With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 615 What do you want?

Chapter 615 What do you want?

?Since he had gathered everything, Lin Fan didn't stay in this cave any longer.

He came out and picked up Lin Li Zi from where he had left her.

He had one of his pets carry her as he traveled out of this Roaming Mist Forest.

Since he came here, he couldn't help feeling that there was something off about this forest and the mist that filled it. Even now, he still felt that there was something strange about this place.

So he wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible.

There was also a part of him that wanted to find out just what was wrong with this place, but he couldn't do that now.

Maybe after he took care of the Lin Family, he could come back and take a look.

He went right past the inn on his way back and only after picking up his carriage did he finally stop for a bit.

Lin Fan just sat there in the driver seat, slowly moving the carriage forward as he waited for a certain someone to wake up.

He had calculated the time for her to wake up to be now, but still she didn't wake up.

Instead, she was just tossing and turning in the carriage as if she was having a pleasant nap.

This girl…

She really was something else.

It was an hour later that Lin Li Zi finally woke up again.

When she woke up, she looked around herself in a daze before looking as if she was about to go back to sleep.

When Lin Fan saw this, he couldn't help revealing a bitter smile on his face.

It was like he really wanted to abandon her here and there.

But in the end, Lin Li Zi woke up again and said, "What happened? Where am I?"

Lin Fan shook his head with the same bitter smile and asked, "You're finally awake?"

Lin Li Zi immediately reacted to this voice and turned to look at Lin Fan.

There was a moment where she didn't understand what was happening as she just looked at Lin Fan with a confused look.

Then all of a sudden, she revealed a look of recognition and sat up to look at him as she asked, "What about the Blood Lingzhi? Did you get it?"

Lin Fan just raised his hand with a smile on his face.

With a wave of his hand, there was a blood red mushroom that appeared in it.

Lin Li Zi looked at the blood mushroom closely as if she was trying to confirm something.

After staring at it for a bit, she let out a sigh of relief and said, "This should be the Blood Lingzhi."

Then she slowly looked at Lin Fan and asked, "What happened?"

Lin Fan just said with a smile, "I told you not to worry about it. I said that it would all be over when you wake up."

She looked at him with a very strange look when she heard this, but she slowly gave a nod and said, "Yes, you did say that…but how did you take care of all those Blood Spiders by yourself?"

Lin Fan just looked at her with the same smile without saying anything.

When she saw him looking at her like this…she knew that there was nothing that she could say to convince him to tell her what he had done.

Instead, all Lin Li Zi should worry about now was…

After a long silence, Lin Li Zi asked, "What do you want for the Blood Lingzhi?"

Lin Fan gave a nod in response.

He didn't even try to hide it since he knew that it had already reached a point where it couldn't be hidden anymore. He had something that he wanted from Lin Li Zi and she knew that it was impossible for her to get this Blood Lingzhi for free.

Seeing the way that he looked at her, Lin Li Zi couldn't help saying, "Are you finally going to ask for my body?"

There was a small part of her that hoped that it would be like this.

After all, she had seen how powerful Lin Fan was.

If she could use her body to seduce him and get him to take care of her and her mother in the future…then she wouldn't have to fear the Lin Family anymore.

But in response to this, Lin Fan just shook his head with a bitter smile.

He really couldn't understand what this girl was thinking that she would keep offering this.

Lin Li Zi revealed a disappointed look, but she kept asking, "Then what do you need from me? You know how much I need that Blood Lingzhi, so there's not much that I won't give you at this point."

Lin Fan was certainly surprised at how blunt she was being, but he was also happy to see that she understood the position that she was in.

As long as she understood this, it would be easier for him to do what he wanted to do.

So Lin Fan raised his hand towards Lin Li Zi.

Lin Li Zi couldn't help being surprised by this, but then she saw what was inside of his hand.

It was a strange black worm that she had never seen before.

This black worm just laid there in Lin Fan's palm, but then it slowly raised its head and looked at her.

She didn't know why, but there was this strange chill that ran down her spine when she saw this black worm.

Slowly, Lin Li Zi looked up and asked, "What is this?"

Lin Fan didn't explain and just said, "Eat it."

"Huh?" Lin Li Zi revealed a shocked look when she heard this.

She looked at him as if she was making sure that she had heard this correctly, but Lin Fan just continued holding the black worm out towards her.

Lin Li Zi didn't take it right away and just looked at it for a bit before asking again, "What is this?"

Lin Fan didn't answer the question again and just said, "As long as you eat it, I'll give you the Blood Lingzhi."

Lin Li Zi felt another chill run down her spine when she heard this.

She didn't know what this black worm was, but it didn't seem like a good thing.

However, it didn't seem like Lin Fan was going to offer another choice and her mother was still waiting for her…

So her hand slowly reached out towards the black worm that was in Lin Fan's hand.

After hesitating for a while, she grabbed it and threw it into her mouth.

As she did, Lin Fan suddenly said, "Don't chew, just swallow it whole like a pill."

It was hard for her, but she was able to force it down in the end.

During this, Lin Fan had gotten a glass of water out for her since he knew that this would be hard for her to do.

Lin Li Zi took the glass of water and gulped it down in one breath.

After she finished, she looked up at Lin Fan with an expectant look.

Lin Fan didn't mind as he tossed the Blood Lingzhi over to her.

Lin Li Zi was surprised that Lin Fan would toss it like this, but she quickly reached out to grab it and hold it tightly in her hands, afraid that she would drop it.

As she held it, she looked at it carefully to make sure that it was alright.

After making sure that the Blood Lingzhi was fine, she looked like she wanted to jump out of the carriage and run back to the city as fast as her legs could carry her.

However, before she could jump out of the carriage, Lin Fan said, "Don't you want to know what you ate before you go?"

Lin Li Zi froze the moment that she heard this.

She slowly turned around to look at Lin Fan with a look that seemed like she was asking him what she had eaten.

Lin Fan just revealed a smile and said, "Poison."

Lin Li Zi trembled when she heard this before her legs gave out under her and she fell to the floor of the carriage.

"Why?" That was the only word that she could squeeze out at this point.

Lin Fan didn't mind this and calmly said, "It's not a fast acting poison. It's a slow acting poison that can be cured, but I'm the only person in the world that has the antidote."

Once again, Lin Li Zi asked, "Why?"

One moment, he was helping her and then the next, he was poisoning her.

She just couldn't understand what Lin Fan was thinking.

Lin Fan didn't answer right away and instead said, "There's something that I need you to do in the future, so this was the only way to guarantee that you'll follow my orders. In a sense, it could be said that this ties you to my side, so now you're one of my people."

Lin Li Zi revealed a look of fear when she heard this, but she knew that there was nothing that she could do at this point.

There wasn't a single second where she questioned if it was actually poison since she couldn't risk it.

She had seen how dangerous Lin Fan was, so she didn't dare question him.

"What do you want me to do?" Lin Li Zi asked in a defeated voice.

Lin Fan didn't answer this as he said, "You'll find out in the future. For now, let's go back and save your mother."

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