Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 24: Slaughtering Cave

Chapter 24: Slaughtering Cave

In well-hidden dark glossy bushes, Darcel and Aniela held each other's hands that contained their bloodlines. From just a few meters ahead, they were observing a vast, colossal cave.

This cave was entirely in a molting green color and at the entrance of the cave were three giant goblins. These goblins looked far stronger and deadlier than any other previous ones.

Their muscles were bulging ripped, their pupils were this light red piercing color, and their faces were horrific. In the goblins' hand were three specifically made big green clubs.

The most important note about these goblins was their aura. Their aura couldn't merely be mentioned in the same sentence from the previous goblins.

It was far more refined, deep, and powerful! Darcel and Aniela had quickly identified this kind of aura. This was the natural prowess of the Extreme Order level of the Qi Formation Sea!

From Late Order and after Peak Order, one's entire being becomes even more in sync with the mystical Profound Qi.

This allows one prowess to enter an enormous leap, completely suppressing the Peak Order level in every way.

Now the level of difficulty is massively ramped up! Yet Darcel and Aniela showed no worry. In fact, their eyes were burning even further with unyielding fighting intent.

Everything was just too effortless when coming here. All Early Order to Peak order goblins drops like flies during their rampage coming here.

It did feel good to be strong, but the duo wanted more of an exciting challenge.

And once they came upon these three goblins, they knew they were in for a treat. However, their senses didn't leave them. They knew it would still be quite foolish to recklessly charge up and start fighting.

If then, the likelihood of getting swarmed by goblins is nearly a guarantee possibility. This is why, to start off their great battle, the duo wanted to go charge in as fast as possible.

"Ooohh...I can feel my arm tingling doing this! Definitely, we definitely have to do this method again!" Aniela remarked as she and Darcel felt their bloodline swirl just a tiny bit.

The sure-fire way to get in quickly was for a surprise combined attack!

If they were to try and charge up a powerful attack on their own, Darcel held some suspicions that the goblin might be able to sense their mass waves of Profound Qi.

But together, the duo was able to suppress any power leakage and still gather up enough Profound Qi for a strong attack.

Moreover, it seemed like their bloodlines were aiding this process going by the little sensation in their arms.

Looking down at their hands, Darcel finally saw their raging black flames cover their hands entirely. This perfected combination caused a balancing warmth in both the duo bodies.

Swiftly Darcel and Aniela's eyes lit up in a battle-hungry glint! The time to fight was now! In sync, they both stood up as Darcel said, "On three...one...two"


Aniela was the one that finished for them as they pushed out their hands towards the three goblins.

Amazingly enough, the whole surrounding was still the same despite the duo flaming hands. But when Aniela dropped the signal,


Everything was ignited in an utter raging black flaming storm! Blasting out from the duo's conjoined knuckles was a terrifying massive black fireball!

And with insane speed, the fireball blitzes straight towards the three unaware goblins.

Before, the three goblins truly didn't sense anything out of the ordinary, nor did they find any prey or humans walking nearby. It was a slow day for them.

Abruptly, out of nowhere did these three goblins pupils suddenly dilated.

In just a mere second, they felt the situation dramatically shift! Uncontrollable flaming temperature blared out in their area, bringing heat that was too hot even for the goblins.

And most of all, their bodies locked up from an aura. A terrifyingly powerful aura that flipped their whole world upside down! Barely all the goblins saw was darkness before,


The massive raging black fireball swallowed the three goblins whole! Black fire burst all around in the forest in a rampaging frenzy. And from the center of the fire did the duo heard,


Roaring anguish, death screams of the three goblins blared out in the Necropolis Woods.

They all were getting flamed alive without even a chance to resist! As their life painfully slipped away from them, none of the three even knew just who had killed them.

Watching their burning results, Darcel and Aniela had now gained a bit of a feral smile. Still holding hands, Darcel ignited his black flaming aura. And Aniela's body lit up in a white glow.

Focusing Profound Qi in their legs, the duo flexed their legs and,


Only a second after they unleashed their attacks, did the two rush directly in the black flaming entrance! Their own flames didn't affect them at all since they were protected by their own auras.

Inside the cave, everything was lit up, thanks to Aniela's white glow. And the duo had soon gazed upon numerous shocked and surprised giant goblins.

Goblins, who were all in the middle of gearing up for battle!

And suddenly, seeing the two humans who dared to cause a huge ruckus and enter their nest, all of the goblins killing intent immediately spiked!


Monstrous roars that sounded distorted and rough bounced off the cave walls. Promptly dozens of ferocious powerful auras zeroed in on Darcel and Aniela, bringing upon a bit of pressure.

From Late Order to Extreme Order and even a far beyond prowess. The Supreme Order level! This kind of entrapment would be tough for even a Perfect Order Qi Formation Sea cultivator.

However, Darcel and Aniela were just two steps ahead of these goblins. Their faces gained a devious smirk, and their conjoined hands tightened. Before any of the goblins could move, the duo began frantically spinning!

All the goblins saw was a circular blur of black fire, and they felt a massive increase in temperature and aura! These two humans' speed was unbelievable! Even the Supreme Order goblins had trouble tracking them.

But no matter what kind of speed they had, they were in their turf now! The goblins forcefully ignored the heat as their bodies began to move. Alas, as soon as they moved a single joint,


Waves and waves of scorching black flames spewed out of the frantically spinning duo! Just before rushing into the cave, their Profound Qi was already preparing for this attack.

And compared to the last time performing this attack, their fire waves were all massively bigger and far more potent. The moving goblins could only open their eyes in utter shock.

'Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang!'


Continuous pained roars and shrieks echoed throughout the entire cave. From late Order to Extreme Order, the goblins were getting shredded by their black flames.

All of their bodies were ruthlessly torn through like fragile paper. And when an Extreme Order goblin would die, unknown to Darcel, his purple ring would lit up slightly.

The seven Supreme Order goblins were violently struggling to resist these flames. Their Profound Qi swirled crazily in an attempt to clash with these raging flames.

Only these flames were simply too powerful! They didn't die like the others, but nearly all of their Profound Qi was drained, and their bodies coarse with fiery pain.

"Now that's what I'm talking about! A tough will to survive to the very end! Let's give them a special reward Darcy~." Booming into their ears was the human girl's sweet and soft voice.

Though no matter how sweet it was. It only sounded like an angel of death and pain to the Supreme Order goblins! They struggle to turn their heads to the duo only to hear the human boy speak up, saying,

"After this, I wonder how long those Perfect Orders will last"

Still holding hands, Aniela, this time, only pointed out one finger. Her and Darcel's faces were brightened with enthusiasm as they performed utter slaughter.

The massive swarm of goblins that would admittedly give any Perfect Order Qi Formation Sea groups problems was mowed down like grass under their combined attacks.

They did have to expand a bit of extra Profound Qi to achieve this result, but it was all worth it. Plus, with waves of adrenaline pumping in their veins, they didn't even feel the slight energy loss.

And when Aniela pointed her finger to the seven goblins, the duo excitement only climbed! While with the goblins...they saw a glowing white finger of death!

In a desperate rush, the goblins all swirl their blood. Their last hope, until the bosses came, was to burn their blood essence! But right when they were going to bite their tongue,


Numerous whitish black fire lines blitz out of Aniela's finger! The goblins had a split decision to make. Burn their blood essence quicking than her attack or try to hastily defend.

And with determined glares, the goblins went ahead with trying to bite their tongues!

When their teeth struck hard on their tongues, blood crazily spurted out, but waves of frantic power fueled their bodies in a split second.

For this very second, the goblins thought they would stand a chance. Their only mistake in this line of thought? They grossly underestimated the combined speed of Darcel and Aniela.


As soon as the power came, a terrifying burning sensation ripped their whole bodies. Furthermore, their bodies felt tightly wrapped up, crushing their steel-like bones.

Their raging power surge clashed with Darcel and Aniela's combined attack. For a second, the goblins felt as if their powers would even out.

But it was all futile.

Darcel and Aniela already injured them heavily from their last attack, giving the Supreme Order goblins with little Profound Qi to defend themselves.

Even with burning their blood essence, they all were too critically injured to contend against a fully powered up Darcel and Aniela.

Soon their bodies couldn't move anymore, and the goblins finally saw just what was crushing their bodies.

Numerous whitish black fire lines wrapped around all of their bodies like a spider web! The fear of death rocked all of their goblins' minds as they fruitlessly tried to go against the duo.

Looking at these goblins' current state, Darcel was impressed by how quickly they got them to near death. Fresh blood dribbles down from their heads and bodies, painting their bodies in this gross green-red mix.

Sensing four giant beings barreling straight towards them, Darcel decided to finish this. Pointing a single finger out, he said,



Seven roaring black fire balls blitzed out of his finger and sailed straight to the goblins' heads. And all the Supreme Order goblins could do but silently watch as death approached them.


With several sickening impacts, seven Supreme Order goblins heads erupted in raging black fires. In a ruthless, cruel fashion, the seven died without even a chance to shriek in pain.

Dispersing her lines, Aniela let the goblins' corpses smack into the ground. And Darcel's purple ring began flashing once again.

Though they didn't pay attention to this, as their eyes darted back to the second entrance.

They could've sworn they sensed the upcoming arrival of several beings.


However, they couldn't put much thought into this as four ferocious distorted goblin roars came barreling to them. The ground shook with their wild steps, and heavy auras came crashing down on the duo.

Their prowess was of the Perfect Order level! Darcel and Aniela let their hands go as they now wanted to expand all of their abilities. Soon they saw the four creatures.

Four giant raging goblins, dawning the most fearsome appearance, came rushing at them. In these goblins, hands as well were spiky green clubs that had dried blood stains on them.

The duo's battle barely even lasted a minute. Yet when they arrived, all of their men were charred corpses! These humans need to be put down right now!

Smirking at their charges, Darcel and Aniela shot out two black fireballs from their fingertips.


And surprisingly, this time, their fireballs barely had any effect on the goblins. In a quick reaction, the Perfect Order goblins had batted away their black fireballs with a mere swipe of their clubs.

Though they didn't damage the goblins, they did achieve their desired results. Two goblins specifically zeroed in on Darcel, and two zeroed in on Aniela.

Speedily the goblins jumped up above the duo, raising their clubs high in their air.

Despite their massive sizes, the goblins were in no shape or form slow. With blaring killing intent, the goblins swung down with mighty force!


The whole cave rumbled when their attacks struck only empty groundsspider webs like cracked formed on the ground through their swings' sheer force.

Darcel and Aniela were actually quite impressed with this kind of speed and power. They jumped back only a few meters as their bloodline began roaring in excitement.

"Let's turn it up, Darcy!" Aniela boldly proclaimed as she and Darcel began surging their Profound Qi in a specific motion.


On full blast, the duo aura fiercely clashes against the goblins! The air swirled in a storm and the temperature arisen to burning degrees. Before the Perfect Order goblins' very eyes, they had witnessed a magical sight.

Covering Darcel's hands were long black flaming claws that extended three meters wide. In both of Aniela's hands were long black flaming whips that stretched for four meters wide.

From their previous cultivating session, did they manage to expand upon their black flames manipulation. Darcel could form more tight-knit things around his body while Aniela was still a long ranger.

The two now went all out with creating these flaming weapons causing the goblins to regard them even more seriously.

But even if their aura did match them, these humans will still die today! Their eyes filled with killing intent as mass waves of Profound Qi frantically surge in their bodies.

Darcel and Aniela were at peak excitement, and Darcel struct out his black flaming claw hand to the goblins saying,

"We finish this now!"

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