YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 35: I Have A Mom?!

Chapter 35: I Have A Mom?!

Part two will be released on Tuesday

[3rd POV]

The crowd stared at Yuna in admiration. Her gorgeous and dignified appearance took their breath away, and everyone keenly focused on what she would say. Their anticipation was over the roof as the people imagined what kind of enchanting voice she would have. However, unbeknownst to the audiences, their expectations would soon be shattered.

Meanwhile, Yuna's back was soaked with sweat as she glimpsed at the massive amount of people gathered before her. She gazed at the crowd and nervously opened her mouth. However, her throat suddenly felt incredibly dry, and she hurriedly reached for the glass of water on the table.

Unfortunately, with the stress and pressure, Yuna's finger slipped, and she knocked the glass over. Spraying water all over the floor and on the people kneeling in the front row seats.

Yuna: ....

Everyone: ....

After a minute of silence, Yuna cleared her throat, and her face was tinged red with embarrassment. Regaining her composure, she etched the words on the book into her memories and began to speak.

"On.. Once up.. upon a time", Yuna muttered, trying to preach to the best of her abilities. However, after two sentences, the young maid from before quietly approached Yuna and whispered into her ears: "Young Miss, the people in the back can't hear you..."

Yuna's legs almost buckled under her, but she managed by gripping the edges of the lectern so tight that her knuckles turned white. When she calmed herself for the second time, Yuna resumed the speech.

The words were very stiff, and the sentences were choppy as Yuna stuttered uncontrollably. Sometimes Yuna will speak loudly, while other times, she's quiet as a mouse. Nobody could understand her, and some thought this was a bad joke. By the end, the audience was beyond belief. Couldn't bear the embarrassment further, Yuna escaped back into her quarters...

[Yuna's POV, 10 Minutes Later...]

I buried my face in my pillow and screamed. Thankfully, there was only me in the room, or else I would really die from the shame. It doesn't even take a smart person to know how bad of a speech it was.

Right now, I only wanted to dig a hole and from this world forever!!

*Knock Knock Knock*

Guhhh, what now?

The door opened, and the maid peeked her head through the doorway. Her face was full of pity, and she patted my head to comfort me. Even if I was the older one, I'm being treated like a child...

"You did fine," The maid said: "It's okay to be embarrassed."

I didn't respond and hid myself under the blankets. The maid giggled, she spread open the curtains, and I felt the heat of the sun through the fabric. After urging me to get out of bed, she eventually gave up and continued to clean my room.

I thought the maid would leave sooner or later, so I endured her presence. However, her next words snapped me out of my sulking mood.

"Your mother, Kaya-sama, has called for you..." She said.

My body froze in shock, and I couldn't believe what I just heard. Mother, a word that felt extremely foreign to me, and it's like a whole other language. I held my breath and quietly stared at the maid.

Unable to endure the curiosity, I left the bed and cleaned up my dishevelled appearance. With the maid's help, I eventually arrived at a set of doors.

"Kaya-sama wanted to speak to you in private," The maid said: "I will be off."

Before I could inquire further, the maid disappeared around the corner. I touched my chest and sensed my heart beating like a wild horse. Knowing that my "mother" was beyond this door terrifies me. Gathering my courage, I gently knocked, and a voice beckoned me to enter. As soon as I went inside, the first thing I noticed was a tall woman with her back facing me. Hearing my entrance, the woman turned around, and I subconsciously gasped. The woman was dressed in a blue and silver dress with golden embroidery. She had long white hair and blue eyes similar to mine.

"M... mom..." My voice felt hoarse, and I trembled.

The woman smiled: "Yes, I'm here, Yuna."

At first, I was initially surprised that my name was called as I imagined I would be given a new name. However, that thought left my head as fast as it entered when I felt something wet dripping down my face.

I touched the side of my cheek and stared at the tear stain on my fingers. Why am I crying? Why does it feel so suffocating? Like a broken dam, my tears fell uncontrollably, and I sobbed. "Oh my..." The woman exclaimed and approached me: "What's the matter, Yuna?"

I reached out my arms and embraced the woman with all my strength. I never would've realised that I would ever feel something like this. It was an emotion hidden in Aki Kudo's and Yuna Sano's hearts, the yearning for a family.





relief and anger, I felt them all at the same time. Thoughts I never imagined manifested in my


'Why did you leave me alone?'

'Where are you when I needed you the most?'

'Who gives you the right to abandon me in this cruel world?!'

I let out all my emotions in my cry, dirtying her clothes with my tears. The woman was initially stunned by my sudden outburst. But instead of pushing me away, she smiled and

returned my embrace.

"It's okay," she muttered: "Mom's here now."

The woman rubbed my back as I cried my heart out. Not once was she bothered by my behaviour, and I was comforted until I continued to weep until tears couldn't fall from my

face any longer.

An hour later...

I rested my head on my mother's lap as she caressed my hair: "Mom, Mom." I called and


"Yes, yes." She chuckled: "Gosh, you're acting like a toddler today."

"Do you... Hate it?" I asked nervously.

Mom softly flicked my forehead and smiled: "How could I? Do you know how long I wished

you stayed small for one more day?"

We stayed like this for ten more minutes, and Mom brought up something I had forgotten: "I heard from Amy that your first sermon today has been quite eventful."

I realised that Amy was the maid's name and remembered how much trouble I caused. I blushed and averted my gaze: "Sorry..."

"It's natural to be nervous," she said: "Don't worry. As time goes by, you will get better." Well, it's probably my last time, though... I thought but nodded anyway.

As my mother speaks, I can feel a nagging feeling in the corner of my heart. It reminds me that none of this was real; it's just a game. However, I wasn't disappointed by this obvious fact. Instead, I wished to cherish this moment even more, as it was the first time I learned what it

means to have a family.

"Ah, look at the time," Mother exclaimed while glimpsing at the clock: "I wish we could stay like this for a bit longer, but there's still work I need to complete."

I reluctantly broke away from her embrace, and with a warm farewell, I returned to my room. Now, alone again, I donned a serious expression and sat on my bed. Remembering the purpose of my mission, I began to recount the events that would happen in this arc.

Kaiba got kidnapped by the monsters in this game and is currently held in a black castle. The monsters wanted to sacrifice him to summon an evil dragon, and I needed to stop it before its

too late.

The dragon in question was called the Mythic Dragon or the Five-Headed Dragon in the modern world. A beast with five thousand attacks that couldn't be destroyed by Dark, Earth, Fire, Water and Wind monsters.

It may not sound that powerful, but it was close to invincible in this era. Fortunately, that won't stop me from defeating it!

I scanned through the system for a card I wanted. Eventually, settling on a few that would fit perfectly in this situation. After formulating my plans, I faced another dilemma.

"To defeat the evil dragon, I must first leave this place, but how?"

At that time, I didn't realise that the answer would arrive way sooner than expected...


Suddenly the entire temple shook, and I heard a distant explosion erupting at the far end of the building. Immediately, screams rang out from all areas, and I sighed. Maybe sometimes it's best to keep my mouth shut.

[3rd POV, A few minutes later]

Amy burst into the room and ran towards Yuna in fear: "Young Lady, we must go. There are

monsters everywhere!"

When the maid grabbed Yuna's hand, a creature burst through the window, showering the

room with glass. The monster has green scales and red flesh. Sharp claws on each of its limbs could easily tear a human apart. Lastly, three separate heads were growing out of its torso, and each face was covered by a white mask with two slits for the eyes.

[Three-Headed Geedo: 1200 Attack, 1400 Defence]

The monster roared, and the young maid shrieked: "S... stay back!" Amy warned and waved

the feather duster in her hand.

Unlucky for Amy, Three-Headed Geedo growled and brandished its claws. As she was ready to

fight back with her trusty feather duster, Yuna stood between them.

"Young miss, what are you doing? It's dangerous!" The maid yelped. However, Yuna didn't listen to her warnings and drew a card from the device on her wrist.

Amy watched as the Three-Headed Geedo charged.

"Kya, Young Miss!" She screamed and covered her eyes.

Amy waited for the terrifying sound that she will about to hear. However, no sound came.

After a few seconds, she hesitantly lowered her hands and witnessed an unbelievable sight.

There stood a tall man with brown skin, and fiery red her stood in front of her. He was dressed in golden armour with an open design, presenting his muscles. A helmet hid the man's face, but Amy felt he must be handsome.

[Dragon Knight of Creation: 1800 Attack, 600 Defence]

The knight caught the monster with one hand and threw it across the room. The Three-

Headed Geedo crashed against the wall, and before it could recover, the Dragon Knight of Creation pierced the monster's body with his sword.

Amy admired as the knight wiped the blood off his blade before approaching Yuna. Realising

the strangeness of the situation, Amy hurriedly stepped between them: "Who are you?! How did you get in this room?!"

The young maid glared suspiciously but stopped when Yuna tapped her shoulder. Amy

glanced at Yuna in confusion while the Dragon Knight of Creation knelt on the ground.

Satisfied with the result, Yuna drew another card from her deck and raised it in the air: "I summon Herald of Creation!"Nôv(el)B\\jnn

A burst of light blinded Amy, and she whimpered. Once the light dimmed, the young maid noticed a new figure in the room. It was a woman with blond hair. She was dressed in a long white dress draped to the floor, and she wore the same helmet as the knight, and instead of a

sword, there was a long staff in her hand. [Herald of Creation: 1800 Attack, 600 Defence] "W... what is happening..." Amy muttered as her legs gave out.

Yuna lowered her body to the maid's eye level. Staring into Yuna's eyes, Amy visibly flinched

and noticed the atmosphere of her young master had changed.

"Go find Mother," Yuna ordered and glanced at Dragon Knight of Creation: "Protect her."

Dragon Knight of Creation nodded and marched out of the door. Amy was still in shock, but

with Yuna's urging, she stood back up: "Y.. young miss."

"Go," She said solemnly, and Amy bit her lips. Eventually, Amy left with the Dragon Knight of Creation, not before telling Yuna to be careful.

Watching the young maid's figure disappearing into the halls. Yuna picked up a card that

manifested on the floor.

There was any text on the card except for the image of stacks of gold coins. The card abruptly

dissolved in Yuna's hand, and a small bell sound reverberated in her head.

[+ 20 Coins!]

She smiled. Let the hunt begin...

[Yuna's POV]

For the following duration, I sprinted through the temple structures with the Herald of

Creation close behind me. With her strength, she easily dispatched any monsters we saw.

[+5 Coins!]

[+15 Coins!]

[+30 Coins!]

[+10 Coins!]

The number of coins increased staggeringly, and I grinned as my nerdy mind was on cloud

nine. With my efforts, it wasn't long before all the feral monsters were completely wiped out. When I could no longer find anything, I decided to locate my mother.

Thankfully, it wasn't hard to find her as I followed the bundle of coins left behind by the

Dragon Knight of Creation's massacre.

Finally, I returned to the open area where I made my speech. Bursting through the doors, I

witnessed the scene of a massive battle. Mother was in the centre beside the massive statue,

surrounded by knights. The swarm of monsters pounced at the group as the soldiers defended with strength.

The monsters shared similar appearances, fitting the descriptions of skeletal demons with pink flesh. Out of most demons, some were purple, wearing capes and sickles. However, there was one that stood out amongst the group. The monster has a height as tall as the ceiling, a body covered in bones, wings and a pair of curved horns protruding from the side of its head.

[Vilepawn Archfiend: 1200 Attack, 200 Defence] x35 [Archfiend Soldier: 1900 Attack, 1500 Defence] x 15 [Summoned Skull: 2500 Attack, 1200 Defence] x1

I also spotted the Dragon Knight of Creation in the corner of the room, fiercely protecting

Amy as the Archfiend Soldiers backed him into a corner. "Yuna!" Mom screamed: "Get out of here!"

My heart raced when I saw her terrified expression. My body was seething with anger as I glared at the monsters. Without hesitation, I drew a card and raised it into the air, attracting everyone's attention: "I will use Dragon Knight of Creation and Herald of Creation as


The two monsters I summoned burst into light and were absorbed into the card between my

fingers. I felt the card's weight increase, but I endured and raised the card as high as possible. "With the two tributes, I will summon, Blue Eyes White Dragon!"

A thunderous roar shook the temple as my card generated a blinding light. An Archfiend

Soldier near me raised its sickle and lunged. As the blade inched towards my face, a humongous dragon flew out of the card and caught the demon in its jaw. Archfiend Soldier was sliced cleanly in half, showering the floor with gold coins. With snow- white scales, ferocious claws, serene blue pupils, razor-sharp teeth and wings, the dragon stood with an intense aura that swept through the room. [Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3000 Attack, 2500 Defence] "G... god..." The soldiers muttered and dropped their weapons in a daze

"Blue Eyes White Dragon, attack now!" I ordered and pointed at the monsters in the room.

Energy gathered in Blue Eyes White Dragon's mouth, and Summoned Skull wasted no time to

attack. However, the demon's speed was too slow, and the dragon's breath vaporised its opponent, not leaving a trace behind.

When the dust settled, all the monsters had perished, and Blue Eyes White Dragon glanced at

me, wishing for praise: "Good job." I muttered.

Blue Eyes White Dragon lowered its head, and I scratched its neck with a smile. There was

silence as everyone watched my treating their God like a dog, and it was seemingly enjoying


"Yuna... What..." My mother said in disbelief.

"Y.. you hurt?" I asked worriedly.

She shook her head, and I finally let go of the breath that I was subconsciously holding. Mom

nervously approached me and flinched when Blue Eyes White Dragon snarled in weariness. "Stop," I said slightly annoyedly, and Blue Eyes White Dragon quieted.

"To order a God like this..." Mom muttered with a complicated smile before signing

solemnly: "My daughter, we are currently in great peril."

"The monsters have stolen the White Stone of Ancient entrusted by your holiness centuries

ago." She explained and bowed apologetically at Blue Eyes White Dragon: "It was entirely my

responsibility, and I'm the only one who should be punished for this sin."

Blue Eyes White Dragon glanced at me, and I realised that I was the one that had to choose. I

couldn't believe that I was given this option of whether or not to punish her. Despite being

merely a game, she's the closest thing to a mother I could possibly get, and I couldn't even imagine doing something like this.

"No," I said, shaking my head, "Will, take back."

I climbed onto the dragon's back, and Blue Eyes White Dragon spread its wings: "Wait for

me!" Mom smiled, and my body felt warm: "I believe the monsters will use the Stone of Ancients to revive the disaster that ravaged this world eons ago. You're the only one that can stop it, please stay safe, and I will patiently await your return.

Blue Eyes White Dragon moved outside, and countless people watched me in awe. Some were

worshipping like crazy, and I heard some calling a saint...

The dragon spread its wings, and I waved at my mother as Blue Eyes White Dragon soared into the air. Gradually the temple became smaller, and I glanced ahead. Don't worry, Kaiba, your

friendly neighbourhood Yuna Sano will rescue you!

I hope you enjoy it!

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