With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 627 The fated day (8)

Chapter 627 The fated day (8)

?The fourth master's eyes were wide open when Lin Li Zi's sword fell.

It wasn't that he was shocked that she would do this since he had already figured that she would after what she had asked Lin Fan.

What he was shocked and confused by was how she had been able to penetrate his defenses.

There was a large difference in cultivation between them, so she shouldn't have been able to penetrate his defenses like this.

He was in the High Qi Gathering Realm while she was barely in the Mid Qi Gathering Realm.

Her sword should have never been able to do this.

But here she was cutting right into his neck, causing his blood to spurt out.

The sword didn't stop at all as it cut right through the fourth master's neck. It didn't even stop when it came out the other side of his neck, completely severing his head from his body.

As the head tumbled through the air and fell to the ground, there was a look of shock that was on his face.

It was as if even in his final moments, he couldn't believe that he would actually die.

In a sense, it was funny.

First it was the son and the half brother of Lin Li Zi that she killed.

Then it was the father and her own father that she killed.

She was really cleaning up the family tree by getting rid of these members of her family that didn't deserve to live. But since these were members of the family that didn't deserve to live in the first place, it was as if she was doing a service by taking their lives.

When it was all said and done, Lin Li Zi dropped the sword that she was holding after taking the life of her father.

It was at that moment that the reality of what she had done had settled in.

This was as if she was declaring all out war against the Lin Family. There would be serious consequences that came from her actions.

Once this realization settled in, she turned back to Lin Fan and came over to his side.

Though she came over to his side, she didn't say anything as she just stood there.

It seemed that she had accepted her position in all of this, so she moved over to a spot where she would be able to follow behind Lin Fan without any problems.

Lin Fan gave a satisfied nod when he saw this before moving forward.

He didn't even care about the fourth master and Elder Wang who had just been killed.

All he cared about were the guards.

With a wave of his hand, he said, "Advance."

After hearing this order from him, the guards started to move forward in a line. They continued forward, heading towards the Lin Family Manor that was in front of them.

This time, there was no one that came out to stop them.

In fact, it was so quiet that it almost seemed like there was no one in this manor.

That was until they arrived at the entrance to the manor itself.

When they arrived, Lin Fan raised his hand to stop the guards from advancing forward.

That was because there was a person who was standing in front of this manor waiting for them.

When Lin Li Zi saw this person, she couldn't help being surprised.

That was because she knew who this person was.

There wasn't a single person in the Lin Family who didn't recognize this person.

This person was Lin Yun.

He was another person that served the Lin Family that was given the right to take the surname of Lin. However, unlike Lin Jiu Sheng who was only the head housekeeper of the manor, this person didn't work at the manor itself.

This Lin Yun was the personal assistant of the Lin Family head, the one that really ruled over the Lin Family, the one that was above the four masters.

This was what Lin Li Zi whispered in Lin Fan's ear when she moved closer to him to tell him who this person was.

Lin Fan only narrowed his eyes to take a closer look at this person before saying, "I'm not interested in dogs. I want to see the masters."

Lin Yun wasn't offended when he heard this and just said with a slight bow, "This young master, if you wish to see the master, please follow me inside. The masters have already been waiting a long time for you."

Both Lin Fan and Lin Li Zi revealed surprised looks when they heard this, but their following expressions were different.

Lin Fan had a calm look on his face while Lin Li Zi had a look of distrust.

She grabbed Lin Fan's sleeve and said, "You can't trust this person. He is one of the servants of the Lin Family, who knows what kind of tricks he will play."

Lin Fan didn't say anything when he heard this as he just kept looking at Lin Yun with the same calm look on his face.

Instead, it was Lin Yun who said, "Young miss Li Zi, I'm sure that you do not have a good impression of our Lin Family because of your father, but I can assure you that the old master is different. The old master was in fact very disappointed with the fourth master in this matter."

Lin Li Zi gave a snort when she heard this, but she also didn't say anything else.

After all, she could feel the faint pressure that came from Lin Yun.

Even though he didn't deliberately try to suppress her, just the natural spiritual energy that came from him was enough to make her feel pressured. That was enough to show just how powerful he was.

She had even heard that Lin Yun was one of the trump cards of the Lin Family.

Lin Yun didn't mind this as he turned to look at Lin Fan and said, "This young master, may I take your silence as agreement?"

Lin Fan still didn't say anything as he looked right at Lin Yun with those narrowed eyes.

Lin Yun didn't show a single sign of worry as he stood there with a calm look on his face.

After a long silence, Lin Yun turned around and opened the door to the manor. Once this door was opened, he turned around to look at Lin Fan to say, "This young master, please follow me. The old master is already waiting for you."

Lin Fan didn't say anything again, but he did raise his hand to give a wave.

As he did this, the guards that had stopped when Lin Yun appeared started to move forward again.

However, Lin Yun had something to say about this, "This young master, the old master is only interested in meeting you and young miss Li Zi. As for the others, we can only ask that they stay out here."

The way that he said this, he didn't even treat these guards as members of the Lin Family anymore.

It was as if the moment that they became puppets of Lin Fan, they were no longer related to the Lin Family at all.

Lin Li Zi knitted her brows once more when she heard this before saying, "You can't do that. The moment that you give up the protection of these puppets, they will immediately surround you! You have to keep them around you until the end!"

Lin Fan just ignored her as he raised his hand and gave a wave.

When he did this, the puppets moved back and froze in place.

With the way that they stood there, it was as if they were mannequins rather than actual humans.

Lin Yun had a trace of surprise appear in his eyes when he saw this before narrowing his eyes to look carefully at Lin Fan.

It was clear that he hadn't expected Lin Fan to have such fine control over the guards of their Lin Family.

But then again, if he didn't have this kind of control over them, how could he have done all of this?

There was a reason why the old master had told him to invite Lin Fan to meet him in the end.

So Lin Yun just took a deep breath to calm himself before saying with a smile, "Young master, if you would follow me. The old master is waiting for you."

Lin Fan gave a simple nod before moving forward towards Lin Yun.

Lin Li Zi just looked at Lin Fan with a stunned and confused look.

There were many questions that were in her heart that she wanted to ask him, but she chose to follow him without a word in the end. After all, this wasn't the place to ask these questions.

For now, she just had to follow him without a word to show that she had complete trust in him and that their bond was unbreakable.

Lin Fan didn't care about any of this as he moved over to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun hesitated for a second before turning around to open the door for Lin Fan.

Lin Fan didn't seem worried at all that this would be a trap as he made his way through the open door.

Once he was inside the Lin Family Manor, the door suddenly closed behind him.

Lin Li Zi had just barely made it in before the doors closed.

As soon as they closed, she raised her weapon and said, "I knew that this was a trap!"

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