With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 62 System Upgrade

The rest of the mission went as normal.

After Lin Fan introduced Lala to the pets that he had tamed, he had no problem taking them out to fight with him.

The target was a Third Gi Gathering Realm spirit beast, so Lin Fan had no problem dealing with it himself, but instead he brought out Shiro and Hayase to help him deal with it.

Since these two weren't from this cultivation realm, their method of getting stronger was different from the other spirit beasts.

Instead of gaining spiritual energy naturally or from beast cores like other spirit beasts did, they became stronger by fighting other beasts and earning experience points when they won.

Of course, it wasn't just beasts that gave them experience points…

But the strange thing was that Lin Fan didn't know where they gathered this energy from.

It was almost as if it came out of nowhere because when he checked the beasts that they defeated, the beast cores of these beasts still had all its spiritual energy, so they weren't absorbing energy from the beast cores.

The only thing that Lin Fan could think of was that when they leveled, their bodies absorbed the natural energy of the world, but this went against the theory of cultivation that he knew…

Still, regardless of what his thoughts were, only by letting Shiro and Hayase fight was he able to let them become stronger. So he allowed them to fight with him against the spirit beasts that he needed to hunt for his missions to have them level up.

After all, he needed them to level a lot to help him fight any attackers that would come from the Qian Family.

Currently, Hayase was still level 15, which made him equal to a cultivator in the Fourth Qi Gathering Realm.

Shiro on the other hand was only at level 7 which was equal to the Second Qi Gathering Realm, but that was because there was a difference in starting level between the two of them.

Lin Fan wasn't certain how many levels it would take for Hayase to reach the Fifth Qi Gathering Realm, but he was certain that the higher cultivation realm Hayase wanted to match, the higher his cultivation had to be.

But that also raised another question for him.

Generally the max level for systems like this would be level 100 based on the games and novels that Lin Fan read. However, it was clear that level 100 would only put Hayase at around the Foundation Realm.

Did that mean that Hayase would only be able to reach the foundation realm or would something else happen?

Would he evolve or would he be able to break through level 100?

These thoughts only lasted in Lin Fan's mind for a few seconds since there was no need for him to consider this now. These were things that it was better not to think about until the time came, so Lin Fan tossed these thoughts out of his mind.

He had something else that caught his attention.

However, he didn't go over this thing right away. Instead, he brought everyone back to the city in a hurry and turned in the mission at the Mercenary Guild before locking himself in his room.

The two girls were confused why he did this, but with how serious he acted, there really wasn't anything that they could say.

Once Lin Fan was in his room, he immediately opened up his system and went over the new parts of it that had been unlocked.

Back when he had met Aphrodite, while he hadn't taken her artifact, he had let the system steal a bit of its divine energy. That divine energy is what the system needed to evolve.

During this time, this system had been in a power saving mode where most of its functions were still active, but it didn't come out as much as before to help Lin Fan. That was all to digest the fragment of divine energy that it needed to level up.

During the hunt this afternoon, Lin Fan finally received the notification that the system had finished leveling up. At the same time, he had received the notification that there were new features that had been added to the system.

The one main thing that he cared about was the mission tab that had been released.

When it came to systems like this, the mission tab was always the best way to get stronger and right now, he needed to get stronger to protect the people he cared about.

Unfortunately, when he opened up the mission tab, he found that there was only a single mission there.

[Main Mission]

Find a divine artifact or god fragment containing divine energy.

Divine energy: 0/1

Reward: System level up.

Beyond this single main mission, there weren't any other missions.

Since that was the case, he had no choice but to forget about this mission tab and open up the other tabs that had appeared.

The other one that had interested him the most was the store tab.

There was no need to explain what this was since it was pretty self explanatory. It was the one thing that almost every system came with, a store filled with legendary items that he could buy with points that he earned through the system!

This was a mainstay of any system and definitely something that his system should have as well!

But the only problem was…

How was he supposed to get points to buy stuff with?

When Lin Fan opened the store, he found that as expected, his current point total was zero.

It seemed like unless he figured out a way to earn some points, he wouldn't be able to use the store at all. However, as he looked through the store, he saw quite a few good things.

There were the simple things like cultivation pills or herbs that would help his cultivation, then there were better things like cultivation techniques and artifacts. But when compared to the very best things in the store, these things were still considered a bit lacking.

At the very top of the store was a section called the specialty store.

Based on the timer that was there, it was a store that had a rotating stock, but the items there were far beyond what the normal shop had.

A phoenix egg!

That was the very first item that Lin Fan saw when he opened the specialty store.

It wasn't just a normal phoenix egg, but rather a phoenix egg with a true ancestral bloodline.

That meant that even if Lin Fan didn't train this phoenix after it hatched, it would be able to become the true phoenix ancestor after it grew up. As for what realm it would be in after growing up, that wasn't something that Lin Fan could even begin to imagine, but he didn't think that it would be weak as the true phoenix ancestor.

The only problem was that he had zero points and even if it was on discount because of the specialty store, it still cost a figure that Lin Fan never would have thought that he would make. Even when it was on discount, it cost ten million points.

While he didn't know how many points he would be able to earn, he knew that this would be impossible for him to earn in the week before this specialty store changed stock.

So without thinking too much about it, Lin Fan shook his head and turned his attention back to finding out how to earn points.

However, he wasn't able to find a thing even after going through all the tabs that had opened, so he questioned the system.

"System, how do I get points for the store?"

"Host, please look at the side missions and daily missions tab on the missions screen."

"Side missions and daily missions?"

Lin Fan opened up the missions tab again and when he looked carefully, he noticed that he had completely ignored something.

Right at the top of the screen, there were three different tabs.

One was the main missions which he was currently on and the other two were for the side missions and daily missions respectively.

The first tab he opened was the side mission tab, but that one was just as empty as the main mission tab. No, it was even more empty because there wasn't a single mission that was in this tab at all.

Lin Fan couldn't help asking, "System, why are there no missions at all?"

The system replied, "Host, you have to activate the side missions yourself. They will naturally come as you live your life."

Lin Fan nodded in response to this since this answer seemed to make sense, but then he looked at the daily mission tab…

It was just as empty as the side mission tab!

Lin Fan once again couldn't help asking, "System, why are there no missions this time? You won't be telling me that I have to activate the daily missions as well, right?"

The system replied, "Host, today is the first day that the system has been upgraded, but the system was upgraded during the middle of the day. The daily missions are generated at midnight of each day, so there aren't any missions that have been generated yet."

Lin Fan had three dark lines on his face when he heard this, but there was nothing he could do since it wasn't as if he could do anything to the system.

So in the end, he could only let it go with a sigh.

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