With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 561 Inheritance (24)

Chapter 561 Inheritance (24)

What did Feng Yu mean by this?

How did they already pass the trial just by reaching this place?

But Feng Yu quickly explained what he meant.

"The determination to reach this place even after all the failed attempts, unless someone had an iron will, they wouldn't be able to persist after all those traps. So just by simply making it through all of those traps and reaching this place, you have already demonstrated how much determination you have."

Then as if he was teasing them, he added, "You must really be a stubborn one if you insisted on coming here after all of that."

All of the elders couldn't help looking at Lin Fan with a strange look when they heard this.

They had tried multiple times to convince him of this idea of his, but he had never listened to them.

The entire time, there was only one thing on his mind the entire time which was to head towards this oasis.

Though it had been the right decision in the end, they never could have imagined a way that he would have possibly known this. The only explanation was that he was too stubborn to change his mind and had stuck to heading towards the oasis this entire time.

They just couldn't praise this since this could have easily gotten them killed…

But they also couldn't find a way of convincing him otherwise.

He was not someone that they could convince that easily.

So all of the elders had come to the decision that they should report this to Yue Lan when it was all over.

They knew that the only person who was able to reign him in was Yue Lan.

She even terrified them even though her cultivation was much lower than theirs…

But for Lin Fan, he knew that it wasn't just stubbornness that had driven him forward.

That was because he knew that this oasis was the place to go the entire time.

His Appraisal Eyes had told him this.

It was just that he wasn't able to tell anyone else this since it involved his Appraisal Eyes.

His Appraisal Eyes was something that he would never tell others about.

So he could only let them think that he was stubborn.

After pausing for a bit as if letting his words set in, Feng Yu continued by saying, "Sometimes being stubborn isn't a bad thing. Those that have the determination to move forward will never falter on the path of cultivation. So don't take your determination as a bad thing."

Then as if he was teasing him again, he said, "But of course, it's not good if you're too stubborn either."

As he said this, he suddenly faded away and became a ball of light.

This ball of light then returned back into the pillar and the pillar of light lit up like all of the rest.

A beam of light was released from the pillar of light that went to Lin Fan's hand.

After that beam of light shined on his hand for a bit, it disappeared without a trace and there was another dot that was left on his hand.

When the elders saw this, they all let out a sigh of relief.

They had been worried that this was a trick that Feng Yu was playing on them since it seemed too convenient, but that didn't seem to be the case. It seemed that he had actually meant what he had said.

The pillar shattered apart, but they just ignored this as they walked over to where Lin Fan was.

This was the thing that happened whenever they found one of these pillars and passed the trial, so they didn't pay any attention to this pillar. They just assumed that the same thing would happen with this pillar.

But Lin Fan's eyes were on the pillar the entire time.

It was as if he saw something different.

And that was indeed the case.

After the pillar shattered apart, the pieces of the pillar that fell to the ground didn't disappear right away.

Instead, there was what seemed to be a glowing array left where the pillar had once been standing.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes to look at this array and he was able to see the description coming from it.

It was a transport array.

If he had to guess, this was their way out of this place.

But then, all of a sudden, there was a piece of the pillar that started to fade away.

As it faded away, the light of the array started to fade as well.

It was very faint that if one wasn't paying attention, they wouldn't have noticed it.

But since Lin Fan had been staring at it the entire time, he could see that the transport array was slowly disappearing or losing power as the pieces of the pillar were disappearing.

If they didn't hurry, it was very likely that this transport array would disappear and leave them stranded. If that really happened, Lin Fan didn't know if there was a way for them to leave this desert.

After all, the rope that they had been relying on in the first place had already snapped.

So they couldn't let this chance escape their grasp.

Lin Fan immediately started moving towards the transport array as he said, "Go to the array now or we won't be able to leave this place!"

The elders were all caught off guard when they heard this, but seeing the serious look that Lin Fan had, they quickly followed him to the center of the clearing where the array was.

Lin Fan didn't go right into the array though since he knew that he couldn't do that.

If he were to enter the array before anyone else did, they wouldn't follow after him.

Or they would follow too late and others would be left behind.

So without any hesitation, he grabbed Senior Brother Ying who had been beside him.

"Sect master, what are you…"

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Fan had already pushed him into the transport array.

There was a flash of light before Senior Brother Ying disappeared.

All of the elders just stared at Lin Fan in shock as they couldn't believe what he had just done.

But Lin Fan wasn't done yet.

He grabbed another one of the elders, but this time this elder resisted.

He had caught Senior Brother Ying off guard, which was why he had been able to push him in. But now that this elder was resisting him, it wasn't that easy for him to push this elder in.

So he said, "This is a transport array. This is our only way out of here and it's about to disappear."

The elder was taken aback when he heard this and Lin Fan took advantage of this moment to push him in.

There was a flash of light and that elder disappeared.

All of the elders just looked at Lin Fan with conflicted looks.

They knew that Lin Fan wouldn't lie to them, but they didn't know how Lin Fan knew that this thing was a transport array.

They still thought that Lin Fan was suffering because of the heat and wasn't thinking properly…but at the same time they knew that they didn't have another way out if this transport array wasn't real.

They knew that it was impossible for them to find a way through the desert, so they had no choice but to trust Lin Fan.

The final deciding factor was that they could see the transport array was fading.

Enough of the pieces of the pillar had scattered that they could see that the transport array was slowly dimming.

So they knew that the clock was ticking down.

The elders hesitated for a moment before heading into the transport array one by one.

Luckily, the transport array was instant, so they didn't have to wait long before the next person went.

Lin Fan waited until all of the elders had gone through the transport array before stepping through himself.

The last few elders had wanted him to go first, but he had pushed them in before any of them could say anything else. So in the end, he was the last one that was left.

He could see that there were only a few pieces of the pillar left, so he didn't hesitate to walk into the transport array.

There was a flash of light that appeared in front of him before he found that he was surrounded by the elders.

As for where they were…they were back at the edge of the desert.

This was where they had entered the desert from, but there was a transport array under Lin Fan's feet that was growing dimmer and dimmer.

Lin Fan quickly moved out of it just in case that he was sent back.

Then they watched as the transport array disappeared without a trace.

As they saw it disappear, they couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief.

It was a good thing that Lin Fan had pushed them into taking it or else it really would have been a problem.

After all, the timing between Lin Fan appearing and the transport array disappearing was very tight. If they had been late by even a few seconds…he might have been left behind.

Though they couldn't help looking at Lin Fan with a strange look again.

How did he know that this was a transport array?

There were just too many things that were coincidences that they couldn't be coincidences anymore…

Lin Fan must have some kind of special power that he wasn't telling them about.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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