Your and My Asylum

Book 3: Chapter 1

Book 3: Chapter 1

TL note: Translation changes, courtesy of the author: End Void Gate  Martial Origin Infinitys Galatea  Abandoned Structures Galatea


I organized the current situation.

First, Siis arm was cut off by the Silver Lion Earl.

Second, although we succeeded in somehow sticking Siis arm back on, be it Sii or myself, we were both very upset at the Silver Lion Earl.

Third, thats why weve decided to receive an apology from the Silver Lion Earl.

I hugged Sii tightly and comforted her. Although her weeping had ended relatively quickly, her body took a long period of time to cool down.

Sii had her head lowered with a bright red complexion on her face, the redness contained a meaning that was different from the similar color which she was displaying earlier. She spoke.



Uhm if you could let me go now.

I released her. After being flustered for a long moment, she grabbed my sides, lifted me up, and set me down on the floor next to the bed. Sii sat on the edge of the bed and stuck her foot out towards me. Once my service reached near the heel of her foot, Sii, who was just barely able to calm her bashfulness down, gave me a sidelong glance.

But Yujin. How are you going to make Her Excellencythe Earl apologize?

There are two methods that come to mind immediately.

I massaged Siis toe.

First, threaten her with violence. The execution of this in itself is already impossible right off the bat and even if we did manage to carry it out, itd be impossible to obtain the desired result. If Miss Sii wishes to hear the reason, then Ill explain.

V-Violence, something like that   explain. Why is it impossible?

Miss Sii and the Earl certainly are siblings.

Mm~~! What are you saying all of a sudden!

I believed that the two of them were truly related.

Furthermore, if you look at the fact that Sii did nothing more than puff out her cheeks, she must certainly be aware of her bloodline as well.

There are 4 obstacles standing before the execution of that plan. For starters, I dislike violence.

Youre changing the subject I actually dont like violence either. Something like making a person listen through violence, thats really, incredibly, the worst way of thinking.

If we put aside the weaponry which the Silver Lion Earl possesses as an unknown factor, then there are two remaining obstacles. Theyre both respectively related to the power which the Silver Lion Earl has, the beings which she can summon and the strength that comes along with them. Itd be difficult to make it so that shes unable to use her summoning ability and even if were able to make her use up all of her summons, Im also a summoned being, so if she cancels my summon, then Ill just end up returning back to my original world.

Dont ignore what I say! Mm~~ really. What about the part about it being impossible to obtain the desired result even if we do carry it out?

Its impossible to correct someone through violence.

Sii looked at me blankly.

Yujin, occasionally says some incredibly sane things sometimes.

I looked at Sii blankly as well.

The pouting Sii started patting my head with her right hand. I stopped Siis hand by grabbing her wrist and changed it so that she was patting my head with her left hand. Sii had a puzzled expression on her face before she became red and shifted her patting to stroking my head.

If its impossible, then why did you mention it?

Ideas arent things that fall from the sky, but they are things that must be dug out from the ground. If you wish to excavate something useful, then you have to dig with a shovel. Id normally do this in my head by myself, but I have someone to do this together with right now.

I-Is someone like me helpful?

Sii uttered while opening her eyes wider than usual and stealing glances at me. Although its a situation where the answer was already there and all she had to do was say it, instead of pointing that out, I lifted the end of her hand and placed it against my lips. Starting from the end of her hand, Sii became bright red and her lips twitched.

Mm~~ Yujin, occasionally does some incredibly cute things sometimes.

Those words flowed as well.

Theres no need for you to try and see more than what I do. Try to look at things that are different from what I see. In other words, there is no need for you to match what I say and attempt to put strength into my opinion. You should either go against me or raise an objection to what I say. Thats what friends are supposed to do.


Yes. As much as that is the case, just as I had said earlier, if you have an opinion or an idea, then say them without reserve. Dont be seized by the sense that your thoughts are nonsense, and like right now, start off by laying out all of your thoughts and explain why theyre nonsense. If you repeat this process, then there will be occasions where youre able to discover veins of gold.

Veins of gold Okay, I understand! Coincidentally, since Im the adopted daughter of a blacksmith! Ill make sure to always hit gold!

Sii clenched her first and firmed her resolve. I pressed my lips against the end of that hand and sat beside her.

Ill continue. The second method of making the Silver Lion Earl apologize. Make an exchange.


I was just barely able to consolidate my enthusiasm, but I feel like a keyword completely unrelated to apologizing came out. Did you think this just now?

Eh! I didn mm, no~~ Yup, I honestly, was YupI honestly thought that.

Lets confirm our respective objectives. I do not want to break the Silver Lion Earl.

I grabbed Siis hand and explained.

I believe that a punishment is required. I also believe that she must be corrected. Regardless of whatever past she has experienced, I believe that shes crossed the boundary of whats forgivable or not. However, my ultimate goal is to make the Silver Lion Earl regret her decisions. My goal isnt to kill, break, or destroy her.

Okay I see. Mm. Yujin is kind, after all, thats right.

Its not kindness. Its selfishness, experience, and childishness.

Please explain.

Its selfishness since if we were to kill or break the Silver Lion Earl, then I would be unable to return to my world. Its experience because Ive destroyed someone before and I know the sense of futility that comes from it. Its childishness since I havent personally experienced something that severe yet.

The first two make sense, but Yujin, if being kidnapped and being forced to live an irrational life isnt within the category of being severe to you, then what does something severe mean to Yujin?

Are you curious?

Yes. Yujin was the one who told me to stop moderately agreeing to things.

I nodded.

Doing something like that to someone who is more precious than me.

I answered.

Thats what a severe action towards me is.

Half-opened eyes. Siis pupils, which felt as if they were stuck on a horizon, rose up and ended up in a state where they were stuck on a different horizon, but upside down.

Yujin, are you not precious?

I am. However, there are things that are more precious than me.


Sii nodded her head.

I see.

Sii uttered.

A short silence.

And what about Miss Sii?

I, want.

Sii responded. I, want.

She then continued.

I, want to break her.

While biting her lower lip, tightly, Sii spoke while gripping onto my hand like a predatory bird latching onto its prey.

I wont kill. Yujin told me that theres nothing past that after all. But, at the very least, I want to return the hardship that I had to go through. Give back the pain that I had to experience down to the last dot, mm, I want to return that pain to her a hundred fold. I want to make it so that she becomes so afraid of me that shes unable to look me in the eyes, make her lick my feet while in front of others. I want to give her humiliation and pain. Im.

Im, Sii continued.

Im a shallow and cruel person. Im ungrateful, and I really have no sense of honor, Like Yujin had said earlier, in moments like this, I feel like that persons sibling. Yup, I feel like that, but.

After taking a deep breath, Sii Garno Mikatni pressed her hand against her forehead.

Every time I feel like this, a thought comes to my head as well. Why am I the only one whos going through this? Bad things become better if everyone shares it. I cant throw away this way of thinking Really, I think, that Im a lowly human.

Her words started off spitefully and ended as self-deprecations. Sii, who was taking a moment to catch her breath, fixed her complexion, which was giving off a white glow, and finally gazed down at the hand which she was holding onto. After seeing my hand that had become completely pale because of her grip, Sii became tearful.

Sorry, it hurts, right?

Its all right.

Sorry at that time too, it must have hurt.

I said it back then as well, but its all right. If it did hurt, then all Miss Sii has to do is repent and not do it anymore. Its fine to repent later if youre unable to do so now.

I told her while adjusting the position of my glasses. Sii, while massaging my hand,

Whenever I listen to what Yujin says, I feel like the world is quite simple. Even a twisted human like me is able to feel like this. One day, I want to be like Yujin, is what I believe.

Although I dont recommend it.

Sii smiled bitterly. She didnt pry any further.

I spoke.

Since the difference between our goals is something thatll take time to change, lets adjust them gradually over time. The smaller goalsince receiving an apology is the common ground between our goals, lets discuss mainly about that.

Okay. An exchange, right? What kind of exchange are you talking about?

Place the Silver Lion Earls apology on one side of the balance and well contemplate on what well place on the opposite side. If its a shell of an apology, then thats something that can be obtained by moderately establishing a distinguished service, however, if we wish to receive an apology thats not just a shell but an apology that contains pain within it as well, then the thing we have to place on our side of the balance must be heavier.

Balance Ah, a scale. Mm~ an apology that contains pain is it not supposed to be an apology that contains sincerity?

You cannot purchase an apology that contains sincerity with an exchange.


Like I said, Yujin occasionally says some incredibly sane things sometimes.

What do you think would be appropriate to place on the balance?

Mm~~ you ignored me again I dont want a shell of an apology. If I were to hear something like that, then that would just make me boil on the inside more. Thats why, at the very least, if it can be purchased in a trade, then I want to buy a pain-filled apology. In regard to what to put on the other side of the scale Hm not a distinguished service, but wouldnt we need a threat?

If, instead of a practical reward for a distinguished service, you could reward the individual by saying just a single thing to them, then anyone would pick that option. In the end, pain originates from doing something even though you dont want to after all. The very act of understanding this held a great resemblance to the Silver Lion Earl.

I acknowledged that resemblance.

Thats correct. Although its possible through a distinguished service, if we neglect it, then well need to carry out a service thats on par with rescuing the Earl when she herself is in danger, so the keypoint is a threat.

Rather than that, I dont want to establish a distinguished service! Just what am I feeling lacking about that I have no other choice but to perform a feat? To that girl Mm, really.

Sii closed her mouth. That expression of hers, which was more dyed in self-hatred than it was rage, probably came from the fact that she was aware that she was behaving like a child.

I stroked her head.

Miss Sii.


A line where you will not yield is important, however, if you become buried underneath that line, then you will lose your goal. For that part, I believe that a professional-like mind is necessary.

I paused for a moment before continuing.

The Silver Lion Earl is the lord of this City of Confinement. She possesses a faction thats loyal to her. Her mentality may be unstable, but because of that, she possesses a dangerous charm that radiates from her demeanor. You want to show that individual Hell, right? If thats the case, then ultimately, you need to have a charisma thats great enough to go against her.


Sii made a face that appeared as if she were embracing my words into her chest.

, , Okay. Ill, work hard. Youll help, right?

Of course.

Sii nodded. I stroked her head a bit more before removing my hand and speaking.

In that regard, if were to perform a distinguished service, then we need an achievement thats impressive enough to receive the admiration of someone whos either the same rank as the Silver Lion Earl or higher. If were going to threaten her, then we need to have a hold on her weakness. In order to do so, for starters, we have to gather information, but mm itd be good if we had a little more people on our side.

We needed at least two other people to handle the things which both Sii and I will most likely be unable to manage on our own. Although there were some strong candidates, something that I could provide for them from my end there were things that I brought from Earth, but itd most likely be impossible to obtain a proper sympathizer with this kind of physical reward. If its like that, then a slightly different method.

Hey, Yujin.

I paused.

Sii spoke towards me.

I, since Ill be thinking a lot like Yujin told me to. Since Ill be doing my best. Lessen your thoughts a bit, Yujin. You shouldnt rush.

She was right.

Nothing good would come from being hasty.

Yes, lets proceed slowly.

Once I stroked her head again, Sii looked at me with narrowed eyes.

For someone who uses formal speech, you stroke my head however you please. I believe that Yujin, is an irreverent child.

Is it unpleasant?

I never said that! Sii lowered her head and pressed her forehead against my shoulder. more. A bit more. Do it all the way to the back of my neck.

I did so.


TL note: Thanks for reading. This was a rather short chapter, but the next chapter is probably the longest chapter in this volume, so Im not sure how fast Ill be able to get that done. Theres a couple of big events being held by the department Im in at work, so Ill be really busy until the middle of next week. Ill try my best to translate in my spare time, but dont get too upset if I dont finish chapter 2 by next week.

Anyway, see you guys in the next release.

Side note: Im still trying to figure out how Im going to go about translating Million Dollar Bill. If I get the permission to translate it, then should I go back and forth between releasing a YaMA chapter and a chapter for that?

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