With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 60 Lala’s Strength

When Lin Fan came out of Yue Lan's store, it was already halfway through the afternoon.

He had wanted to leave earlier, but Yue Lan had kept him there the entire time to discuss the new products that he had suggested to her.

It seemed like she was quite taken by this new product, but that was a good thing since Lin Fan was sure that she would be able to make a profit with this new product. After all, it had been the same with Othello and Jenga.

He wouldn't need to worry about her.

Well, if there was one thing that he had to be worried about, it would be her safety.

With how well the store's products were selling, it was certain that there would be people who would have ideas about the store. Whether they had ideas towards the products or towards Yue Lan herself.

Since that was the case, it was necessary for Lin Fan to prepare some guards for the store.

For now, he was leaving Fubuki and the cubs in the store to guard Yue Lan and her employees, but it seemed like he had to take some other measures too with how much profit she was making…

After coming out of the store, he looked up at the sun before deciding to just head home.

He had taken two missions at the Mercenary Guild today that he could be doing, but he didn't want to head out this late. After all, if he were to go now, he would be stuck outside of the city.

While he was in a rush to earn money, he wasn't in that much of a rush that he had to forgo basic comforts just to earn money.

It wasn't even certain that there would be anything good, so instead of rushing things, it was better to plan things out slowly.

When he arrived at the residence that he rented, he found that there wasn't anyone in the living room at all. However, when he listened carefully, he heard some noises coming from the kitchen.

He entered the kitchen to find that it was a complete mess and the culprits that had made this mess were currently trying to clean it up.

Lin Fan just stood there at the entrance and asked with a bitter smile on his face, "What happened here?"

The two girls jolted when they heard this, but then they turned to look at Lin Fan with an awkward smile before Lala explained, "We were going to cook something for dinner, but as you can see…"

Lin Fan shook his head with a faint smile before saying, "It's fine, we can go out and get something to eat." Then he looked around and said, "As for cleaning up, you can just leave it to me."

Neither of them were willing to accept this as both of them said, "No, I'll clean it up."

Then after that, the two of them looked at each other and broke out in laughter.

Lin Fan also revealed a smile when he saw this.

He was happy to see that they were getting along.

He had been worried when he brought Lala home since he had seen how cold the relationship between Xiao Yue and Lala had been before. However, it seemed like he had been worried for nothing.

But the one thing he was confused by was how quickly the relationship between the two of them had changed.

One minute they had been at each other's throats and then the next, they were laughing like sisters…

It really baffled him how quickly the relationship between girls changed.

The rest of the day passed by without any incident, but that didn't last when night came.

Since they now had their own residence, everyone was able to get their own room. However, both Yue Lan and Xiao Yue didn't stay in their rooms, both of them had come to Lin Fan's room.

This was what they had promised Lin Fan on the day that they moved into their new residence.

All three of them were going to sleep in the same bed.

The sound proofing in this place was quite good, so no matter how loud they were, it wouldn't be a problem.

The only problem was that when they made their way to Lin Fan's room, Lala had sensed them passing by her door.

She was curious about what was happening, so she had followed them to Lin Fan's room and once they went in, she immediately understood what was happening. As soon as this understanding filled her mind, her face turned completely red.

She had already expected something like this, but to see it happening in front of her was a completely different story.

But she also couldn't stop her curiosity as she came closer to the door and started listening in on what was happening inside.

No matter how good the soundproofing was in this place, with her being this close to the door, naturally she was able to hear what was happening inside.

As she heard the sounds of pleasure coming from inside, her face turned red and she couldn't stop a part of her from becoming wet. Her hands went down to that part and she started rubbing, but no matter how she moved her hand, it just wasn't enough to satisfy that desire.

She really wanted to peek in as well, but she kept that urge down in the end.

That night, after the three in the room had fallen asleep after their intense exercise, there was one person who laid awake in bed by herself.

When the next morning came and they all gathered for breakfast, Lin Fan, Yue Lan, and Xiao Yue couldn't help being surprised by how Lala looked.

Even though she had been the one who had gone to bed the earliest, she was the one that looked the most tired out of all of them.

Lin Fan couldn't help asking, "Did something happen last night?"

When Lin Fan asked this, Lala couldn't help thinking about what she heard from his room and her face turned red again as she snapped, "Nothing, nothing at all!"

Lin Fan was taken aback, but he couldn't really keep asking her what happened after seeing this response from her.

So the four of them had an awkward breakfast together.

After they finished eating, the three mercenaries headed out of the city for their mission while Yue Lan headed off to the store.

It didn't take them long to arrive at the location of their target and the first thing that Lin Fan did was release the Gale Sparrow.

When Lala saw the Gale Sparrow, she was confused on why Lin Fan had brought it along, but then when she saw what he was using it for, she couldn't help saying in a surprised voice, "You can actually communicate with it and give it orders? I've never seen that before!"

Lin Fan hadn't told Lala about his secrets just yet, so things like the Pet Storage Space and his ability to tame spirit beasts were still unknown to her.

Lin Fan just gave a nod in response before turning his attention to the Gale Sparrow that was already coming back.

But the Gale Sparrow wasn't coming back alone, it was currently being followed by several beasts that were running after it on the ground.

It seemed like they were quite hungry, so they were trying to hunt the Gale Sparrow, but what they didn't know was that the Gale Sparrow was just leading them along back to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was about to deal with these spirit beasts that were chasing after the Gale Sparrow, but Lala raised her hand to stop her.

Lin Fan looked at her with a confused look as she said, "Leave them to me."

Lin Fan could see the determined look in her eyes, so he gave a nod and made way for her.

Lala came in front of these beasts and raised her arms in preparation to fight them. However, she didn't pull out a weapon or anything, she was just holding her hands in front of her.

Lin Fan couldn't help knitting his brows as he asked, "Did you not bring a weapon with you? I can lend you my sword if you need one."

Lala just shook her head and said, "No need, I can do it with my bare hands."

While her voice was confident, Lin Fan couldn't help being worried still.

However, he didn't have time to do anything as the pack of boars had already reached Lala.

The pack of boars had noticed her as soon as she came out, but they didn't believe that she could take all of them on by herself. After all, this was a large pack of spirit beast boars that were charging together, the force behind them was no laughing matter.

But Lala didn't care at all as she grabbed the boar that was at the head of the pack and before the boar could do anything, she had already lifted it off the ground. She swung the boar around and hit all the other boars in the pack, sending them flying all around her.

Then after she had sent all the other boars flying, she created a beautiful arc in the air as she suplexed the boar that she was holding, slamming it into the ground.

The boar wasn't prepared for this at all and even if it had been prepared, that wouldn't have mattered since it still would have been handled like this. It had tried resisting, but it found that it couldn't resist the power in Lala's arms at all.

The boar's eyes rolled back in its head as it passed out on the spot.

Lin Fan just started at Lala with wide open eyes and a wide mouth that couldn't be closed.

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