Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.12 Run through the Town

CH.12 Run through the Town

“I found and eliminated a rogue dungeon.” I whispered into Zayaan’s ear.


Everyone in the guild was looking at Zayaan. Can’t really blame them after that yell. I did warn you and asked you not to freak out, but no. How big of a deal is a rogue dungeon really? Like what can you really do with a dungeon?

Zayaan quickly calmed down and stood up. “I’m sorry everyone. Everything is fine. Go back to your drinks.” At least he tried to patch up the shit show he almost started.

He looked back at me and asked. “So did you tell the GM?”

“Yeah, and then he said something like ‘you didn’t’ and tried to blackmail me into not telling anyone by saying that he would ban me from becoming an adventurer. After I said I will tell someone he got mad and told me to leave his room.” I said in a quiet voice to Zayaan.

“Ok, I think I get it. Here drink the rest of this. I don’t think you have had anything to drink today.” Zayaan gave his pint to me. It was about half full of something that kinda looked like beer. Is is ale? I really don’t know the difference between ale and beer, but I really am thirsty so I guess let’s have a taste.

As I have a drink Zayaan raises up from the table and heads to the warehouse in the back. Wonder why he went there? He’ll tell me right? 

I take a swig of the drink and it’s actually kinda good. I might just be thirsty though. 

It didn’t take long for Zayaan to come back. He looked at the now empty pint and grabbed my hand.

“Get up. We need to go somewhere.” Zayaan said as he pulled me up to my feet.

“Sure, but where are we going?” I asked Zayaan. I do trust him. A little bit. But I would still like to know.

“I’ll tell you on the way.” Zay responded, pulling me along.

“Can you run? We need to hurry.” Zay asked me.

“I can as long as it’s not too long. So want to tell me what’s going on?” (Brian)

“We are heading to the Watchman manor to make a report about the GM and the dungeon.” (Zay)

“So what the guild master did was not good?” I asked Zay. It’s a little difficult to speak while running, but I’m doing ok. My body really has improved.

(Master also leveled up to level 5 when the horned bison was defeated.) System support’s voice sounded in my head. So even more level ups for me.

With system support talking in my ears already I had to focus to hear Zayaan’s response to my question.

“Guild master must always act when news of a new dungeon comes in. All dungeons can be used to make different things and you can’t tell what that dungeon can produce if it’s not reactivated. With a chance of a life changing resource to become readily available all potential dungeons must be activated if possible.” (Zay)

“Okay.” I just gave a quick answer to Zay. I had something I needed to ask system support after all.

(System support, what can dungeons produce?) (Brian)

(Dungeon can produce everything from raw material to complete items Master. It depends on who the dungeons founder is. Paper is an example of a dungeon made item.) (system)

(And who is this founder?) (Brian)

(Founder is the one who reactivates the dungeon. It should always be the same person who eliminated the rogue dungeon.) (system)

(So I will be the founder of this new dungeon…) (Brian)

(Master, a founder and a dungeon master are two different things. Master will not be tied down to this dungeon.) (system)

Well that’s a relief. I don’t want to be tied down to the first town I came into. Actually why would the GM have that kind of reaction to a dungeon being found? It can’t be just because that means more work for him, right?

But really, we are running too fast. If we keep this speed up I might collapse. I call out to Zay. “We need to slow down. I can’t keep running at this speed.”

“It’s just a little farther. Keep up.” Zay tries to make me keep going.

“If it’s just a little we can slow down a little. Unless you want to carry me.” I say back.

“Fine.” Zay seems to understand that some things are simply impossible. Our speed drops from an almost full sprint to a fast jog. 

“Much better.” I feel like my breathing will be able to catch up with this speed. “What really is the rush? What terrible thing will happen if we don’t make it in time?”

“An eliminated dungeon should be reactivated in two days after the elimination. If not, the dungeon will break. When did you say you eliminated that dungeon by the way?” (Zay)

“I didn’t tell. It was this morning. I think a little before noon.” I responded to Zays question.

“Good, so we still have time. We are not as bad off as I thought. I was expecting us to run out of time tomorrow.” Zay said.

So he thought we didn’t have time. Makes sense that we would want us to rush.

We made it to the gate of a walled property. I could just see a large roof over the walls. It’s not like a huge mansion, but more like a small mansion. I think it might qualify as a mansion.

We slowed down to a walk and Zayaan made his way to the gate guard. The guard seemed to recognise Zay as he didn’t seem too wary. Has Zayaan been a messenger for the guild before or is he really just so well known in town? I guess he is the leader of the second highest ranking party in town.

“We have code 5 at the guild. We need to talk to Baron Watchman right now.” Zayaan said to the guard. The guard immediately took off to the mansion. The other one didn’t yet let us in but seemed to understand why we were here.

After catching my breath I asked Zay about this code 5. “Zay what is code 5?”

“It’s part of the adventurers guilds emergency codes. Code 5 means a rogue dungeon has been found.” Zay answered.

“Then what are one, two, three and four?” I asked.

“Now is not the time for that. I’ll teach you later.” (Zay)

So he doesn’t want to teach me right now. Well I could ask the system support as well.

As I was thinking that a light signal of some kind came from the mansion door. The gate guard that remained saw it and let us into the manner grounds while saying: “Head straight to the door. No funny business.” I think that was directed at me.

“Let’s go.” Zay said, dragging me along. 

We meet a guard on the way to the door. I assume the guard is heading for the gate to take the position of the one that ran inside.

At the door an older man in a nice suit welcomes us. “Please come in. The Master is waiting for you.” He might not have a traditional butler uniform but he definitely has the skills. At least I think so. I only know butlers from anime and movies. And most anime butlers are combat butlers. Next thing you are going to tell me is that this old man used to be a S-rank adventurer. Well I guess this is only a baron's house, not the house of an earl or a duke.

The butler leads us to what I assume is a parlor room. I’ve only been in a mansion similar to this once and that was for my uncle's fiftieth birthday. He rented that mansion out for the party.

“Please, take a seat. Master will join us shortly. Would you like something to drink?” The butler asked.

“No, we…” “Yes, some drinks would be nice.” Zayaan was about to refuse, but I talked over him. Come on, I'm thirsty. That little bit of ale at the guild was not enough.

With an “As you wish.” the butler walked away to hopefully secure our refreshments.

“We don’t need that now.” Zay said to me in a quiet voice. Even with the butler gone, there was still a single maid in the room.

“Speak for yourself. I’m thirsty and who knows how long this will take. I will take this chance to have a little bit of something.” I really hadn’t even realized just how thirsty I was until I had to run after that half pint of ale. And this is a noble manor so we should be served something nice. Usually I would say it’s going to be tea, but I’m really not sure.

It didn’t take long for the butler to come back, followed by a maid pushing a cart. On the cart were tea cups, a tea pan and some cookies. At least I think they are cookies.

As the maid placed cups in front of us I said “Thank you” to her and after a little nod, she went to stand next to the other maid in the room.

A little while later the person I assume to be the Master walked into the room. Zayaan stood up to welcome him and I did the same.

“Well hello Zayaan.” He began talking to Zayaan like they were friends. “Do tell me about this dungeon.”

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