Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 22: Tension Among Missions

Chapter 22: Tension Among Missions

Soft, warm, and cozy. This was the third time in a row Darcel felt pure warmth from waking up after a long rest.

His eyes opened up to the luxurious light-blue ceilings of his room, providing a pleasant first sight.

The soft fluffy bed under him also contributed to the warm feeling of waking up. ButDarcel could obviously tell the real reason why it felt just so good to wake up.

Trailing his eyes down, Darcel came upon the cute sleeping form of Aniela. She was snuggled up tightly into his chest, exhaling out sweet little snores. This sight did bring a genuine small smile on his face.

Like always, Aniela's fragrance was hypnotic, nearly pulling him into dreamland again. He couldn't tell exactly why, but her body was incomparably soft and almost too warm.

So warm that Darcel just didn't want to let go of her. Though Darcel had a sinking suspicion that his Qi might be affecting the amount of warmth they both felt.

Still, Darcel did find it a bit surprising on how this troublesome girl enjoys sleeping so much. Naturally, by just making it to the Qi Foundation realm's late levels, one can go without sleep or food for a few days.

The mystical power of Qi washes away impurities, bringing the body to an entirely different level compared to average mortals.

And starting in the Qi Formation Sea realm, sleep is usually replaced by close door cultivation.

Aniela, though sleeps as if she was just a regular mortal! At least during her sleep, she did manage to slowly absorb all of the bug's energy, bringing her to the Middle Order of the Qi Formation Sea realm.

And sensing his own realm, Darcel found he too managed to advance to the Middle Order! The substantial mental block from early order to middle order was casually smashed by both of them in their dreams.

Being in the Middle Order level, Darcel felt his Spirit Senses broaden. His Darkness Profound Qi was elevated to a higher Quality. Furthermore, he felt his body slightly increase in the overall physical aspect.

With the power Darcel was feeling right now, he had boundless confidence in taking on any Qi Formation Sea missions! Now all that is left is to wake up this lazy girl.

Being direct, Darcel decided to go in for a precise strike. Tenderly, he began stroking her lushes soft white hair. This small action Darcel came to enjoy just as much as she likes feeling his hand.

The burst of endless warmth flowed through Aniela's head. Her eyes flutter for a few seconds before swiftly snapping open! Deep black eyes met with each other, both eyes holding tender affection for one another.

Bright and early, Aniela had immediately gained her trademark dazzling broad smile. Excitedly she said to Darcel, "Mnh! You're getting better at being romantic! Already I'm fuel to take on any missions!"

"I'm just growing too accustomed to petting your soft hair. But even if I didn't, your chipper energy has no end." Darcel smirked at her while they both sat up on the bed.

"And your cynicism fits right in with my chippiness! So? How do you want to start our first days as 'prestigious' students." The duo sat close together at the end of the bed, holding hands.

This simple act caused them to be serene and focus. They felt secure and calm for any challenges ahead. Towards Aniela's question, Darcel said,

"First off, let's take a bit of time to stabilize our breakthrough. Nothing wrong with being extra prepared. Then...I guess we wash up and change our clothes? We have to wear that uniform anyways."

It took long enough, but the duo had realized neither bother to change clothes after all this time!

Perhaps they just got too attached to these clothes, but they felt a bit weird to suddenly change, no matter how shabby their current garments were.

"Changing, huh, haah. I guess we can't wear these clothes all the time...but! I'm sure these new fits will greatly enhance our looks." Even Darcel and Aniela could put in the care to have somewhat decent looks.

Minds are easily swayed by first impressions.

Especially if the first impressions show some sort of significant status, you wield. It also helps these Academy uniforms indeed aren't bad looking; they were actually rather sleek.

"Alright, let's focus up, so we're prepared when we meet even more ignorant people today." Darcel snided, getting Aniela to sweetly giggle. If there's one thing these students did prove, is that their eyes are all blind!

"Hehehe~, you gotta admit it though, Darcy, it's quite fun handing out lessons. I only wonder what our batch will be today"


Taking at least an hour or so, Darcel and Aniela finally exited their rooms. Promptly they began walking down the halls of this overly extensive academy, knowing exactly where to go.

Because of Aniela's fun book reading session yesterday, the duo at least know most part of the initiate level places of the academy. As they guessed, only Qi Formation students roam these parts.

Building on, there was a Middle level, High level, and Core level. But the duo mainly focused on the initiate level, at least for now.

The walk was smooth since having a capable memory, and a good sense of direction made the academy easy to traverse.

Although while walking, Darcel and Aniela began to notice glances. They were...strange but inquiring, glances? Typically Darcel and Aniela are used to envious, killing intent or disdain looks.

But the initiate level students now were all just prying about the duo. Even the several teachers they came about threw inquiring glances at them.

Darcel had chalked it partly to their recent breakthrough and their changed appearances.

Compared to yesterday, the duo had a large glow up in looks. Properly washing themselves got rid of any excessive leftover dirt or grimes on their faces.

Their shabby loose-fitting clothes were now replaced by accurately fitting, sleek light blue uniforms. And their uniforms multiplied they're already good looks.

Darcel now took more of an honest, attractive young man look. His serene face spelled absolute calming, and he walked with a bold stature. It was a complete overhaul from yesterday.

Aniela had a modest cutesy look going for her.

The bright, radiant smile that etched on her pretty face made for an enchanting combination. Moreover, her modest breasts, plumb behind, and curvy body all came through today.

These two sudden changes in appearance got students and teachers alike to have one question. Where were those shabby poor looking youths everyone was talking about from yesterday?!

The ones that didn't see them fight were confused.

A girl with extremely long white hair that sticks out like a sore thumb following a boy with shoulder-length black hair, this base description certainly matches them.

Yet it also didn't match at all! These two look like just another charming looking Middle Order student.

And on that fact, students were even more puzzled. Weren't they supposed to be early order students? Nothing just made sense, and some students were tempted to stop and question them.

However, when Darcel and Aniela neared the initiate level mission center, a large imposing figure ceased all thoughts about going up to the duo. This person had their sights clearly on the pair.

"It's...it's a Middle-level student! But what he's doing here?"

"Ah! It has to be because of Gorga!"

"Things are about to get interesting..."

Quiet murmurs echoed through the hall Darcel, and Aniela were walking on.

The duo did feel a strong aura zeroing on them, yet they paid it no mind. Instead, their eyes focused on the mini building up ahead of them.

It held the symbols spelling out mission above the entrance, making it easy to tell apart.

Numerous students were walking in and out of the building. Most were in groups or pairs, but there was sometimes that lone wolf in the crowd.

Feeling that colossal aura come dangerously closer, Darcel and Aniela only cracked a smile. Without a word, they stepped into the Mission Center building.

And right when doing so, they and everyone else heard a strong, commanding voice.

"Hey! Black hair and white hair! You're the new students, right?" When the duo heard this voice, an unfathomable powerful aura descended upon them.

This...this one of the strongest aura Darcel and Aniela ever felt coming from a youth! The pressure on them was tight yet still gave the duo enough breathing room to walk around.

It was clear this aura was mainly used for intimidation tactics. And going by how every other initiate level student made a wide berth from the duo, this tactic was highly effective.

Effective for only the other students, however. Darcel and Aniela's eyes just kept glancing all around the mission center building. It was a large luxurious tavern-like place filled with bulletin boards of papers.

Without looking back, Darcel only said to this person, "And if we are the new students?"

Because of Aniela admittedly having unique white hair, Darcel assumed that's how students can recognize them. His shoulder-length black hair wasn't that uncommon, but Aniela's pure white hair was a dime in dozen.

"If you are, I expected something a little more...shabbier. Nor did I expect you two to suddenly be at the Middle Order level. But you asking already answers my question, no?"

The voice that the duo identified as a young man neared just behind them. Surely being so up close with this massive aura would've been more than enough to terrified these newly fresh students.

At least that's what this boy and other initiate level students thought.

But Aniela never confirmed to standard expectations. Smoothly, she swiftly whipped her body around with the proudest of grins. Her eyes had then met with a slightly surprised, handsome looking boy.

Immediately Aniela could spot the similarities between him and Gorga. They had the same face, same eye colors, and even nearly the same height. Various thoughts spawned in Aniela's head as she said to the boy,

"I get it...you...must be a fan of ours! I know we have quite the shocking rumors, but it's all true!"

For this little exchange, numerous initiate level students' eyes gathered on them. This was a rare sight for them! A strong middle-level student clashing against fresh new initiate students?

It was simply unheard of! Yet here they were, watching the exchange unfold among their eyes.

"Fan? Heh, hahaha! So you two really do got jokes? But your prowess... it's quite a joke too, no? Somehow at early order, you beat my brother Gorga with a flashy win getting his room. Now the very next day, you suddenly advanced? It's all too much of a dubious joke!"

The boy, now identified as Gorga's brother, spoke in a loud, bold tone.

His words did cause the surrounding students to start questioning the duo. After all, it's still hard to accept random no-name outsiders can beat train students.

Plus, nobody here even put a thought into believing Darcel and Aniela had quickly cultivated to the Middle Order level. What's more likely is these two were...suppressing their breakthroughs!

Obviously, if they were just at the cusp of breaking through, it would make sense of why Gorga could lose. Even with all his training, their Profound Qi was simply only at a higher level than him!

"Yea...yea, I think I finally get it! Giel right, their breakthrough timing is far too suspicious! They must've been deviously plotting their wins!"

"How else could random outsiders win against one of the strongest early orders students! Natural talent, my ass!"

Numerous comments like these were murmured throughout the crowds of students. Smiling, Giel found this going far better than he expected.

At first, he simply wanted to suppress these high and mighty fresh new students and take some compensation for his brother.

But now he gets to already tear down their reputation on just their first day of coming to this academy!

Hearing from Gorga himself how the duo beat him and his roommate so badly caused indignation and disbelief in Giel.

Who could accept their talented family member getting beaten down by nobodies anyways? Giel certainly couldn't. His condescending eyes gazed down at the duo, but he didn't see a reaction like he hoped.

Instead, the duo's eyes were drawn into one piece of paper on a bulletin board with a few sheets.

Darcel pointed to this paper, telling everyone there, "Kill a Spirit Monster Goblin nest nearby the city. S plus tier in difficulty for having several Perfect Order Goblins in its nest. Giel, was it? If you want to run your mouth, then lets at least make this interesting."

Suddenly the whole mission center turned quiet.

The mission Darcel pointed to was quite infamous in the initiate level of students. Many groups of Perfect Order students had tried to finish it, but none were ever successful.

And most of the time, each group barely escapes with their lives! Just what is this boy planning to do?

"What could you possibly be thinking of." Giel was a bit intrigued since it looks like these two want to run into death.

"Obviously, we're talking about taking on this mission and you betting with us! If we come back as failures, your little brother can have his room back and all of our stuff. But, if we're successful, then all we request is a sum of crystals."

Aniela picked up with an excited tone. She knew she couldn't be too outrageous when betting with someone who's massively stronger than them. But this is enough for their trap!

"You two, want to take on a mission that many Perfect Order Qi Formation Sea groups failed at? Just you two, at the Middle Order of Qi Formation Sea?... Is this another ridiculous joke?"

Giel spoke when everyone else turned wide eye at Aniela's proclamation. These two either have to be foolishly brave or braindead! Yet no matter what they thought, Darcel's next words confirmed their suspicions.

"Does it look like we're joking?" Darcel's serene face exuded stillness and confidence. Aniela's broad smile spewed out boldness and passion. Neither held any sort of joking tone.

And it was then Giel realized, this was a win-win for him! Many rules were placed in favor of weaker students that prevented him from gaining back Gorga's room from the duo.

But who would've thought these two have some mental issues and just want to serve him on a golden platter. No matter he didn't believe they could beat this mission.

And Giel had some...assurance to make sure his brother gets his room back.

Giel's smile was enormous and held a sinister vibe in it. Unaware of Darcel and Aniela's thoughts, he asked once again,

"It seems like you're not joking, eh? I'll ask once again, are you two entirely sure about rushing towards your death?"

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