Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 27: Mist

Chapter 27: Mist

There weren't words to describe the unending feeling of dread that swelled inside the last two remaining Quicksilver Roc sect disciples. Their partners...they weren't even given a chance to resist!

This speed, it caused massive waves in the last two boys' minds. They couldn't believe it, they wanted to refuse it happen, but undeniably, it may just barely match their speeds!

Still, even for a fast surprise attack, this was simply too broken. What helped Darcel and Aniela also was the lack of natural tough skin humans don't have compared to those robust Perfect Order goblins.

The duo smirked as they watched dread and terror permeate their faces. Since they wanted to rob and even kill them, why should they show any mercy?

The stagnant feeling and dreadful sensation of taking another human's life were squashed long ago before Darcel and Aniela arrived on this planet.

Though while they aimed their fingers at the last two, something changed.

Quite surprisingly, what appeared to be faint orange wings in a Qi form had immediately sprouted out of the disciples' backs. The boys fought against their tremendous natural feeling of instinctive danger.

If they're going to fight, they won't be taken down by mere surprise attacks! Their utmost confidence in their speeds shined the most dazzling here. And under the duo's eyes, they vanished from their spots.

So, this was their last ultimate trump card?

Both Darcel and Aniela thought as their senses still had a locked on the two. Admittedly their speed was quite good, but the final outcome won't change; the two already predicted it.

To his left, Darcel sensed and felt the air swirl in a chaotic frenzy. Swiftly his head snapped to the left only to see a unique short sword sailing to his head at breakneck speeds.

The air split apart from this speed, and the leading boy held utmost confidence in believing Darcel can't dodge this attack. His smile grew broader, but it had suddenly frozen in place.

Abruptly, the temperature once again dramatically arisen in degrees! And being at such close proximity with this heat, the leading boy speed began to slow down.

The boy couldn't even notice his decrease in speed when pure black flames crossed into his vision.


Like his sword was a piece of plastic, a black flaming claw tightly clutched on to it!

The leading boy was dumbfounded. His weapon, it isn't possible to touch it under any circumstances! Its materials were just that high class.

Plus, how the hell did this guy even react to his instantaneous Roc like speed! With this black flaming claw holding him in place, the boy's eyes soon met with the smirking dreadful Darcel.

Simultaneously, when the leading boy went to attack, the other boy went to Aniela's right side. His speed was similarly instantaneous as a short silver sword near Aniela's face.

And Aniela's eyes sparked with a harsh light. She decided, for this time, to finish this quickly by being honest and direct! This boy's speed is good...but she's even faster!

Faster than Quicksilver Roc boy, Aniela dodged his short silver sword and tightly grabbed his arm. The hand she used to hold him was her mighty bloodline arm.

Like tofu, Aniela's hand had sunk into the boy's arms, causing blood to spurt out of him.


The boy grunted in extreme pain from having Aniela's hand tear into his flesh. Not only did she manage to outspeed him, but this grip of her, what the hell kind of bodily strength is this?!

However, his train of surprise thought got quickly interrupted. The boy's world was suddenly shifted on its entire head.


All at once, a searing flaming pain spread throughout his whole body! Whitish black flames raged on him, bringing about an misery that he never thought was possible.


His attempted screams of pain were immediately cut off since his throat erupted in hellish flames. Regret and hopelessness filled his mind; they should've never followed these two terrifying youths

That momentary roar of pain occurred at the exact same time Darcel had clutched the leading boy sword. Even if the shout was short, the pure raw pain his partner felt was still transmitted.

For a brief second, his will nearly collapsed. That shout of pain, could that even be him in a little bit? And for this boy's unspoken question, Darcel decided to give him a physical response.



Tremendous, hellish pain sparked through the leading boy's head once a black flaming claw ruthlessly plunged into his eye. Fresh blood squirted into the air mixing with the hellfire black flames.

And the pain of getting pierced in the air wasn't the boy's only nightmare. The sickening daze of emotions ranging from lust, rage, and sorrow buzzed in his mind like a fierce storm!

For only a couple of seconds, the leading boy thought an eternity passed under Darcel's claw. Despite going all out, he still manages to end up pathetic, just like his other two partners.

Letting go of the boy's short silver sword, Darcel ended his life by flicking a black fireball at his skull. And just on impact did the Quicksilver Roc boy die from his head melting on the inside.

Two sickening thumps sounded out in the cave as the two boy's corpses crashed into the ground at the same time. With just minimal effort, did Darcel and Aniela kill off another Perfect Order Qi Formation sea group.

Though the duo wasn't focused on this achievement. Looking down at the leading boy corpse, he was happy to see a blue spatial ring adorning his finger.

"Thankfully, before he burned to a crisp, I got his ring out of there! Darcy, with their combined total, we once again made another profit in crystals!" Aniela bubbly told him while collecting two of the boys' rings.

She was feeling a bit more drained now. Still, her natural stamina wasn't low at all to simply lose her vibrant energy. Darcel was a feeling more drain as well while he took the other boys' last two spatial rings.

But his stamina was also relatively high to keep going. Smirking, he said to Aniela, "Ignorance sure is bliss. Our rewards have essentially tripled since starting this mission. Now then, shall we return?"

"Mnh! I'm eager to see how wide eyes those youths can get." Walking shoulder to shoulder, Darcel and Aniela headed towards the cave exit. They put no thought in killing Quicksilver Roc sect disciples.

Simply because who is here to know that four Perfect Order Qi Formation Sea disciples had foolishly run into death at the hands of Middle Order Zakira students? At least that's what the duo thought


Back on the goblin path, they came from, Darcel and Aniela were in a serene mood. After all that fighting and killing, the two did take the time to slowly digest their experiences and sensation.

The biggest thing they both noticed was, they needed stronger opponents! At their base full powers, the duo knows they can only match the Perfect Order level of the Qi Formation Sea realm.

But once they activate their bloodline?

It was a whole entire new tier they entered into! While it was exhilarating crushing their enemies in that state, the duo wanted a more fair experience fighting in that overwhelming state.

At most, they can control this state for basic and overpowering attacks. But they lack the finesse for more complicated and or creative attacks they could do with their bloodlines.

The only other option they had was to simply spar with each other in their bloodline state. The only problem was, they had no real private space where they could spar going all out.

At least before this mission, they had no available private options. Now though, with their wealth, they can buy all the privacy they need.

"While we at it, besides our own personal prowess, we better start collecting some useful tools for valuable aids. We'll be able to spice up our combat with them!" Aniela spoke her mind while they calmly walked.

"True airhead, even I want some variety in fighting...hm?" While Darcel responded, Darcel and Aniela both instinctively stopped. Something felt wrong, dangerously wrong.

A genuine threatening feeling swelled up inside the duo. Swiftly their senses expanded out, and on a glossy black tree just a few feet away from them, they saw the one who exuded this threatening feeling.

It was a man, given the outline of his body. But he was dressed in all black clothing robes. The duo couldn't see his face very well, yet they could very well sense his aura.

An aura that actually gave the duo a sense of worry! From the man's position, the pair could tell he was staring straight at them. Before the two could say anything, however, they first heard his cold piercing voice.

"Overconfidence and keeping your head up only leads to death"


While the man talked, he unleashed his full aura!

It was...like the Perfect Order of the Qi Formation Sea realm, but at the same time, it wasn't? Positively, the duo identified the aura as it being stronger than the Perfect Order.

Yet it was like this man was teetering at the edge of a new, unfathomable power. A power that he could somewhat grasp but couldn't use it to its full potential.

Though the duo wasn't given the time to contemplate this aura when, right when the man finished talking, a vast purple mist enveloped the area!

The mist's spread was nearly instantaneous, and it hid the black robe man from their view.

Darcel and Aniela couldn't see even an inch in front of them. Their senses as well got clipped in half. However, the feeling of purebred death coming at them is a sensation they are all too familiar with.

"Stick out, right!" Darcel roared out to Aniela as he activated his bloodline and pushed out his bloodline arm in front of him.

"Right!" Aniela roared, in response, also activating her bloodline and pushing out her bloodline arm in front of her.

Unknown to them, the black robe man was surprised at this sudden speed increase and a dramatic increase in power.

These two just turned into entirely different people! Nevertheless, it was too late to halt his rush now.


Dark red blood flew into the purple mist as Darcel and Aniela clutched their bloodline arms. To think, they couldn't even see this guy speed when he struck!

Massive waves of pain assaulted both of the duo's senses.

It made the two grit their teeth as there was something odd about his strike. There was this strange liquid substance the duo felt trying to burrow into their bodies!

This substance caused even more pain and made the two cough of dark red blood. It was then their bodies locked up, and their minds froze up.


Darcel managed to wheeze out as he and Aniela were feeling delirious. Whatever poison this was, held a devastating damaging effect, to the point where the duo felt their consciousness slipping away.

That is until...the poison met their bloodstreams. Instantly Darcel and Aniela bodies jumped upright as for a single second, they lost all sensation.

"Hm? Intriguing indeed...that previous aura and they haven't killed over and die yet. Well...looks like they now will." The black robe man remarked, watching the duo get stiff.

That poison he unleashed would've been enough to kill someone at his level, let alone mere Perfect Order Qi Formation sea cultivators. So just for some small Middle Orders, they at least have this achievement in death.

Or so he thought. Abruptly, this time it was the black-robed man turned to feel incredible danger. His eyes that were overseeing the duo had suddenly enlarged!

Frantically Darcel and Aniela's body shook. Their bloodline arms began to glaring shine, and a tremendous power broke out of the two! The black-robed man couldn't even correctly react when he heard,


Darcel and Aniela's roaring shouts of pain and power! Once that poison substance touches their blood, it causes massive reactions everywhere in their bodies.

Their bloodlines forcefully absorb whatever the poison was, quickly freezing it inside their bodies and temporarily boosting the duo's prowess.

All Darcel and Aniela could tell now was that they needed to expel all this excess poison and power! And they knew just the perfect target.

Worriedly, the black-robed man watched with a startle fright as Darcel and Aniela's body snapped around to glare at him. In both of their eyes were chilling killing intent and a harsh purple glare.

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