World Online

Chapter 148 Catching Up

An hour later, he still had the caravan in sights.

He wasn't there yet, but he was close. Close enough to shout at them.

"Stop! Please, stop!" He shouted until his voice became hoarse, And after that, he would stop shouting and continue running toward the caravan.

He hoped that one of the caravan members would notice him and would stop the caravan for him.

But it was all to no avail. He was still too far away.

Luckily, the fox was the only monster that was stupid enough to attack him. As soon as he cane within a certain distance of the caravan, no monster dared to approach him.

After all, there was a caravan full of people next to him.

Soon, Jake took a deep breath and he started sprinting. At this stage, he really wanted to catch up to them. He was close enough to start sprinting at them.

It was a funny sight to see. Someone clad in armor that didn't look that great, and he was sprinting, his arms moving side to side considering he was already pretty exhausted.

But it was a sight that caught attention. Jake could see that some people in the caravan who were in charge of the look out saw a man running toward them.

He shouted once again, his voice too hoarse for it to sound like the twenty year old man that he was, and the way he ran made him look like an old man.

And surely, an old man running toward them in the wild was reason enough to stop. The tallest of the bunch raised his right hand with his fist clenched.

The moment he did, chain of command worked its wonders and the caravan stopped moving.

Jake smiled as he stopped sprinting like a mad man and started stumbling toward them like a drunken idiot.

Someone from the caravan approached him as well, to help him up. Jake stopped mid way and took out some water that he was wise enough to store.

Taking a swig of the cool water, he took a few seconds to restore his breath, trying to suppress the fire that was burning his lungs inside out.

And then, dignifying himself and looking like the noble that he was, he started walking normally and approached the man who came to help him out.

Seeing the sudden change in this 'old man' that they came to help, the man who came stopped and looked confused.

He wasn't expecting a young man, and that threw him off guard. Now, he was suspicious of the intentions of this stranger that was coming toward the caravan.

"Who are you? State your affiliation and your purpose." The man called out.

Jake smiled bitterly as he stopped moving. Now, the cool breeze was hitting his face, and it was slightly chilling, slowly making his face more and more presentable by ridding him of the sweat.

"I am Baron Shadow King of the Loviel Empire, tasked with supporting this caravan in ridding the Holy Lands of Saint Ester of the devilish rock that tainted it." Jake said, biting his lips.

"If the goddamn caravan is the wrong one, I might as well give up now. The entire game is basically telling me not to go on this mission if they say that this is the wrong caravan." Jake thought inside.

He was praying to god that this was the real caravan that he was supposed to be a part of.

"Oh! You are a Baron? Forgive me for not noticing. But we have not received any information that a Baron would be joining us." The man frowned.

"Please, let us confirm with the leader of the caravan. You must be mistaken. I was told by the adventurer's guild that I had to join this caravan." Jake asked again.

"That is what I intend to do. Please, come with me." The man nodded as the slowly walked to the caravan that was still a little distance away.

They got to the caravan which had dozens of people. One look was all it took for Jake to know how strong everyone was.

There were many that he couldn't see the levels for. That meant that they were more than fifty levels higher than he was. And each one of them was at the least in the third tier, with many of them in the fourth tier.

But Jake had no doubt that the leader of this strong group of people was in the fifth tier. Only someone so strong could control so many unpredictable people.

Once they got to the caravan, Jake sighed with relief. He finally caught up to the caravan after an hour of running.

They walked through the long line of adventurers and got to the very front. A taller man stood there, big and noble like, with a thin mustache and eyes like that of a wolf.

He looked at Jake and smiled.

"It seems that the Baron who was supposed to show up actually chased us all the way here. When you didn't show, I thought that you wouldn't come at all. To think that you would chase us on foot all the way here." The leader smiled.

"I was given the mission and immediately you guys left. How was I to catch up to you?" Jake asked.

"Forgive us. We thought that you weren't going to show, as many nobles stand us up. In missions like these, we aren't supposed to say, but nobles add their names to the rosters but never show. And after the mission is over, they claim credit." The leader sighed.

"You do not have to worry. Although I may be the weakest here, I will certainly pull my weight around here."Jake said.

"I certainly hope you will." The leader nodded.



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