Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.16 Next Mission

CH.16 Next Mission

“Good morning sir Brian.” 

“Good morning.”

The blond haired maid was staring at me. Like really intense staring. Her blue eyes are burning a hole in me. Is she judging me because I’m still in my pajamas? I mean I just got up. Just like thirty minutes ago. Actually that was just when I woke up. I really did just get out of bed.

“Is there something wrong?” I ask the maid.

“What do you mean sir?” She asks back. Does she not realize that she has her eyes locked onto me?

“You have just been staring at me so I was wondering if something seemed off.” I give her an answer.

Her face turns red as she blushes. I didn’t think a face could turn red that fast. 

“I apologize.” She mutters and turns away.

Are you just going to stand there or are you going to tell me something? Why did you come into my room in the first place?

“So, what business do you have with me?” I ask her.

“I… I apologize. I was sent to wake you up.” I think she might be restarting after an overheating incident in her head area. 

“Well as you can see, I’m awake. Would you please exit so I can change my clothes in peace?”

“Of course sir.” She answers and turns to leave.

“Oh, one more thing.” I call out to her.

She turns back to face me with mechanical motions. Are you ticking like a clock now?

“Y.. yes sir. What… what is it?” I think she really broke. Now she is just extensively shuttering.

“When will breakfast be served?” I ask her.

“I… I don’t know. I’ll go ask.” She says and is ready to bolt out the door.

“Don’t bother. Just send someone to get me when it’s ready.” I don’t need you running around the manor like a chicken with it’s head cut off. You might want to cool down or there might actually be some permanent damage.

“Yes sir.” She says and finally escapes. I was half expecting her to slam the door shut behind her.

I take a closer look at my clothes before changing. They really look perfect. No dirt, no blood, not even any cuts from walking in that forest. They just look brand new. I don’t think they even looked this good back home. I mean they were not brand new when I got transported to this world. Does the world travel do that or is it something else?

(Laura, do you know what’s up with my clothes? They don’t seem to get dirty.) I decide to just ask Laura about it.

(I don’t have information on Master’s clothes. They came with Master from another world. Appraisal skill is necessary for more information.) So Laura just doesn’t have info on them. I thought that might be the case.

Well let’s just change clothes anyway.

My t-shirt is one that Laura gave to me. Not the system support Laura but my ex. It’s a white shirt that says ‘Game Over’ on it. I think she was hinting at me playing games too much when she gave it to me. But I really don’t play that much. She probably plays more candy crush than I play different games. Well even with that reminder I still like this shirt. It’s simple and you can wear it to most places. Other than to places where you have to be dressed in fancy clothing. Actually I wonder if the people of this world can read this game over text? It is in english so I’m not sure. I could read thanks to the language comprehension skill, but I don’t know about the locals. 

My pants were simple navy jeans. I look them over and notice that the creator markings on them have disappeared. That’s odd. I pick up my hoodie and the same thing has happened with it. No markings anywhere. Why did they just vanish? Another world can't have advertising laws right? Or would it be copyright? No, you can’t copyright a hoodie, right? I mean they have existed for at least some time. Actually when was the first hoodie made? Why does this world not have google. I can’t ask all these more important than life questions for anyone. Well I can ask Laura but she wouldn’t know about my world.

(I apologize for lacking information Master.) Laura said to me in a slightly sad voice.

(Don’t worry. It really doesn’t matter. And how would you know things about my world anyway? It really is fine. You are extremely helpful.) I just don’t want her to be sad so I reassure Laura that she is doing a great job.

As I get my clothes on, a mission panel appears. I haven’t seen one, well actually I saw one yesterday. But a lot has happened between now and then.

Mission: Reactivate the Dungeon
Goal: Reactivate dungeon 22_090
Opens packs ‘Pharaoh’s Servant’, ‘Labyrinth of Nightmare’ and ‘Legacy of Darkness’
Daily ‘Pack tokens’ increase by 3
Would you like to accept this mission?
[Yes] [No]

Again the world is giving me a quest I was going to do anyway. I mean we already had a plan and everything. I press yes.

Mission: Reactivate the Dungeon accepted

Good, now we wait for breakfast.

It doesn’t take too long until there is a knock at the door.

Knock, Knock. “Lord Brian, I came to get you for breakfast.” A female voice said through the door.

“I’m coming.” I answer and walk to the door. A blond haired maid is there waiting for me, but she wasn't the same one that woke me up. The one that woke me up had blue eyes, while this maid has green. So still no Nicole. Well I guess it’s possible that Nicole is on some kind of evening shift or something. She was up quite late so it’s good that she gets to sleep.

The maid gives me a quick up and down, seeming to make sure my clothing is not terribly baffled. I seem to get her approval and she says with a nod. “Please follow me.”

“Sure.” I answer the maid and walk behind her. I’m sure with Laura’s help I could make it into the dining room on my own, but better to just do as I’m asked.

As we make it to the dining room there are two people sitting at the table waiting for us. The baron is not one of them. They are a lady in I would guess her mid thirties and a girl that seems to be around fifteen. I would guess them to be the baroness and their daughter. They both have blond hair and blue eyes. This entire family just has the same hair and eye color. Please don’t tell me… No it must be just the result of noble bloodlines being kept noble right? There is no way they are marrying their sisters or something. 

The older woman gets up from her seat and greets me. “It is a pleasure to meet you Brian. My name is Christina Watchman.”

“The pleasure is all mine, lady Christina. You already know but I’m Brian.” I still struggle with this etiquette thing. I hope I didn’t mess up too badly.

“And this is our daughter…” As Christina is about to introduce their daughter she stands up and says: “I’m Alice Watchman.” She also gives a slight nod.

“Pleasure to meet you, miss Alice.” I think it might be a really bad moment to ask her why she was cosplaying a maid in my room this morning. I don’t think she wants her mother to find out she did something like that.

“Good. You are all here. Let’s begin breakfast.” As the baron walks in and sees that we are all ready to eat he announces the beginning of breakfast.

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