You've Got Mail: A Cautionary Tale

Chapter 48 - This Apparently Is A Trap Disguised As A Feast

Chapter 48 — This Apparently Is A Trap Disguised As A Feast

Edited by DancingDolphinsYo

They were fortunate. Because of Osmanthus, the server led them straight into the backyard. They set up a table and a few chairs there, and even had a stand of chinese wisteria next to them.

Although it was not yet time for the wisteria to bloom, and all they could see were luxuriant green leaves, from Osmanthus’s introduction, as well as the area the plant covered, Wu Xingzi learnt that the wisteria plant was over a hundred years old.

“Master, if you like it, once the wisteria blooms, let’s come and enjoy its blossoms. We can even pluck a few to make pastries.” Mint returned, having ordered the dishes. Warmly, she dragged Wu Xingzi along, deliberately ignoring Yue Mingzhu who was sitting at the head of the table.

According to custom, Hei’er was a fourth-grade military officer, and amongst their group, he had the highest rank. As such, the seat at the head of the table should have been given to Hei’er. However, Hei’er was currently attending to Wu Xingzi, and so everyone was well aware of who should actually be sitting in that seat.

It was impossible that Yue Mingzhu was not aware of it, but it was evident that her wilfulness was meant to embarrass Wu Xingzi, as well as to not respect Guan Shanjin at all. Mint and Osmanthus could not say a word about it, but their hearts were filled with indignation.

Chang Yi wanted to persuade her mistress. After all, the actual intent behind this feast was to ask for a favour. Should she not at least lower her status a little? Her mistress was also usually not this pigheaded!

“Sure, sure. Ah, I’ve never seen chinese wisterias in bloom before. I’ve heard that the sight is quite spectacular, and I really should come take a look,” Wu Xingzi exclaimed, his eyes glued to the plant.

Amongst the letters his father had left behind, he had once written about the blooming wisteria. A few lines were enough to make Wu Xingzi yearn for them, but there was not even one wisteria plant in Qingcheng County. Although they could be found in Goose City, the plants were all located in private gardens, and Wu Xingzi had neither the rights nor the contacts to get the opportunity to view them. Time passed, and his impression of the wisteria too faded away. With this unexpected opportunity of viewing a hundred year old wisteria plant today, his desire was once again lit up.

“When does the plant usually bloom?” Wu Xingzi could not help but ask. When he looked closely at them, amongst the leaves, tiny, tender buds could be seen. It should not be too long before the plant blossomed again.

“The flowers should come in about one or two months,” Osmanthus replied, counting with her fingers. Seeing how brightly Wu Xingzi smiled, Mint and Osmanthus were even more determined to let Wu Xingzi view the splendid sight of the blossoming wisteria plant.

Watching the master and the two young maids enjoying themselves, pointing at the wisteria plant as they laughed and joked, Yue Mingzhu’s face grew darker as she was left alone. However, in front of Hei’er, she was unable to vent her anger. Her fingers tightened around her cup, almost about to shatter it.

She had not come on her own accord to meet this old fellow, but was forced to do so by her father and brother.

That mousy old face made Yue Mingzhu extremely repulsed. Such a vulgar and crude person, in what way could he compare to Mr. Lu’s celestial disposition? To actually take this old thing as Mr. Lu’s substitute, did Guan Shanjin not find it nauseating in the least?

The dishes arrived very quickly. Although there were only three people who could be seated around the table for the meal, the appetites of Hei’er and Wu Xingzi were very large. As such, Mint had considerately ordered food enough for ten people, and most of them were stir-fried. The heart, the liver, the stomach and the kidneys, nothing was missing from the table. There were both the front limbs and the back limbs, as well as the brains, the neck and the trotters. The dishes ranged from tender, rich, fatty, and chewy. As expected of a restaurant specialising in mutton, with a dozen of varied dishes, there was also a bowl of mutton soup. It was refreshing and not heavy-tasting at all, and the taste lingered in one’s mouth, making them wish for more.

Of course, this was from Wu Xingzi’s point of view. After the dishes were served, he was like a country bumpkin entering a big city. Entranced by the food, he could barely restrain himself. Wriggling his nose and taking a deep breath, filling his nose with the aroma, he picked up his bowl and buried himself in the food.

His table manners were actually rather refined. Wu Xingzi had always been rather cautious with his behaviour. Holding onto his bowl and chopsticks properly, he was not eating very quickly. However, the food was disappearing at a visible rate.

It forced Yue Mingzhu to have no time to speak, and gritting her teeth, she started eating.

This originally should have been a feast offered with ill intentions. At least, in the eyes of Yue Mingzhu, this definitely had to be a feast offered with ill intentions. She was supposed to take control of the situation, step by step forcing Wu Xingzi to achieve the objective that she had planned for today.

Unfortunately, everything had gone off track. Wu Xingzi had sincerely came for a meal, and he was eating too seriously, paying great attention to his food. Yue Mingzhu could not find an opportunity to speak, and with her anger yet to be appeased, she finished two bowls of rice. Only then did she finally gain Adviser Wu’s contented smile that appeared with his satisfied stomach.

An entire table filled with dishes, other than bones, nothing was left, including onions, ginger, and garlic. Even the gravy of the various dishes had been stirred into rice and eaten. Covering his mouth, Wu Xingzi gave a quiet burp, then apologised to the third young miss of the Yue family with embarrassment.

“It’s fine. Mr. Wu sure has a voracious appetite.” Yue Mingzhu looked at this skinny old thing from head to toe. Unable to understand where the food went, she was left speechless.

”Many thanks to Miss Yue today for the invite. I’m overwhelmed by the favour, and next time, please let me treat Miss Yue to a feast in return as well.” Mint had just secretly reported to Wu Xingzi the cost of this meal. As this was a restaurant located amongst the market streets, the price was very reasonable. As such, Wu Xingzi felt very much relieved.

If not, he really would have been too embarrassed to accept this meal. Thinking about it, how much did he eat, and how much did Miss Yue actually eat?

“Mr. Wu does not have to stand on courtesy, my objective today also wasn’t just to treat you to a meal.” Finally, she could now discuss what she was supposed to, and Yue Mingzhu exhaled in relief. Adjusting her seat, she turned grave. “Just now, along the stalls outside, I’m sure you heard many people discussing about you.”

She did not beat around the bush, and made Wu Xingzi freeze.

”This sort of gossip that people chatter about when they have nothing better to do, has completely nothing to do with our Yue family. Lu-gongzi too will not do something so low, and I have always been living out in the light, and never did anything to be ashamed about. I hope Mr. Wu is aware of this.” Yue Mingzhu did not need Wu Xingzi to respond. Her aim today was to clear the names of Mr. Lu and herself, and so she only insisted on presenting her own opinion.

“Uhh… I didn’t…” Wu Xingzi blinked. The meaning lying underneath Miss Yue’s words implied that he was biased, and listened only to one side of the story. He could not help but want to explain his position.

“You don’t have to say anything, I understand that Mr. Wu is definitely unhappy to hear such filthy talk, and to complain about it to the general is very understandable. Today, I have no intentions of reproaching Mr. Wu for your unhappiness. It’s just that I don’t like that you’re sowing dissection.” How would Yue Mingzhu ever have the patience to listen to Wu Xingzi’s explanation? She only summoned Chang Yi over.

Chang Yi hurriedly held out the little parcel she had been carrying the entire time. Yue Mingzhu unwrapped it, and inside it, there was an exquisitely made box lacquered red. She then pushed it towards Wu Xingzi.

“This is a little gift from me, and can be considered an offering of friendship to Mr. Wu.” Yue Mingzhu raised her chin slightly, the center of her brows tinged with disdain and impatience. “Mr. Wu, since you’ve now gained the pampering of the general, then you should carefreely remain as his pet. Although in the beginning, the general had only taken you as Lu-gongzi’s substitute…”

Yue Mingzhu gave an abrupt laugh, and even a three year old child could recognise the contempt and evil intention in it.

Wu Xingzi’s face flushed red before paling dramatically. He forced a wry smile towards Miss Yue, wanting to speak in his own defense, only to have Yue Mingzhu again raise her hand towards him to stop him.

“Whether it’s because the general’s eyes have failed, or his heart is blind, it is certainly true that he saw you as Lu-gongzi’s substitute. You can ask the general yourself, how much of his feelings for you is due to Mr. Lu. As such, I’ll leave you a reminder here. The general’s great concern and consideration towards you now is all because of Mr. Lu.”

“Uhh, I…”

Yue Mingzhu frowned, glaring at him disgustedly. “Mr. Wu, I don’t have so much free time to listen to your excuses. The sort of person you are, I’ve seen too many of them. There are only so many methods of gaining favour, and there’s no point in mentioning them to me. Today, you’re upset and so you tattle to the general in bed, sowing discord in the teacher-student relationship between the general and Mr. Lu. Such methods, pardon my rudeness, are truly repulsive.”

“I didn’t…” There was no way Wu Xingzi was able to explain himself, as Yue Mingzhu completely had no intention of allowing him to speak, only resolutely cutting him off.

“Go back and convey this to the general, a teacher for a day, a father for life. At the end of the day, Lu-gongzi is his teacher, and since he has feelings for Lu-gongzi, after being rejected, he should just accept it with no hesitation. This is how a man should behave. All these underhanded tricks, although I cannot compare with the general’s immense power, there is no difficulty for me to cause a fuss that would harm both sides. He cannot afford to offend the ladies of Bastion City. The same goes for you, understand clearly what’s your position and status. Since you’ve already benefited from your association with Lu-gongzi, stop making a fool of yourself. You think by smearing Mr. Lu’s name, you’ll be able to gain greater favours? Hmph! A lousy adviser from some poor place, how parochial.”

Finished speaking, Yue Mingzhu was very satisfied with her words, and she tapped on the lacquered box.

“This is all I have to say. Mr. Wu, accept this gift. I also hope that you’ll be a bit smarter.” Not caring whether Wu Xingzi actually wanted to accept the gift or not, Yue Mingzhu stood up and whirled out of the restaurant with her maidservant.

Wu Xingzi sat there blankly, completely at a loss. He did not even understand the cause and effect of the entire matter, and finally, he looked towards Hei’er bemusedly.

“Hei’er has been commanded by the general, and cannot discuss on such matters.” He cupped his hands, looking apologetic, and changed the topic. “However, if you were to chat casually with the girls, I didn’t hear a thing.”

Mint and Osmanthus were extremely quick, and knew that this was Commander Hei turning a blind eye. They too were distressed over Wu Xingzi, and so they started making their complaints known quietly.

“That Miss Yue is so unreasonable, how could Mr. Wu ever speak ill of others?” Mint started their conversation with this statement, as she deliberated over how to downplay the situation.

“Master, don’t listen to Miss Yue’s nonsense. Things between the general and Mr. Lu are not like that. It’s just that Mr. Lu is about to get married, and so the general naturally cannot spoil Mr. Lu like the past. Miss Yue should be delighted about this.” Osmanthus was a lot more direct, spitting at the end.

Wu Xingzi was very confused. He long knew that there was definitely a reason for Guan Shanjin’s affections towards him. It was just that he had never considered that he was Mr. Lu’s substitute, as their appearances and bearings were two complete opposites. Who would ever think of any similarities between the two of them? Did Guan Shanjin have a problem with his eyesight? Should they get a physician to check him out? Could it be an indiscernible injury left from the battlefields?

With such a train of thoughts, Wu Xingzi now started worrying over Guan Shanjin instead.

“Ai, exactly! In the past, I felt that Mr. Lu was like a celestial being. Only now did I know that this bearing of his is only just a lie.” Mint pursed her lips. Naturally, she was completely on Wu Xingzi’s side.

“Yes, the general is now treating Mr. Lu like an outsider. The Yue family had originally hoped that through Mr. Lu, they could rely on the general’s support. Instead, our general is wise and decisive, cutting off such thoughts directly. No wonder the Yue family’s anxious. Without our general’s support, Mr. Lu now holds no use for the Yue family,” Osmanthus snorted. Despite her young age, she was rather knowledgeable, and was well aware of this situation. Of course, the Yue family would naturally know this even better than she did.

Although the Yue family was the top merchant family in Bastion City, under Guan Shanjin’s order, there were many goods that could not flow outwards in great quantities to the south.

Of course, goods coming from the south too had to go through the control of the general’s estate, and the estate would then distribute them to various merchants. Each year, the merchants would have to pay for a permit, the amount each merchant family could get was stated clearly on the permits. The most a merchant could get was forty percent of the total goods.

Although the south was barbaric, they had many quality items that the Great Xia did not. What the merchants focused on was buying low and selling high, as well as having an easy way of importing and exporting goods. However, as the guard of this border city, what Guan Shanjin found more important was to destroy the enemies before they could even rise, and naturally he could not allow the south to live too comfortably but still gain a certain amount of stability and spirit to them. Since he could not obliterate the south, then he would just employ the boiling frog method, adapting to the situation and slowly crippling his enemies by providing them with just enough of what they needed.

Mint and Osmanthus could not understand such matters, but they believed that the general had his reasoning for his decisions.

Many citizens of Bastion City were unhappy with the rules laid by the general’s estate. However, despite the orders, for Bastion City to be so peaceful came with its own advantages as well, which was enough to make everyone deeply grateful. No one would query the general’s estate.

After all, just six years ago, Bastion City was still a war-torn place where no one knew if they could survive till the next day!

“But Mr. Lu is still the general’s teacher after all…” Thinking of that benign and open-hearted man dressed in white, Wu Xingzi was inexplicably sympathetic.

“Master, you cannot feel sorry for him. So what if Mr. Lu and the general have a teacher-student relationship? It has nothing to do with us at all.” Seeing that things seemed about to veer down a wrong path, Mint quickly advised Wu Xingzi. “The general would keep a distance from Mr Lu; it’s because the Yue family wants to gain benefits using Mr. Lu. The general had no choice but to do so.”

“Like this, it’s actually…” Wu Xingzi bowed his head, contemplating it for a moment before nodding and agreeing with Mint.

That was true. If people were to coerce the general’s estate through Mr. Lu’s status, and made things difficult for Guan Shanjin, it was not anything good too. Naturally, Wu Xingzi’s heart sided more towards Guan Shanjin, and so that bit of sympathy faded by quite a bit.

“I wonder what Miss Yue has prepared.” Mint looked at the lacquered box on the table with undisguised curiosity.

“Shall we open it and take a look?” Wu Xingzi would of course pamper the two girls. Picking the box up, he opened it and was startled into freezing with just a glance.

The interior was lined with fine silk, a light, golden-yellow colour that shimmered slightly. In the center, there were five gold ingots, so unexpected that it shocked everyone.

“Is she bribing you?” Mint broke the silence.

“This, this… this is too valuable.” Wu Xingzi pressed his palm against his chest, exhaling slowly. This was really too precious a gift.

Ignoring Miss Yue’s intention of gifting money, whether it was to humiliate him, or because she was that rich and arrogant, for Wu Xingzi, money was something that was a lot more practical than anything else.

With five gold ingots, when he returned to Qingcheng County, he would be able to start a small business to earn a living. He could afford a Liuzhou Coffin1, and even hire people to sweep his grave once he died!

Ah… Miss Yue really had such a bright and clever heart!

Wu Xingzi was conflicted for quite some time, and in the end, his characteristic old-fashioned honesty still took the lead. A little reluctantly, he closed the lid of the box back down, and handed it to Hei’er. “Sorry to trouble you to help me return this to Miss Yue. Such a valuable gift, I really am unable to accept it.”

“Hei’er understands.” Taking the box and tucking it into his clothes, Hei’er knew very well that Wu Xingzi was sincere, and so did not persuade him to keep it to prevent him from feeling awkward. “Does the adviser still plan on walking about the market streets?”

“No, there’s no need for that, let’s go back.” Wu Xingzi had wanted to do so, but when he recalled the rumours and gossip about him on the streets, he had no choice but to dismiss the idea.

“However, who exactly was the one to spread the rumour this time?” Before they left, Osmanthus murmured with knitted brows.

Hei’er glanced at her, then at Wu Xingzi. In the end, he lowered his head, and did not say a word.

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