Xianxia Online

Chapter 46 The Girl With The Gemstone

Inferno Cuisine City—at the very north of Xianxia Continent, this city was built around Immortal Fairy Huo Fei's Tower of Flames. It attracted people from all around the world, even Elysium and Tartarus—that was how good the food was. Everyone who'd ever tasted it could agree, and the name Huo Fei became legendary throughout the lands. Not through cultivation, but through her raw cooking skill.

And now, with the use of a single paper talisman, Zhi Ruo and Xuan traveled all the way from Cloud Catcher City, near the very southwest point of Xianxia Continent, to here. They'd essentially teleported across the entire width of the continent in the span of a mere blink.

Of course, to Xuan, this was nothing impressive. He'd jumped from stars to stars before in Elysium, traveling thousands of light years in an instant. Up there, the world was far more vast than Lower Asphodel. It was an entire new galaxy.

He missed those skies.

Certainly, he would return there in the near future. For now, though, Xuan needed to focus on what was ahead of him—the double date, and more importantly, meeting his own wife. That sentence was immoral beyond belief, but Xuan did not care in the least. If anything, he was more concerned with the fact that his Traveler's Compass just got two hits, which would mean there were two Divine-Grade treasures in the area. One of them was most likely his own, hidden here in his previous life, but the other was a mystery, even to him. All he knew was that both signals were coming from the same place—the Tower of Flames.

"Alright—this is it," Zhi Ruo said, looking up at the massive double doors that marked the entrance into Inferno Cuisine City. "My friend should already be waiting there—let's go."

Due to legal reasons, Xuan and Zhi Ruo couldn't teleport directly to the restaurant using the paper slip. Two people suddenly blinking into existence out of thin air wasn't unseen before, but it certainly was not something easy to get used to. As such, laws were set in place to prevent teleportation into towns, cities, and the like. They could only teleport outside.

'But still, to think this 'friend' of hers was able to just casually give away a teleportation talisman for something as trivial as this… just who is she? And how did the two meet?'

As Xuan thought this, the guards let the two of them in after Zhi Ruo showed them the used teleportation talisman, now just a useless sheet of paper. Recognizing that anyone who possessed one of these was not somebody to trifle with, the guards let them pass without any hassle. The duo stepped into the large and bustling city, hundreds of times more so than the place they'd come from, and Xuan let out a deep breath.

"Ah… just how I remember it."

"Hm? Did you say something?" Zhi Ruo asked amidst the noise from the crowd, and Xuan quickly shook his head.

"No, it's nothing. Which way is the restaurant?"

"About that… aha, I don't actually know either… this is my first time here as well."

Zhi Ruo laughed awkwardly and tilted her head away, scratching her cheek in embarrassment.

Xuan blinked. "… I see. Let's ask around, then."

Of course, he knew the path to take by heart, but the longer he could hide his true identity from Zhi Ruo, the better. Since they were going to meet Huo Fei soon, 'longer' probably didn't equate to much, but hey, who knew? Perhaps, by some miracle, she would understand Xuan's hidden intents and refrain from blurting out 'Hey, honey, why are you disguised as a Core Formation stage cultivator now?'—or something along those lines. Knowing her somewhat… explosive personality, though, the odds of that were quite low.

After a bit of searching, the two found what seemed to be a homeless old man, leaning on the wall of a nearby building with a thick wooden stick slung over his shoulder and a bowl between his hands. The stick carried a white bag near its end, presumably containing all of the poor guy's belongings, and the purpose of the bowl was obvious—collecting money.

Xuan didn't particularly feel pity for the man, but Zhi Ruo seemed to think otherwise. Approaching him, she slowly pulled out a few Spirit Crystals from her Space Ring, and dropped them into the metal bowl with a loud clatter.

"Thank you…" the old man rasped, lifting his hands and bringing them together in gratitude. Zhi Ruo, however, only smiled warmly.

"Think nothing of it. We're just here to ask a question—which way is the Tower of Flames?"

"Ahh… Immortal Fairy Huo Fei's diner, yes? Straight down this street, then make a right. Tsk tsk… I wish I had the privilege of going in there…"

"A bit of a stretch, don't you think?" Xuan interjected harshly, causing Zhi Ruo to glance at him in surprise. "You don't even have a home, and yet you are thinking of tasting Immortal Fairy Huo Fei's personal cooking? Or is it that… you're nothing but a farce?"

"J-Junior brother! That's was a bit far, don't you think?"

"… I apologize, senior sister," Xuan said, eyes not once leaving the old man's. "However, I still stand by my previous words."


The two stared intently at each other just like that for a few seconds, until Zhi Ruo finally couldn't take it anymore and waved her hand in front of Xuan's vision.

"Alright, alright, stop staring at him. Do you swing that way or something? Heh… you are still surprising me day after day, junior brother."

'What? How did it turn into that?' Xuan thought, bewildered. 'I was just looking at him because… ah, never mind."

With one last look of suspicion in the beggar's direction, Xuan turned around and trailed off after Zhi Ruo, following the directions that the old geezer had given them. After the two had disappeared out of earshot, the man slowly stood up from the concrete ground, and narrowed his eyes in the direction that they'd disappeared towards.

"Hrm… that kid… he's not simple."

Then, he turned around and retrieved a cigarette from the white bag he slung over his shoulder, before putting it to his mouth and vanishing down the dark alley.


Soon, Zhi Ruo and Xuan arrived before a massive cylindrical structure, befitting of the name 'Tower'. Surrounding it were four massive flamethrowers that constantly blew fire, each powerful enough to reach the tippity top of the tower. It was the largest and tallest building in the city, and also located at the very center, where the most people were gathered around.

Without a doubt, this was Immortal Fairy Huo Fei's personal diner—the Tower of Flames.

"Looks like we're here," Zhi Ruo muttered, shoulders slumped over as her arms hang droopingly. "I can't believe we needed to ask someone to find a place as grand as this… speaking of, what was with you back there?"

"Hm? Oh, nothing," Xuan replied. "My mood is just bad because of the stomachache, that's all."

Zhi Ruo looked at him like, 'still on about that?', but she didn't comment on how easily she saw through the lie and instead simply minded her own business.

"Well, whatever you say. Now then… my friend said she would be waiting here outside, so… ah! There she is."

Xuan turned and followed Zhi Ruo's gaze where a beautiful blond girl stood in the distance, looking uncomfortable and agitated by the ocean of people all around her like a swarm of fish. She had smooth, waist-length gold hair, and dazzling blue eyes that complimented her fair skin. Her well-endowed body was surrounded by a black and white dress, with white thigh-highs and heels that gave her a sense of angel-like innocence. Despite that, her expression was one of discomfort and caution, and she hugged herself tightly like she was afraid of anyone else even brushing past her by accident.

Xuan had seen his share of beauties in his lifetime—but what his eyes were really drawn to was the turquoise gemstone-like object embedded within the girl's hair. For one reason or another, he could feel… attracted to it. It wasn't like being drawn to someone he loved—it was more like an infatuation, almost an obsession—a voice in the back of his head, telling him that if he didn't get into contact with that 'thing', he would regret it forever.

'Strange… what's going on here?' He asked himself in his mind, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Thankfully, Xuan had quite a bit of self-control, so he was able to restrain himself from directly charging towards the girl. Zhi Ruo, however, did not, and hurriedly ran over while waving her hand in the air.

"Heyy, Lili!"

The girl whipped her head around in surprise at the sound, and her eyes immediately lit up as she saw Zhi Ruo. The two ran towards each other, and when they met, embraced tightly.

"Hmm… you've grown taller," Zhi Ruo mused, patting her head with a smile. "It's been too long. Do you have any idea how surprised I was when a letter suddenly showed up in my mailbox with that teleport talisman and a letter from you?"

"Yeah… the short notice part wasn't exactly my fault," the girl replied, sighing dejectedly. "It's just… I told you, didn't I? My father keeps sending suitable suitors from every region after me, and asks me to go on a date with each to see who I like best…"

"Really, what does it matter?" Zhi Ruo rolled her eyes. "You're… what, still only 17? It's no rush for marriage."

"That is true, but… ahaha…" The girl trailed off, averting her gaze. "I don't know why my father is so insistent on this either, really…"

That was the first sign.

The sign that she was lying, that is.

Over his years of experience, Xuan had encountered many people, both friend and foe. He knew all the common gestures a person would do subconsciously when they lied, and this girl right here was displaying a flawless performance of each and every one. Looking away, check. Voice becoming softer, check. Fidgeting fingers, check.

And most importantly, despite how high and mighty she'd acted earlier, looking around at everyone with a condescending look in her eyes, now, she was acting like a completely different person. If that wasn't strange, then Xuan didn't know what was.

Still, this oddity was gone as quickly as it came, and the girl returned to acting as normal as ever.

"By the way, Zhi Ruo—I didn't know you actually got a boyfriend… he must be someone very special, right? To be able to enter the eyes of the world's most talented young alchemist… heheh, I wonder what kind of charming man he is? Does he have power? Wealth? Ooh, a romanticist, perhaps?"

"Um… actually, he's only a Core Formation stage cultivator."

"… Eh?"

"I'm serious. Love doesn't have to be about money or power, y'know. Just look," Zhi Ruo repeated, glancing at Xuan, who figured it was his time to walk up beside her. The girl, affectionately known as Lili, was dubious at first, but as soon as her eyes met Xuan's—

—She froze.


She opened her mouth like she wanted to say something, but the words wouldn't come out. Zhi Ruo and Xuan, both confused, exchanged glances, and eventually, the former interrupted.

"Um… Lili? What's the matter?"

"H-Huh? Oh, sorry. He was just too handsome, haha…"

The second lie. Looking away, check. Voice becoming softer, check. Fidgeting fingers, check. But if that was a lie, then… it would mean she had been staring at him for a different reason—did she know his true identity? Xuan narrowed his eyes a bit in caution.

"A-Anyway, my date should be here soon too," the girl—Lili—quickly said, shifting the topic of the conversation. "But for now…"

She turned to Xuan, and suddenly held out her hand with a serious expression, much to Zhi Ruo's surprise.

'Huh… she's never even bothered looking at a man for too long in the past, so what's with the sudden proactivity…? Could it be, my junior brother has really charmed her?'

"My name is Qing Lili," the girl said. "Nice to meet you—"

"—Xuan," Xuan finished. "You can just call me that."

Saying this, Xuan took her hand, and shook it firmly. As soon as their skin made contact, however, he felt a creeping, heated sensation to go further—a desire telling him to turn the handshake into an embrace, an embrace into a kiss, and a kiss into…

"…! Ahem."

"—! A-Ah…"

Naturally, he quickly broke away, and the girl did the same while blushing furiously and averting her gaze to the side. Zhi Ruo, noticing the odd interaction between the two, lifted an eyebrow in confusion, but Xuan had no idea what was happening either.

All he knew was that there was something in his body reacting to this girl named Qing Lili—and for better or worse, she felt the same.

'Is this the Heavenly Way at work again…?'

Was it fate—or shall he say, the mysterious supercomputer—behind this again?

Thankfully, the awkward atmosphere that followed didn't last long, as the girl's date soon arrived on site. He was a well-dressed young man with a charming smile, and a strong cultivation level of Origin Transformation stage despite his age. He was a fine gentleman, no matter how you looked at it.

But Xuan knew that smile. It was a practiced, refined, and—most importantly—fake one.

As the man approached, he didn't even bother looking at Xuan. Instead, he went straight for the two ladies, bowing deeply.

"Good evening, fine beauties. My apologies, but there were some family matters I had to settle before coming here. Did I make you wait long, Lili?"

"No," Qing Lili said, seeming to be somewhat angry. "We just arrived here ourselves, actually. But… did I give you permission to call me that?"

"Ah… my apologies, Lady Qing. Forgive this stupid mouth of mine," the man said completely unapologetically, smile instead widening as he turned to look at Zhi Ruo. "And you must be her friend… Zhi Ruo, the famous beautiful alchemist hailing from Cloud Catcher City down south. Now that I have seen you in person, I must say, the rumors were not overly-extravagant at all. You are worthy of all the praise you received, both in terms of alchemy and beauty. May I?"

He kneeled down, taking her hand in his, and without even waiting for an answer, he brought it close to his lips to give it a light kiss.

Naturally, Zhi Ruo was disgusted, and quickly pulled her hand away the instant he let go. She glanced at Qing Lili briefly, but the other girl simply shrugged as if there was nothing she could do about it. It would seem she was already used to dealing with men like this, since the guy didn't even try to kiss her hand. He knew he'd probably get slapped, kicked, or killed. Probably all three.

"Ah, where are my manners? I almost forgot to introduce myself to you, Lady Zhi," the man suddenly said, remembering that fact as he stood back up. He placed his hand over his chest, smiling charmingly, and declared:

"My name is Zheng Kuang, oldest son of the Zheng family and an Origin Transformation stage cultivator. Pleased to meet you."

"Y-Yeah… pleased to meet you too…"

Zhi Ruo reluctantly shook his outreached hand, and broke away nearly just as instantly as Xuan had earlier with Qing Lili—albeit for different reasons. Once the formalities were out of the way, Zheng Kuang smiled at the two ladies once again, and spread his arms.

"Now then, shall we go? There is still some time before Immortal Fairy Huo Fei's Immortal Feast begins. I heard there are several events behind held around the city in celebration of it, so since I am from here, it is my responsibility to show you two lovely ladies around."

Zhi Ruo and Qing Lili exchanged glances as if hesitant, but ultimately decided there was no better place to go. With a hidden sigh, the two followed Zheng Kuang's lead, while Xuan followed behind. Just as he took his first step, however, Zheng Kuang suddenly turned back around, and looked at him.

"Oh… you were with us? Ah… my deepest apologies. Where are my manners? I thought you were just a stray bystander, you see… after all, there is no way that Lady Zhi's friend is this weak, right?"

Zheng Kuang's lips curved up into a dark sneer just for a moment, but Xuan simply ignored the statement, and instead kept observing the crowd around them. For whatever reason, this seemed to piss Zheng Kuang off a bit, and he let out an almost inaudible snort before turning back to his front and beginning to walk.

Xuan let out a sigh under his breath. 'Seriously… I've always wondered this age-old question, but why are certain people so eager to make enemies for no reason? Or, to better rephrase it…'

'… Why are certain people so eager to die?'

He couldn't understand—what had he done to attract Zheng Kuang's enmity? Was it simply because he showed up together with Zhi Ruo, or was it because of the handshake with Qing Lili earlier? Probably the latter, but he didn't know for sure—and quite frankly, he didn't care either.

All he knew was… if Zheng Kuang was asking for death so much, and Xuan just happened to be in need of some Blood Essence to further upgrade his Divine Asura Eye…

His lips curved up into a devilish smile.

'… Then I might as well become the executioner, no?'

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