With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 77 Strange Kitten (1)

After arriving back at their inn and making sure that no one was chasing them, Lin Fan and the girls laid low for the rest of the night just in case.

It wasn't just because they wanted to protect their items, but also to protect themselves.

After the auction, it wasn't just them who would be trying to get their items home safely. After all, there were plenty of items that were sold at the auction today.

With all these people trying to get the items that they bought safely out of the city, there was no doubt that the entire city would be like a battlefield. Especially with those VIP guests, it would be certain that there would be powerful cultivators fighting.

Instead of going out and risking their lives by getting involved in these fights, it was better for them to lay low at their inn.

The sounds of fighting kept coming from outside the inn as they tried to sleep.

When they came out the next day, they saw that their choice to lay low inside of the inn was correct.

The signs of battle could be found all over the city. There were holes that were in the road, countless buildings destroyed, and also puddles of blood that hadn't been cleaned yet…

If they had been outside during all of that…

But for now, that was all behind them since all of the people with items had already left the city, so there was no more fighting that was done inside of the city.

So the girls just went shopping after having breakfast, leaving Lin Fan by himself.

They could have left the city right away, but with fights happening outside the city still, it was too dangerous to travel.

Well, there was another reason why they were staying in the city as well.

There was going to be a fireworks display being held in two days by the One Martial Chamber of Commerce to commemorate the success of their auction, so since the girls had wanted to see this, Lin Fan decided to stay another two days here.

But since he didn't have anything to do while the girls were shopping since he didn't want for go shopping, rather there was nothing for him to buy, he decided to go take a mission at the Mercenary Guild along with checking in with Xia Mei to see if she had any new information.

There wasn't any new information for him, so he just picked out a mission that seemed easy and headed out.

After all, most of his funds were gone now because of the auction, so he had to work hard to get more money.

The mission that he chose was to hunt a Blaze Salamander. This was a spirit beast that lived in a region around a pool of lava near the city.

The reasons he chose this mission was one, because it was close to the city so no one was likely to stay there and two, because of the harsh environment there, so no one would think about running away through this place.

So it was very likely that there was no one related to the auction there.

It had also been a long time since Lin Fan had been alone, so this could be considered a vacation for him.

After he came out of the city, the first thing that he did was call out Hi.

As soon as Hi came out, Lin Fan found that Shiro was on his head and Hayase was riding on his back.

After arriving in Inferno City, he hadn't been able to call out the pets as much as before, so they had been stuck in the Pet Storage Space for two days now. After being stuck inside for that long, it was understandable that they would want to come out for a stretch.

Lin Fan just sat on Hi's back and headed off.

With Hi's speed, it only took a few minutes of running to arrive at the lava pond.

Once he was there, Lin Fan called out the Gale Sparrow which he released and then went to sit down to wait for it to return.

But before he could sit down, there were sounds that came from the bush.

Lin Fan immediately pulled out his sword to point it in the direction of the bush, but he soon found that it wasn't the threat that he was expecting. Instead of it being a wild beast, it was just a tiny kitten that made its way through the brush.

After this little kitten made its way out of the brush and noticed Lin Fan, the fur on its back immediately stood up and it went on guard against Lin Fan, screeching at him.

Lin Fan didn't know what to say when he saw this, but then he put away his sword and shook his head. He brought a tiny fish out of the Pet Storage Space and then slowly moved towards the little kitten with one hand forward that also had the fish in the palm.

The little kitten was wary at first, but then when it smelled the fish, it couldn't help drooling as its stomach also growled.

Both of them slowly made their way towards each other until Lin Fan was finally a step away from the little kitten. He reached his hand out towards the little kitten and the little kitten reached its head out to take a sniff of the fish.

After making sure that there was nothing wrong with the fish, the little kitten reached out its drooling mouth to take a bite out of it. As it chewed the fish, it had a look of absolute pleasure on its face before ravaging the fish.

Lin Fan just revealed a faint smile as he ignored the little kitten's drool on his palm while it ate. As he watched it eating, he slowly brought his other hand forward until it was over its back. Then as slowly as he could, he brought the hand down to rub the little kitten on the back.

The little kitten jolted at first suddenly feeling this hand patting it on the back, but after seeing it was Lin Fan's hand, it started rubbing up against it.

Lin Fan's heart melted when he saw this, but he just slowly fed it another fish while still patting it on its back.

The little kitten just laid there in Lin Fan's hand, letting him pet it after it finished its meal.

However, it then suddenly opened its eyes and jumped out of Lin Fan's hand. After landing on the ground, it looked around a few times before running off into the brush again.

Lin Fan just watched the little kitten suddenly run off, but he didn't stop it.

After all, this was where it lived and it most likely had parents that were waiting for it to come home.

So he turned his attention to the Gale Sparrow that had just come back.

However, before he could head off, the little kitten suddenly ran back out of the bushes and came up to his leg. It used its mouth to pull at Lin Fan's pant leg, as if it wanted to bring him somewhere.

Lin Fan was about to stop it, but seeing how anxious it looked and how desperate it was when it pulled at his pant leg, he couldn't help feeling a bad premonition. So in the end, Lin Fan decided to go with it.

When the little kitten felt Lin Fan moving, it let go of his pant leg and ran off into the bush. Lin Fan quickly followed behind this little kitten.

Even though he was much bigger than the little kitten, the little kitten was easily able to move faster than him. It even slowed down a few times just to make sure that he was keeping up.

Lin Fan couldn't help wondering just what this little kitten was.

But there was no time for that as the little kitten had brought Lin Fan to a clearing with a pond. At the back of the clearing, there was a cave hidden by a waterfall.

The little kitten ran right at the waterfall and dived into the cave without hesitation.

Lin Fan slowly made his way over since he didn't know what was in the cave, but when he came closer, he could smell blood in the air.

He couldn't help feeling a bit worried about the little kitten, so he went through the waterfall as well, but that was only after he pulled out his weapon.

After making his way through the waterfall, he found that the cave was actually more spacious than he had expected, while also not being as deep as he had expected.

There was glowing moss that lined the sides of the cave wall, so even if he was in a cave, he was able to still see what was inside clearly.

But what he saw was not what he expected to see.

He never would have expected the little kitten standing beside a giant tiger that was lying there on the floor of the cave.

At first, he was worried that the giant tiger would attack, but when he looked closely, he found that the giant tiger was covered in blood.

He immediately looked around to see if there was anything in this cave that could have caused this, but there really was nothing else in this cave.

There was just that giant bloody tiger and the little kitten standing beside it.

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