World Online

Chapter 163 The Strongest Sword Here

"Damn this." Jake cursed as he looked at the message that just popped up in front of him. He half expected the difficult to step up soon enough, but to think that it would actually happen!

"The game doesn't want me to ascend my tier, goddamn it." Jake cursed again.

His dismissed the notification and looked back at the party. Everyone was looking grim, not sure if they could handle what was about to happen.

"But you all are thinking about it too much. Although the god of light is not powerful in the Evil Lands, he is strong enough to suppress the ninth follower a little." Father Joseph smiled.

"But this is a law of equal exchange. Hence, His Divine Brilliance has decided to suppress everyone."

"Suppress everyone, Father? What are you talking about?" Ganshin asked.

"It means exactly what it means. The moment we enter the holy grounds, all of us are going to be suppressed to the first tier. Everyone here, including me and you, are going to be fighting on the same stage.." Father Joseph said.

Everyone was not sure what this entailed, but Jake did.

"Good. The game gave me a way out." Jake smiled.

"Everyone in the first tier? That is… going to be difficult." Ganshin said.

"No doubt, it is going to be difficult. But that is something that we will have to see when we try to enter the Holy Ground tomorrow. It is still night right now, and we cannot move from where we stand right now." Father Joseph said.

"Then we need to get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. The church should be able to provide us cover until the next day. Rest while you can." Ganshin nodded.

"All of you should indeed, get some sleep." Father Joseph nodded.

And as if mocking what was just spoken, everyone heard a long howl from outside.


The high pitched howl reverberated as the sound entered the church. In this closed space, it even echoed before slowly dimming down.

Such a terrifying could only be given by a beast that was too powerful for them to handle.

The windows of the church were all slightly open, and staying in such a place where just about anyone could enter without even kicking open the door was frightening.

Everyone looked to the front, at their leader and the strongest for reassurance.

"They are just provoking us to fight. Nothing more. No monster dares to enter the boundary that the god of light has put up. Even the ninth follower will not do that. Sleep. Only if the Evil God himself comes here, will there be a problem." Father Joseph shook his head and said.

Slowly, everyone started taking up a bench for themselves.

There were quite a few benches here, and everyone could take one. They all laid on these benches and closed their eyes, trying to get some rest.

Occasionally, there were a few roars and howls that came from outside.

The sounds became more frequent, and the varying pitch could only mean that more and more monsters were slowly accumulating outside.

Just from the sounds alone, Jake felt like an army was being brought together outside.

He just sat upright, head back, eyes open, looking at the direction of the door. Jake had no intention of sleeping today. He could handle a few days without rest. It was only after that that it would get a little difficult.

"Are you not going to sleep, Young Noble?" Father Joseph slowly came next to him and sat on the sole bench that was directed toward the doors rather than the statue of God.

As if the statue of god knew that everyone wa sleeping here, the light that came from the statue dimmed a little, and it glowed with a warmer hue, like it was a glorified nightlight.

Even Jake felt sleepy just because of the change in lighting. But he did not. He looked to the side, at the old man who had taken a seat next to him.

"I do not need sleep. It is better if one of us remains on guard. As the weakest here, I need to contribute a little, shouldn't I?" Jake asked.

"You keep putting yourself down telling yourself that." Father Joseph smiled.

"Now that His Divine Brilliance has done this, putting everyone in the same position, it means that you are also an important asset." Father Joseph smiled.

"I can sense it in you. A power that you posses, but cannot completely use. Once you complete your tier ascension, you might be able to unlock one of your powers." Father Joseph said.

He then put his hand forward.

"Can I take a look at your sword? It impressed me when you took it out to fight." He asked.

"It would be my honor." Jake said without hesitation as he took out his rusty sword and gave it to the Father Joseph.

Ever since his rejuvenation, he seemed to be full of energy. If this was during the travel, Jake would feel that even the sword was too heavy for the Father to handle.

And yet, now, Father Joseph easily took the sword and took a look at it.

"A truly spectacular sword. It has bound itself to you, accepted you. Few swords are able to do that."

"To think that the strongest sword over here is actually wielded by the one who is most unnoticeable." Father Joseph chuckled.

"Well. The battle that comes tomorrow, it is one that I cannot risk in any way. So even you must be performing to your best. Let me help you out just a little." Father Joseph said.

He tapped on the sword, and it started to glow. It glowed with a sharp blue light that made Jake's drowsiness disappear.

Sparks soared as the sword lost it's rusted appearance totally. Once the blue glow disappeared, Jake took one look at the bluish hue of the sword and knew that this was the true form of the sword.

"Here. It has a little of its power unlocked for you to use. Now then. Tomorrow, I wish that you will not disappoint me."



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