Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 19: Two Step Lesson

Chapter 19: Two Step Lesson

"Heh...heh...hahaha!! These two are completely serious! They really think they can beat Gorga and Boldog?!"

"Already, they're pretty funny, and we haven't even seen them fight!"

"It's tough to garner sympathy for clueless, arrogant kids, heh"

The uproaring mocking comments of the students frenzied about. Jeers and laughter were thrown at Darcel and Aniela way nonstop. In the first place, what kind of decision making is going on in their head?!

None of the students could understand, but they did get a riling kick out of the duo. And they could also say one more thing about the pair, at least they somehow managed to gain this foolish bravado.

Instructor Lei was surprised hearing on who the duo wanted to fight but still opted to say nothing. And the handsome young boy and the short cute girl behind them also held slight smug expressions.

For them, it will cause them great joy to see these high talking kids get taken down hard.

The only ones who stayed calm and unaffected were Darcel and Aniela. Their eyes still evenly matched Teacher Zala. Even if they were getting disdained on all sides, everything would soon fall into its natural place.

Teacher Zala stared back at them with an equally serene gaze.

Indeed there were no rules about outsiders fighting strong students. And there were even specific rewards if an outsider can beat students with their own rooms.

Observing the duo's tranquil faces, Teacher Zala made up her mind. If they want first handed humiliation, then so be it.

Her eyes snapped to the left side of the arena, where another crowd of students watched this exchange.

Once she saw the two boys, her eyes snapped back to Darcel. Plainly, she told him, "Get up on stage then. Your opponent will meet you immediately."

Etching a small smirk, Darcel crossed his eyes with Aniela in a single glance. She had the brightest of smiles and asked him, "Will you go all out for these ignorant people?"

"We'll go enough to shake their minds." They both spoke in low voices, so no one else could hear them amidst the students' chatter. Although they weren't exactly completely unheard.

Instructor Lei and Teacher Zala eyebrows quirked, hearing the two short conversations. Just what did they mean to go all out or just enough?

In their minds, these two could still be bluffing, but a small seed of doubt was implanted.

Nodding at Aniela, Darcel began walking up on stage under all scrutinizing eyes.

No student held any faith in Darcel, and with their openly mocking smiles, they thought Darce would surely become nervous.

But the false bravado on this kid was greater than expected! Each step he took was filled with an aura of natural confidence. He also didn't even bother to look at the other students.

Once on the large stone stage, Darcel took the time to notice the details of this stage. Just from standing on the stage, Darcel felt whatever material this was made up off couldn't be broken by any ordinary means.

Moreover, just barely, Darcel could tell there was some sort of special Qi covering the whole stage. He wasn't sure about what it could be, but Darcel guessed it was akin to a barrier.

His slight musing was cut short when he heard Teacher Zala stern voice blared out in the arena.

"Gorga! You have received a challenger!"

Looking at Teacher Zala, Darcel turned to where her eyes snapped to. And it was yet another small crowd of students walking over to the stage. All who held similarly mocking glances towards Darcel.

"So this kid really is going through with this...how long do you think this will take?"

"Probably a few seconds or so, especially since he's just some random no name."

Out of the peanut gallery of students, Darcel crossed eyes with two specific boys. They both were handsome, elegantly looking youths that you know could charm women of their feet.

"Really? He's the one that wants our room?"

"Meh, at least I'll get some good practice in."

Darcel heard what those two boys said. And the taller one out of the two began walking up on stage. This boy, Darcel assumed was Gorga, had a lean fit physique and a charming face.

His hair was kept short and was a polished black color. His fit was the same light blue colored uniform that complimented his body well, further enhancing his charming natural presence.

And on Gorga's face, he only kept a bored indifferent expression. Like the others, Gorga held a negative connotation towards Darcel's poor appearance and pitiful realm.

Even if they were at the same level, Gorga already thought he was superior in every way. For good reasons too, since his skills and abilities put him far above nearly all early order Qi Formation students!

The two stared at each other, each having their own unwavering still expressions. Darcel was just always calm in these types of situations, though he wasn't merely some poor doormat.

For the students, the anticipation was just sapped away. After all, this fight would be extremely predictable and fast. The only interesting question was, just how fast it would be?

Aniela still had a bright smile, though, even under the mocking scrutinizing of the students.

And for the two adults? Their sinking premonition that they once ignored had suddenly come back at full force. In this position, there was something about Darcel that gave them this odd feeling.


Teacher Zala called out, yet neither youths moved.

Instead, Gorga simply held out his hand, telling Darcel, "If you still want to challenge us after so far, then surely you must have some skills. Come, let me judge whatever skills you have."

"Even with a poor fool, Gorga is still giving this kid shot"

Now the students were curious about why Darcel has this much bravado. Maybe he will have something interesting to watch! However, Darcel next moved left them all confused.

In response to Gorga's provocation, Darcel simply put two fingers up. Cracking his own mocking smirk, he explained, "Two moves, in only two moves, you won't be able to stay conscious"

Two moves? Confused eyes rapidly blink as they thought there must be something wrong with this kid. Defeating someone at the same level at merely two moves? What a laughable concept!

However, before anyone could jeer or mock, the whole atmosphere of the arena had dramatically shifted!

For all early order students, their bodies instinctively tensed up while the stronger students creased their eyebrows.


The roaring frenzied sound of pure scorching fire blasted into everyone's eardrums! All at once, the temperature increased exponentially, and the air felt uncomfortably warm.

But the single biggest shock was the lone Darcel. From students to adults, all of their eyes widen in utter shock! Nobody would ever think this could be possible, yet Darcel just broke history.

Standing with his serene gaze, Darcel had an ominous black flaming aura flare up around his body! He felt incredibly warm in this aura and far stronger in this state.

As he and Aniela took hours to traverse to the city, they didn't only idly talk. They both took the time to explore how their inborn Qi can amplify their black flames properties.

Because of his perfect control with his Element of Darkness, Darcel was able to wrap his whole body in Dark Qi. Smoothly he used this transition to use his black flame as a bodily aura.

Not only was this aura amplified by his Darkness, but he also chose this since flames would be able to cause additionally burning damage.

And looking at the students' enchanted faces, he knew that was his Darkness at work.

For some odd reason, even Aniela had said it, that his Darkness really was strangely magnetic. Darcel could only guess this had to do with that strange mutation of his Darkness Qi.

While Darcel was musing, Gorga was thrown into a sudden crisis! His eyes burst open like saucers, and his brain lagged hard. Most of all, he felt a tremendous crushing aura on him!

This aura caused a suffocating pressure like being weighed down by a vast building. Gorga was just thrown into an endless loop. Having any kind of aura at their level should plainly be utterly impossible!

Unless you're some sort borderline great genius...but how could someone as shabby as Darcel could be one!

Gritting his teeth, Gorga forcefully willed upon his profound Qi. He concentrated solely on his arm causing,


Bright purple flames to cover his arm in a frenzy! However, unlike Darcel, Gorga flames were less profound in shape. Not only that, but Gorga was also already sweating pushing himself this far.

Despite feeling stronger, he still felt massively pressured just by being locked on by Darcel aura.

"I-it's the Zakira purple flames arts! Th-there's just no way he could beat it!"

The students all felt their unwavering confidence in Gorga took a massive nosedive. Even when Gorga forcefully called upon his full power, he still looked like he was struggling to stand.

Darcel was simply observing Gorga. He was taking in his disbelieving expression with great stride. A feeling like this he could get used to.

"Gorga, was it? Are you ready? e" Darcel slowly talked as if giving Gorga a countdown. Really if he wanted to, he could end this without moving from his spot. But where's the fun in that?

Gorga felt his pupils dilated hearing Darcel's words and frantically gathered up more profound Qi in his arms. Even with this suppression, there would be just no way in hell he'll roll over for this poor boy!


Suddenly though, the wind crazily swirled around him. Gorga felt the temperature get to boiling degrees. His eyes were soon up close with the ominous black flaming Darcel.

Looking down at Gorga up close, Darcel smirked at him. Smoothly he clenched his right fist and threw a straight hook at his face.

Hastily, Gorga tried to counter the punch. Matching Darcel's speed, he threw his own purple flaming fist to Darcel.



Agonizing shouts of pain made everyone freeze in shock.

From outside, the audience watched as Gorga got sent rolling on the stage. He was tightly clutching his purple flaming arm that now had wisps of black fire on it.

Surely the students and even the adults thought if Gorga couldn't one-shot Darcel, then he would at least have an advantage. But this...this was utter domination in one strike!

Gorga was wracked with tremendous pain all over his body. Adding on was a confusing mixed feeling of anger, sickness, and even lust.

By the extension of his black fire, Darcel's Darkness became a lot stronger in affecting one's mental state.

In complete scrambles, Gorga struggles to get himself up. Blood spurted from his mouth, and his arm felt like it was getting burned alive by hellish scorching fire.

With only one move...this boy already severely injured him! It was inconceivable, and in Gorga's eyes, fear slowly began to build up.

"Just...what are you?"

Gorga managed to barely pull himself only to see a black flaming knee. At this point, he could barely move his body, much less dodge the insane speed of Darcel.


With another sickening bloody crunch, Gorga was thrown off stage. He didn't even get a chance to yell since his consciousness swiftly left him.

Like a sack of potatoes, Gorga crashed onto the blue floor of the arena. His normally handsome face now spouted blood running down from his mouth and nose.

"Doctor! Take him away!"

Teacher Zala immediately called out, seeing Gorga's condition. Promptly from where Darcel couldn't even see him, a mysterious man dawned in a white suit took Gorga.

And all that was left was the lone Darcel. Turning off his black flaming aura, Darcel turned to stare at the disbelieving crowd. Not a single one could believe what just happened, yet the results couldn't be faked.

"Hehehe~! That was a flashy lesson, Darcel!" Only Aniela cheerfully smiled and called out to Darcel.

Casting a brief smile at Aniela, Darcel had then turned to Teacher Zala asking,

"So? What are my special rewards?"

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