Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 1: Chapter 57: Demon Society Finale

Book 1: Chapter 57: Demon Society Finale


You dont know?

Tar nods his head very gently and repeats himself, We dont know.

So does anyone know why? Is it the Demon Kings doing, or do the demons just hold a grudge against humans for some reason?

All we know on the subject is that the Demon King whoever it is at the time has always held a grudge against the humans. All we can do is make our own assumptions on the matter, Tar explains, closing his eyes again. And the only explanation we can think of is that the humans formerly on their world before they were wiped out must have done something unthinkable to the demons, and the Demon Kings always pass that knowledge down.

My frown grows deeper at that.

That Im not really sure how to feel about that. Being told that no one knows why were being attacked by the demons. Not even most of the demons themselves.

Also, the very fact that there were, in fact, humans living on Tartarus at one point in time is surprising.

We didnt find the demons until only several decades before the Demonic Assaults, as you call them, began occurring. And even we dont know why it is that they did start occurring, nor why the demons are dead set towards annihilating all of humankind, Tar says, surprising me again.

Wait, so the fae werent behind the connections between the two worlds? I kind of suspected that King Oberon or the past queen had something to do with it.

Tar shakes his head and answers, No. We fae dont have much power outside of our realm to begin with. Were only absolute within the Farshore.

My brows climb at the mention of the name of the faes realm.

Why is Tar suddenly being so open and free about the information he gives to me? Normally he just doesnt bother telling me this sort of stuff, or says he cant

Its because your level is raising, he explains, reading my thoughts.

Oh. Interesting.

Also, I know you fae cant lie, so why did you say that the fae are helping both humans and the demons because King Oberon wanted only one mortal race? That doesnt exactly line up with some of the things youve said since.

Tar answers instantly, Because that was his original thoughts when he heard of the humans and demons on Tartarus. So he did indeed say that at one time. He just doesnt feel that way anymore.

And I guess youre telling me this now because you trust me more? Or because Im at a higher level now than before?

Silence passes between us for a few seconds with Tar neither confirming nor denying either of those possibilities before I eventually ask out loud in a random bout of curiosity, Hey, you fae feed off of life force, right? So who is King Oberon contracted with?

Tar stays quiet.

After several seconds pass, I look down at him again, finding him either asleep, or faking being asleep.

Did he really fall asleep, or is he just avoiding the question?

I watch him for a few seconds before sighing and lying my head back down on the pillow again.

Guess he still is keeping secrets. But at least hes generally honest about it, and not just hiding or manipulating me as much anymore.

And the bit about my level having something to do with what he can tell me definitely something to think about.

Still wish he wasnt able to read my thoughts though. Because thats just an invasion of privacy.

Anyways, its obvious that Im not the only hu- err, Guardian who knows about all this. Because if Tar is willing to talk about it, then who knows how many other fae are. So its likely common knowledge amongst the Guardians.

Unless the information is some sort of secret only the royal fae know about?

Either way though, all of this does make me curious about who my blood lycan parent is. Because even if they were some sort of outcast which Im assuming they are, considering that they had a child with a human theyre probably still quite powerful. After all, I dont think Ive ever heard of a single known noble demon who didnt become a Class V demon eventually. Not that there are that many examples to go off of, considering the infrequency of Class V Fractures.

In fact, I think theres only been one Class V Fracture since I was born. And it was a few days before I was found by Allen and brought to the orphanage

My thoughts trail to a halt as something clicks in my mind.

The fact that apparently the Demon King has given me an order before but failed, meaning I was likely on Tartarus personally once or just saw him somehow in a Fracture. That one of my parents is likely a Class V demon. And that a Class V Fracture occurred just right before Allen brought me in

It cant be could it have been possible for me to have met the Demon King in that Fracture? Or even somehow crossed over to this world from it?

But where does my human parent come into all of this? And why

Damn it! Too many questions.

I clench my fist, having a serious urge to punch something in my frustration before eventually letting out a sigh and flopping my arm on the bed again.

After a few seconds, I take in a deep breath, hold it for a few, then let it out. Then I repeat that process a couple more times before looking at this a different way.

Why does it really matter who my parents are? Who Im related to? Or even where the hell Im from?

I am who I am, and I was raised by Allen alongside the rest of the orphans. Thats who I am. And I worked through, or rather cleaved through way too much in my life to go blowing it all off on account of stuff from the past.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the tanuki peeking his eye open to look at me with a proud expression on his face.

You little bugger, you were awake all along!!!

I reach out to grab the guy, but he just vanishes before I can with a chuckle resonating through my mind.

Damnit Tar! Where do you go when you do that anyways?!

An amused voice enters my head from the tanuki, The border between the mortal realm and the Farshore. A place no mortal can enter.

My eye twitches as I hear the clear taunting in his voice.

I look around with my eyes narrowed before closing my eyes and focusing on my ears. But nothing comes. Not until I suddenly feel something poking my ear, making me immediately flinch back with my eyes shooting open to find a tanuki floating in front of me, only for him to disappear again when I lunge at him.

Damnit, tanuki!

His chuckling just continues to echo through my head, an entirely uncharacteristic action for the tanuki.

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