World of Experts

Chapter 141: Town Inauguration

Chapter 141: Town Inauguration

Shake the Heaven was standing at the central square of Twin Dragons Village. As for Blowing Wind Left A Passion, he might not use it for a while. Later today, he was going to announce that Blowing Wind Left A Passion was sent to carry out a secret mission in other areas and wouldnt return for a long time.

At this moment, Feng Tianhao came to the side of Shi Hao and whispered something in his ear. Then, Shi Hao nodded his head.

As it turned out that not long after Shi Hao left Twin Dragons Village and went to Heavenly Mountain, a county envoy had come. Naturally, it was very unlikely for the county envoy to come here with a bad intention now. In any case, Shake the Heaven was a rank two official of Divine and Mighty Alliance. How could anyone come with bad intentions towards his village?

In fact, the county had intentionally sent someone to inform Twin Dragons Village to make preparations in advance! Why make preparations? It was for the next dungeon of the West Flower Region. Compared to the previous dungeon mission, it was a much more important dungeon, called West Flowers First Fighting Meet.

As the name suggested, this dungeon was a fighting competition between West Flower Regions players and their subordinates for the first place. The reward for the first place was extremely rich. As for the rest, there was not much to say. The first place ate meat, whereas the rest drink the soup successively

However, why was such a meet more important than the last time? The reason was, the first place was not limited to one! The first place referred to the first place of each profession, and not all professions were mixed together to compete. Therefore, there would be a total of five first-place rewards, corresponding to five different professions. There was no distinction of superiority and inferiority between those five first places, all were treated equally without discrimination.

Profession equality, this ideology was also the general trend. No one could say that the commander profession was a leader post, whereas front-liners like fighters were not important! Without the protection of a lot of fighters, the knights might be able to survive on their own on the battlefield. However, archers, strategists and even commanders wouldnt be able to survive. They would die without a doubt.

Speaking about it, Shi Haos Soul Fighter profession was still a fighter profession. Although it had mutated to resembling a powerful commander, he was still a fleshy idiot fighter in essence. Therefore, if he wanted to participate in this competition, he could only enter the fighter group, not the commander group.

As a result, he had a problem! A big problem. Who in Twin Dragons Village would capture the champion seat of the commander group? Shi Hao had a big headache. One should know that Heroic Overlord Under Heaven was a commander! If there was no mishap, then it was very likely that Heroic Overlord Under Heaven would become the first in the commander group

At that time, Heroic Overlord Under Heaven would obtain the first place reward, and with Yuwen Chengdu and the cooperation of Absolutely Godless and Three Wooden Big Tree, Twin Dragons Village would be

In any case, Shi Hao had to snipe Heroic Overlord Under Heaven!

In order to do this, he shouldnt delay in upgrading to the town. As long as his village was upgraded to the town, he would be able to upgrade Smithy, General Store and Tailor Store to level 3, thereby manufacturing tier 3 items.

Then, as long as he gave these tier 3 items to Soaring Through the Highest Heaven, regardless of whether it was successful or not, at least he would have a psychological comfort! It was better than doing nothing now.

Eh? Some people might ask, wasnt Soaring Through the Highest Heavens profession a commander? Now that he had also joined Twin Dragons Village, letting him join the battle, how could he lose to Heroic Overlord under Heaven? Were the buffs of Shi Haos Soul of the Warrior and Shadow Dragon Soul ineffective on Soaring Through the Highest Heaven?

Indeed! Soaring Through the Highest Heaven had no buff effect of Soul of the Warrior. Since Shi Hao still didnt trust Soaring Through the Highest Heaven, when he received an alert and found that Soaring Through the Highest Heaven had appeared in his team list, he directly created a special bonus mode for Soaring Through the Highest Heaven, blocking the buff of Soul of the Warrior, and only giving the buff of Shadow Dragon Soul.

Think about it, was it possible to brainlessly give anyone who came to join you all your signboards? That was naturally impossible. Shi Hao was not a fool. Furthermore, who could tell whether Soaring Through the Highest Heavens village had players or not, moreover, whether those players were trustworthy or not.

In fact, if it werent for Soaring Through the Highest Heaven already knowing about the matter of Shadow Dragon Soul during the West River Dragon Ponds dungeon mission, Shi Hao wouldnt have given the buff of Shadow Dragon Soul too.

Perhaps, someone would ask again, since Soaring Through the Highest Heaven had the protection shield of Shadow Dragon Soul, was there a need to fear Heroic Overlord Under Heaven? Yes. She Hao was very clear about what they could come up with if Heroic Overlord Under Heaven, Absolutely Godless and Three Wooden Big Tree cooperated. Therefore, it was necessary to further improve the items, otherwise, Heroic Overlord Under Heaven would easily become the first of commander group.

A little while later

Wang Fu rushed over. The time was just right. The sun was bright and the heat was in full swing. It was the perfect time to start the upgrade process. If they didnt start now, then when?

Wang Fu said: Lord Village Chiefs, lets start

Shi Hao and Feng Tianhao symbolically walked side by side to a stage in the center of the central square. This was also set up by Wang Fu in advance, especially to let Twin Dragon Villages two Village Chiefs give an opening speech. Shi Hao and Feng Tianhao were not long-winded people. They simply said a few encouraging words, then shouted in unison: Start!

After that, Feng Tianhao handed the S grade Advance Soul to Shi Hao. Obviously, Feng Tianhao was letting Shi Hao activate the Advance Soul. Firstly, Shi Hao was the Village Chief. Even though there was no distinction between the two of them in Twin Dragons Village, they must respect this title. Secondly, Feng Tianhao knew that this S grade Advance Soul might give a new special building to the village! But whether it was successful or not, and whether the building effect would be good or not depended on luck.

And speaking about luck, in the > game, if Shi Hao considered himself second, then who would dare to take the first place? Shi Hao was the darling of >. Even a certain Sea Manager had personally admitted to it, who would dare to argue otherwise.

Although Feng Tianhao didnt know that Shi Hao was >s darling, seeing how Shi Hao had successively pulled out S grade or above historical NPCs three times from Stargazing Platform, he knew that Shi Haos luck was absolutely not just illusory luck. It must be a real BUG, just like how Shi Hao had inexplicably gotten Soul of the Warrior skill at the beginning

Therefore, since luck plays a vital role in activating Advance Soul, he let Shi Hao do it himself. This was also the reason why Feng Tianhao insisted on waiting for Shi Haos return to upgrade despite Wang Fu and Fa Zheng urging him many times. No one wanted to waste a chance to get a better benefit!

 Okay, let me test my luck Shi Hao rubbed his little red hands. He was aware of Feng Tianhaos little thoughts. But he couldnt help it, little red hands were little red hands and darling was darling. When he should act, he would act.

As a matter of fact, at that moment, Shi Hao had already used the S grade Advance Soul, and he was shocked. His mouth was wide open and his eyes were as deep as the sea. If someone gave him a light bulb, then he could fit it in his mouth. This was absolutely a miracle. Ordinary people could never do it, be sure to not try it. That, however, was just self-torment.

What is it? Everyone below the stage was waiting for Shi Hao to announce the result. Feng Tianhao knew that something might have happened after seeing such an appearance of Shi Hao: Dont just stand there in a daze, quickly speak, what is it?

Shi Hao still couldnt wake up from the dream. His imaginations were running wild. The more he thought, the farther he went. Eh! He had already forgotten that he was still at the opening ceremony of the town upgrade at this moment.

Feng Tianhao kicked Shi Hao, making Shi Hao roll three times on the red carpet of the stage, and yelled again: Are you a mute? Quickly speak, otherwise, itll be my spear next time.

Feng Tianhao was naturally just joking around. He was still a teammate with Shi Hao. He couldnt injure Shi Hao

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