World Online

Chapter 118 Incredible Haul

Jake arrived in front of a cave.

The lake that was next to the cave was where he just hid a few minutes ago. This was a very good place, and any monster would want to fight for it.

So it made all the more sense that a terrifying monster like the dinosaur that Jake just baited into fighting was the one that occupied this place.

After a whole two days of trial and error, mapping and selection, they chose these two monsters that happened to be right next to each other, and made them duel it out.

So now, with the cave completely free, Jake could just walk in. He calculated for hours to get the timing right. Because even though he was banking on the fact that the dinosaurs in the middle of battle were going to die, there were two that he needed to fear.

The partners of these dinosaurs.

And after observing, they saw that they went out during this time to get the food for the female dinosaurs and presumably for the children.

Jake had to ready himself to battle with these smaller dinosaurs, but most importantly, he was going to try and get the eggs if there were any.

And he didn't know if there were any eggs inside. He couldn't go inside the cave until now.

Without stalling, he ran into the cave. The moment he did, he saw that even though there was no natural light source, it was still well lit.

And the reason: a bunch of crystals on the cave's walls. They were clearly not put there by the dinosaurs. This was truly a wonderful cave.

And deep inside the cave, Jake could hear rustling. These were probably the children dinosaurs.

Taking out his sword, he continued proceeding, as careful as he could be.

But when he got there, his smile widened. He saw the children of the dinosaurs.

All of them were asleep, and all of them had a HP bar above them. What made Jake smile was the size of the HP bar. The number there made him chuckle.

It was a measly one thousand for both the small dinosaurs there.

Jake rushed in, his sword high as he dug it in.

"Despairing strike"

The moment his sword went through, he knew he lucked out.

[Critical Hit! -1256 HP]

[Level Up!]

But this sound was about to wake the other dinosaur. And before it even opened its eyes, Jake's sword dug into it.

"Slash of Hunger!"

[Critical Hit! -1789 HP]

This time, he didn't level up, but he certainly did get a lot of exp. Enough to fill three fourths of the bar.

And the loot that dropped almost made him salivate. Because the moment the dinosaurs disappeared, purple items fell down.

Epic grade items. Items that he could use right now.

He took all of them without even checking what they were. He was too pressed for time, and he needed to look at the center of attraction that he had putting off for too long now.

The nest that was at the center of the cave. A nest made of hay, and on it, three eggs with purple dots on all of them.

He walked up to them and touched the egg.

[Take into inventory?]

A message came.

Jake smiled as he clicked on the obvious answer.

The egg disappeared, and soon enough, the other two did as well. After this was over, Jake took out something from his inventory. Something that smelled wonderful.

It was a piece of meat. Cooked meat. One of the features of the game, where once you put something like meat, which dropped sometimes after a monster was killed, over fire, it would be cooked to some extent.

And the smell that it gave was too much for the monsters to ignore.

He dropped it in the middle of the nest, and turned around. There was nothing else in this nest that was worth taking. The only good things that were remaining were probably the dinosaurs itself, and they would only drop if they died.

Jake was not strong enough to kill them. He wasn't even close. He knew that he had to be in Tier Four to do that. He wasn't even in Tier Two.

He got to the right level, but he needed to leave the secret realm to try and get the tier upgrade quest.

But that was beside the point. Right now, he had the biggest haul that he ever had in the game, except for when he received the sword of misery and the armor of despair.

​ He left the cave now, and noticed that the ground was shaking.

His face changed as he ran to one of the trees that he could see near. He climbed the tree, hoping that the tree was thick enough to cover him up.

Once he was up there he looked through the slight opening of the leaves to see that a dinosaur that looked similar to the one that he led to the fight had arrived.

But this was not the same one. Firstly, it was spotless. There was no way that it would come spotless after a huge battle like that.

And secondly, it looked slightly different in the crown, and in the arms. This dinosaur had longer arms, and had a slightly longer tail.

It entered the cave, and when it did, Jake started moving away from the cave.

He knew that the moment that the dinosaur there would witness the massacre that was inside, which was the disappearance of its young, it would go on a rampage.

"Thank god I prepared a contingency plan." Jake thought to himself as he ran from tree to tree.

But even though he got a few hundred meters away in the next minute, he could hear the roar of pain and anger that came from inside the cave with clarity.

The father dinosaur number one was angry alright.



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