World Travel Simulator System In Modern Society

Chapter 52 Saving Alice

Chapter 52 Saving Alice

When Alister woke up, Lynn was also awakened as well as she was used to keeping alert due to the time she spent in the zombie apocalypse. Not to mention, she didn't need to sleep so she was only half-asleep most of the time.

Hearing Alister's mutterings, Lynn already got the gist of what happened. "Was Alice sold to the Cloud Sect as in the previous timeline?"

Alister nodded, "Yes, she was sold by my father but not to the Cloud Sect. It seems another criminal organization had taken an interest in Alice and I don't even know the reason for it."

"But from what I have observed through the mind seed, Alice was sold by my father to repay his debts. Fortunately, Alice isn't in danger yet."

When Lynn heard Alister's words, she immediately asked, "Haven't you already made millionaires and even billionaires as your subordinates? Even Yun Ren might have also taken over the Cloud Sect so you don't lack money now. Why didn't you repay the debt of your father?"

In response to Lynn's question, Alister just shrugged, "It's his debt, what's that got to do with me?"

"I'm not the bitch who gambled and got into a debt. So my father better man up and take responsibility for his actions yet he didn't but even implicated my little sister for it."

When she heard his reply, Lynn stared blankly at Alister, "You do know you could have at least prevented it, right?"

Again, Alister shrugged, "Doesn't matter. After all, you can't prevent the inevitable unless you have absolute power. I have already taken over the Cloud Sect so that should have prevented the abduction of Alice."

"However, it seems the Cloud Sect isn't the root of this problem but my father and his damn debt. If my father didn't have his debt, he wouldn't have sold Alice to them."

"But it's not without any result as I have at least proven that my parents aren't worthy and responsible enough to take care of Alice. As her brother, I can only take the initiative to save her and take her away from my parents."

Alister explained to Lynn. He knew that what he was doing was right, at least from his perspective.

After all, even if he had paid his father's debt, his father would likely gamble again and suffer from another huge debt which would still result in him selling Alice.

So, Alister didn't change anything aside from planting a mind seed in Alice to protect her in case of emergencies. Not to mention, he also didn't mind control his father as he had used this incident to test whether his father was trustworthy enough to let him raise Alice.

His father had disappointed him and Alister knew that he would be left with no choice but to take this matter into his hands.

"Lynn, protect my main body while I activate the mind seed."

After requesting Lynn to protect him, Alister saw Lynn nod which prompted him to activate the mind seed that he had planted inside Alice.


In a dark room, a two-year-old girl with black hair and crimson-red eyes was locked up in a cage. Beside her cage were several other cages containing kidnapped or bought children.

The two-year-old girl was none other than Alice Wright, Alister's little sister.

The truck that she was inside had abruptly halted which startled her. What followed it after was the opening of the truck's container which brought light into the dark room, illuminating it and revealing the figures of various children locked up inside cages.

A middle-aged man who had covered his face with a black mask had opened the truck's container to inspect the goods. Noticing that the goods weren't damaged and didn't drop in quality, he nodded his head in satisfaction, deciding to close the truck's container.

However, before the middle-aged man with a black mask could close the truck's container, a wind flew past him, and what followed was his neck gushing out of blood. The middle-aged man's neck was cut off and his head rolled on the ground, frightening the abducted children inside the truck.

But before those abducted children could scream, their eyes suddenly closed as they started sleeping inside their cages.

Every child except for one child had fallen asleep. And that child was none other than "Alice" Wright who had remained conscious.

"Alice" stood up and destroyed the bars of her cage, allowing her to leave the cage. With the truck still being opened, "Alice" left the truck and swiftly dealt with the criminals who had guarded or driven the truck.

Even when those criminals tried to aim their guns at her, "Alice" managed to easily cut off their hands before they could pull the trigger of their guns.

Standing near the corpses of those criminals, "Alice" sighed and started using her ability to erase the memories of those children regarding what had happened during the time they were abducted especially the time that she had killed that criminal as she had feared that it would cause trauma towards them.

After using the mobile phone of those criminals to call the police, "Alice" left the vicinity and flew to the sky, heading towards a certain direction.

Flying in the sky for several minutes while activating invisibility, "Alice" arrived in front of the gate of a moderately-sized modern house.

"Alice" knocked on the door and she eventually saw the door open, revealing a four-year-old girl with long golden blonde hair and crimson red eyes.

It was at that time that "Alice" lost consciousness which caused her to fall frontwards to the four-year-old girl, prompting the four-year-old girl to catch her.

"Alister, I have caught Alice."


After being assured of Alice's safety, Alister deactivated the effects of the mind seed which allowed the split part of his consciousness to return to his body.

When he had activated the mind seed in Alice's body, Alister had split a part of his consciousness towards the mind seed and used it to take control of Alice's body.

It allowed him to not only take control of Alice's body but also transfer a part of his power to her temporarily.

Fortunately, Alister wasn't in harm's way or else he wouldn't be as calm as he was right now.

'Unlike in the simulation where I had killed Alice before due to my suspicion, this is the real world so if Alice was killed, then she would die.'

'And as much as I don't want to accept it, I am still weak and I don't have any means of resurrecting the dead. Even the so-called zombie virus couldn't be used to resurrect the dead as it only worked by taking over the body of a living human and not a dead one.'

'Although I haven't spent much time with Alice, I still don't want her to die as she is undoubtedly my sister. Not to mention, I have wronged her in the simulation and I don't want to wrong her again, especially in the real world where everything that had happened couldn't be redone again."

When Alister thought about his successful rescue of Alice, he became glad that nothing bad had happened.

But when he remembered why this had happened in the first place, he couldn't help but harbor murderous intent towards his father. However, he shook off such thoughts as he realized he was being too bloodthirsty.

'No, killing might not be the solution to this problem. After all, I can't deny that my father is my biological parent and it is also partly my fault that I didn't prevent it.'

'But since he still sold Alice regardless of whether I had prevented it or not, I will deal with him so that this won't happen again in the future.'

'I can at least go with my plan of erasing the memories of my parents about their memories towards me and Alice. Since I can't kill them, then I can only make them forget about Alice and my existence.'

'I am confident that I can raise Alice by myself with the support from Lynn so it shouldn't be a problem. After all, I don't lack money so I can easily raise Alice.'

But when Alister thought about the possibility of Alice missing her parents, he knew that he couldn't easily go with this plan as it might cause some problems in the future.

After all, unlike him who had already known about their father selling Alice to those criminals, Alice might not know about it. Not to mention, as a child, Alice would be unlikely to be dependent enough to live without the care and nurture of her parents.

When Alister thought about that, he got a headache as he realized that it wasn't as easy as he had expected.

It would have only been possible if Alice could understand that their father had abandoned her.


"It should be possible for me to use my Remember Me talent to allow Alice to recover her memories from the previous timeline. Although it's only effective for remembering memories that are related to me, it is at least worth the try."

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