With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 97 Ruins (8)

The "Sacred One" that they had been referring to had been watching Lin Fan's group the entire time.

It had been trying to send messages to the goblins, trying to notify them that Lin Fan's group had already snuck into their camp and were about to make their way to the stairs, but it hadn't been able to connect with the goblins.

There weren't any goblins that had been posted at the temple where it normally contacted them from, so there was no one that received all the frantic messages.

When it finally saw Lin Fan's group heading down the stairs, it couldn't help shouting, "These useless goblins! What am I even keeping them for! I give them all that food and wine to keep them happy and they can't even do something as simple as guard the entrance to the third floor! How useless are they!"

This "Sacred One" was starting to panic since it had thought that it would be impossible for Lin Fan's group to get past the goblin village on the second floor. This was where it had spent most of its points developing the defenses of these ruins, but now Lin Fan's group had made their way past it so easily!

The only defense that it had left was the guardian of the third floor, which made it feel uneasy.

If Lin Fan's group were to somehow make their way through the guardian of the third floor…

Wouldn't that mean it would all be over?

Once the guardian was taken down, they would be right where it was hiding!

It had seen Lin Fan's ability to find things, it was certain that Lin Fan would be able to find it right away!

It couldn't allow that to happen!

The "Sacred One" had only been in this world for less than a month, how could it let itself be destroyed that easily?

After all, it was the Demon King that was destined to take over the world and it had just started on its journey! It couldn't take being defeated that easily!

The blue orb couldn't help worrying again as it looked at its point value. It didn't have many points saved up after it had used its starting points to build everything, but…

It was in danger now, so the only thing that it could do was…

As the "Sacred One" was hesitating, it suddenly received a message from the goblins.

"Sacred One, there were intruders that broke into the camp and headed down the Sacred Stairs! Please provide your guidance!"

When the "Sacred One" saw this message, it was filled with rage!

These useless goblins!

They couldn't even guard the entrance to the third floor and now they had the face to ask for its "guidance"! It was clear that they were just looking for it to give them things to solve this problem!

But the "Sacred One" never once thought about sending the goblins to the third floor.

It wasn't that it was afraid of the goblins betraying it and attacking it. The goblins didn't have this capability since they were beings that were summoned by the "Sacred One". Even if they tried, they wouldn't be allowed since there were restrictions in place that stopped this.

Not to mention, even if they made it to the third floor, they wouldn't be able to defeat the guardian there.

Of course, the reason why they couldn't leave the second floor was also because of the restrictions of their summoning. The summoning area for these goblins had been set for the second floor, so they weren't allowed to move out of that area.

If they ever tried, they would be immediately shocked.

The harder they tried to leave their set area, the stronger the shock would become until they were finally fried into ashes.

So that was why even though the goblins had seen Lin Fan's group run down the stairs, they hadn't bothered chasing after them.

It was simply because they weren't able to chase after them.

But the "Sacred One" still needed these goblins to work for it to guard against future intruders, so it didn't burn any bridges. It just told the goblins, "Continue guarding the Sacred Stairs and more rewards will come. The Holy Guardian will take care of the intruders."

The goblin king then said in a hesitant voice, "Sacred One, what about the reward for reporting the intruder?"

If the "Sacred One" had a face, it definitely would have turned dark when it heard this.

These goblins hadn't even been able to stop the intruders and now they were asking for a reward just by reporting that there was an intruder. Even without them reporting this, the "Sacred One" already knew since it had been monitoring the intruders the entire time!

In fact, it had already sent several messages to the goblins which the goblins were clearly choosing to ignore right now.

But the "Sacred One" still needed these goblins for now, so it said, "I'm currently busy dealing with the intruders. Once they have been taken care of, you will receive your reward."

Then without even waiting for a response from the goblin king, it cut off the call.

After the call was cut off, the "Sacred One" gave a sigh before saying in a determined voice, "Even if I have to use up all my points, I will survive."

Back on the stairs leading to the third floor, Lin Fan stopped the group after he noticed something.

The others were confused and even thought that they were about to swarmed by the goblins, so they all turned around and raised their weapons, but to their surprise, there wasn't a single goblin behind them.

"What is going one?" Tian Tian asked in a confused voice.

Lin Fan knitted his brows, but he didn't say a thing as he spread his spiritual senses.

He found that the auras of the goblins had completely disappeared from the entrance of the stairs. It was almost as if they had completely given up on chasing them.

But why would they do that?

Seeing that Lin Fan wasn't saying anything, the group couldn't help becoming more nervous.

Tian Tian could sense this and finally couldn't help asking, "What's going on?"

Lin Fan turned and said, "They're not following us, but that just means…"

When he said this, everyone felt a chill run down their spine as they understood what he meant by this.

Even though they could easily chase them down, the goblins chose not to follow them.

That meant that they were clearly afraid of whatever was on the third floor…

So what was on the third floor that even scared an entire village of over a thousand goblins that could fight…Not to mention a hundred variants and a goblin king?

This wouldn't be good for them…

They had just been barely able to sneak past the goblins to make it to the stairs, but if they weren't as lucky again to be able to sneak past whatever was on the third floor, it was very likely that they would all be dead.

Lin Fan gave a sigh before saying, "Let's go."

The others looked at each other before following Lin Fan down the stairs.

There was nothing else that they could do in this situation.

They couldn't go back since there was a group of goblins that would be waiting for them, so the only way that they had was forward.

They could have waited here in this space that the goblins wouldn't come in until the goblins stopped guarding the entrance, but instead of wasting time, it was better for them to get to the bottom of the stairs and see what the third floor was like. It was better than if whatever was on the third floor came up to attack them without them knowing any better.

So the group moved down the stairs until they reached the bottom.

The staircase wasn't that long, so it didn't take them that much time to reach the bottom.

When they arrived, they found that the third floor in front of them wasn't that big at all. It was just a tiny space that could be considered a room, but that wasn't what caught their attention.

What caught their attention was the large set of doors that was placed on the wall right in front of them.

There was no other path for them to take, there was only this set of large doors in front of them.

They could have stayed in this space, but it was also just like before where they didn't know what was hiding behind the doors. If the thing that was hiding behind the doors suddenly chose to attack them, it would be a problem.

If this was a bigger room, it wouldn't be a problem, but this room was barely big enough for all of them to stand in, so it definitely would be a problem if they were to fight in this room.

Seeing that they had no other choice, everyone drew their weapons as they waited for Lin Fan to open the door.

Lin Fan tried to first send his spiritual senses through the door to see what was there, but he found that the door was so thick that he couldn't penetrate it at all. It seemed like there was no other choice than to open the door.

So Lin Fan stood in front of the door and grabbed the handles. He took a deep breath before quickly moving to the side as he opened the doors, making sure that he was out of the way if anything charged out.

But there was only silence as the room behind the doors revealed itself.

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