didn't seem to be an end on the horizon.

It was as if this desert would stretch endlessly in front of them.

Of course, it wasn't as if there wasn't a single thing here.

There were more sandworms for them to fight.

From time to time, Lin Fan would find these sandworms and would work with the elders to take them down. He would find them with his Appraisal Eyes and then have Elder Long use the Earth Tremor Technique.

Once the Earth Tremor Technique split the sand under them, revealing the sandworms, the elders worked together to take them down.

They rinse and repeated this several times until they had no problems at all doing this.

They were able to take care of the sandworms in a matter of minutes after a while.

That was just how coordinated they were and also how experienced they were with these sandworms.

They had killed enough of them that they were able to easily find the weak points of these worms and kill them in a single blow.

But killing these worms wasn't going to help them find what they were looking for.

So they were still anxious about all of this.

If it wasn't for the spiritual energy rope that was guiding them, they might have actually lost their cool.

Still, it wasn't as if they could just aimlessly wander around like this.

Lin Fan could see the way that everyone looked at him and naturally he knew what they were thinking.

He also…agreed with them.

Wandering around aimlessly like a headless chicken wasn't the way to go.

This was the way to earn them a one way trip to death, but it wasn't as if they wanted to die yet.

So Lin Fan suddenly said, "How is the rope looking?"

The elders were surprised to hear this, but Senior Brother Ying said, "Sect master, the rope is still holding up fine." After a pause, he couldn't help adding, "It should be no problem for us to follow it back."

This was his subtle way of suggesting that they should go back.

Lin Fan gave a nod and said, "Get ready to follow the rope back. There's no point in wandering around aimlessly like this."

The eyes of all the elders lit up when they heard this.

They wasted no time in following this order…but there was a problem.

When they had been prepared to follow this spiritual energy rope back, there was a sudden droop in the rope. Then all of a sudden, the spiritual energy rope disappeared without a trace.

All of the elders could only stare at this in shock, as they couldn't understand what had happened.

One moment, the rope was fine and then the next…the rope had been cut and scattered without a trace.

Just what had happened here?

They looked in the direction that the spiritual energy rope had been leading them, but they didn't dare head out in that direction.

They had no idea what had cut this spiritual energy rope, but whatever it was had to be powerful.

They knew that this rope was their only guide back, so they had made sure that this rope was powerful.

Only those in the Golden Core Realm would be able to make even a small notch in the rope. To suddenly cut it in half like this and make it disappear, this might be power that even surpassed the Golden Core Realm.

This was not something that their group would be able to face.

So they wouldn't want to meet whatever had cut this rope.

At the same time, they didn't dare go back since it would be too easy for them to get lost without the rope like this.

They were in a desert where the weather could change at any moment.

If a sudden sandstorm appeared, they would be immediately thrown off track.

So they didn't dare wander around without the guidance of the spiritual energy rope.

That meant…that their exploration of this desert was also in danger and that they would have to find some way to survive now…

Lin Fan however turned in the opposite direction of everyone else and scanned the scenery in front of them.

Since there was a sudden change, he was certain that there would be a sudden change in front of them as well.

When he looked closely, he found that he was right.

In front of them, there was a patch of blue.

As soon as he saw this, he knew what this patch of blue was.

There could only be one thing that could be this blue in the desert like this.

It was an oasis.

Why would there be an oasis in this desert?

Why would there be a desert in this Minor World in the first place?

It was unknown what Feng Yu's plans were in creating this place, but that didn't matter right now.

Right now, they were stranded in the middle of the desert and it would be a problem for them to survive. If they didn't get to the oasis, they might become bones in the desert in the end.

So Lin Fan said, "Everyone, we head to the oasis."

The elders were surprised since they had been looking in the direction of the spiritual energy rope, so they didn't know what Lin Fan was talking about at first. 

When they turned in the direction that he was looking at, they couldn't help being surprised by the patch of blue in the distance.

At the same time, they couldn't help feeling confused.

After all, they hadn't seen that patch of blue before this.

There had been no signs of this patch of blue when they had been walking forward earlier.

It was only when their spiritual energy rope suddenly cut and things went wrong that this patch of blue had suddenly appeared.

If they didn't know better, it almost seemed like this was a trap…

But what other choices did they have now?

The forces of nature were terrifying and if they didn't find shelter from this desert soon, they wouldn't be able to last long.

So they had no choice but to believe in this patch of blue and head towards it with Lin Fan leading them.

As they came closer and closer to it, they could also see that there were traces of green among the traces of blue showing that there was vegetation along with the water of the oasis.

This meant that this was most likely a very thriving oasis that they could find food and water at.

But most importantly, this was an oasis where they could build a shelter with the wood found there.

That would protect them from the desert sandstorms while they planned their next move.

So they couldn't help feeling more and more excited as they came closer to the patch of blue.

However, just as suddenly as the spiritual energy rope had snapped, the traces of blue suddenly disappeared.

It was as if this oasis had been some kind of illusion and the moment that they came too close, that illusion had been dispelled and the truth had been revealed.

The truth of there not being an oasis at all.

The elders all had shocked looks, but Lin Fan was more determined than them.

It was for one simple reason.

He had used his Appraisal Eyes earlier and he had seen a description appear.

It was a description for a plant, but he knew that meant that there had been an oasis here.

While he didn't know why it had suddenly disappeared, he knew that there was no way that it would actually be gone without a trace.

He knew for sure that this oasis was still here somewhere.

When he looked into the distance, he found that there was the same patch of blue as before.

But this time, it was much further away than before.

If he didn't look carefully, he might have even missed it.

Lin Fan didn't give up after that patch of blue disappeared.

He just waved his hand at the elders and said, "Let's go."

The elders were caught off guard, but they still followed Lin Fan.

They didn't know what this sect master of theirs had seen, but they knew that he must have a reason for heading towards this patch of blue even though this one had turned out to be a bust.

As they got closer and closer, the same thing happened where they saw patches of green.

But then when they came close enough, the same thing also happened where the patch of blue suddenly disappeared without a trace.

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