YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 42: Mask of Light and Darkness Part Two

Chapter 42: Mask of Light and Darkness Part Two

"Curse of the Masked Beast?" Kaiba exclaimed.

"That's right," Umbra smirked: "With this card's effect, I will discard Mask of Darkness and Rougee Doll from my hand, allowing me to ritual summon my strongest monster, the Masked Beast!"

An ominous darkness overwhelmed the field, and a humongous creature rose, with a height so tall that its head grazed the ceiling. It has the upper body of a humanoid, but its lower body consists of a beast, with the legs of an insect and a thick tail on its rear.

Stretching its muscles, the monster raised its massive staff while unleashing a devasting scream that could shatter someone's eardrum.

[The Masked Beast: 3300 Attack, 2500 Defence]

Umbra: "Now, Masked Beast, destroy Blue Eyes White Dragon!"

The Masked Beast stumbled towards Kaiba and swung its weapon. Blue Eyes White Dragon shrieked as the sharp tip of the staff pierced through the dragon's chest.

[Seto Kaiba: 2100 LP -> 1800 LP]

Blue Eyes White Dragon burst into light upon death, and Kaiba was blinded momentarily: "You bastard..."

As Kaiba cursed at the two rare hunters, I couldn't help but feel nervous. His life points were worrying low, and he had nothing to defend himself. While I still have my Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand on the field, it's still weaker than the Masked Beast...

Was helping Kaiba summon Obelisk the only way?

"I will summon Kaiser Sea Horse in defence position, set a card and end my turn," Kaiba muttered grimly.

A blue armoured monster was summoned onto the field. Peering through the helmet, Kaiser Sea Horse huffed with dissatisfaction before kneeling and planting its sword on the floor.

[Kaiser Sea Horse: 1700 Attack, 1650 Defence]

"Looks like you're running out of steam!" Lumis cackled: "First, I will summon Melchid, the Four-Faced Beast!"Nôv(el)B\\jnn

A large pulsating flesh appeared out of nowhere. Gradually, masks began to grow from each area of the flesh, representing different emotions: Happiness, Sadness, Anger and Fear.

[Melchid, the Four-Faced Beast: 1500 Attack, 1200 Defence]

"Then, I activate my trap card, Call of the Hunted and revive Umbra's Shiny Abyss!"

[Shiny Abyss: 1600 Attack, 1800 Defence]

"Finally, with two monsters on the field, I can summon my strongest card!"

Lumis placed his hand on the floor, and I felt much more intense energy than The Masked Beast. A purple circle was formed on the floor, absorbing Melchid the Four-Faced Beast and Shiny Abyss.

He laughed and spread his arms as an ominous figure rose from the circle, with a brown- coloured body, purple limbs, a green quivering heart exposed on its chest, a pointy head and three eerie blue masks protruding on its face and both sides of its neck.

[Masked Beast Des Gardius: 3300 Attack, 2500 Defence]

"Now, Masked Beast Des Gardius, destroy Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!" BOOOM

With an astounding speed, Masked Beast Des Gardius leapt across the field, pouncing onto Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand. In mid-air, the two monsters fought, desperately trying to kill one another.

However, despite the disadvantage in strength, Masked Beast Des Gardius was repelled, and the monster was sent back to Lumis's side, much to the rare hunter's dismay.

[Yuna Sano: 3000 LP -> 2900 LP]

"I will use the effect of Return the Dragon Lords in my graveyard." I explained: "If one of my dragon monsters will be destroyed, I can banish the card instead."

Regaining his composure, Lumis huffed: "Fine by me, but you're not getting away that easily! I will use my spell card, Mask of Accursed!"

Dammit, again?!

The disgusting mask reappeared on Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand's head. The dragon roared and shook its head, but the mask wouldn't budge: "In case you forget, Mask of Accursed made it so your pathetic dragon won't be able to attack, and if it's your only monster, we can attack you directly!"

[3rd POV]

"This concludes my turn," Lumis said with a slick smile.

As soon as it was Yuna's turn, the two masks parasitizing her cards drained away her life points and brought her closer to defeat.

[Yuna Sano: 2900 LP -> 1900 LP]

In this situation, she was at a loss for what to do. In her hand, she has nothing but spell cards and those spells won't be able to save her in this scenario.

Yuna glanced at Seto, who was also as frustrated as her. Was there a way out of this one? What if? A realisation dawned on Yuna as she stared at her teammate with a complicated


Was this the only way?

Resolve settled firmly in her heart as she began to play: "I will use Card Exchange, and I can switch a card with a player I choose. I will pick Kaiba!"

She approached Seto and presented him with a single card: "Take it."

"Why are you giving me this?" Seto frowned, staring at the card in her hand.

Disgruntled, Yuna leaned in, their face close against each other. The young president was visibly startled by her scent tickling Seto's nose. However, he has no chance to care about these useless thoughts as Yuna's next words shock him.

Yuna took a step back and waited with anticipation. Seto's face shifted through various ranges of emotions. Finally choosing annoyance, he scowled at the girl standing nonchalantly before him: "Are you insane?"

She shook her head: "It's our best choice."

"You call that the best?" Seto felt like he was going crazy. However, before he can object, Yuna slips away, taking one of his useless cards with her.

"I will end my turn here." Yuna declared.

"Is that all?" Umbra remarked: "Looks like this is the capability of the Duel King. Now, Mask Beast attacked Yuna Sano!"

The Masked Beast charged, and Yuna closed her eyes. Being a Shadow Game, Yuna thought it would probably hurt. However, she knew that unless Kaiba didn't lose, she shouldn't die.

"Stop!" Suddenly, Yuna heard, and the Masked Beast's rampage stopped.

Opening her eyes, she stared at the young president with bewilderment as Seto crossed his arms and scoffed: "Before you attack, I'm just warning you whether you're making the right


"What are you saying?" Umbra growled.

"By attacking her, it will be my turn immediately afterwards and can you and your teammate survive what happens next?"

"Your provocation won't work." Umbra pointed out: "So cease these futile actions."

"I'm only stating the obvious, and it's laughable that I have to point it out to you." Seto continued before raising one of his cards into the air, and the two Rare Hunters gasped in unison when their gaze fell upon the card in his hand.

"If you attack her here, I will easily summon Obelisk the Tormentor onto the field." Seto announced: "Then your lives will truly be over."

"Impossible! You only controlling one weak monster! There's no way you can summon Obelisk in time!" Lumis yelled as sweat dripped down his face.

Seto laughed haughtily as if he had heard a good joke. However, that expression disappeared, leaving a freezing coldness that shook Lumis and Umbra's hearts: "Try me..."

Umbra stared at the field with anxiety and couldn't discern whether Seto was telling the truth.

"Umbra, don't listen to him; he's lying to you!" Lumis shouted, causing a wrinkle to form.

"Quiet!" Umbra snapped: "I need to think!"

Eventually, after minutes of contemplation and urging from Seto, Umbra finally shouted with rage: "You swine, I won't fool for your tricks; attack the Duel King now!"

The Masked Beast resumed its stampede. But to his surprise, the monster ignored Umbra's order and began running towards Seto's Kaiser Sea Horse.

"I will activate my trap (anime), Attack Guidance Armor, onto my Kaiser Sea Horse, changing the attack target of your monster." Seto said, flipping over the card he placed earlier: "As if I would let you do what you want."

"Damn you!" Umbra cursed: "I will use my Strike Slash, and Masked Beast will be able to deal

Piercing Damage this turn!"

Despite being in a defence position, Kaiser Sea Horse was mercilessly blown away and Seto

saw his life points going down.

[Seto Kaiba: 1800 LP -> 150 LP]

Yuna was in disbelief; she couldn't understand what Seto was thinking. The plan, their last strategy, he has completely thrown it out of the window!!

"Your plan is too stupid for me even to consider it," Seto said while staring ahead: "That's why I will win through my methods."

"I DRAW!" His voice echoed through the warehouse; with a swipe motion, a card magically manifested in his hand.

Seto peeked at the card between his fingers and smirked: "I will use Pot of Greed and draw

two cards from my deck!"

"Then, I will use Double Summon, allowing me to normal to summon twice this turn!" Kaiba yelled and slapped a card onto his duel disk: "I summon Saggi the Dark Clown!"

[Saggi the Dark Clown: 600 Attack, 1500 Defence]

"After that..." Seto muttered and glanced at his stunned teammate: "I will use Return of the Dragon Lords, special summoning Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand onto the field!"

The golden dragon was revived, and the monster roared. However, it soon realised it was

currently serving under the wrong master, and Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand snarled with


[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack, 2800 Defence] "Then, I will banish your Masked Beast Des Gardius!" Reluctantly, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand attacks, banishing Lumis's monster and stealing its strength.

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 -> 3600 Attack, 2800 -> 3600 Defence]

"Next, I use Mind Control to steal your Masked Beast!" He said to Umbra. Strange electricity struck Masked Beast's head, and the monster convulsed before stumbling

towards Seto like a zombie.

Three Monsters... The Rare Hunters thought in unison.

"Now..." Seto took a deep breath: "One final card left; using The Masked Beast, Saggi the Dark

Clown and Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, I summon Obelisk the Tormentor!!!"


The three monsters vanished, and a gigantic figure slowly rose from a portal. Unleashing a terrifying aura, Obelisk the Tormentor emerged, and the entire building shook under its cry.

[Obelisk the Tormentor: 4000 Attack, 4000 Defence]

"What kind of monster is this? Umbra muttered.

"It's not a monster..."It's a god! " Seto answered calmly: "Now Obelisk, obliterate him!"

The Egyptian God raised its mighty fist and brought it down on Umbra. The Rare Hunter

screamed, and he was sent flying across the room.

[Umbra: 3600 LP -> 0 LP]

Lumis's body refused to move as Obelisk The Tormentor slowly turned its head, locking eyes

with him. Lumis lowered his hand as his cards fell to the floor. Staring at the unconscious

Umbra, fear finally crept in.

"Ah... Ah, Save me!" He screamed, running for his life.

However, as soon as his hand touched the door handle, he collapsed like a puppet with its

string cut.

"It's over...." Seto observed.

As soon as Lumis ran away, he officially ended the duel and forfeited their souls. But, to his

surprise, Lumis and Umbra simultaneously stood up with lifeless pupils. On top of their forehead was a glowing eye, and Yuna instantly realised what was happening.

Yuna: "Marik..." "Yes." Umbra and Lumis's voices combined together, creating an eerie symmetry: "I believe

this is the first time we met."

"Ha ha ha ha," Marik chuckled: "Both of you have truly been a thorn in my side. But don't

worry, I will deal with you two soon. For now, there's a certain Pharoah I needed to defeat." With a wave, the connections between Umbra/Lumis and Marik have been cut off, and the two Rare Hunters slumped to the ground.

Yuna and Seto bathed in silence, not knowing what to say. Eventually, Yuna glared at Seto with annoyance: "Why?"

"Why? Shouldn't you be thanking me?" Seto retorted.

However, Yuna wasn't ever bit pleased: "Could have lost... You risked us... idiot!" Having seen

Seto's hand earlier, Yuna understood how dire their situation was, and if he hadn't drawn Double Summon, they would undoubtedly have tasted defeat and lost their souls.

"Are you mentally insane?" Seto spat, grabbing Yuna by the shoulder: "Calling me a fool, yet

you were so willing to sacrifice yourself?!"

"But.... Winning duel..." Yuna complained, causing Seto's forehead to furrow.

"Yet to gamble your own life?!" He shouted ragefully: "Stop being so stupid!" Yuna bit her lips as her body shook. Why was she the one getting scolded? Didn't Seto threaten

to kill himself when he duelled against Yugi? Yet right now, he's being nothing but a massive hypocrite!

So why does he have the audacity to spout nonsense like the importance of life? This wasn't fair! Unable to control herself, Yuna finally snapped and shoved his body away.

"Why, care!" Yuna yelled at the top of her lungs: "Always selfish, always prideful! So why


Seto was speechless as Yuna's outburst caught him off guard. Why does he care that Yuna will risk her life? For the years he has been alive, he has thought about no one but himself and his brother, so why does it irk him when Yuna suggests the ludicrous plan?


Suddenly, a whimpering noise brought him back to reality. Seto slowly stared at Yuna's teary

face as she hurriedly wiped, making her eyes swollen. He smacked his lips, unable to utter a single word.

She was scared... She knows it's stupid... But it was the only thing she could think of.

Seto: "I...."

"Enough!" Yuna screamed and turned around, unable to bear this atmosphere any longer.

Marching out of the building, Yuna angrily stomped her feet, creating a sharp sound with each

step and leaving a trail of tears behind her.

Acting out of instinct, Seto grabbed her hand, stopping Yuna in her tracks: "Where are you


"Find Yugi!" Yuna hissed.


Hearing his name ruined Seto's mood. Out of anyone, why him? Why does Yuna want to find

someone like him?

"Why Yugi..." Seto muttered, gritting his teeth.

"What?" Yuna snarled

"Why does it have to be him?" He questioned.

Yuna gazed into his eyes in silence and answered with confusion: "Yugi... danger..."

Reminding Seto of what Marik told them a few moments ago.

"Tsk... I'm coming with you." Seto declared brazenly.


Yuna left, leaving Seto alone in the warehouse. He stared at his hand, where the sensation of

her fingers lingered.

Clenching his fist, he sighed: "How vexing."

Twenty minutes later...

No matter how much she wanted to admit, thanks to Seto's help, they managed to locate Yugi

quickly. Arriving at the familiar bridge, Yuna had seen through the show, and they stopped beside the sidewalk, watching Yami Yugi duelling with a Rare Hunter at the foundations

below the bridge.

"How is this possible..." Strings, the rare hunter controlled by Marik, muttered in disbelief.

He dropped to the floor, losing all the ungodly amount of cards in his hands. Behind the rare

hunter was a humongous red dragon: "To lose even with a god...." "It's over now," Yami Yugi said: "You have lost..."

"Impossible..." He mumbled as Yami Yugi picked up String's Locator Card on the floor; he approached the rare hunter and grabbed Slifer the Sky Dragon from the duel disk.

"With this, slifer, the Sky Dragon is mine..." Yami Yugi announced, raising the card into the


Watching this nostalgic scene, Yuna felt her face going pale. Digging her nails into her palm, she felt her stress spiking to a worrying degree. With this, Yami Yugi has officially secured Slifer the Sky Dragon, ruining Yuna's plans and leaving her empty-handed.


I hope you enjoy

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