Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 1: Chapter 51: The Hotel Fracture Part III

Book 1: Chapter 51: The Hotel Fracture Part III


I think you need new skills. Now, Tar says, appearing in front of me with his tanuki arms crossed.

I nod my head and open up the skill store, only to find my eyes widening at the sight of a couple of new and very nice looking skills.

Skill Name:Achievement Requirements:Descriptions:Classifications:SP Price: Blood ThirstUnlocked through killing a demon at a higher level than you by at least fifty levels, by killing at least one hundred demons, by entering a Class II Fracture before level twenty, by killing over one hundred demons within your first week of contracting, and having achieved all of these requirements while at Class I.

On account of the users absolute blood thirst and utter lack of a self-preservation instinct, you have learned to grow stronger through each kill.

This skill passively increases all of the users statistics by a flat 0.5% bonus for each enemy slain for a period of one minute after their death.

This effect is stackable.



60 Life Energy TransferUnlocked through killing a demon at a higher level than you by at least ten levels, by being level fifteen or higher, by draining the life energy of at least ten different creatures, and by having blood magic.A healing skill that allows the user to transfer life energy to another being in order to heal them.



20 Blood BankUnlocked through killing a demon at a higher level than you by at least ten levels, by being level fifteen or higher, by having siphoned off or manipulated the blood of over ten creatures including your own, and by having blood magic.A storage skill that allows the user to store the blood of either themselves or other creatures in the void for use at a later time.



20 Blood SacrificeUnlocked through killing a demon at a higher level than you by at least ten levels, by being level ten or above, by almost dying once, by hurting yourself to enhance a blood skill, and by having blood magic.A sacrificial skill that allows the user to burn their own blood in order to get a temporary boost in their physical capabilities.



20 ...

Both Tar and I stare at the legendary skill for several seconds. Then Tar just bursts out into laughter.

When faced with my scowl, he just explains mid laughs, Even the Systems making fun of your recklessness!!

I continue scowling at him for a few seconds before letting out a huff and turning back to the store box again.

Should I buy it or-

Yes. He answers right away without a hint of hesitation, ending his laughter at the same time.

I blink in surprise.

That was fast.

You do not waste time when getting Legendary skills, he explains as if it were some universal law. Also, to explain that note in the skills description, the skills begin to have a bit more flavor in their descriptions when you get to the legendary and mythic skills.

Oh. So it wasnt just the System making fun of me personally then.

Thats good to know.

I purchase the legendary skill without another thought, leaving me with 43 more SP remaining. Of which I decide to spend on Blood Bank to store the blood of the demons I slay so that I can use it for my claws later on. And the last 23 SP I decide to use just going ham on leveling up the new legendary skill.

Tar is briefly surprised by that but doesnt seem against it. Probably because its a legendary skill.

[Skill Blood Thirst has leveled up to level 2.]

[Skill Blood Thirst has leveled up to level 3.]

[Skill Blood Thirst has leveled up to level 4.]

Interesting. It cost only 3 SP to level up Blood Boil once, but it cost 5 SP to level up Blood Thirst once, then 7 to do it again, and 9 to do it again. Taking up an entire 21 SP just for three levels.

Thats because the higher the rarity of the skill, the more expensive it is to level up, Tar explains before adding, Check the skill again.

And so I do, only to find that the amount of time each stack of the skill lasts has been extended to 1 minute and ten seconds.


If I had to guess, then Id say it should have an increase in the percentage that each stack increases your stats by in the next level. On every fifth level.

Now that sounds very nice.

This skill really does sound incredibly useful. At least, when Im fighting large numbers of enemies that is.

Not all that useful outside of that though.

Dont complain about a legendary skill, Tar berates me with frustration obvious in his usually robotic voice. Other Guardians would kill to get one of those.

Yeah, yeah.

It will certainly help while Im clearing these floor of demons at least.

I quickly check my status again to see how much my mana has regenerated before closing it again at the sight of it having gone up by about twenty-one points in the short break weve taken. Which in hindsight isnt very much.

Any chance I can find a skill later on thatll increase my mana regeneration?

Thats probable, yes. I also wouldnt be surprised if you found a skill to convert life energy into mana or something like that, Tar answers while floating into the air.

That could work. Because my mana regeneration isnt fast enough to slaughter my way through all of these monsters.

Well look at the bright side, Tar says. That legendary skill you were complaining about will also increase your mana by somewhere between thirty to fifty points per stack.

My eyes widen in shock at that.

By the stars, are you serious?! If I can keep the bonus going

Right. As long as you keep killing demons back to back, Blood Thirst will keep increasing your mana in a sort of temporary mana storage, making your skills only draw out of that before it vanishes again, Tar explains, making me finally realize why this skill is so amazing. With this you could farm weaker demons all night long with very little time spent regenerating your mana.

Okay. I love this skill.

I cant help the wide grin that splits across my face as I run into the floor proper, straight at the level three Spawn I find near the entryway. And before it can react to me, my speed from having fourteen levels on it making me too fast for it to notice at first, I activate my blood claws and dig them straight into the creatures neck, draining the blood inside. Then a message appears in my vision.

[Blood Thirst Effect applied. Stack is now 1]

My grin grows even wider.

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