You've Got Mail: A Cautionary Tale

Chapter 6 - Adviser, Your Pengornis

Chapter 6 – Adviser, Your Pengornis

Bastion City was very far, it was a city along the border of the country. It neighboured the southern barbarians, and had about twenty thousand troops stationed there. The commanding general of the city, who was the heir of the Protector General, had made great achievements in war. In just five years, he had pushed the southern barbarians back and forced their king to pay tribute to the capital, and they did not dare to push against the border again.

But because of the massacres, just hearing his name would make children cry at night. It was said that he looked like a sinister demon, and protected Southern Xinjiang as though there was an iron wall around it.

Wu Xingzi had naturally heard of this, but he had never paid much attention to it. After all, Qingcheng County was a little place in the middle of nowhere, where news and messages were barely received. This reputed heir of the Protector General, this South Garrison General, would never in his life have any interactions with a place like Qingcheng County.

However, Wu Xingzi was still very thankful to this general. It was due to the presence of the troops in Bastion City that such an astounding pengornis would appear for him.

Counting today, it would already be four days since he had been waiting for the reply. In these four days, he had barely had any appetite for food and drinks, and only counted the days. Thinking that he still had to endure another three more days of waiting, he was somewhat irritable, and had lost a fair bit of weight.

As compared to how his life was full of enjoyment only a few days ago, Wu Xingzi was unable to put into words how monotonous his days currently were. In fact, it might be even more arduous than his life before joining the?Peng?Society.

It was said that when one was accustomed to luxury, it was hard for them to live a frugal life again.

Used to hearty meat dishes, how would one be able to go back to simple vegetarian food? Wu Xingzi gazed at that pengornis drawing from Bastion City daily, and comforted himself with his hands countless times. Every night, he would dream of that pengornis together with that man in black he had seen that day. Although he knew that these two had nothing to do with each other, but he could not control his brain, and each morning after he woke up, he would have to wash his trousers.

Would his own pengornis be able to arouse the other person’s interest? Wu Xingzi could not help but worry about his losses, especially when he was clear about how his own pengornis was really… lackluster. Just like his face, it could only be said that it was plain.

By the sixth day, Wu Xingzi was like a ghost drifting about, staring at people blankly. Constable Zhang had asked after him in concern many times. Rumours spread within Qingcheng County that Adviser Wu had been cheated of both his feelings and money when making friends through the pigeon express.

“Where did you hear this from?” Ansheng finally had some free time, only to hear such gossip from his customers. They were vividly describing how Adviser Wu had met a sham of a man, and had been both lied to and deceived his feelings, and finally cheated him of all his bucket stash. Making penpals through the pigeon express was so risky!

With Ansheng’s question, the customers’ expressions became even more invigorated. “Ah, we heard it from Auntie Liu, little boss, you should know her right?”

“Auntie Liu? The wife of Old Liu who drives the cart?” Ansheng wiped his hands clean and sat by the table, presenting a face full of curiosity. “What did Auntie say?”

“Isn’t it just about that Adviser Wu? Previously he kept going to Goose City, and we heard that he was obsessed with what making penpals through what pigeon express. Tsk tsk tsk, why do they have to be so secretive about interacting with each other? Not knowing the exact background of the other person, Adviser Wu is really very daring.” Customer A was so excited that his spittle was flying as he spoke, his eyes bright, sounding sorrowful but with a face full of interest.

“Yes, exactly! Penpals through the pigeon express is so unorthodox, having never seen the other person’s face before, how could a person believe what’s written on those letters? Adviser Wu is about to turn 40 already, I’m afraid that it’s because he’s been too lonely! To randomly look for such a solution, see! Now, he has suffered such losses, and even lost his bucket stash!” Customer B patted his chest, he almost could not stop himself.

“All these were told to Auntie Liu by Adviser Wu?” Ansheng suppressed his urge to roll his eyes, maintaining that look of interest on his face, and let the two customers continue speaking.

“How could that be? Of course Adviser Wu would not be so direct. However, the past few days he had not hired the cart to go to Goose City anymore, what other reasons can there be?” Customer A shook his head.

“Exactly! You don’t know how often Adviser Wu used to go to Goose City, he would go there every other day! If he hadn’t been completely deceived into being a fool, why else would he run to Goose City so often? Who knows what kind of honeyed words the other person had been telling Adviser Wu, causing him to lose all his senses.” Customer B spoke.

“Little boss, don’t you agree with us?” Both of them looked at Ansheng. He smiled and nodded. He was smart enough to not reveal anything, but secretly, he started worrying.

He was not worried about Wu Xingzi getting deceived. The?Peng?Society was very meticulous with their business, and not everyone was able to appear in?The Pengornisseur. No one knew where they received their information from, but all criminals were refused at the door. This was also corroborated by Constable Zhang, and so, Ansheng would not doubt it.

However, he was worried that Wu Xingzi had liked someone, only to be rejected. Although this was something common while making friends through the pigeon express, but with how timid and cautious Wu Xingzi was, if he was rejected too many times, it was likely that he would not try again. As such, the purpose of making friends through the pigeon express would be completely lost.

Looking at the time, there was still a while before it was time to close the shop. However, Ansheng could not wait anymore, when Customers A and B finished eating, he quickly packed up his shop.

By the time he reached the magistrate’s office, it was not yet 3pm. The entrance to the magistrate’s office was quiet, and even the guards who were supposed to be stationed at the door were nowhere in sight. Sparrows perched in a row on the roof and chirped away, and the cool breeze brought with it a sense of drowsiness.

Ansheng paused for a moment, then entered the magistrate’s office from a side door. However, he did not know where to go to look for Wu Xingzi. Although he had already become Constable Zhang’s partner, this was still the first time he had come to the magistrate’s office.

“Hey, isn’t this Ansheng?” A gentle and slightly nasally voice was heard, it sounded very friendly. That was Wu Xingzi’s voice.

“Brother Xingzi!” Ansheng was delighted, and hurried over.

“Are you here to look for Constable Zhang?” Wu Xingzi’s complexion was not very good, but he still had a genial smile upon his face.

“No, I’m here to look for you.” Ansheng bit his lip, and hesitantly spoke. “Brother Xingzi, do you… have time to talk with me?”

“I do have some time…” Wu Xingzi looked troubled, but did not reject him. “Come, let’s go in and talk.”

“Ok.” Wu Xingzi led Ansheng into his office, a little room by the side of the hall. Inside it was a table and two chairs, with many bookshelves against the wall. The bookshelves were crammed full, and even the table was stacked with dossiers.

“Please don’t mind the mess.” Wu Xingzi’s ears were faintly red. “Take a seat first, I’ll go prepare some tea.”

“Don’t trouble yourself, Brother Xingzi. I’m just here to discuss a small matter, I won’t take up too much of your time.” Ansheng quickly stopped him and pushed him onto a chair, then he sat down.

Both of them looked at each other in silence. Ansheng was carefully studying Wu Xingzi, while Wu Xingzi was puzzled over the reason for Ansheng’s appearance.

After a long while, Wu Xingzi was uneasy, he could not stop fidgeting. Ansheng finally exhaled and spoke up. “Brother Xingzi, tell me the truth. Have you gotten into any trouble?”

“Trouble?” Wu Xingzi was bemused. He did have some trouble to do with his favourite pengornis, but that was something he could not say aloud.

“Yes, trouble to do with the pigeon express…” Ansheng was very subtle with his question. He was unwilling to believe the rumours that were being spread, but he could not ignore how haggard Wu Xingzi looked. They had not met for only a few days, and Wu Xingzi had lost so much weight. He was originally already not of a sturdy build, but now, he looked as though he could be blown away by the wind.

Hearing Ansheng, Wu Xingzi could not control the blush on his face. He rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment, and could not say a word.

Ansheng was in no hurry, he only sat there quietly and waited.

After a while, Wu Xingzi finally replied. “No, I’m fine. It’s just…” He really could not mention about him being attracted to a pengornis. He was already bashful enough, he still wanted to be able to walk around outside in the future.

“It’s just?”

“Umm…” Wu Xingzi adjusted his position, and gulped. “Just… a few days ago, I was attracted to a peng… attracted to a person. I’ve already sent a letter and now I’m waiting for a reply. Because I’ve been thinking about it, I’ve lost my appetite. Sorry to have made you worry.”

“How many days ago did you send the letter?” Hearing Wu Xingzi’s explanation, Ansheng was a little less worried.

“It’s been 6 days. The other person is in Bastion City, so the pigeons would take a longer time. I think I’ll only be able to receive the reply tomorrow.” Having started, the conversation now flowed easily. After all, Wu Xingzi was not a shrewd person, together with his good relations with Ansheng, he told him everything that he could.

“Oh, it’s like this…” Ansheng nodded, and completely put down his worries. He could not help but blame Auntie Liu, with the ridiculous rumours spreading around, who knew what people would say in the end? “Brother Xingzi, there’s something that I have to tell you.”

“What is it?” Wu Xingzi’s face was still slightly flushed, but he had relaxed a lot.

“Auntie Liu… Be more careful, there are some things you shouldn’t tell her.”

“Auntie Liu?” Wu Xingzi blinked, then smiled gently. “I know that Auntie Liu likes to gossip, but she doesn’t have any evil intentions. Rumours would dissipate after a while, I don’t mind it.”

Qingcheng County was both small and poor, the people’s lives were hard. Other than chit-chatting, there was no other entertainment available. Wu Xingzi had long knew that his matters had been treated as gossip by others already, but since he did not hear it personally, he pretended not to know about it. This was life!

Ansheng sighed, “Your temper is too good, no wonder Auntie Liu likes to gossip about you.”

“It’s nothing, no one means any harm.” Wu Xingzi patted Ansheng’s shoulder. “Thank you for worrying about me.”

“Ah, that’s something I should do.” Ansheng considered for a moment, then continued. “Brother Xingzi, everyone in Qingcheng County knows how good a person you are. You must not look down on yourself.?The Pengornisseur?is only an introduction, don’t think too much about it.”

“Ah, yes, I know.” Wu Xingzi felt warmed by the concern. Although Ansheng and him were not destined to be partners, but to become such bosom friends, it was also a sort of fate.

“Come over to my place tomorrow for a meal.”


Both of them then chatted about some daily trifles. Until the sun had set, and Wu Xingzi brought Ansheng to look for Constable Zhang, did they say their farewells and went home separately.

The next morning, as dawn was breaking through the sky, Wu Xingzi awoke. He was full of vigour, completely different from his dispiritness over the past few days. He did not even have a wet dream during the night, most likely due to his excitement over the incoming reply.

He prepared his breakfast, but his heart had long since flew over to Goose City already.

Before he left, he went back to his room and counted out fifty coins. He had originally only planned to subscribe to?The Pengornisseur?for a month, but now, he had decided to continue his subscription, secretly resolving to carry on collecting those pengornis drawings. Like this, even if he could not be friends with that Lanling Prince, there would be others to console him.

Who knew, he might also meet a Han Zigao, a Wei Jie, or a Ji Kang. There were so many pengornises in this world, without this one, there were still others!

Just like before, Wu Xingzi would arrive at the?Peng?Society in the morning, and be brought to one of the parlours by the salesman. This made him very excited, as he had only sent one letter seven days ago. Asking him to wait, this definitely meant that he had a reply! Could the owner of this great pengornis also be attracted to his own pengornis? Ah, how embarrassing!

As Wu Xingzi waited in anticipation, the salesman still had not returned after a long period of time. His excitement gradually dimmed, and a sense of unease welled up within him. Wu Xingzi was at first sitting upright on his seat, wanting to receive that reply in the most proper position. Now, he had shrivelled up in disquiet.

Could it be that the person did not reply? Did the salesman make a mistake, afraid of being reproached, he was hiding from him? No no no, the salesmen of the?Peng?Society were all smart people, even if they made a mistake, they would be able to come up with a good resolution. Even if they could not, there was still Manager Rancui, right? No one would ever get angry after seeing Rancui!

He sighed, then sighed again. With his sighs, he deflated like a withered eggplant.

Should he just leave first? It was getting late, he should not let Uncle Liu continue waiting for him. He would just pass the salesman the fifty coins and leave. There were pengornises everywhere, why focus only on a single bird?

Having made his decision, Wu Xingzi drank the last mouthful of tea, heading out of the parlour dejectedly. At the same time, he again heard the door to the parlour next door opening.

Without being aware of it, he lifted his head to take a look, and was stunned.

Stepping out of the room was a person dressed in black. The material of the robe was like flowing water, Wu Xingzi immediately thought of the black robe he saw the previous time.

The man was extremely tall, his clothes billowing in the wind, his silky black hair simply bundled up with a jade hairpin. His skin was as pale as snow, and donning his black robe, he had an otherworldly bearing.

Seeming to have noticed Wu Xingzi’s attention, the man glanced at him. His face was perfect, those cold eyes glittering like black crystals, and that look caused Wu Xingzi to tremble, his legs weakening for some unknown reason.

Realising that he had committed a gaffe, he quickly looked away. As he was about to raise his hands in apology, that man spoke first. “You’re Adviser Wu from Qingcheng County?”

It was definitely that voice he had heard that day, cold yet lingering, very melodious.

“Yes yes yes, that’s me. Apologies for having offended you.” Wu Xingzi hurriedly cupped his hands in apology, his head bowed till it was almost buried in his chest. He was not suspicious of why that person recognised him, after all, people who appeared here were all members of the?Peng?Society, and had all seen?The Pengornisseur. He did appear in it!

However, this man in front of him was not found within the pages of?The Pengornisseur. A person like him who looked as though he had descended from the heavens, how could he not remember?

“There’s no offense.” The man paused. “I’m Guan Shanjin.”

“Master Guan…” Wu Xingzi could not resist peeking at him, then giving himself a fright, he nearly stumbled and fell backwards. The man who was originally standing quite a distance from him, had silently stood at an arm’s length from him. An intoxicating scent wafted past him, Wu Xingzi could not help but sniff and sniff again, his mind fluttering away.

“Yes.” Guan Shanjin seemed to be smiling. It was as though there was a little hook in that voice, scratching at a person’s heart.

“You’re… you’re also a member of the?Peng?Society?” Wu Xingzi was unsure about what exactly he wanted to do. He felt ashamed of his ungainly looks, but still could not resist secretly leaning into him. Ah, the scent of this Master Guan was really very fragrant.

“I am, yet I’m also not.” The corner of Guan Shanjin’s lips curled up. Those lips were also extremely good looking, the size moderate, the thickness appropriate, and the colour was a light, faint red, just like a flower petal.

How would it feel to bite on it? Having never kissed anyone before, Wu Xingzi’s mind started daydreaming.

The impression this man gave him was just like that pengornis. With just one glance, he left him a deep impression, and everything else in the background had faded away.

“Does Master Guan plan on appearing on?The Pengornisseur?to make friends through the pigeon express?” Wu Xingzi asked with a obliging smile.

“I’ve?done?that already.” Guan Shanjin had emphasised the second word slightly, but Wu Xingzi did not notice, only feeling regretful about this answer.

If he had already done it, but did not appear in the current edition of?The Pengornisseur, did that mean he had already found his partner?

“Oh…” Since he already had someone, Wu Xingzi could only sigh and sniff at this fragrance. “Master Guan is here to return?The Pengornisseur?”

“No.” Guan Shanjin’s eyes crinkled, his chilliness disappeared, and in a twinkling, was effused with a heart-stirring charm. “I’m here to collect a reply.”

“A reply?”

“Yes.” Guan Shanjin pulled out a letter from his robes, and opened it in front of Wu Xingzi. “Your reply.”

On that letter was clearly the pengornis drawing that Wu Xingzi had personally drawn.

His eyes widened, and his entire body started shivering. Unsteadily, he retreated, only to have Guan Shanjin put his arm around his waist.

No no no, there definitely was a misunderstanding somewhere!!

Wu Xingzi wanted to struggle, but Guan Shanjin was unexpectedly strong. He easily carried him into the parlour, kicking the door close, and gave a gorgeous smile. “Since we’ve already shown ourselves openly to each other, why don’t we take the next step?”

Huh? Wu Xingzi’s eyes rounded even more, as he was dazzled by that dimpled smile, something in him was screaming in alarm.

Then, when a soft and warm breath brushed against his lips, Wu Xingzi forgot about struggling.

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