Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 29: Hefty Sum Of Rewards

Chapter 29: Hefty Sum Of Rewards

Being just outside the mission center light blue doors, Darcel and Aniela took a slight pause for a single moment. The path they will go on after this leads to a bumpy road of troubles.

Primary troubles that will stem from one pair of pesky brothers. Plus, there's also the fact their radar of attention will noticeably increase after this.

The simple question is, will this be all worth it?

And in the slight moment of pause the duo had, their minds formed to once clear conscience answer. Of course, anything they do will be worth it!

Their faces cracked in grins as their boundless confidence swelled inside them.

Compared to their past experiences, this Academy is nothing but a stepping stone. And since this will be their stepping stone, Darcel and Aniela will make it as enjoyable as possible for themselves.

With their minds cleared up after the moment of pause, the duo boldly strutted inside the Mission Center. Their calm and even steps led them to the Mission Elder counter under students' preying disdain eyes.

All students, including the Mission Elder, attention zeroed right on the duo as soon as they walked through the doors. Conversations stalled when one train of thought entered into their minds.

Merely hours have passed since these two left. So, why the hell are they back so quickly?

Most, if not all, groups of students, when taking on missions, especially one that is as difficult as the goblins, takes up to two days at least to complete it.

Students plan everything out heavingly when taking these missions since they obviously want to preserve their lives. Signs of wear and tear were on Darcel and Aniela's uniforms, but it was nothing major.

How could this have any other meaning other plete utter failure! Mocking smiles, scorning eyes, jeering expressions all etched upon the students' faces.

Their conclusions? These two really were chock-full of hot gasses! Even Gorga, despite still feeling bitter about his loss, took glee in the apparent failure of the duo.

Once hearing Giel's explanation about the situation. He was more than happy to witness Darcel and Aniela's reputation get immediately rip to shreds while also gaining his room back.

This glee was similarly shared with Giel. Though there was only one peculiar thing, he had about their return.

It merely being was, just how are they alive? More than anything, he was sure that guy wouldn't leave them alive.

But logically, because of their relatively quick return, Giel thought their paths just didn't cross. Upon this idea, his disdain for the two had arisen even more so.

In the first place, their bet looked utterly illogical in his point of view. And it should've been illogical in their point of view. But Giel wasn't here to guide people's stupidity.

Out of the students, Giel was going to be the first to open his mouth. When the duo made it to the Mission Elder counter, however, a purple spark flash on Darcel's ring caused a bit of a stump.

The small flash also prevented any other conversation from erupting. It was too odd. That ring will only activate if they had killed Extreme Order and above goblins. No possible way the duo could achieve that!

Reality however, it was impossible to go against it. A bright big purple flash had illuminated the whole Mission Center forcing the students to shut their eyes for a second.

Promptly once the flash died down, everyone's eyes swiftly snapped back open. And what they had opened up to caused mind breaking shock and waves to run through all.

It seemed too far fetched. Almost like a laughable joke to think mere Middle Order students can even touch an Extreme Order cultivator, let alone a Perfect Order goblin.

But clear as day for all to see was four goblin heads that all maintain several bright purple lines running down their heads.

Everyone could all sense the grand auras these goblins used to have, and the Mission Elder breathlessly said, "Four Perfect Order Qi Formation Sea goblins... it's truly genuine."

Sharp intakes of breaths were heard all around the Mission Center. If even the Elder confirms it, then it indeed was impossible for these results to be faked.

Even though performing this result should've been impossible!

"Ah! My eyes are getting broadened by how much everyone else's eyes are getting broadened! Let's show them the cherries of our battle Darcel!" The sweet, excited voice of Aniela bounced in the students' heads.

She...she had to be right. If these two genuinely have Perfect Order goblins heads in the ring, shouldn't this mean they also have Extreme and Supreme Orders goblins?

Towards the unspoken question of the students, Darcel condescendingly grinned as his ring sparked purple again. Breaths hiked in throats again as unknowingly, anticipation bubbled inside them all.

With another bright purple flash causing the students to close their eyes, several thumbs were heard. Once again, reopening their eyes, a second impossible scene had played out.

All with varying shades of purple lines, various goblins heads were out in the open for all to witness. Extreme Order, Supreme Order, and Perfect Order...what kind of monstrous result was this?!

Even if Darcel and Aniela only killed all four Perfect Order goblins, it would've been enough to count the mission as completed.

After all, those Perfect Order goblins were seemingly invincible in the Qi Formation Sea Realm. Not even the strongest ranked initiate students could take them out.

Yet here they were, all staring at a result that would put those ranked talented students to shame. Without even directly fighting, did the duo manage to one-up the most talentful in their level.

Once again, Darcel's ring flashed, stuffing all the goblins' heads back inside the ring as he said out loud, "I hope you're all done staring now. No matter what you may think, this ring absolutely proves us. So Elder, our rewards?"

Even if it was a bit blunt, Darcel was one hundred percent right. That ring attaches itself to the user, making sure every kill they did was recorded.

And because of Darcel and Aniela's close relations, the ring had also recorded Aniela kills into one. The Mission Elder knew clearly of all the ring properties, though it was impossible not to be at least a bit shocked.

"Indeed...everything checks out here. Because it's a joint effort, you two will be granted five hundred orange crystals each and two low-quality Qi Formation Sea pills each. And Darcel, hand over your ring to me."

The Mission Elder explained to them as disbelieving gazes still gathered on them. But when hearing the rewards, a wild uproar had blasted out of the still silent students.

"That's... that's a thousand crystals in total! So many for completing this mission!"

"Qi Formation Sea pill?! That's like a god-given gift for us!"

"How?! Just how did they do it?!"

Through the noisy and disbelief comments, Darcel only smirked while taking his ring off. Handing it over to the Mission Elder, he granted both Darcel and Aniela with two light blue spatial rings each.

Stuffing it into their pockets, Aniela's gaze was like a hawk, immediately snapping towards Giel and Gorga like they were her prey. These two, contrary to other noisy students, were strangely silent.

They were just in much of a shock about the duo seemingly, flawlessly completing this mission. Even more so for Giel since he wondered just where the hell his guy was!

Even if somehow they did kill Perfect Order goblins, he was a real half step Nascent core cultivator! Unless...unless he also died to them? This line of thought that seemed ridiculously had to be left for another time.

Since when Aniela's gaze zeroed right on to them, they felt slight tension rise up.

Darcel's gaze snapped over to them also, and the duo casually walked up to them. Smiling all the way there while walking, Aniela voice was in a soft, playful teasing tone as she asked,

"Oh, Giel, I can just see your eyes broadening by the second. So? Do you have our sum of crystals ready~?" Her words did cause everyone else to get reminded of that bet.

The bet that seemed utterly foolish at first now was becoming a troublesome matter for Giel. What also didn't help was students curiously gazing over at them to see if he genuinely will uphold his end of the deal.

Without changing his expression much, Giel stiffly asked to not lose face, "How much do you want?"

"Mnh...let's say about...ten red crystals. That's a sufficient sum, right Darcel?" Aniela's words caused both Giel and Gorga to freeze up for a second.

This was a massive demand, girl! They wanted to say, but Darcel had quickly spoken up saying,

"Quite acceptable indeed. As a Middle-level student, you should at least have this much, right?" The two had a tag team of pressure as they already are shown to not budge an inch.

"You...you...we agreed on Oran-"

"Uh-uh! Before you say anything further, we didn't agree on any specific kind of crystals. I did only say you'll have to give us a 'sum of crystals!'" Aniela cut off Giel by wagging her finger.

And to onlookers, it was understandable why Giel looked extremely reluctant.

They would be too!

Red crystals are far more valuable than Orange crystals since they have ten times more energy and are far purer.

Starting from the Nascent Core Realm, cultivators would use Red crystals since Orange crystals become nearly negligent. And Giel wasn't so willing to easily part with that many crystals.

However, before he could adamantly refuse, the Mission Elder had shockingly spoken up saying, "If you made a bet, then no matter what forces are at play, we at Zakira Academy would uphold any bet! A Middle-level student should be more than aware of this fact."

"To think we actually get to see a Middle-level student submit to fresh new initiate students! It's like a fairy tale!"

"Seriously, and they have the Elder backing! Giel might as well just give it up."

More and more students' common thoughts lean on Giel, just giving up the crystals. The Mission Elder held that much persuasion power, and his words resonated with the students.

Even if the duo's prowess was shrouded in mystery, a bet still must be upheld! The only ones who thought differently was Giel and Gorga, both of who had tight expressions.

Silently grinding his teeth, Giel forced himself to relent. His purple spatial ring lit up, and he forked out ten small red crystal orbs on his palm. Each orb held a glittering red shine, exuding out pure, mystical energy.

Dumping the crystals on Aniela's hand, he had then heard her say, "No was that so hard? At least your surface character isn't a little liar! See you around soon."

Aniela put the ten red crystals inside her light blue spatial ring while giving the brothers a slight condescending bright smile.

Being looked down upon by two small Middle Order students caused rage and irritation in both brothers. They didn't decide to uselessly make a scene, but Giel held extreme sinister thought about them now.

With all said and done, the duo turned on the heels to leave the Mission Center.

They knew nothing about their prowess would make any sense to others, yet their heads were still held up high. In only one day, they made quite the hefty sum that'll allow them to squash any near future troubles.

Two near future troubles glared down their backs like they were trying to burn a hole through them.

Although unknown to all there watching the duo, this was their first step in shaking the Academy to its fundamental roots


Making it back to their rooms, word traveled fast about their astonishing results, but neither cared about other rumors. Aniela was more fixated on their high rewards as her eyes sparkled while sitting on their bed.

"Today was just a hefty amount of rewards, Darcy! Oh? I know that look in your eyes...still thinking about what those Roc guys told us?" The excited glint in Darcel's eyes was easily noticeable for Aniela.

Rarely would he ever have this sort of look, and Aniela knew more fun would be coming up for them.

"You guess, right. That labyrinth expedition, it's a literal goldmine for us! And in just two weeks or so, we can increase our prowess explosively, so we don't even have to worry about showing up as mere Qi Formation Sea kids."

"Mnhh...the adventures we could have in that place seems more than worth our time. But first! We're going to get a weapon and martial skill tomorrow. Oh! We should also rent out an Elemental Law room so we can peacefully cultivate with no interruptions."

Despite the natural order of things, Darcel and Aniela became attached to the average ways of taking a good sleep.

Feeling their warm bodies pressed up against each other, safely holding each other is a rare moment of bliss. So naturally, Darcel nodded, agreeing to wait for tomorrow while saying,

"Alright then, that fool Giel definitely won't be letting this down so that room is perfectly suitable for us."

"Right! Enough about that, Giel, it's time for our fun cultivating session again! I know you really enjoyed yesterday one." Aniela bounced off the bed with pepper in her step, already having back full energy.

Darcel ruefully smiled at her while shrugging his shoulder, telling her,

"It was more than what I expected from a ditzy girl like you. Show me what you got for today then."

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