You've Got Mail: A Cautionary Tale

Chapter 68 - Is This In The Hands of Fate or Mine?

Chapter 68 — Is This In The Hands of Fate or Mine?

Edited by DancingDolphinsYo

Almost right on the dot, the moment Guan Shanjin and his companions left the boundary of Qingcheng County, Wu Xingzi and the others, who had come across Hei’er a few hours ago, entered the boundary.

Finally returning to his hometown, Wu Xingzi was a lot more relaxed. Although the world outside was broad and vast, it could never compare to the bottom of the little well he was used to.

Wu Xingzi’s little house was unable to accommodate so many of them, and there were also the two girls, Mint and Osmanthus. As such, Rancui made the decision to book two rooms in the only available inn in Qingcheng County. With impeccable consideration, he brought them all away, so that Wu Xingzi would be able to rest quietly in his house.

The little house was very clean. Forget about the table, chairs and the bed, not a speck of dirt could be seen even on the ground. The table and chairs had been wiped to the point where they shone, and it seemed like someone had specially tidied everything up.

There was no need to think too hard about who the culprit was. Wu Xingzi stood at his door, hesitating for a moment before he carefully stepped into his house.

He pushed the window open. The slight breeze, carrying with it the scent of earth and grass, swirled into the room, causing a note left on the table to flutter lightly.

Wu Xingzi glanced at the note a few times, feeling rather gloomy.

He naturally could guess who had left the note behind, but he did not have the courage to read it.

Instead, he pottered around his house, both inside and out. Taking out his blanket from the trunk, he shook it out and lay it down on the bed. From it came a scent of warmth, with no trace of dampness or mildew from being stored for too long. It had been sunned outdoors, before being meticulously packed away, so that when he came back to stay, there was no need for him to waste any time sunning the blanket.

Guan Shanjin had always been a very thoughtful person. During the period of time they were together, even during the moments when Wu Xingzi had been ignored, he had never let Wu Xingzi suffer even the tiniest bit. Hugging the thin blanket, Wu Xingzi sat on the bed in a trance, the only thing in his head being Guan Shanjin’s smiling face.

A long while later, he sighed, putting the blanket down. Clutching his little money pouch, he got ready to go out and purchase some offerings for his ancestors. It was still early, and the timing was perfect for tomb-sweeping.

Qingcheng County’s marketplace was one short street. The inn, the magistrate’s office and various other buildings were all located on this same street. It was just past noon, and many of the stalls selling vegetables and meat had already packed up. However, stalls selling snacks were still available, and from a distance, Wu Xingzi could see Ansheng’s beancurd stall. The handsome young fellow still had a bright, sunny smile on his face as he talked to a man sitting at his stall. After looking closely, it turned out that the man was Constable Zhang.

The relationship between the two people was still very good, and their actions were reserved yet filled with warmth and gentleness.

Wu Xingzi had no plans on disturbing them, but the street was only so big, and the moment Ansheng lifted his head, he immediately saw him. A delighted smile immediately appeared on Ansheng’s face, and he called out with great friendliness, “Xingzi-ge! We haven’t seen each other in a very long time!”

The tips of Wu Xingzi’s ears turned red. He was a little uneasy, but he still made his way forward. “Hello Ansheng, Constable Zhang.”

“Adviser Wu…” Only after Constable Zhang greeted Wu Xingzi, did the constable then remember that Wu Xingzi was no longer the magistrate’s adviser anymore. Momentarily, he did not know how to react, and so he buried his head down and silently ate his beancurd jelly.

The greeting of Adviser Wu also made Wu Xingzi shrunk slightly. Also, who was the current adviser in the magistrate’s office?

“Xingzi-ge, have you eaten?” Ansheng stood up to get a bowl of beancurd jelly. The moment he lifted the lid, the fragrance of the bean curd filled the air, accompanied with the aroma of stir fried pork and onions, and Wu Xingzi’s stomach immediately started gurgling. With a red face, he forcefully pressed down on his belly, swallowing down his refusal that was on the tip of his tongue.

By the way, it had been ages since he ate Ansheng’s beancurd jelly!

Smiling, Ansheng glanced at him and deftly prepared a huge bowl. He was well aware of how much Wu Xingzi could eat, and so he used his biggest bowl, pouring the stir fry mix of pork, mushroom and shrimps over it.

Covering the snow-white beancurd was a thick, brown sauce, tinged with red and black. Crisp, fried pieces of onions floated on top, smelling extremely appetizing. Finally, it was plated with a dash of coriander, green, fresh and lovely, and Wu Xingzi’s stomach grumbled even louder in delight.

“Hurry up and have some, try it and see if my skills have improved even more.” Ansheng pushed Wu Xingzi to a seat, placing the huge bowl in front of him. He also sat down across the older man, watching him with bright eyes.

Wu Xingzi was familiar with Ansheng. At the start, he was still a little distant due to not having seen him in a very long time, but he quickly settled in. He did not mind Ansheng’s attention, and started working on the beancurd jelly he had not had in a long while.

It had to be said that Ansheng’s skills were very good. Having not had the bean curd in months, it seemed to have become even tastier, making one wish that they could swallow their tongue down together with the food.

Constable Zhang had already emptied his bowl. After washing it, he went back to Ansheng, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Leaning into his ear, the constable quietly informed him of some matters. Ansheng listened carefully, then gave a small, joyful laugh, nodding as he agreed to something.

Although Wu Xingzi was eating heartily, he could not help but sneak looks at the couple. He recalled how it was all thanks to Ansheng and Constable Zhang that he could share a fate with the Peng Society. Seeing that their feelings did not change, he felt extremely gratified.

“Alright, you should quickly head back! I’m reminiscing with Xingzi-ge over here.” Ansheng pushed Constable Zhang’s shoulder, his lips brushing past that firm chin, and his bright eyes curved up like crescents with his smile.

“Mn.” Constable Zhang nodded. Although Qingcheng County had always been peaceful, and criminals were rare, the usual patrols still had to be done. Constable Zhang could sneak a break, but he could not slack off. He glanced over at Wu Xingzi, his lips moving as he awkwardly asked him to eat more before leaving.

When it came to food, Wu Xingzi would never stand on courtesy. A huge bowl of beancurd jelly was emptied in no time at all. As Wu Xingzi wiped his mouth, exhaling in satisfaction, his other hand was still rubbing his belly, and he clearly had not eaten his fill.

Ansheng understood him very well. Worried that it would be cloying to just have the beancurd jelly, he stood up and went over to the neighbouring stalls, getting a big bowl of noodle soup, four chives pie and two scallion pancakes. All these were items that Wu Xingzi frequently ate in the past. After all, Qingcheng County was a small place, with few people living there. The selection of food available was only these few, and there was nothing else fancier. However, they were very hearty and filling, the price cheap and good.

Upon knowing that Wu Xingzi was back this time for Qingming and tomb-sweeping, Ansheng was a little surprised, but he immediately asked the uncle next door to help buy some candles, joss sticks and other offerings.

“Right, did you come back alone?” Ansheng looked up and down the street. Confirming that there were no unfamiliar faces, he could not help but be curious.

“No, I came with some friends.” Wu Xingzi had already cleared the noodles, and he was drinking the soup. Only now did he remember Rancui and the others, and he started to become restless.

Rancui would not let himself suffer, but Mint, Osmanthus and Hei’er would not abandon him and just fill their stomachs alone. At this time, all of them should be hungry, and Wu Xingzi could not bear to let the two girls endure too much hunger.

“Xingzi-ge…” Ansheng lowered his voice. “How are things between you and that god-like man?”

Wu Xingzi’s hand shook, nearly dropping his bowl.

“Ai, w-we’re fine…” He suddenly recalled that Guan Shanjin had been in Qingcheng County just days ago, and Qingcheng County only had that one inn, so where did their large group of people stay? Most definitely, Ansheng had seen something.

“That’s good.” Ansheng nodded. He did not point out the distress and panic on Wu Xingzi’s face, deftly changing the topic. “How long would you be staying this time? Tomorrow, would you like to come by my place for food and drinks?”

“Ai, I’m leaving after the tomb-sweeping…” Wu Xingzi was a little hesitant.

At first, they wanted to go to the capital to hide from Guan Shanjin’s pursuit, but they instead drew Guan Shanjin to Qingcheng County for Qingming, and Wu Xingzi could not choose not to return. Although Rancui did not say anything, Wu Xingzi was very aware that Guan Shanjin’s departure meant that he would not appear again for the time being, and this period of time could even be for the rest of his life. Like this, he did not seem to need to go to the capital anymore! Going there would in fact be more dangerous, and it was hard to say if he might end up bumping into Guan Shanjin accidentally.

Furthermore, he had finally returned to his hometown, and he naturally desired even more to remain here quietly and spend the rest of his days. Although he no longer had a job at the magistrate’s office, perhaps, like his father, he could be a teacher, do some farming, and earn back his bucket stash and continue increasing his treasure hoard of pengornises.

“Xingzi-ge, what are you thinking about? You’re smiling so happily.” Ansheng watched Wu Xingzi move from embarrassment to uneasiness, and then gradually relaxing and smiling joyfully. He was truly curious about what was in his head.

“A treasure hoard of pengornises… Uhh…” The moment his mouth opened, Wu Xingzi realised that things were going south. He had been too happy in his mind, and his lack of attention to his words had now become an embarrassment and shame. “I-it’s nothing, don’t mind me, don’t mind me. I’m just thinking about how to earn a living in the future.”

“Does Xingzi-ge not want to return to being the adviser?” Ansheng asked in curiosity.

“Return and be the adviser?” Wu Xingzi blinked. He had already left for a large part of the year, did the magistrate’s office still not have an adviser?”

“Ai, yes.” Ansheng nodded as he shot a look in the direction of the magistrate’s office. “Fu-ge said that at first, Auntie Li wanted to push her second son into the magistrate’s office to become the adviser. After all, there are not many in our county who are literate. People who went to school have either left already, or they have better jobs. The position of the adviser cannot be left empty forever, right?”

“So it’s Li Desheng?” Wu Xingzi took a breath in surprise. He knew of Auntie Li’s second son, a man ten years younger than him. He was even taught by Wu Xingzi’s father before, and as a child, he was lovely and cute, as well as clever and smart. He picked up everything he learnt very quickly, but unfortunately, he did not like to study. After attending a month of classes, he kept skipping school to seek out bird eggs and play.

It was true that Li Desheng was one of the few literate people in Qingcheng County. However, he could only read and not write, and it was likely that he was unable to hold the responsibility of the job.

“Things naturally didn’t go her way. Everyone knows what Li Desheng is like. Just because he can read, he normally doesn’t even tend to the crops properly, and after participating in the examinations for so many years, he still failed to get a spot. Auntie Li is probably the only one who thinks he’s worth anything.” Ansheng was a very polite man, and it was rare that he would disparage someone like this. Wu Xingzi scratched his nose, chuckling obligingly as he did not know how he should respond.

He did not even know that Li Desheng had wanted to be a scholar. But this person could not write an essay, how was he even going to place? Wu Xingzi could not help but sigh silently, and he started to sympathise with Auntie Li.

“Fu-ge says, an adviser is not a must in the magistrate’s office. As such, after you, the county magistrate also did not look for a replacement, and things could muddle along. However, most people said that if you return, it would be good to have you come back to the magistrate’s office. After all, the magistrate is replaced every six years, and no one understands Qingcheng County more than you.” As Ansheng said all this, he watched Wu Xingzi closely.

His gaze made Wu Xingzi a little shy. Bowing his head, Wu Xingzi tore the scallion pancakes into pieces, eating it, and he was in no hurry to reply to Ansheng. However, unlike his outward appearance, he was already all flustered internally.

He had thought that after having been brought away by Guan Shanjin for so long, his past familiar days were long out of his reach. However, unexpectedly, Qingcheng County seemed to have frozen in time, as though he had never left his house before. These familiar people, these familiar things, were all still waiting at the same place for him, and he could return to his earlier days at any time.

The taste in his mouth was familiar, the people in his sight were familiar, and the scent in the air was also familiar.

Wu Xingzi almost wanted to open his mouth and tell Ansheng that he was staying, returning to his position as Adviser Wu, and continuing to take care of the little house that his parents had left him. He would grow chives, nutmeg and other plants in the little plots at the back of his house, and when it was farming season, he would go over to Auntie Liu’s place and help her family, as well as help his fellow villagers resolve their various issues… But, it was just almost.

Wu Xingzi’s stomach was filled. He reminisced a little about the past with Ansheng, and the uncle from the stall next door returned with the joss sticks, candles and offerings for tomb-sweeping. He thanked them non-stop, receiving an affectionate smile in return and a welcome for his thanks.

In the end, Wu Xingzi did not agree.

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