With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 99 Ruins (10)

As soon as the minotaur saw the red cloth in Lin Fan's hands, its eyes suddenly popped out and it gave a strong snort.

Without knowing why, the minotaur really wanted to charge at this red cloth in Lin Fan's hand.

It kicked off the ground and lowered its head as it suddenly flew out at Lin Fan, but right at the last second, Lin Fan moved out of the way of the charge.

It had been fast enough that it had caught him off guard, but he was still able to react in time and dodge it at the last second. But that late dodge allowed the minotaur's horns to hit the cloth which pushed him a bit off balance.

Still, even if he was pushed off balance, the minotaur wasn't able to take advantage of this.

The minotaur was a power heavy opponent, so its charge was so strong that it wasn't able to stop itself quickly. It flew all the way past Lin Fan and slammed right into the wall behind him.

After it slammed into the wall behind him, there was a large explosion of dust. Only when the dust settled did they see that the minotaur had created a giant hole in the wall.

As for the minotaur itself, it didn't seem affected at all that it had just slammed its head into a wall. All it did was shake its head to get the dust off before turning to look right at Lin Fan, or rather the red cloth in Lin Fan's hand.

Lin Fan had already regained his balance as the minotaur slammed into the wall, so he was prepared as the minotaur charged at him again.

During this, the voice had been announcing everything that had been happening like a professional caster, "The minotaur is winding up again for another charge, it will surely pierce right through the arrogant intruder this time!"

Of course, since it was on the side of the minotaur, naturally its casting was biased for the minotaur.

But this time, Lin Fan was ready for the charge.

As soon as he saw the minotaur move, he was already moving to the side a bit to avoid the charge since the minotaur could only move in one direction.

As expected, it was easy for Lin Fan to dodge out of the way since the attack was so linear.

But there was a problem with this method.

Both of them would be wasting their energy slowly by attacking and dodging like this…Actually, it was more tiring for Lin Fan to dodge since he had to match his dodge with the minotaur's attack.

The minotaur was at a higher level of cultivation than him, so naturally it also moved much faster than him. So to dodge it, Lin Fan had to react as soon as the minotaur started moving.

This required a large amount of focus from him to follow even the slightest movements from the minotaur.

If this kept up, Lin Fan was sure to run out of stamina before the minotaur.

But as he continued fighting this minotaur, his reactions were getting better and better as he was getting more used to the minotaur's movements.

As his own movements became more and more smooth, Lin Fan was able to split his attention slightly to start using another power.

The temperature around the area started to drop ever so slightly as a seemingly ethereal blue glow appeared around Lin Fan.

The temperature continued to drop until frost started to form on the ground. When the minotaur ran past Lin Fan, there were even specks of frost that appeared on its body.

But it had a very strong body, so this bit of frost wasn't enough to hurt it.

That wasn't Lin Fan's goal though.

There was a layer of ice that started forming on the ground. It was small at first, but then it quickly spread until it formed a large circle around Lin Fan.

Suddenly, the minotaur suddenly slipped on the patch of ice on the ground, giving Lin Fan his chance.

He was able to easily dodge past the minotaur and then with one smooth move, he slashed the side of the minotaur passing by him with the Gramr in his hand.

There was a spurt of bright red blood that suddenly splashed on the ground after the minotaur slipped right past Lin Fan.

The voice had been excitedly casting the fight, cheering the minotaur on the entire time, but when it saw what had just happened, it immediately fell silent.

Finally silence came to this arena until the minotaur slammed into the wall.

The minotaur quickly stood up and turned to look at Lin Fan, but this time its eyes were completely red.

It had a strong pride as a powerful minotaur and it had never suffered an insult like this before. Not only had it not crushed its opponent in a single blow, it had even suffered injuries.

Although the injuries weren't heavy because of the minotaur's strong armour of muscles, the fact of the matter was that even with the difference in cultivation, Lin Fan was able to skip a level to fight this minotaur.

Normally one would become wary in situations like this, but it was different for the minotaur.

The minotaur's eyes had completely turned red as it lost all of its common sense. The only thing that it had on its mind was how to smash Lin Fan.

As for Lin Fan, he just casually stood there with a smile on his face, waiting for the minotaur to charge him again.

It was at this moment that the voice finally reacted and said, "No, no, champion, stop! Don't lose control, he'll just bait you again and again if you lose control and charge at him! You have to fight him with your brains instead!"

It was just too bad that these words fell onto deaf ears.

The minotaur's red eyes showed that it had completely lost control and had gone berserk.

With a strong snort, the minotaur started charging at Lin Fan again, going even faster than before. However, Lin Fan was already prepared for this and he had expanded the circle of ice underneath him.

This helped him on two levels.

First, with a wider range, the minotaur would slip on the ice sooner which would help decrease the speed of the charge and make it easier for Lin Fan to dodge.

Second, with Lin Fan's ability to control the ice, he was able to make use of the low friction of the ice to glide across it, moving even faster than before.

With this large circle of ice, Lin Fan was able to easily dodge out of the way of the minotaur's charges and he was able to slash at the minotaur more and more times.

While each slash only dealt slight injuries to the minotaur, these small injuries added up would be devastating. By the end of it, the minotaur had close to a hundred slashes on both of its sides and it was leaving a trail of blood.

The minotaur itself looked like it was running out of energy, but that wasn't surprising considering how much blood it had already lost.

It had lost so much blood that the ice on the ground had already completely turned red. At first, it was normal ice, but as more and more blood dripped on the ground and was frozen by Lin Fan's ice powers, the circle of ice had completely turned into a circle of frozen blood.

At the very least, the red eyes that the minotaur had had finally faded away and it was slowly regaining its senses.

It was just too bad that it was already too late for it to do anything.

It looked around itself and knew that there was nothing that it could do, but then it looked like it suddenly remembered something. It reached behind itself and took the axe that it had off its back before swinging it around.

This axe had been there the entire time, but the minotaur had chosen to charge at Lin Fan with its horns.

When Lin Fan saw this, he couldn't help shaking his head with a bitter smile on his face.

If the minotaur had chosen to use this axe before this, he definitely would have been in trouble because of the extra range that this axe would have given the minotaur. But it just showed how long its intelligence was that it completely forgot about this until now.

But at the same time, the voice also said, "Right, your axe! You could have used your axe!"

Lin Fan had three black lines on his face when he heard this…

Still, he didn't have time to address this.

The minotaur raised the axe above its head and smashed it down on the ground, shattering the ice around it before preparing to charge at Lin Fan with the axe.

Unfortunately, Lin Fan hadn't been idle when the minotaur smashed the axe into the ground. He had created five giant icicles in the air around him that he immediately shot out at the minotaur.

The minotaur saw this and immediately spun its axe in front of it, creating a shield that blocked the icicles.

When it blocked them all and stopped spinning, it found that Lin Fan had completely disappeared.

It was about to turn around and look for Lin Fan, but Lin Fan wouldn't give it that chance. When the minotaur had been distracted by the icicles, Lin Fan had used all his speed to charge behind the minotaur.

Now that he was behind the minotaur, while it was still looking for him, Lin Fan raised his sword that was covered in a blue glow and jumped up. He swung out with his sword in midair that cut right into the back of the minotaur's neck.

Since the minotaur had been weakened by Lin Fan's slow slashes, it had long run low on spiritual energy. Lin Fan's sword, covered in spiritual energy, was able to cut right into the minotaur's neck, not stopping at all as it cut straight through the thick and muscular neck, separating the minotaur's head from its body.

The minotaur had been turning around, so its head spun as it was separated from its body.

The last thing that the minotaur saw was Lin Fan flying in the air with the sword in mid swing. It wanted to attack Lin Fan, but it realized that it couldn't move a single muscle. In fact, it couldn't even feel its body anymore.

The head fell to the ground and bounced a few times, creating splashes of blood before falling still. A few seconds later, the giant headless minotaur body fell onto its knees before crumpling to the ground.

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