Woke up as a Worthless Swordsmanship Genius

Chapter 214

Episode 214

The road to the elf village was as easy as always.

Even if it wasn’t me, the branches and vines got out of the way because Riems was there.

It’s extremely comfortable.


Unlike me, who was used to seeing this kind of scene, Ellis wasn’t like that.

Even before the surprise went away, something new appeared and her face remained blank.

“Dragons are dragons, but… it’s quite true that you are the one who did this…”

Ellis shook his head.

I smiled bitterly when she asked if I couldn’t live quietly.

Who would want to live like this?

I also want to live as quietly as possible. What I like is peace.

It was nothing more and nothing less.

I like quiet.

I’m doing this all for the safety of my future.

Otherwise, what kind of crazy person would risk his life to move?

I don’t think so.

There is a reason why I move like this.

We walked for a while and arrived at the elf village.

“Over there.”

Ellis raised his head and looked straight ahead.

The entrance to a mysterious village surrounded by trees like a fence.

Her eyes lit up as she looked at the village of elves.

Although she is good at researching information, elves are an unknown subject even to her.

It is difficult to find elves in the center.

No, it is difficult to see them so close to annihilation.

The elves hid themselves so tightly that it was difficult for even the royal family to see them.

It makes you wonder if you have to be the emperor of an empire to see them.

“Don’t look at me like that. Because they are human just like us. “It’s just that they have long ears and only live in the forest.”

She seemed so lost that she couldn’t even speak properly, so I told her not to be nervous.

Still, I can’t find any reaction from her.



I touched her shoulder and it was only then that she came to her senses.

Her eyes looking back at me were so intense that I avoided her gaze without realizing it.

“Then let’s go in. “They will probably welcome you.”

I walked and entered the village. Hot facilities that feel unbearable.

Perhaps because the war with the barbarians was just around the corner, the elves’ eyes were filled with murder.

To them, barbarians were like cockroaches.

They are a race of war-mad people that the elves detest.

Perhaps because they were attacking those who most wanted to disappear, they surprisingly actively participated in the war.

It was because I became their benefactor, but it also played a role in the fact that their resentment against the barbarians had built up over the years.

“You have a companion today.”

As soon as we entered the village, an elder appeared.

Wherever it was, it appeared as if rising from the ground.

If it had been before, I would have been surprised, but unlike me, who had become accustomed to it and had become calm, Ellis wasn’t like that.

I looked around worried about her, and surprisingly, she was calm.

My eyes widened in surprise, but I didn’t overreact.

“I have a favor to ask you.”

“Are you asking me?”

“yes. Please keep her safe here. “If war breaks out, there is no place safer than here.”


The elder and Ellis looked at me with wide eyes.

In particular, Ellis had a look on his face as if asking what that meant and why he had to stay here.

I continued speaking while ignoring her face, which was full of determination that she would participate in the war with me.

“And I have prepared some weapons for you.”

“What… do you mean?”

“yes. “What?”

The elder’s eyebrows furrow.

Next to me, Ellis tugged on my sleeve, asking me what I was talking about earlier.

When I looked back at her, I saw that her eyes were intense, as if she wanted an explanation.

I held her hand to calm her down and continued the conversation with the elder.

“I know that your main power and weapon is the spirit. “Because we are the sons and daughters of the World Tree, our spirit power will never run out.”


The elder did not deny it.

It might be okay when the World Tree is drying up, but when it is as vivid as it is now, the spirit’s power will never dry up.

The World Tree provides power periodically, so how can it dry up?

But that was only when it was within the realm of the World Tree.

‘When war breaks out, they have to leave the village whether they want to or not.’

If that happens, their power, which was like a stream connected to a lake, will be cut off like it was cut off from the lake.

What you have is simply not enough.

So, I plan to rotate it so that a few people come out to help and take turns, but I don’t know what will happen to the people’s work.

So, we had to prepare for any emergency.

I knew that actions speak louder than words, so I motioned to Riems to take out the weapons that Ellis had brought.

A crack appeared in the air, and the sub-space opened its mouth and spit out weapons.

Bows, arrows, daggers, and armor that emphasized lightness.

I held them up one by one and continued explaining.

‘Who knew? ‘The state of the elves’ armed forces is so miserable that it makes no sense to say that they are poorly armed.’

When I first went to meet Elf, I had expectations.

In many novels, there was a lot of content related to elves, and the content made me wonder why they were confined to the forest with such power.

A bow made from broken branches of the World Tree. sharp arrow. Dagger and archery skills that are as good as those of a master. And even weapon skills, such as swordsmanship, that have been trained over the years of living.

Combined with the power of the spirits, they were excellent helpers for the protagonist.

Because there were so many such details, expectations for Elf could not help but arise.

Although one additional letter, ‘Le’, was added, their characteristics were the same as those of the elves and there was nothing wrong with them.

If you can be proud of yourself as the son or daughter of the World Tree, then everything has been said.

‘It’s rather ironic that his natural abilities are at the lowest level due to the World Tree and the Spirit.’

The spirit power they control is strong.

Even the sword masters are surprised, to the extent that even the barbarians who live crazy in the life-and-death struggle of dying and killing in war are wary and cannot touch it carelessly.

The power of spirits is attractive and strong.

But what happens if that power disappears?

If they can no longer command the spirits that served as their hands and feet and a strong barrier to block intruders.

“Don’t question whether this is necessary.”

They become so ordinary.

A knight is the same as a knight without an auror.

Half a penny.

A knight without an auror is bound to be left behind.

Even more so, would they be of any use if the spirits disappeared as they were just a hobbyist and had not learned any weapon skills other than the spirits?

In my opinion, they were nothing more or less than an obstacle to the war.

‘But the good news is that as long as the World Tree is healthy, their spirit power will recover.’

If they only have one advantage, they can take advantage of that advantage.

What was important to them was a means of buying time until the spirit power could be restored when they were unable to use it.

I am creating the means.

“It won’t be too much of an inconvenience. In the case of bows and arrows, we are giving them to you because they are outdated, so there is no need to feel burdened.”

Despite my words that it was okay, the elder could not hide the discomfort on his face.

When I asked him why he was doing that, he said that he felt like he could hear the distressed voices of his friends in the room.

I kept my mouth shut at that nonsense.

It’s ridiculous that they’re doing this because of this wooden bow and arrow.

I sighed inwardly. He says yes, he is like that, but what can you do?

“And it will be comfortable because it has a lightweight magic and the joints are empty. It won’t have any weight. “Let’s try it on.”

He advised the elder to wear armor.

I could feel the elves watching me.

Their eyes did not want to wear that armor and use those weapons.

In fact, they make daily necessities from dead trees and animal skins.

In their eyes, the weapons I brought would look like they were made by killing their living friends.

The reluctance is understandable.

That’s why the elder had to take the lead and wear it.

Basically, if a superior does something, those below him will follow suit.

“This… um.”

The elder, who showed resistance at first, closed his eyes tightly and accepted the armor.

I wore armor made by sacrificing my friends.

While the armor was being placed on his body, his face grew paler, but once he had fully put it on, his entire face turned pure white.

“How is it?”

The pale elder follows my words and moves.

His wrinkled face began to straighten little by little.

At first, I felt disgusted, but the more I wore it and moved around, the more I realized it was more comfortable.

It is light, maneuverable, and even reliable.

Beyond disgust, the elder’s eyes lit up at the armor.

The paleness remains, but now I know how good this armor is.

While I was at it, I also let him use the bow.

After hesitating for a moment, he immediately reached out and grabbed the bow.


He let out a small exclamation and raised two arrows.

He held one of them on his wrist and pulled the other on his palm.

He once again let out an exclamation at the tense demonstration and fired an arrow into the sky.

The arrow soared into the sky without realizing it was high.

As soon as the elder fired the arrow, he immediately fired the arrow from his palm across the city.

The arrow that had reached the end of the sky came down, and the arrow that had just been shot collided with it and was scattered into pieces.


The elder let out a long breath as he looked at that figure.

That sigh was a mixture of emotions, including admiration for the bow and contempt for himself.

With that complex and subtle expression, he looked down at the bow in his hand.

“That’s amazing.”

he admitted.

“If you use it with spirits…,” he added.

The elves approached with curiosity at the elder’s words.

These are the words of the oldest person and elder.

Is it because I, their benefactor, brought it there and Rims is watching them?

Unlike the elders, the elves accepted the weapons obediently.

Is it my illusion that it actually looks better?

It was a moment when my power became stronger.

Unlike the elves who experimented with what they were given, I had to be dragged around by Ellis and listened to her nag.

“You’re always like that, Master. Why are you doing this without even consulting me? Wouldn’t it be better if you at least told me in advance? is it so. It may be so. But can’t you at least ask my opinion about what I want?”

“Oh, that’s…”

Those in Ellis’ eyes couldn’t possibly be tears.

I couldn’t help but get tired of her talking non-stop.

She was the one who always, at any moment, listened to me without saying anything.

It was rare for her to get this emotional.

Especially when you ignore what I say like now.

When I couldn’t say anything, she calmed down her anger on her own.

No, that was giving up rather than letting go of my anger.

“…I was simply your tool.”


I had no choice but to keep my mouth shut at her bitter words.

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