With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 613 Useful in the future

Chapter 613 Useful in the future

?Lin Fan had been watching silently as his pets slaughtered the Blood Spiders that came out.

But the moment that he saw the Blood Spider suddenly gather the blood in the air and shoot it out as spikes, he couldn't help using his Appraisal Eyes on them.

With these Appraisal Eyes, he found that these Blood Spiders had actually mutated.

Blood Spiders were known as Blood Spiders not because of their ability to control blood, but rather because of their blood red colour and their taste for blood. They were spiders that drained the blood from the targets that they attacked.

They relied on this blood to nourish both themselves and their young.

So getting fresh blood was very important for these Blood Spiders.

But it seemed that drinking this blood had caused a mutation in these Blood Spiders.

It was unknown what kind of blood had caused these mutations, but Lin Fan could see through his Appraisal Eyes that it was indeed drinking blood that had caused these mutations to the Blood Spiders.

They had gained the ability to control blood at will now, which was what had allowed them to form those blood spikes earlier.

But that was just the very tip of the iceberg of what they could do with this power.

Lin Fan could see it all with the Appraisal Eyes.

It just simply said 'control' blood, it didn't say what the limitations of it were.

That meant that as long as they practiced enough, they would be able to control blood in any form.

Even if that blood was still inside of a living creature.

These mutated Blood Spiders could become the best assassin in the world as long as one was able to take them under their wings.

So of course Lin Fan wanted these mutated Blood Spiders.

It was a shame about the ones that had been killed before since he could see with the Appraisal Eyes that those ones were also mutated Blood Spiders.

If he could have obtained them all, that definitely would have been for the best.

Now it was all a matter of how to control them.

It would take too much time to use the Love Gauge Taming skill to tame them all and Lin Fan wouldn't want to do that in the first place. There were limitations of the Love Gauge Taming skill, so it wouldn't be as helpful if he used the Love Gauge Taming on them.

Though that did mean missing out on some of the benefits that came with it…

Still, the cons far outweighed the pros in this case that Lin Fan didn't even think about it.

Luckily there was another way for him?to control them.

So Lin Fan said to the pets, "Just round them up and hurt them a bit, but don't kill any more of them."

The other pets all quickly agreed to this while Hayase still looked at him with an aggrieved look.

He had wanted to show off how powerful he was by destroying those mutated Blood Spiders that had tried to ambush him with his icicles. But now he was taking away his chance to show off to Shiro.

Lin Fan just ignored this and had the pets focus on capturing the mutated Blood Spiders.

With the difference in cultivation, they didn't even need to break a sweat to do this.

It was easy to capture all of the Blood Spiders and then trap them in a bubble of water.

The inside of the bubble was empty so that they were still able to breathe, but they couldn't do a single thing as they were stuck inside of this bubble.

This bubble was created from Hayase's magic, so unless they were strong enough to overpower him, it wouldn't be possible for them to break free.

Or do anything from inside of the bubble.

While they were fighting, Lin Fan had been paying close attention to the Blood Spiders.

He saw something interesting during this fight.

There was one Blood Spider that seemed to be aware of the other possibilities of its blood controlling ability and had demonstrated something that even he didn't think of. This was something that no one would have expected was possible.

There was a squirrel that had been running past and had suddenly jumped at one of the pets.

That pet was able to easily handle this squirrel since it was a normal squirrel, but the Blood Spider had used this chance to attack.

Still, it wasn't able to do anything even with the squirrel providing the distraction.

That raised the question of why did the squirrel suddenly fly at the pet.

That would have been a mystery if Lin Fan didn't know what the ability of the Blood Spiders were.

Controlling blood, it wasn't just gathering blood in the air and attacking.

Controlling blood wasn't just taking the blood out of a living creature.

The Blood Spider had controlled the blood inside of the squirrel to make it act.

That's right, it had controlled the blood of the squirrel to make it move!

Lin Fan never thought that this was possible, but he now knew that it was after seeing how the Blood Spider had controlled the squirrel like this.

If it could control blood like this, then it would be even more useful in the future.

There were many ways of using this Blood Spider that Lin Fan could think of just from this.

Though he had Greeny and the Control Toad for controlling people, there were limitations to that control. After all, both of them needed to integrate their methods of controlling people into the targets first.

A form of controlling directly like manipulating blood would help with many different things.

So this made Lin Fan want these mutated Blood Spiders even more.

Especially the one that had thought to use the squirrel in the first place.

It was clear that this one was above the rest.

It had intelligence that the others didn't, so he couldn't wait to see what else this Blood Spider would be able to come up with.

After they were all caught in the bubble of water, Lin Fan didn't take care of them right away.

Instead, he went around to pat the pets on their head as if he was praising them for a job well done.

They had managed to capture all of the Blood Spiders as per his instructions, so it could be considered a job well done.

Even Hayase who acted distant at first still came over to be petted in the end.

But as he did, he leaned in and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Can you please help me get closer to Shiro?"

That was his request for a reward for his job well done.

He had always wanted to get closer to her, but he had been doing his best on his own.

Now that he was asking for him, it seemed that he really was desperate.

But of course, Lin Fan immediately denied this request.

He gave the justification, "If you don't do this yourself, it really isn't right, is it?"

Hayase also knew this, which was why he had been trying hard on his own the entire time, but it really was too hard for him to get Shiro's attention…

Still, he decided to keep trying on his own.

Lin Fan made the decision to talk to Shiro about being nicer to Hayase.

Even if he didn't tell her to love him, he could at least tell her to treat him a bit better than she was now.

It seemed like she was a bit too cold to him that it destroyed his confidence.

After rewarding all of them, I turned my attention back to the Blood Spiders that were in the cage of water.

They had tried many different things and seemed exhausted now.

It seemed that even when trapped like this, they didn't give up on trying to find some way to break free of this bubble of water.

All that did in the end was exhaust them and now they collapsed on the floor of this bubble of water.

Seeing them like this, Lin Fan called out the two who had been hiding in his sleeve the entire time. He held the two of them in his hands up towards the bubble of water with the Blood Spider in it.

It was as if he was presenting the Blood Spider to the two of them.

Both Greeny and the Control Toad expressed their willingness to take these Blood Spiders, but it was just about which one would take them.

They could both see how Lin Fan had looked at the Blood Spiders, so they knew how important the Blood Spiders were to Lin Fan.

So they wanted to take these Blood Spiders so they could get rewarded by Lin Fan.

But in the end, Lin Fan broke them up by saying, "Take half of them each."

He recognized that there were flaws in both control methods, so it was better to give them half and half.

That way, he could have Blood Spiders controlled with both methods.

That would be much more reliable.

After they finished, Lin Fan called the rest of his pets over.

After calling them over, he headed right towards the cave entrance.

With the way that he was heading towards it, it was as if he didn't hesitate at all to go in, which was what happened.

He stepped on the web and alerted the Blood Spiders, but that was what he wanted.

He wanted them to know that he was here and to come all at once.

The more that came, the better.

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